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Old Apr 10th, 2018, 11:55 PM
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The two men work together for some time, accomplishing a great deal in little time. There was water to be hauled up to drain away the worst of the congealed blood, and a carcass to be cleaned. Torches in hand, they investigate the kobold barracks and drag some of the disgusting nests into the underground river to be washed away.

They speak little, both knowing what needs to be done and not wanting to waste their breath when it could be spent in real work. All the while though, Oren thinks of Daybreak. He wonders whether she had awoken, whether she thought he had left her, and whether her affliction might have somehow broken. The shield was a part of it, he reasoned it had to be. Or, perhaps it was a vain hope. Something to believe in to ease his troubled mind.

When they finish hanging the dragon skin just inside the cave, so it could benefit from the breeze and tan in the fresh air, Oren calls for a break.

Together the two take seats on the flat landing outside the cave opening, looking over the forest to share some bread, water, and a smoke. Immediately Frath begins sharing thoughts about the best way to install a door. Oren nods, "A door that's built into the overhang, maybe five feet, so that someone knocking on it can be sheltered from the elements. It should open outward, with a wooden timber to seal it from the inside, along with a traditional locking mechanism so I can shut it when I leave." The two speak more about techniques they've seen for connecting wood and stone and a plan is soon agreed to. The elder man's practical wisdom astounds the younger warlock, but Oren keeps his wonder to himself. After all, it was Oren who had risked his life to slay a dragon, and he now has a persona to keep up.

But Frath is still curious about what happened, and conversation drifts to the dragon battle once again. When he asks about Isabelle, Oren sighs, taking a long drag on his pipe. "What I'm about to tell you I say in confidence. But I'm afraid it won't be much to console a grieving family. The battle with the dragon was terrible. My companion -- you remember the lady of the forest who accompanied me to your shop? -- well, when the battle was underway, she took Isabelle away from the cave. Perhaps if there's anything to give comfort to the girl's family it's this: Isabelle was special. The dragon wanted her, but that wasn't all. There were higher forces at play, powers far beyond mortal reckoning that also had their sights set on her. When the magical powers were unleashed, the higher powers drew near, looking for a chance to seize her. Sending her away from me was perhaps a mistake on my part. In any case, these arcane forces stole her when I was in the heat of battle with the wyrm. When my lady returned, it was only to tell me that Isabelle had been taken. To where? I don't know. Likely she is gone forever. That's why it's best, I think, to keep the story on a level that all can understand." He considers the sun setting over the trees, Daybreak returning again to his thoughts. "Isabelle was special though, she had courage that the rest of her village lacked. She helped me to enter the cave unseen despite many lizardmen guarding the place." All in all it was the truth, as much as Oren was willing to say about it, and perhaps was really as much as the inexperienced warlock understood.

He looks to Frath, trying to gauge if the older man was satisfied. In any case, it was getting late, and Oren's appetite for cave cleaning had left him. "I should be getting back. I am now steward of the forest temple -- you know the one I mean. I need to return there, for my Lady is there. She's sick from the battle and awaits me." Oren sees the look on Frath's face and manages a smile. "Yes I know what you're thinking. Dryads can charm any man, even me. Perhaps I am under her spell, but it doesn't change the fact that I care for her deeply. She is as much to thank for delivering Oakcrest from the dragon as I."

He rises, taking up the shield given to him by his patron and handing Frath a list of items scrawled on a dirty piece of parchment found in the library. "Here are a few more things to add. Take the coin you need for them, and whatever money for your own payment. Give two platinum coins to Isabelle's parents -- if you feel that's not enough, then do what you must. I'm going now to the forest temple and may not return for a while. If possible I'll come back in three days to check on your progress. If I don't return, leave the new key to the cave doorway outside the entrance to the forest temple and I'll find it."

Oren extends his hand to Frath and the men shake. "Thank you again. Be well. We'll meet again soon."

With that, the warlock begins down the steep path, heading back in the direction of the temple, and his beloved Daybreak.

OOCI love the map! Can you add coordinates to it? Also, whenever it gets added, the door can go where the gray squares become darker above the word Entrance. Can we make the Entrance area, which is external to the cave, a different color? Again, this is awesome.

Oren will take the sword and belt, along with the shield. He's looking for a rapier -- not sure what type of blade was found in the horde.

I assume there are supplies down in the kobold area, though the condition of them is probably questionable. Here are some additional supplies I'd ask Frath and his helper to deliver over the course of the week. No need to RP this at all, just some stuff that it'd be nice to have if Oren is going to call this place home.


Dice Roll:
1d20+5 (5)+5 Total = 10

Last edited by mountainbound; Apr 13th, 2018 at 01:17 PM. Reason: Forgot to roll
Old Apr 14th, 2018, 08:20 PM
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OODMOk, Rev 2 of the map is attached here. I can give you a link to download the whole project if you like. Up to you.


When Oren gave greater detail of what happened to Isabelle, he could see that Frath had some concern and questions. He was reading something into it that Oren did not quite expect. When Oren finished though, Frath agreed. "I think your right lad, best to keep it simple. Enough of the townsfolk are already spooked enough. If you leave to much a mystery, all kinds of rumors and havoc can spread."

Frath took note of what supplies Oren wanted, and just gave an acknowledging nod. "Shouldn't be too hard to round up. Martha at the general goods store will be thrilled to make such a large sale. Like I said before, best to let the money slowly trickle into the economy, rather than let all the townsfolk get fat and spoiled at once. If you have need of anything else, might be best to wait a bit."

The pair shook hands as Oren left, and Frath got to work on the large list of things to do with the cave. One was headed to the temple, the other was headed back to town to get some help and supplies. "Three days. Will probably still be working on the doorway and such. May the gods protect you my friend!"

Oren then traveled back to the temple. When he last left, Daybreak was asleep and deathly ill. He didn't know what fate awaited his friend, but he could feel himself getting nervous and worried with every step closer to the strange place. As the temple came into sight, it looked very peaceful. Everything was quiet. Were it not for the horrors he had experienced at this place, it might even seem welcoming. Soon, night would fall again.

Oren opened the door to the chapel. The fire had finished burning down the last of the logs he had placed there. He looked for Daybreak, and was relieved to see that she hadn't moved at all. Or, perhaps that was something to be concerned about, as the dead rarely moved without the help of a necromancer. He could see her chest rise and fall, though the blanket he had wrapped her in, however, giving assurance that she had not died.

When Oren came a little closer, he noticed that something had completely changed about his friend. Oren had, on rare occasion before, met someone who had the mark of the infernal placed upon them. Rumors were that those who called themselves tieflings, had ancestors generations in the past who had made a deal with Asmodeus himself. Their descendants would be forever marked and cursed with devil-like deformities. Never had he seen someone change to have those marks themselves, though. Now, Daybreak no longer looked to be made of wood infused with a fey spirit. She had a body of flesh and blood, dark purple leathery skin, horns that still resembled tree trunks sprouting out from behind her eyebrows and curling behind her head, and she was curled up inside a large pair of dark leathery wings. She looked completely different. Except, her face, apart from the color and horns, was still exactly the same. It was the only way Oren could tell that this monstrous looking creature still had the essence of his friend inside. She was still asleep, though seemed to be no longer in pain. Oren was not sure how she would react once awoken, if she would remember who she was, or that Oren was her friend. Or, perhaps she wouldn't know anything had happened to her, and be in a massive shock to find that she was no longer in her old body.
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Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Apr 14th, 2018 at 08:21 PM.
Old Apr 20th, 2018, 11:29 PM
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Pushing the large doors to the temple shut, the young warlock is unsure what he'll find in the temple. Is she dead? Please don't be dead... They had been through too much together for her to leave him now. He owed her his life, and she risked hers for him and his patron without even understanding why.

He quickly makes his way to the chapel and finds Daybreak still on the floor, stirring slightly. She's alive! The thrill of seeing her alive is all he can register as he kneels down beside her. But like a man coming from darkness into light, it takes several moments for his eyes to adjust to the hideous change that's befallen her. It's difficult to comprehend. His breath starts to come in gasps and he steadies himself. She's still alive. But, what's happened to her? The similarity to a demon-spawn was too much to ignore. This wasn't a wasting sickness, it was a complete transformation of her being into something hideous. Where is my beautiful dryad? He reaches out to touch her leathery wings but suddenly withdraws his hand. It's as though touching her might make the transformation real.

"No, no. This can't be." What had become of her? Panic, fear and a crushing sense of having his world upended threaten to swallow the young warlock all at once. But Oren has one last hope -- the desperate story he wanted to believe. "It could all be a test. A punishment until I return the gifts of my patron. But I have them now. We can change you back. There's still time... there must be still time." Turning towards the dying fire, he lets his bag and the shield slide to the floor. It doesn't take long to stoke the fire and lay some larger logs upon it. Hungrily the flames rise up.

After a spell, he anxiously undoes the leather cord holding the amulet around his neck and places it upon the shield. Laying them just out of reach of the fire, he speaks. "Master, in gratitude I return these items to your keeping." The words are hurried, strained. It's difficult to be the stern soldier in the presence of his master with his heart so torn over Daybreak's change. "I have fulfilled the errand you set before me, and was aided by the dryad in destroying the dragon. Please, I ask that you return her to her former self. Please..." He closes his eyes, hoping against hope that when he opens them, things will be as they were.
Old May 1st, 2018, 11:47 AM
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Oren was slowly becoming more proficient in his ability to find direction from his patron. With the fire burning, Oren focused after speaking his plea. He sat silently, just listening to the crackle of the fire for what seemed like several minutes. He was about to give up, when through his closed eyelids he could see the intensity of the flames increase, though the heat from them did not change. He opened his eyes and saw that the shield and amulet were no longer on the ground where he had laid them. What was new, however, was the ever-burning face of his patron formed from the flames of the fire. The inuman voice he had heard before now spoke to him again. "You have done well Oren Kyre. My temple has been cleansed, and even now my High Priestess is in preparation to receive this holy sanctuary. When she does, it will be your task to bring a congregation from Oakcrest to worship. You will do so by whatever means is necessary. I will be reverenced in this land again."

The face of fire then looked around the room, taking note of Daybreak still sleeping. "You seem unpleased with my gift? Daybreak would have been a worthless servant with her soul tied to a tree. She had no more value than to be made a simple sacrifice. Now she is free to roam the land and bring followers. She is a testament of my power, and my gifts to loyal servants. It is troubling, Oren, that you scoff at my gift so lightly."
Old May 7th, 2018, 01:01 PM
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OOCYou would not believe how long I thought about this reply.

Taken aback for a moment, Oren steels himself against the shocking visage before his eyes. It was always a voice that he communicated with through an otherwise normal fire. This development is something new.

The words of his patron burn him like the heat from the face. At once the image in his dream returns to his mind. He heard the call of a mighty power, majestic and benevolent -- the cosmic force he wished to serve. For a moment in his dream he saw the world as it could be: himself a willing servant to the god whose throne he had seen on the sunsoaked mountaintop. During that brief moment, his inner fears were put to rest by the summons of the patron who offered nothing, and yet who Oren would willingly serve with no thought of reward.

And then came the other, the demon queen who sat upon the golden throne and screamed for love and for worship through some mercenary exchange. He has no doubt that the face before him is the very Queen who shrieked about rewards. This is the mistress the horrible chain creature mentioned. Oren had no desire to be aligned with powerhungry demons and their cruel minions. He has even less desire to be one of those minions.

Anger arises at the arrogance in the words spat at him. The selfish assumption that he would do the bidding of some entity whose name he didn't even know, whose aims he knew nothing of, and whose methods -- like changing someone as pure and natural as Daybreak into a twisted perversion to suit an unsaid purpose -- were nothing but offensive to Oren.

He was about to say NO. In his heart he would never serve this usurper queen. He heard the call of his true master, and he would search until he found the true power worthy of his service.

But... Daybreak. In a split second Oren shutters to think of what might become of Daybreak if he rejects the demon queen before him. His own fate is secondary. He couldn't leave Daybreak at the mercy of this demon. Perhaps there was still a chance to help her, to free them both of the Queen's influence. But he would have to be very careful. He couldn't give himself to the Queen in good conscience, and yet he had to show he was not a traitor.

It takes him a few moments to collect his wits.

"I do not scoff. I was surprised at the change, and thought it might be better to leave forest dwellers in the forest and find someone naturally disposed to serve you instead. What is her fate now?"

Her words about bringing a congregation are even more difficult for Oren to find a response for. "My... Queen? I do not know you. How can I bring worshippers when I can tell them nothing of you. What is your promise to them? Why should they want to serve you?"

"And... my service to you is now complete. Your temple is cleansed. If I were to enter into your service again and help you find devoted followers, will you give me what I desire?"
Old May 14th, 2018, 04:08 PM
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"Daybreak is now your pupil. It is a test, to see how much you have learned, and how much you can teach. When my High Priestess arrives, she will tell you what message to send to Oakcrest. I am sure you will find her message to be very.... compelling." Before answering any further questions, the fire died down, and the line of communication ceased. Oren had been fixed on the flames to the point of blocking out everything that was happening around him. Now that it had ended, he found himself covered in sweat and exhausted.

There was little time to recover or comprehend all that had been spoken. Oren's attention was drawn away as Daybreak began to stir. Her eyes did not yet open, but she called out, "Oren, are you there?" Her voice, unlike her appearance, had not changed. She still sounded in pain, desperate and confused.. "I... I don't feel well. Oren, what happened?" Oren now knew that his relationship with Daybreak had been changed forever. She was now his student. It would be his job to teach and guide her. Which path he would lead her down, however, was something Oren would have to consider carefully.

OODMAt this point, I am making Daybreak a permanent NPC. Mechanics-wise, would you like to be in charge of her sheet, or would you rather have some of that information still be a mystery?
Old May 21st, 2018, 11:44 PM
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The words of his patron hit Oren like a hammer. It's a test. Not a quick thinker, it takes the young warlock several moments to collect his thoughts. "A test to see how much I've learned, but..." and at that moment a log shifts, showing the air with sparks and ceasing the communication.

Upset, he wipes the sweat from his brow, not knowing how long his communion with the fire lasted. No matter what, the experiences were always unsettling.

Hearing Daybreak stir, he turns and goes to her. She was a thing of blackness, the leathery antithesis of the green being of light that was her natural state. He pauses for just a second before taking her hand and laying his hand on her shoulder. Her skin was warm, much warmer any dryad's skin.

"Daybreak," he says, tenderly. Remembering what the voice in the fire said about her being his pupil, he swallows and changes his tone, careful to remove any emotion that might creep back in. "Daybreak, you must open your eyes and look at me. You are not the same being you once were. The Power that inhabits this temple has transfigured you. Like when we drank the water of the well, and you became a dark elf? Do you remember that?" He finds he's speaking louder than needed. Taking a breath, he continues. "But this change is more lasting. Tell me this: What did you bargain for when you took Isabelle here? Did you ask for this, to be freed of your tree, to serve the Nameless Power?"
OOCWhat do you mean by permanent NPC? If she's going to be accompanying Oren as a regular adventuring companion, it would be good to know her HP, class and level. I like a little mystery, though may have some questions about her OOC as we go on. If it's ok with you, I'd much prefer you role play her.
Old May 22nd, 2018, 07:29 PM
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OODMPermanent party member would probably be a better term than permanent NPC. I will still handle the RP, but I want you to have some control over her development. Right now, she is a Tiefling, inheriting some of her old Dryad characteristics. However, she has no spellcasting abilities anymore and could be considered level 0. She has high CHA and WIS, so could go for any class that plays to those strengths. Warlock, Druid, Bard, Priest, Sorcerer could all be options, but I also want it to be story driven. Will Oren have her follow in his path, or help her develop different talents?

HP is 22, AC is 11. Class is TBD, currently level 0

Daybreak opened her eyes and looked at Oren. When she did, Oren noticed something that gave a sliver of comfort. Her eyes, despite all of Daybreak's other physical changes, remained unchanged. Her eyes still had the exact same shape, the same enchanting emerald green color, and the same look of both desire and innocence radiated through that window to her soul. She opened her mouth to speak and answer Oren's question, but a look of puzzlement came over her face before any words came out. She tried again to answer, and once again her forehead scrunched up in a confused look as she tried to recall exactly what happened.

"I thought I remembered. I could see it in my mind's eye for just a flash, then it was gone. Oren, I don't remember much of anything." Daybreak wasn't sure if she should be alarmed, scared or curious by this state of befuddlement. After a few moments though, she looked at Oren with all sincerity, "I just know that I didn't want to leave you. Something told me I wouldn't have to. That I could stay with you, follow you wherever you go. I had to promise something in return, but I can't remember what that was. It seemed trivial, unimportant. I don't think it really matters. What does matter, is that we are together. I just have this feeling, that we are going to do something great."

Daybreak then smiled at Oren, as if enchanted by him. It was clear from her expressions that another question popped into her head, and she wasted to time to ask it. "Oren, how long have we known each other?"
Old May 25th, 2018, 12:05 AM
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When Oren sees her pure emerald eyes looking out at him -- the same eyes that had drawn him in when they had first met in the forest -- he's unable to restrain a choke of relief. The stern, neutral facade cracks almost as soon as he had erected it. Hugging her close he says, "I thought you were going to die." Grateful to his patron, he was not. But he did feel grateful that his old dryad companion seemed still alive and well inside her new form.

Her words puzzle the young warlock though, and he kneels down beside her as she continues speaking. "I wouldn't ask you to follow me, not unless you wanted to. And it seems that such is our fate. Just before you awoke I sat in communion with the Entity that transformed you. She has bonded us together. We are to learn from one another, protect each other." ...and do the bidding of the Dark Queen. No, Oren decides then and there, I won't subject Daybreak to that. If she is to learn from me, then let her learn how a man can hold fast to his inner search for truth. I may be a mercenary to an evil power, but I seek the rightful lord of the mountain throne.

He smiles when she speaks of doing something great, and takes it as a sign. Perhaps Daybreak will lead us both to where we belong. He rises, extending a hand to her to help her from the floor. To her last question he says lightly, "Not as long as it feels, yet long enough to be glad we're together in this." With that, he opens his bag and draws out a leather satchel of oats and dried fruit, placing them in some water to boil as breakfast for them both.

"While you were asleep, I went back to town. Do you remember Frath? He is cleaning out the cave of the Black Dragon." Sitting down by the fire, he takes out the odd looking Manual he had found in the horde and peers at Daybreak over its pages. "This temple is a place consecrated to the Power that now inhabits it. Soon a priestess will come here. I was thinking we might like to live in the dragon's cave instead."
OOCOK, I have no real vision for what class Daybreak may fall into, but it's interesting to be able to direct her advancement -- thanks. Will wait and see what presents itself storywise.

Unless something else presents itself, Oren will see to preparing some food and reading he Manual of Leadership.
Old Jun 2nd, 2018, 11:00 PM
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The longer they spoke, the more Daybreak's strength returned to her. "Protect each other," she repeated in agreement with Oren. Her smile was playful, but the statement was one that resonated. Daybreak did not remember Frath, or much about the Dragon. She could recall that they had fought the creature together but didn't remember much of the details. What happened just outside the cave between her and Isabelle was also a complete blank. Perhaps it was better that way. It would make it easier for Oren to control the narrative if there was no other version of it to be shared. Either way, she had no objections to returning to the cave.

Once they were done speaking, she took a good look around the temple. "By the gods, this place is a mess! We can't leave it in such disarray of a High Priestess is coming. What would she think?" Without another word she stood, walked over to pile of debris and stone, left by the living tree attacking the place prior, picked up a large stone, then took off in the air. Using her wings seemed natural, as if she had always had them. She flew to the top of the door, then puzzled over how to put the stone back in place for a few moments before finding a spot to jam it in. It probably was not where the stone had originally sat, but without proper mortar, it was likely the best that could be done. She repeated this over and over, until the stones were no longer on the floor.

Leaving her to her work, which she seemed to obsess over, Oren went to prepare some food and take a read through the book he had found about Leadership. The words on the page seemed to captivate his mind. Thier instructions could be immediately implemented, and Oren could tell that the course in this book would immediately improve his presence and influence over others. The book was quite large, however, and would take several days of dedicated study to complete reading. As luck would have it though, they had a few days. Frath needed time to do the work at the Cave Oren had instructed and paid him to do. Daybreak just needed a little motivation and direction on how to prepare the temple for the arrival of the High Priestess. And, probably the best benefit of all, studying the book gave Oren the distraction he needed to not fret over the impending arrival himself. He knew things were going to change once this event happened, but whether that change would be for better or worse was yet to be seen. He would also have to worry about gathering that congregation. Perhaps knowing what the High Priestess was going to be preaching about would make the task easier. But maybe not. All of those thoughts and worries could have been enough to drive Oren crazy, were it not for the distraction found in the tomb he was studying.

OODMThings are slowly getting settled, so hopefully, I'll be able to post a little more regularly now.

If you are OK to move things along a little bit, we can advance 3 days forward. Oren will have completed his book, and his CHA score is permanently increased by 2. Daybreak has the Temple looking ready for a banquette, and now things are set for the arrival of the High Priestess. Oren will get the feeling that he needs to commune again with his patron before that happens. Or, he could check up on Frath's work.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:00 PM.
Old Jun 5th, 2018, 11:13 PM
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The days pass easily. The fire always has some kind of food cooking on it. Between rests the young warlock manages to step outside, bringing down a doe and providing meat with every single meal -- there was no way to preserve it. But Daybreak didn't seem to mind. Now in her tiefling form, she had a ravenous appetite and didn't seem to get tired of overcooked venison. It wasn't a meal he imagined a dryad would even touch, let alone relish, but his companion was no dryad.

They pass their meals talking like old friends. She's changed, he observes. She's warmer, much less distant than she was as a dryad. And she seemed to trust him now. She looked to him for answers. Unfortunately he had few.

On the evening of the second day, his mind awash in new insights into what motivated people, and how to channel those motivations, he notices Daybreak unnatually obsessing over a broken stained glass window. "Why are you so concerned with this place?" he wonders at her new attitude towards the temple that almost ended her life. It was just another thing that had changed about her. None of them terrible, but they were subtle differences that made him wonder.

The next morning he rises early and finishes the last few pages of his manual. It was an incredible read, and he looked forward to testing his learning. The teachings cause his mind to drift back to his experience with the people of the village, and then to the cave. "Daybreak," he calls, "I told Frath I'd come back to the cave to check on his progress in three days, and that was three days ago. Since we don't know when this priestess will arrive, I'd prefer to keep my word to him and see how the arrangements are proceeding." He pauses to watch her fly down to him. She was still easy on his eyes, even in her new form.

"Please come with me. If you and I are to protect each other, we can't do so apart. Let's go and get some air away from this place." Packing some light rations and perhaps the last salvageable bits of the deer carcass, he leads Daybreak out of the temple, past the chain guardians, and through the wood where she once lived. The path to the cave was becoming quite familiar to him, but as the rocky cave comes into sight he remembers his initial encounter with the kobolds and a thought occurs to him. Unstrapping a spare dagger he hands it to Daybreak. "Take this. Never know when you might need to protect yourself. Not against Frath," he laughs. "Against whatever might be lurking in these woods. Come on, I'd like to see whether Frath remembered to get a lock mechanism for the door."
OOCGood to hear you're settling in.

Updated sheet here.
Old Jun 9th, 2018, 08:59 PM
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The change in pace seemed welcomed by Daybreak, and she seemed excited to leave the temple. At least, after cleaning up a few last things minute things to make sure it was spotlessly clean, just in case visitors came while they were gone. Her obsessions with maintaining the place did indeed seem unnatural, and Oren had to hope that it would pass. She took the dagger Oren handed her, and spun it around a few times by the hilt, holding the tip of it with another finger. "Ouch," she exclaimed after a moment, as the tip dug deep enough into her skin to draw blood. "I guess it is sharp enough," she said, before placing her finger in her mouth to clean off the blood, and hopefully stop the bleeding.

The pair approached the cave and quickly spotted the tracks of a wagon and draft horse that must have been used to carry supplies. From up on the cliffside, Frath was seen pounding some nails into the frame where a heavy door was in the process of being hung. Holding the door was a younger lad, not yet in his twenties, but by his looks was very much his father's son. "A little higher Oliver!" Oren heard Frath instruct his boy. "That will do it!" The clank of metal was heard as the pin was set in the hinge, and Oliver let out a breath of exhaustion as he could finally let go of the door.

The horse near the cave entrance started to fuss as Oren and Daybreak got closer, giving away their approach. Frath spotted Oren and waved happily. Then, seeing Daybreak his demeanor changed. He almost looked fearful and motioned for Oliver to stand behind him. "By the God's Oren. You told me you had the company of a Drayd, and now a Devil?"
Old Jun 11th, 2018, 03:46 PM
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Oren looks with some perplexity at Daybreak accidentally cutting her finger on the dagger. "You're not supposed to touch that part!" he says, incredulously. Perhaps as a dryad she never held a metal weapon before. Regardless of her form, her understanding -- or lack thereof -- of the civilized world would take some getting used to.

As they clear the trees Oren can see that a wagon has repeatedly been through the area and was pleased to spot his friend working at the mouth of the cave. "Do you remember this place?" he asks Daybreak, as they begin to climb the steep switchback trail leading up the cliff.

The sound of the hammer is music to Oren's ears. Work is getting done. The warlock quickens his pace, excited to see what Frath has accomplished in the past few days. But when the older man sees Daybreak, tension arises. Frath's shouted words confirm his suspicions. Closing in on the last bit of the trail, Oren whispers to Daybreak: "Give me a moment."

Then, Oren disappears, even as Frath and Oliver are staring down the path directly at him.

"My dear Frath," Oren says, materializing behind the pair of workers, "It's no concern who I keep company with." The warlock takes some pleasure in seeing the expression on Oliver's face. The Leadership Manual had an entire chapter devoted to the value of good showmanship, and Oren thought it wise to give a subtle reminder of his power to these two.

"But in this case, you know her already. She is the very same dryad who slept in your home a week ago, and she's my companion regardless of outward form. I can assure you, her Dryad eyes still possess the power to enslave a man's desire forever." He gives Oliver a wicked grin, "Best not look too deeply into them if you ever wish to love another woman again."

"Now, who is this strapping young man?"
Jokingly he says to Frath, "And did you warn him that if he reveals the secrets of my dwelling, he too will be turned into a devil?"

Once introductions have been made (provided Daybreak is accepted by the men), Oren says, "This looks like a fine entrance. How are the rest of the renovations coming?"

OOCUsing Misty Step for theatrics.

Persuasion check

Hey B, with Oren's switch to Pact of the Tome, there are a few new spells that are now open to him. First, through the Book of Ancient Secrets Invocation he now has access to ritual spells. The two I'm starting him off with are Find Familar and Detect Magic. He also gains three cantrips. I'm thinking Guidance, Prestidigitation, and possibly Thorn Whip. Question is, how did you want to integrate his tomelock abilities into the story? I wouldn't mind using Detect Magic on Daybreak to see if she's under a spell to explain her housekeeping fetish, but don't want to dip into new stuff before you give your blessing.

Last edited by mountainbound; Jun 11th, 2018 at 03:55 PM.
Old Jun 14th, 2018, 10:19 AM
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If nothing else, Oren found great entertainment in watching Oliver. The boy, despite Oren's warning, had a hard time taking his eyes off Daybreak. If anything his warning probably enticed Oliver to look even closer. His gaze, albeit, did avoid her eyes and rather focused on other parts of her body. Daybreak didn't notice, or didn't care enough to give away that she had noticed, that the teen was enamored. Oliver's mouth was half open, and he probably wouldn't have stumbled nervously over his words, had he been asked to speak. It was a common condition for teenage boys around people they found attractive.

Oliver only seemed briefly started when Oren appeared behind him. He was distracted after all, which only added to Frath's own uncomfortableness. He tried to ease himself when Oren explained the situation, but Oren could tell that it would take some time for the older man to adjust. A lifetime of hearing rumors and stories was hard to reprogram with just a short introduction.

Frath looked to his boy, "You heard Oren. Not a word of this to anyone, right?" Oliver managed to look at Frath and give a quick nod of acknowledgment before returning of his activity of staring while trying to look like he wasn't staring.

"This is Oliver. I mentioned I would need some help with the heavy lifting. He is generally a good kid, and strong enough to help out with these kinds of chores." His next sentence was annoyed and spoken in a tone that was akin to a whisper, but clearly loud enough for all to hear. "Now, if I could just get you to pay attention to the Miller girl next door even half as much as this devil woman, we might get you married off yet. She has been dropping hints as subtle as bricks hitting your head for the last few months, but do you even give her the time of day? No... of course not." Frath shook his head in disappointment, but then turned his attention back to Oren.

"The door has been the primary focus. Had to change the dimensions of the frame a bit. We cleared the carcasses out from inside and the Dragon corpse. I was able to skin it, and the scaled hide is in the process of being tanned for preservation. It's a slow process, might take a few months. Can't say for sure though, since I have never done a Dragon before. Now that the Door is completed, we can start cleaning up the rest of the inside, putting things back in order inside. Might take another day or two, but we are getting close."

During Frath's report, Daybreak started playing a cat and mouse game with Oliver. She would give him a quick glance, which the boy reacted to by diverting his gaze. Every few seconds he would peak to see if she was still looking or not, making sure it was safe before returning his full attention. The attention was only briefly returned before Daybreak would shoot another glance, accompanied with a cool calculated smile that had a hint of joy in tormenting the youth.

"Oh, one thing I nearly forgot to mention. I took some money, as you requested to Isabelle's folks. They were grateful. I think they have taken it as a badge of honor that their sacrifice helped save the town. Asked that we don't mention it though, publicly. They don't want people spreading rumors that they did it for the money. Really, they did it just to save their own necks, selfish as they come those two."

OODMI can work the receiving of the tomb into the story shortly, when Oren heads back to the temple next.
Old Jun 25th, 2018, 11:57 PM
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The men and ex-dryad rest on the stone shelf overlooking the forest, sharing a small meal, talking, and inspecting the newly installed door.

"You've done well Frath, and Oliver seems an excellent helper. Young man," he says to the boy, "If the Miller girl isn't to your taste, then best bide your time. If you listen to your pa, and keep earning your keep with the things I need doing, someday you might have your pick of ladies. No need to rush."

After walking through the cave, viewing the different chambers -- some piled with gold, some with dragonscale, some still waiting to be scrubbed and hoed out -- Oren feels satisfied. Frath had proved his worth again and again. "Thank you for handling Isabelle's parents' payment. They and the rest of the town needs to understand that her fate might have been theirs. I hope with the new coin flowing in, people might remember their courage when they think of Isabelle, and do what's right in the future."

These were high-sounding words coming from Oren, who would never have charged into a dragon's lair merely for coins or honor. No, but for the command of his Mistress, he would still be a lowly soldier with not the slightest thought about dragons or damsels.

As the sun begins to slant westward, he motions for Daybreak. "That's enough," he says quietly, watching as she effortlessly toys with the boy's heartstrings with every breath and blink. "You'll ruin him for life if you keep it up."

They prepare to leave and Oren says to Frath, "Keep up the good work. If you have a key to the lock, I'll take it now. If not, hide it beneath the broken piece of granite at the base of the trail and I'll find it next time. Hope to be back in another few days. Farewell to you both," he says with a nod.

With that, he and Daybreak head back into the forest, toward the temple once again. Oren feels a bit perturbed at her antics with the boy, and broods silently. His thoughts turn to the prospect of a priestess. It might be nice to have someone who can actually interpret the inscrutable messages of their patron. Someone to commiserate at the confusing demands and mystery. But then again, "She's likely to be bat-guano crazy, as crazy as the queen," he mutters, speaking what the realist in him expects. "Wonder how long she's going to keep us in suspense..."
OOCAgain, apologies for the long delay. Hope you're feeling more settled now.
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