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Old Aug 20th, 2018, 11:31 PM
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Relief washes over Oren as he glimpses Daybreak and gets pulled into the cave. The wooden timber that Frath chose to bar the door was stout, but Oren can see in his mind's eye the damage the demon could do with its chains, and knows it wouldn't hold if ever they were found. And he has no doubt they would be found, it's only a matter of how soon.

"It is good to see you're ok," he says to Daybreak, relishing for a moment the touch of her skin. They exchange a few brief words before the warlock turns his attention to Frath.

More composed now, he says to him, "Yes, my friend. There's no way to sugar coat it. I'm afraid we're in danger and anyone here is in danger too. You remember the temple in the forest -- the one said to be haunted all these years? As you know, Daybreak and I cleared it. An unknown power resides there. At first, it seemed benevolent," he looks at Daybreak, seeing the terror in her features, "But its demonic nature was soon plain to see. It's chief minion is a devil encased in living chains that can rip a man in two," he says grimly, looking Frath in the eye. "The local people of Oakcrest were right to avoid the place. The chain devil almost killed us both. We stood up to it, refused its demands on behalf of all that's good, but powerful beings don't like it when mortals interpose themselves in their plots. We barely escaped with our lives."

He stops for a breath, making sure Frath is taking in the gravity of this impossible revelation. "The demonic force fancies itself a god and wants to win followers. I fear that the lives of any who oppose it are at risk. That means the village priest by the very nature of his faith, yourself, and Oliver."

"For the moment, I don't believe the creature knows where we are, but demonic magic is powerful, and hate runs deep. We can't count on hiding here for long, but it's safest for now, and I hope will keep the village safe too. We need to plan for when the creature comes looking for us though, and we'll need people who can stand up and fight. If Oliver is coming, then go and meet him. The priest didn't strike me as a brave man, but perhaps in matters of faith, he may find his courage. Bring him here if you think he would be able to help. If you hear the jangling of chains... run."

After Frath can ask questions and knows what he must do, Oren looks again at Daybreak. "Is there a fire lit, and food? It would be a comfort to me to spend a few minutes recovering my strength. I must also commune with my patron if possible." As they eat, he looks shrewdly at the tiefling woman. In his eyes, she's still a dryad, regardless of her current form. "Once you were one with nature, with the trees and earth. Reach out with your senses. Do you feel a connection still?"

OOCApologies for multitasking in this post.

I'd like to take a short rest, and steal a few minutes of quiet so Oren can try to commune with his patron via a fire.

Also, I don't want to rush things with Daybreak, but I'm concerned that we're at a severe disadvantage with her being currently undeclared in her class. Oren is trying to assess if she might have the potential to be a druid or perhaps some kind of nature-centered cleric.

Here are a few rolls if needed.



Old Aug 28th, 2018, 10:35 PM
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Frath listened to Oren, but his frustration with the situation was becoming obvious. As much as Frath wanted to help Oren, the possibility of his son being in danger had become his first priority. "Oren, I am going to and get Oliver. We are going to go back to town. I'll warn the priest. Heck, I'll warn everyone to stay away from the temple and the woods. When you say the demon is dangerous, I believe. I believe you enough that I don't think I am going to come back here until you can guarantee me that it is safe." Frath's words were precise and mechanical. He was holding back something, anger or fear. Perhaps both. He approached the door, then turned back only momentarily before giving a parting. "Good luck."

The void left with Frath's absence was now filled with Oren and Daybreak trying to figure out what to do next. There was some food left, and enough supplies that Oren and Daybreak could stay in the cave in comfort. However, the majority of the interior, while cleaned up, and not been reconfigured for proper use. The Library the Dragon had left still contained many books. The barracks still had some cooking utensils that the Kobolds had owned. A fire bit and a large pot in which things could be roasted, or stew brewed were still in working order. The chambers that Isabelle had been held in had some blankets and bedrolls brought in. At least they could eat and sleep here for now.

Daybreak tried to puzzle out what exactly Oren was asking her to do. "I don't remember much from before the Temple. Just impressions of things. The only thing, or person I feel connected to is you. I think you need some rest, as do I. I'll see if I can figure something out. Someway, to be useful." She then headed to the door of the cave herself. "I won't go far, I'll be back soon," she promised, well aware of their foes near at hand.

Oren went to the former barracks and built a fire. His patron had originally manifested to Oren though this fashion, although the imposter demon did as well. It was a risk, but Oren felt he needed guidance. He sat down to meditate, and rest near the warm flame. His mind focused on the flames, much like a prayer to deitie. Things went foggy, and Oren lost track of time.

Oren awoke to find himself standing at the base of the mountain. The same one he had seen before. He knew that at the summit of the mountain, there was a throne fit for a king. His Patron had once sat there. An imposter was there now. Still, Oren felt drawn to the place. He had to reach it. He started to climb, taking slow step after step over steep rocks in his ascent. Every time he thought he was making progress though, the ground beneath his feet gave way. He would make it about ten or fifteen feet before for sliding back down to where he began. No matter how hard he tried, which direction he weaved to, trying to find solid ground, the earth kept giving way beneath him, and he ended up back exactly where he started.

Oren could feel his legs getting tired. His hands were bleeding from the sharp rocks. He felt like the task was impossible. He just couldn't make it up the hill. He sat for a moment to catch his breath, contemplating the futileness of his work. It didn't help that he heard a voice laughing at him. "Ha, hehe, ho haha ha. Can't make it up those rocks, can you youngster?" Oren turned to see an old withered man, using a walking stick, pointing and laughing, his two remaining teeth very prominent in his smile. He had an accent of one who grew up in a very remote backwoods town, that never learned to speak properly. "It's probably all for the best anyway. The one you seek, he doesn't sit up there anymore. Probably never will again. It's like the rich man. He gets soo much money that eventually it doesn't mean anything to him anymore. He he he.. So, you see?" The mocking left questions, but Oren never got the chance to ask them. His vision faded again to black.

Oren woke up, again drenched in sweat. He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but it was the footsteps of Daybreak that brought him to consciousness. She came and sat next to Oren, until he could open his eyes. Softly, she brushed her hand against his forehead, clearing away sweat and dust from the floor. When Oren was awake enough to sit up, Daybreak extended her left hand, and opened her palm where she was holding a small pile of dirt. "I don't know what it means Oren, but look." Following Daybreak's gaze to the small pile of dirt, Oren watched. At first, nothing happened. Then, as he watched a green sprout pocked up through the dirt. In a matter of moments, it grew and grew until it turned into a small yellow flower, blooming to full plume. "You were right. I do still have some connection."

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Aug 26th, 2022 at 07:40 PM.
Old Aug 31st, 2018, 10:37 AM
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The warlock listens impassively as Frath expresses his concerns. Oren knows that the town is in danger -- that if he fails, then they'll be at the mercy of yet another evil presence, this one much more insidious than a fairy-tale obsessed young dragon. But he also can tell when a man is set in his thinking, and Frath was determined to put the safety of Oliver above all else. Oren could sympathize, he felt the same for Daybreak.

"I respect that. Alert the town then. Be on your guard against anyone, particularly a woman, preaching a new religion. I hope to see you again Frath, you've been a trusted ally and good friend."

As Daybreak leads him to the barracks, Oren is amazed at the amount of work Frath and Oliver had accomplished over the past few days. There isn't time to admire the change however. They collect what's needed for supper and a fire, and Oren snags a downy pillow to rest upon as communes with the fire. When Daybreak speaks of leaving for a walk outside, he offers no resistance. "Be careful, I don't think the chain creature knows we're here, but it won't be long."

Once alone, it takes only moments before his mind settles into a vision. He's sliding backward again and again, unable to make any progress up the mythic, unnamed mountain where his Master resides. As happens in dreams, a messenger appears -- a cackling old man. "What do you know of him? Where has he gone!?" Oren asks desperately, hungry for any knowledge of the absent patron. But the vision fades.

When he wakes he finds Daybreak beside him, gently helping him to rise from where he had sprawled unconscious on the stone floor. "I blacked out," he says, but refrains from mentioning his dream. He sees that she has something to show him. When the sprout appears from the soil in her hand, Oren smiles broadly. "That is well, very well Daybreak!" he exclaims. "You have a connection with the life of the world, and we must work to ensure it deepens. I don't know how, but practicing exactly what you just showed me is a start."

His face darkens, "And we may need any boon the earth is willing to gift you with when the chain demon comes. I'm going back to the library to see if there's anything else we missed, and I want to inspect this place to see what else Frath managed to do. Come, let me show you one of the secrets of the cave, it may come in handy some day..."

OOCOren will walk Daybreak down the the underground river, walk her along the bank and up the secret passage to the library.

Any thoughts on him getting his pact of the tome spells? I have a feeling he's going to need every small advantage he can muster.

He wants to survey the cave once more, looking for new hiding places, or areas where the stone seems weak and may serve as a trap. Not really sure what to expect, but want to have some kind of plan in case the chain creature suddenly appears. You're keeping me on the edge of my seat here.


Old Sep 3rd, 2018, 06:18 PM
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Daybreak followed Oren down past the barracks towards the underground stream. The hard stone of the hallways gave way to sand, and the sound of water running echoed through the tunnel as the approached. Daybreak was truly surprised to see the stream flowing here. "It's beautiful," Daybreak commented, somewhat mesmerized by the flow of the water. But there was something else here that Oren wanted to show his friend. A hidden passage that lead back towards the Library.

As Oren started towards the library, Daybreak stopped him. "I am going to stay here a little longer. This water must come from somewhere, and lead somewhere else. Me might want to know where. I'll find you if I find out anything." She then turned to walk back towards the stream, leaving Oren to explore the library by himself.

There might have been a book in here that he missed. Looking at the shelves again, he was reminded of the Dragon's obsession with re-writing fairy tales. Again, all but one shelve contained books of that nature. The other shelve, he had perused well. Something caught his eye, as he saw one book he had previously tossed aside. It was the journal from the young farm girl. Usually, adolescent scribblings as a young woman learned to write and read wouldn't be that interesting to the warlock. He recalled from the brief page he had paid attention too, the sloppy beginning writings of the girl describing how she tried to look pretty and catch the eye of a neighbour farm-boy as she chopped the head off a chicken before tossing it into a boiling pot of water. Oren picked up the book, and noticed that it felt heavier than it had previously. He turned the pages of the book, looking for the writings, but they had disappeared. Every page was blank. He was positive that this was the same book he had tossed earlier. But inside, it had changed. It could only mean one thing. This must have been a gift from his patron. To unlock its secrets now, he would need to meditate. Closing his eyes, the laughing of the old man from his vision echoed in the back of his head. "Gone, gone, but that doesn't mean he didn't' leave anything behind....." The words were different from his vision. Startled, Oren opened his eyes and noticed something was written on the very first page of the book. They were words of power, words of magic!

OODMNot quite the way I had originally planned to switch to the Pact of the Tomb, but this will work.

Regarding spells, you can pick 3 cantrips from any list. Eldritch Blast is kind of the goto cantrip for most people, but you already have that. Sword Coast Adventuer's guide has a few cantrips that some people use to base their whole class build around, Booming Blade, and Green Flame Blade (I can give you details on those cantrips if needed, but they give a nice melee attack spell using a weapon that has some extra punch). Vicious Mockery is another fun cantrip. Thorn Whip and Shillelagh from the Druid's list are some of my favourites.
Old Sep 12th, 2018, 11:50 PM
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When Daybreak decides to track the water, Oren agrees. "It was something I've wanted to do as well -- see where the water comes from and where it goes. Be careful Daybreak, and don't go too far. We can always explore the water together when we have time." His words fall flat in his ears. That would mean living to a day when there wasn't some new danger threatening them. Oh to have the luxury of exploring these chambers with her someday, he reflects, watching her walk into the darkness.

Keeping an ear open in case she needed him, Oren walks up the narrow passage and pushes the hidden door to the library open. In moments he has a few candles lit and inspects the shelves one more time. There were the rows upon rows of fairy tales, and a few blank spaces he left days ago when he took away the books he thought might be useful: a history, a spellbook, and just one book of tales. But whether it was a trick of the candlelight, or something else, his hand is drawn to a book that stands out with a certain glimmer. "The foolish farm girl..." he murmurs, recognizing the leather cover again. When he touches it however, it feels different, like an electric sensation washing over him, and makes his heart beat faster. Inside, the pages are blank. Through some strange intuition, he simply knows this was a gift from his Master.

Overcome with a mixture of relief and awe, he falls to one knee and grips the tome close to his chest. Oren utters no prayer, asks for no blessing, but simply kneels in reverent silence.

"Gone, gone, but that doesn't mean he didn't' leave anything behind....." The voice of the old man echoes in his head, shaking him from his short trance.

With a trembling hand, he moves to the oaken table and places the book and candle upon it for a closer look. Opening it again, he spies words, words strange and pregnant with power, words that he, a soldier and one unaccustomed to the arcane could nevertheless understand. This book was meant for me!
OOCThanks for the suggestions. Still trying to figure out which to pick but don't want to hold us up any longer. Will post my choices in the other thread in a day or so.
Old Sep 21st, 2018, 11:48 AM
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Oren took some time to study the book. Indeed, the words there provided him with the power he needed to cast some spells, spells he previously had not known. For some time, he was lost in the words, practising the spells, making sure he could cast them, and to know their functions inside out. Feeling content that he had mastered the spells, he turned to hear the sounds of footsteps entering the library. "Found something interesting?" she questions, noticing the open book.

"Oh," Daybreak interrupted herself before waiting for Oren's answer. "I followed that stream the direction it flows. It doesn't go far before dropping into a tunnel that is completely under water. It probably leads to one of the streams that exit the mountain further below. Upstream though, is another story. The tunnel narrows and is just high enough to keep your head above water. It winds for quite a ways before hitting a point where looks like it is coming out of the wall. I could hear water falling from the other side though, so there must be a larger cavern somewhere on the other side. I didn't try to swim through it, didn't seem to be safe to try alone. And, I got distracted. My foot kicked something sharp. most stones there in the water are very smooth, so I reach down to pull out what poked me."

Daybreak retrieved what looked like an arrowhead from her pocket, crafted from a nearly transparent crystal. "I don't know what this is made from, but it is hard and sharp. It easily put scratches into the rocks in that cavern. Strangely though, when I hold it, I can feel my connection to the earth getting stronger. I can focus through it." Oren was familiar with what Daybreak was describing. May spellcasters used a focus of one type or another to aid in their magic. This was new for Daybreak though. As a Dryad, her ability to use magic and call on nature was natural and inherent. Now, she needed another way to focus her energies.
Old Sep 27th, 2018, 05:11 AM
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The sound of Daybreak's voice startles Oren from his studies. He meant to keep listening for her call in case she needed him, but the spellbook he found had so immersed him that he lost all track of time. The book was an enigma, its pages unlocking secrets never imagined to one who was once a soldier, and perfectly attuned with his understanding. With this book in hand, those simple days of sword and armor seem a distant memory. Oren senses the incompleteness of the book, mirroring his own fledgling career in the occult.

He looks up as Daybreak appears, dripping wet but unphased by her swim in subterranean waters. "It's good you didn't swim through. I would worry about you going too far. And I'd like to be there with you to explore the depths of this cave."

Glancing at her newly found crystal, Oren somehow simply knows its use. The insight was just another gift from his devotion to his master. "It is a spell focus, and will aid you in your magic as you call upon the earth for aid. You've found an important tool."

He rises, storing his new spellbook in his pack. "The night must be almost spent. Why don't you get dry and look for something to cover your features? I intend to travel to Oakcrest today to pick up supplies and ensure the chain demon has not descended upon it."
Old Oct 4th, 2018, 09:04 PM
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Daybreak looked down her body, still somewhat wet. She gave a careless shrug, not quite sure why her features needed to be covered, but she wasn't going to argue something that to he was trivial. "Maybe I can find something left where they left Isabelle."

Now, Oren had something else to take care of. He needed to return to Oakcrest, and make sure they were safe. At least if he knew Frath and his son had made it back, it might take away some of that nagging feeling that danger is nearby. The travel through the forest to get back could in itself be perilous with the chained demon lurking about. Taking precautions, Oren sent out to make the journey as quickly as possible.

The outskirts of Oakcrest came into view, smoke still rising from the chimneys of the dozen or so buildings that made up the small village. The travel itself had proved uneventful. The only thing of worry was the sound of the church bells. They had started rining a few minutes ago and were still rining now. There were only 24 hours in a day and the number of bells that had rung far greater than that. It could have been an alarm, to warn the citizens of danger. But it could also be calling for a meeting. Oren didn't know which, and wouldn't until he got closer.

OODMI wasn't sure if you wanted Daybreak to come along with Oren or not, so I left that point ambiguous. Any clothing Daybreak would have found, would be something the Dragon had kept to go along with his princess obsession.
Old Oct 7th, 2018, 11:07 PM
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As they trek through the forest, Oren avoids the grove of oaks where he first met Daybreak. The woman seemed content in her current form, in fact she seemed to be thriving, but at this point he wanted to avoid any cause for distress. Knowing she had brought her crystal focus along, the warlock says, "Daybreak, keep your focus close at hand. We don't know what dangers are ahead, but it may provide some unexpected aid or warning."

They don't say much more marching through the muddy path. It's a crisp morning, and smoke filters through the trees near the borders of the wood near Oakcrest. It was quiet -- no one can be seen. "Put your hood up," Oren tells her, and does the same. Together, two figures make their way towards town, Oren in a black hood, and Daybreak wearing a quilted seafoam cloak no doubt fit for a fairy princess. A bit frilly, but it hid her horns, and that was enough.

When the bells begin to toll, he frowns. "We'll need to see what this is all about. But first, we visit Frath."
OOCHe's moving closer, cautious in case they're under attack. If Frath and Oliver aren't home, he'll head toward the source of the ringing.

Dice Roll:
1d20+4 (5)+4 Total = 9

Last edited by mountainbound; Oct 8th, 2018 at 09:57 AM.
Old Oct 13th, 2018, 11:43 AM
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Daybreak indeed looked a little odd with the seafoam cloak. It covered her horns, though her wings all bunched up underneath looked like she might have been a deformed hunchback. She had also managed to find some hardened skins left over by the Kobolds to use as Hide armorarmor.

Keeping away from the church, Oren made his way to Frath's home. He found it empty. In fact, he found that everyone was either gone, or was headed to the church, where the bells were ringing. Cautiously, Oren and Daybreak headed that direction as well. As the pair approached, the rining stoped. A large crowd, what looked like everyone in town, had gathered just outside the steps leading to the church's doorway. Abbot Urthwin stood at the top of them, raising his hands to silence the crowd.

"It is true!" He started off, in a loud booming voice. "I have had a vision and a visitor. They are two witnesses to the truth. We have been lied to, and deceived. It pains me to say it, but our own friend, Frath, has been aiding the deceiver." Oren spotted Frath near the front of the crowd. It looked like his hands were tied behind his back. "Blame him not though. For were we not all deceived? Led to believe that this stranger had come to save us? We must forgive Frath. Only Love in our hearts can truly save us!" The crowd seemed appeased by the Abbot's words, and cut Frath free.

"But, there is more! I have learned that our beloved Isabel is not dead. She has been captured and held prisoner." It stuck Oren as odd, how the Abbot spoke with poise and authority. He had seemed timid and cowardly the first time Oren had met him. It seemed out of character, out of place. Let along, the accusations he was making. "I have learned where she is being held, and how we can free her. Would you like that? Would you aid me? Would you follow me?" The Abbot levied each question in a different direction, pointing out those in the crowd, trying to stir up their fever and devotion, stirring up the mob to take action.

"This doesn't look good," Daybreak whispered quietly. "What are we going to do?"
Old Oct 23rd, 2018, 11:21 PM
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Leading Daybreak by the hand, Oren hastens toward the church. Frath was nowhere to be found, but then again, the entire village was empty. It could only mean one thing...

When they round the corner, Oren's suspicions are confirmed. The village was roused, and the Abbot was in rare form. Perhaps uncannily rare. They pause there, beneath the thatch roof of a tavern near the village green. Looking at his companion, the warlock whispers, "Don't enter the throng of people. They won't understand why you're different. Better if you keep apart for now, but don't go far." He looks into those searching green eyes. "I may need you. That priest is our enemy. We need to find the truth, and win back the town before it's too late."

With that, he marches forward, wishing he could fly. But alas, his power was small, and his presence only as powerful as mortal such as he could muster. "LOVE?" he thunders, his voice magnified many times louder and deeper than normal thanks to a quick prayer to his master. After all, as a warlock, he could at least muster a measure more than most. Marching through the crowd, he continues booming over the din. "You speak of love? Was it love that caused you to stay in your safe houses while I alone went to defeat the dragon? Was it love that caused you to turn away when I asked for help?"

"NO!" At this point he ascends the church steps, confronting the priest. "But it was out of love that I risked everything for Oakcrest, and have sent the spoils to prove my devotion to you all! Few of you have seen me, but I am Oren, the keeper of the flame, the wonderworker, the demon-tamer and DRAGONSLAYER. I challenge anyone who questions my deeds."

Looking to Frath, he ensures his friend is safe before continuing, "My friend Frath! You know him for a good and honest man, and I know him as one who would stand up to evil, because he was tested beside me, and proved his worth. URTHWIN!" He levels a finger at the priest. "You too were offered a chance to stand up to the dragon, but you retreated. I pronounce you a charlatan, a deceiver in league with the evil that the good Frath and I came to destroy."

Oren turns to look over the assembled village. "How many of you believe this man is capable of love, let alone leadership?" Betting that the priest's cowardice was a lifelong pattern, he continues, "How has he served you these many years? Does he seem like the kind who you would follow to do anything more than milk a cow? I think not. He is a coward and a lair."

Then getting a good look at the priest, and considering his words, he raises his voice in a way meant to lift hearts out of despair, "I have a different message. I, who have proved my worth, bring hope not lies. There is a great danger, an evil ready to corrupt the weak minded," at this tosses his thumb at Urthwin, hoping to elicit a few laughs. "Close your ears to weak whisperings, and unite with me. Let's free this village from fear, instead of accepting Urthwin's bizarre inventions. What say you? Will you follow this fool who speaks of dreams and imagined visitors, or me and goodman Frath, who have proven ourselves as faithful servants of Oakcrest?"

OOCUsing Thaumaturgy to enhance his presence and power in front of the crowd.

Dice Roll:
1d20+6 (7)+6 Total = 13
Old Oct 24th, 2018, 10:59 AM
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Oren looked to make sure Frath was free, and safe. The ropes binding his hands had been cut, but he was standing still as if petrified. No emotions on his face. Only the slight rising and lowering of his chest gave away that we was even breathing.

The Abbot looked fearful of Oren, and stepped back from him, as Oren mounted the church steps. The crowd mostly followed his lead, and also took a step back. "You are right, solider. I was weak," the Abbot admitted. "I was a fool. But in that moment, when you asked for aid, it was my own ignorance that saved me. But now.... Now I am a changed man. I will not back down again, or let these good people be deceived. You are right, I have served them for decades. They know me. And what do we know of you? We know this, thanks to my vision. You have kept company with devils! Oh no, any who would entertain such demonic evil beings can never be trusted."

The Abbot turned his attention back to the crowd, to try and re-muster their support. " A promising whisper in your, it sounds good at first, too good to be true. That is how a deceiver works. I beg you not to listen to him. But, if you are weak of faith, and need proof, prof can be given. Go on, ask this man. This imposter. What happened to our child, Isabelle? Was she slain by the dragon? Is she truly dead?"

The crowd bought into the question and began chanting, and demanding answers. Not in unison, but enough that Oren caught their drift. They wanted to hear it directly from Oren himself. What did happen to Isabelle? Is he really keeping company with Devils? Does he have proof?
Old Oct 30th, 2018, 12:07 AM
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Oren clenches his jaw. Everything he learned in his Tome of Leadership told him one thing: people didn't make this big of a change very easily or quickly -- or without magic. The warlock begins to suspect the priest is under some kind of enchantment that's emboldening him now in front of the village. If so, how to tell? With his newfound magic came a spell to detect the presence of enchantments, but now that he was here standing before the congregation, how was he to manifest this power discretely? It was a problem that was beyond him for the moment.

My only hope is to remind the people of their good sense.

"Your ignorance saved you?" Oren laughs. It's a good natured belly laugh, and he shakes his head in disbelief. "Well that is a first. Kind father, forgive my asking, but what kind of god rewards ignorance? And when did the world get turned on its head, so that the ignorant escape their rightful fate? When I was a boy my best friend was ignorant about how to use an axe. He lost four fingers. When I was a man I saw my ignorant squad leader try to negotiate with an ogre. He lost his head. That is the reality of the world, and everybody here knows it. Ignorance yields no reward, but perhaps your god is a different kind of god. Preach ignorance today, perhaps a sermon on the virtues of laziness tomorrow. But I don't think the harvest will tend itself. You speak of mystical visions, I speak of plain horse sense." Another laugh, and he takes a quick scan of the Frath and the crowd. Are they caught by the Abbot's words or could they be swayed to reason? He had only to keep going and hope.

"I don't know about you all, but the vision of one man is not enough to convince me of anything -- especially a man who preferred his safe church to saving an innocent girl."

Raising his voice, Oren thunders over any resistance from the Abbot. "LET me tell you about my god. My god rewards knowledge, and courage, and deeds done with resolve. But you know this already, because I've proven it to you."

"You see, the ignorant men of the world, like the Abbot, see everything as day and night. But with knowledge comes discernment. There is more to every story. Some men are evil to their core, no? And some are good. Perhaps it should not be so hard to imagine that this common sense extends beyond humankind. Perhaps they are good dwarfs, and evil ones? Yes, and I know this because I've met quite a few. What about devil-kin? Have you met any, can you say for certain they're all the same? To say so would sound a bit... ignorant."

Once again he levels his gaze at the crowd. "But there is danger about. And I fear it has already crept into Oakcrest. I believe our Abbot here has been afflicted. Why, you all have known him for decades -- he said it himself. Is this the same man? Has he ever stood before you with such zeal, such fire in him? I wonder who sent this 'vision' that has so inflamed your passion, Abbot, to fundamentally change you. You! A man who has hid his entire life in his church. Now you're suddenly pointing your finger and shouting. It's just not like you." Oren looks hard at the Abbot.

Turning to the crowd he shouts, "It doesn't make sense to me. Does it make sense to you?"

"I would be glad to speak more, but I fear the Abbot is under the power of another. Why else would he be acting so? Good people of Oakcrest, have we all been called here just to hear the Abbot slander me? Was there a point to all this? If not, then I believe we have better things to do, and greater matters to deal with. Best that we don't let hate get the better of us, or else more good men like Frath will find themselves in chains, and cowards who champion ignorance will sit in the seat of the wise."

He looks to Frath, but his gaze invites any who wish. "Friends, let us take the poor Abbot back to his chamber, get him a glass of his favorite brandy, and see if there is some way to undo the uncanny zeal that has animated him today. We need to stay united!"
Old Nov 1st, 2018, 04:58 PM
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Abbot Urthwin now stood defiant, on the steps of the church near Oren. "You deflect, and have refused to answer my questions. Instead, you attack my character and try to turn my congregation against me. Such a tactic, one would expect from a deceiver. I will ask one more time. Do you in fact, keep company with a devil? And, what happened to Isabelle? Choose your words carefully. I can offer proof of what I now know happened."

Oren's words had moved some of the audience, he could tell, to be sympathetic to his logic. However, he didn't have enough sway just yet to muster them to the actions he called for.

OODMTo continue to persuade the crown, please include either a persuasion check, or a deception check as appropriate.
Old Nov 3rd, 2018, 10:45 PM
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The Abbot's words about attacking his character send Oren to the brink of self-righteous anger. "I attack your character? And what is it that you've been doing here in front of all these people? Singing my praises? Abbot, your one-sided slander, based on visions and vapors, was meant to turn this entire town against me. If you feel I am guilty of something, then say it!"

The warlock turns to the crowd, barely containing his rage. He could see the Abbot was trying to lure him into a trap, and the warlock could only hope that they would come to their senses before this scene was played out. "Is it a crime to keep companionship with non-humans, with halflings, elves or devil-kin? Though to call a tiefling a devil is to call a housecat a lion!" He gathers some semblance of control before continuing. I must not play the part of a lunatic. Keep calm.

"If you are asking about my apprentice, no she is neither a devil nor a tiefling. She's a dryad, a good and gentle creature. But just like Isabelle, her fate and form has been twisted by the evil of the ancient temple."

He looks at the Abbot, suddenly inspired to take a different approch. "I feel you're right good father, and by your leave," the warlock says with some measure of courtesy, "I would like to address your congregation. To reveal to all gathered, in full detail, what happened the night that I rescued dear Isabelle, and defeated the dragon." Raising his voice to the crowd he calls, "Would you like to hear that tale?"

With the shouts of approval and curiosity in his ears, Oren begins, using his control of thaumaturgy to add distant rumblings and distorted gibberings at exactly the right moments along the way. "In the woods just outside the dragon's cave, Frath and I met a group of the lizard men. Together we defeated them, I with arcane power, and he with his trusty bow." Several times, Oren emphasizes Frath's deeds, elevating the other man's prowess and importance in the events slightly, in order to build Frath's prestige. After all, Frath was his ally, and it suited Oren that his main contact in the village was seen as a hero.

The warlock continues to give a dramatic account of his exorcism of the ancient temple. "You see, the only way to vanquish the forces invading it was with the heart of the dragon -- or so I was told. So I and my dryad apprentice traveled once again to the dragon's cave. It was crawling with the evil lizard men, and I found Isabelle chained and shivering outside. The creatures were not kind to her. She asked why none had come sooner," he adds, playing on the guilt of the listeners and the Abbot just a bit more, before relenting. "But she had courage, and bravely aided me in her own escape. After killing the foul creatures guarding her, I ordered my apprentice to take Isabelle back to the Ancient Temple. That, I am afraid, was my first mistake. I mistook the power inhabiting the temple for a benevolent deity, but it was not so."

He goes on to relate his battle with the dragon in gripping detail, right down to the purple dragons blood spilling across the pile of coin. "I was never closer to death than in those final moments confronting the dragon, but I knew my deeds would make all of you safe, so I found a way to conquest, thank the gods. And it was from that same pile of blood soaked coin that I ordered the hero Frath to compensate Isabelle's parents for their loss." He pauses, still feeling his way forward. "You see when my loyal apprentice returned to the temple, the evil place played a trick, duping the dryad in her innocence, and stealing Isabelle. My apprentice became branded by the evil fire, and was transformed into a tiefling -- devil-kin if you like. Isabelle suffered a worse fate. She was gone and even now I do not know what's become of her. The girl I risked my very life for, was taken by the god-forsaken place."

Here, he raises his voice, "But that isn't all! The evil now has taken form, and means to do ill to any who shun its lures. This is why I am so cautious to hear talk of visions. The visions and promises sent to me turned to ash. Good Abbot, and good people of Oakcrest, I wish to save you all from the same fate. You who have ears to hear the truth must believe, for I have risked my life to bring you this news."
OOCOren doesn't go into full detail, but the tale he presents is largely accurate and truthful. He also changes his demeanor toward the Abbot and drops his confrontational tone.

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