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Old Jun 28th, 2018, 03:42 PM
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After the meeting with Frath and Oliver, Oren began the treck back to the temple with Daybreak. Daybreak could sense that something was bothering Oren. She watched him closely, trying to determine if it was her antics with the boy, or something else that was on his mind. Oren noticed the change in her behavior. She was trying to put her best foot forward, and hope that the bad mood would blow over.

When the temple finally came into view, it was not in the same state in which the pair had left it. Lights shone from the windows. Every lantern and torch in the place had been lit. The front door was open. Shadows danced inside as the flames that flickered cast their light in diverse patterns. Daybreak was immediately unnerved by the sight. "Whoever has been here, I hope they wiped their feet." The tone was one of annoyance. Her concern was focused on her obsession of keeping the place clean. She wasn't scared, and in fact, picked up the pace a little bit.

As they neared the entrance, Oren heard a voice in his head. It was one he had no desire to hear again. "You are late, mortal". The dark humanoid figure with dancing chains tied to his back never turned to acknowledge Oren as he walked by, arms loaded with freshly chopped firewood, heading towards the temple doors.
Old Jun 29th, 2018, 02:44 PM
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The combination of Daybreak's flirting and the uncertainty about the priestess's arrival puts Oren in a foul mood. He spends most of the walk brooding.

But when he spies lights in the windows of the temple, he gasps, asking "Did you put some enchantment on the place?" Seeing his companion as surprised as him, his thoughts drift to more pressing questions. It's only been a week since he had rid the place of the fey influence, and still the warlock wonders about the demonic influence of the book he had found -- could this be yet another invader?

Cautiously he leads Daybreak near, taking out his magical dagger for protection and summoning a spell to mind. It's then he hears the irritating voice of the chain-slinger. The creature purportedly served the same patron as he, but its arrogance and disdain for life irked the warlock to the core. The sight of it triggers a mean, sarcastic side of Oren that he doesn't often let show.

"I can't be late for an event I'm not aware of," he snaps. "I see you're at least doing something constructive. Why have you returned to this temple that I cleansed, and my companion has so painstakingly repaired? We're perfectly capable of welcoming our new priestess without you jingling and jangling about."

Mentally he reaches out to Daybreak, assuming that the chain-slinger can hear as well but not caring. "Daybreak, we have little cause to trust or believe anything this creature utters. Stay close and be on guard."
OOCUsing Awakened Mind to communicate with Daybreak.
Old Jun 30th, 2018, 06:03 PM
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Daybreak turned and gave Oren a wink after his message. She wasn't going to trust this chain wielding fiend either. But that didn't stop her from slowing down the brisk pace she had taken to reach the temple. She followed the mass of chains through the doors, which Oren also took shortly after.

Inside, as expected, every lantern and candle was lit. The fireplace was roaring with flames as well. The wood brought into the place was being stacked behind the podium in an intricate pattern at the base with two large pillars on each side. The logs themselves were being coated with a dark sticky substance that allowed them to hold together as if they had been nailed in place. The hooded chain wielder took the newest logs to the structure and using a brush coated them in the dark sticky ichor before placing them at the top of the pillars. He was making an arch. Aided by the animated chains that danced so effortlessly around him, the process took only a few seconds to finish. When completed, he turned to Oren. Again, he spoke inside Oren's mind, rather than out loud. "The last ingredient required is your blood. Our mistress gave you a weapon. Coat it in your blood, and throw it on the altar. That will complete the ritual, and I can return home." The tone was that of a command. This demonic creature wanted to be here even less than Oren wanted him to be.

Daybreak looked nervously at Oren. She didn't hear the words spoken in his head, but she saw the intent look on the fiends face. She reached for her own dagger that Oren had given her earlier that day. If it came to it, she was ready for a fight. She locked eyes with Oren, and mouthed the familiar words, Protect each other.
Old Jul 2nd, 2018, 10:32 AM
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Oren slams his dagger back into its sheath. "I'm tired of being kept in the dark. If we serve the same mistress, then you need to start explaining some things. What is the name of this entity we serve? What is her aim for this world?"

He can't keep the contempt from his voice. "You may have the power to take my blood by force, or kill my companion and I, but remember that I was chosen to serve, and I have served well. Can you say the same, if you harmed your fellow servant?"

"I won't willingly participate in something I know nothing about. It's as simple as that. What is this ritual you've concocted and why does it require my blood?"
Old Jul 5th, 2018, 10:10 AM
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"I CAN take your blood by force, yes." Oren's nemesis responded again telepathically. "Oh, I so wish our Mistress would grant me the pleasure. But I have my orders. This offering of blood must be willingly given." The chains around the hellish looking monstrosity retracted to nice coils behind the figures back. He took a few steps towards the far wall, away from Oren and Daybreak, then leaned nonchalantly against it. He noticeably ignored the question about the name of their mistress.

Daybreak then turned to Oren, still on the edge of fight or flight. She stared for a moment before speaking. "He said to tell you, this is the portal which will bring High Priestess. I guess your blood is the key to open it." Daybreak looked around the room again to assess the situation. Oren could tell, she wanted to fight but was also afraid to do so. She was waiting for his lead.
Old Jul 9th, 2018, 11:39 PM
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The telepathic voice grates in Oren's mind. It takes him back to his days as a young cadet, just fifteen years old, in the king's army. He was a clumsy swordsman, and couldn't get the hang of a shield. To make matters worse, he had a poor mind for strategy, and only learned to read with some difficulty. Lacking the skills that elevated others in the army, he was a target for the biggest and meanest in his squad. Sadly for Oren, his only skill seemed to be nettling people, calling out their defects, and enraging them even more.

It's the voices of those older cadets, who had all the real advantages over him, that Oren hears once again in the chain slinger. One big difference between then and now is that, in the army, Oren was at least convinced that he was doing something good -- protecting the people of his kingdom from outside threats. Glaring at the creature nonchalantly leaning against the temple wall, the difference is obvious to Oren.

He decides at that moment he can't serve alongside this smug chain-slinger for an entity who has no name and no redeeming purpose, except to barter in blood. He would rather die, even if it must be at the hand of this hated creature. He opens his mouth to say just that when Daybreak speaks up behind him. Oren can hear the fear in her words, and he knows he can't leave her in its clutches.

Telepathically he says, Return to Frath. Go!

Aloud he shouts at the creature: "Tell your mistress she cannot have my blood willingly given." He withdraws his dagger, glancing to see whether Daybreak followed his order. "Your mistress needed me, and I served. But my debt is paid! I won't fight for one who would keep company with fiend like you. And I won't fight blindly."

The thought of the good, just Master he would like to serve takes shape in his mind -- the lord of the mountaintop -- and it's to that imagined patron that he makes his plea. "Hear me Greater Powers and protect me from this demon so that I may serve my true Master!"

OOCOren Kyre
HP 21/21; AC 14

Drawing dagger; Casting Dissonant Whispers (Wisdom save DC 15)

If it works, he'll run!
Old Jul 14th, 2018, 11:17 AM
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Daybreak turned to run for the door. In the eye of Oren's mind, he pictured the throne he had seen in his dream. He called out to his true master for aid. With the throne still empty, Oren didn't know if his prayer would be heard or answered. Still, he knew where he was going to put his trust. Then, strange whispers flew from Oren's lips towards the chained fiend leaning against the wall. The creature clutched his head, then turned and jumped through the window behind him. The spell had worked, and the monster was fleeing. The tall window's glass shattered as the large fiend's body flew through it. The breaking continued, one by one large chunks of glass broke free before falling onto the ground. Each landed with their own crash, sending glass shards spraying outwards. Oren couldn't see where the monster had gone through the window. He did hear a voice in his head though. "I'm not permitted to slay you. But our mistress never said anything about your apprentice."

It didn't take Oren long to realize what had happened. He had sent Daybreak outside, and now, this chained monster was going to chase after her. At least, for the moment, Daybreak was on the opposite side of the chapel. She would have a bit of a head start. Oren knew didn't have much time to act before that head start wouldn't be enough to keep Daybreak safe from the monster.

OODMRefering back to the Temple Map: The Devil jumped out the window, landing in the courtyard at L13. Daybreak ran out the main doors at R5. Oren is around O10.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jul 14th, 2018 at 11:23 AM.
Old Jul 17th, 2018, 11:20 PM
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OOCDamn it!

The huge shards of glass fall in slow motion, like colored icicles exploding on the stone floor that Daybreak had worked so hard to clean.

The young warlock barely has time to realize his spell had worked. It was to him a small miracle that he had drawn power from a source and used it against that fiendish servant of the Demon Queen. The implications of it all were just kicking into Oren's mind when that hideous, grating voice cuts through his thoughts.

With a curse, Oren bolts for the door. "Daybreak!" he calls, telepathically reaching out for her mind. He's coming for you! You're right, we must protect each other. We'll die together if we must.

He rockets out of the temple and runs down the path leading back to the cave. Daybreak would have raced down it just moments ago. She knew the way, and was fleet of foot, so he hoped her speed would give them some advantage. He needed to talk with her, to plan, but he had no idea how fast the chain devil would catch them. Daybreak! he calls again, running madly through the trees.

OOCUsing action to run and catch up with Daybreak.

Perception to size up where the chain devil is, and how fast he's moving. Arcana to see if he can recall any folklore or stories about devils that might be of use.

Old Jul 22nd, 2018, 02:13 PM
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Oren sprinted out the door, following down the path Daybreak would have taken. He kept his wits about him, looking for that awful being that was seeking to do her harm. The trees of the forest were flying by Oren in a blur, a few to the right, then to the left. Daybreak was nowhere in sight. She must have been running just as fast as Oren was. As his lungs were starting to burn, Oren saw movement off to his left. The chained fiend was keeping stride with him, running at an equal pace. They were both moving at about the same speed, Oren's adversary keeping a close eye on him, only breaking his gaze when needed to direct a bladed chain to splinter a tree or branch that was in his path.

It occurred to Oren that the monster must not know where Daybreak was going. He himself was not in danger, but if he continued, he would be leading that chained horror right to the woman he was trying to protect. Trying to decide what to do, Oren racked his mind for any memories of studies that might give him some insight into the nature of these creatures from the nine-hells. His thoughts, however, were continually interupted as he tried to decide how to best protect his friend.
Old Jul 26th, 2018, 11:10 PM
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Branches whipping him in the face, he runs full bore through the woods. For a few moments his thoughts are consumed by what exactly the chain demon was, and how he might fight it. But having no real experience in the arcane, or any training outside the military, he keeps coming up with a blank. I'm a useless wizard, he thinks, berating himself for his lack of learning. One thing he's sure of: He has to reach Daybreak before the fiend. And the crashing of leaves, ripping of branches, and constant jangling of chains tell Oren that the creature isn't far behind.

Suddenly the thought hits his slow mind like a thunderbolt. His plan to return to the cave has a major flaw. Fool!

In an instant the young warlock changes direction, moving into the trees to his right. Legs pumping, he winds his way through tangles of underbrush, making sure the fiend is still behind him, but purposefully ignoring him. Eventually he makes his way back to the fell temple.

When it comes into sight he starts calling "Daybreak, Daybreak, quick! To the catacombs!" To make the rouse believable, he even reaches out telepathically saying, Hide below, I'm coming now and we'll make our stand together!

Not wanting to give the chain demon any chance to close in, Oren runs through the doorway, momentarily out of the creature's view -- or so he hopes. Without stopping he whispers the words of an incantation. It's the very same spell he used to get into the temple the very first time he met the demon, during the tree attack.

The inside of the temple shifts as he steps through a magic mist and... is back outside again, this time landing on the grass outside the window that the fiend had broken in his escape just minutes ago. Oren ducks, crouching low as soon as he's outside. With his heart pounding in his chest, the young warlock listens for the fiend to enter the temple.

OOCHis plan is to circle back to the temple, give a hint to the fiend that he's heading down into the catacombs. He'll enter at R5 and then Misty Step back out to L13, waiting until the demon enters. From there, he'll try to sneak away.


Oren Kyre
HP: 21/21; AC 14
Spells used: 2/2

Last edited by mountainbound; Jul 26th, 2018 at 11:15 PM.
Old Aug 1st, 2018, 12:09 PM
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With the realization of what impact his plan had, Oren decided to change the course and cut back to the temple. The chained monster was not far behind. Oren wanted to make sure he stayed in view, and the demon was happy to oblige. He was simply tailing Oren, making Oren's job of leading him back to the temple easier.

At the temple, Oren sprung his trap. He ran through the doors, after yelling to Daybreak. A small poof of silvery smoke was left as Oren leapt through space to appear on the other side of the temple's walls. He ducked to hide behind the wall, and listen. Heavy footprints followed closely behind. He could hear them stop inside the temple, just about where the stairs led down to the catacombs in the back of the chapel. Oren had never heard this monster verbally speak before, but now he did. The language was strange, guttural and demonic sounding. Oren could only guess what was being said, but given the tone, it was probably a long stream of curses.

After a few moments, the heavy footprints clanking on stone rang out again. Back and forth inside the chapel. The demon had not gone down into the catacombs, but instead was pacing the floor just at their entrance. He didn't seem tired or winded at all. Oren didn't know of this monster needed food or rest. He may very well just pace the floor forever if needed.
Old Aug 3rd, 2018, 11:28 PM
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Listening to the heavy footfalls on the floor, Oren sits stock still, waiting for the creature to descend into the catacombs. But it doesn't. The jingle jangle of the chains and low grumbling goes on long after the warlock hoped. It takes Oren several more heartbeats to come to grips with the fact that the creature was waiting at the top of the stairs, and probably wouldn't take much longer before it began snooping around the temple once again.

If Oren ever wanted to get back to Daybreak, he had to make his move now.

Mustering his courage, he slowly eeks up and picks his way through the gangling weeds choking the pavers surrounding the building. Swallowing hard as his own gear creaks and shifts, he quickly tries to make it to the forest and out of view.

OOCHis plan is to sneak away from the creature. If he's able to make it to the woods, he'll make one more check behind him to ensure he's not being followed, and then make a run for the cave.

Old Aug 9th, 2018, 02:47 PM
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Oren made his break for it. He snuck out of view of the windows until he made it to the cover of the forest. Once there, he corrected course to make his way back to the cave. He took a look over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed. He wasn't. At last, Oren had a chance to catch his breath and consider all that had happened. For better or worse, he had chosen his path. He wouldn't be a pawn to a power unkown, posing as the master he had made his pact with. Choosing sides, however, came at a cost. He was making enemies with a foe very present. But, he also knew, the longer he played along the harder it would be to pull himself out of the grips of the fiends at play. Better now, before the cost became even higher, to cut ties.

While lost in his thoughts, Oren saw the cave come into view. The door was closed, nobody was present outside.
Old Aug 15th, 2018, 10:06 AM
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Once he was certain the chain demon wasn't following him, Oren slows his pace, gulping in the night air as he nears the moutain cave that is to be his new home. Lucky for him too, since the forest temple was no longer his temple, but rather was taken by the evil entity and not a welcome place.

The warlock reflects on the turn of events and keeps coming back to one important revelation: I was able to use magic against the chain creature. This was meaningful. Though he was hardly versed in arcane matters, he knew -- or sensed -- enough to know that his unlikely magical abilities were given to him the same way as a cleric: through some kind of agreement with a higher power. It was his greatest fear that he had aligned himself with the demon queen, that she was the source of his powers, not the missing entity of the mountaintop. But this didn't seem to be so.

Something else helped me escape. The notion buoyed his spirits somewhat, knowing that he wasn't alone and powerless. He'd need to be careful though.

"She won't let me off so easy," he mutters, knowing that the chain creature would seek to make him pay for the Queen's grudge against him... with Daybreak's life.

Coming to the base of the steep trail leading up the cliff, he scans the area for signs of Frath and then shifts the large chunk of granite that lay half exposed by some scrub bushes. It was where he instructed Frath to leave the key.

Looking up, he begins climbing toward the door, hoping Daybreak was safe inside their lair and wondering what to do next. It wouldn't take long for the demon to discover his hiding place.
OOCIf the key is under the rock, he'll use that to enter and begin calling out for Daybreak. If there's no key, he'll knock on the new door, and also reach out with Awakened Mind to call for her.


Last edited by mountainbound; Aug 15th, 2018 at 10:08 AM.
Old Aug 16th, 2018, 08:38 PM
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The key was there, just where Oren had instructed Frath to leave it. He made his way up to the door, and was about to open it, when it flew open from the other side. Daybreak stood there with Frath behind her. "Is that monster still following you?" she asked. Before Oren had a chance to answer though, she pulled him in, and Frath closed the door behind them and then bared it off.

With the entrance to the caved barred, Frath turned to look at Oren and Daybreak. Both were dripping with sweat from the run. "What in the nine hells is going on?" he asked. "Something chasing you? My boy is set to be back here in an hour Is he in danger too? Your friend kept mumbling something about chains and devils. I don't know what she was talking about Oren, but this sounds even worse than the Dragon."
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