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Old Nov 4th, 2018, 06:36 PM
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"The Ancient Temple," Abbot Urthwin offered up as his rebuttal. At first, he only said so with a normal speaking volume one would use when trying to not let those at a nearby table overhear your conversation. He then repeated it again, louder and louder, each time with more gusto until it was an outright yell. "The Ancient Temple, YES! The temple was a curse of old, and now it is cursing us again." The abbot looked downright filled with righteous indignation. "It is clear now. This Soldier claims to have visited the place. He openly admits it has corrupted his apprentice. He openly admits that Isabelle was taken there. And, if he was being honest, he would openly admit that it has corrupted himself."

Oren could tell that the Abbot had had an epiphany. A new course of action, a new plan had been born in his brain, and he was now acting on it. "Let us no longer debate with words. We need to take action. That Temple must be DESTROYED!" Oren had used magic to amplify his voice. The Abbot was familiar with the methods and was using the same trick now. "We shan't wait. We shan't delay. We must destroy that temple today!" The chant was rhythmic and had a magic of its own to bring the crowd to a mob, all shouting in unison. "I'm going now, who is with me?"

About two-thirds of the congregation join in cheering on the message of destruction, and readily followed the Abbot, as he made his way off the stairs of the church, and headed in the general direction of the temple. Those that followed picked up tools, torches and anything else that made them feel more comfortable along the way. All the while, the chant of "We shan't wait. We shan't delay. We must destroy that temple today!" continued on and on, growing quieter as the crowd left the vicinity.

Oren was left standing on the church steps, along with a few last citizens. Oren recognized Oliver, who stood there looking terrified. An attractive enough young woman, though clothes still dirty from farmwork was trying to comfort him. This must have been the girl Frath mentioned earlier that was trying to get Oliver's attention. By the looks of familiarity, he identified many of the others as the girls family. Oliver rushed over to Frath and shook him. It took a moment, but the paralysis that had struck Frath finally left.

Frath first gave his son a hug. "I'm Ok Oliver," he said comforting the boy. He then looked over at Oren. "By the gods Oren, what on earth is happening?"

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 4th, 2018 at 06:38 PM.
Old Nov 8th, 2018, 11:39 PM
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As Urthwin raises his voice, Oren fears he might have to strike the cleric down. But fate plays a different card and events shift with the moods of the emboldened Abbot. Oren has no time to formulate a response to the other man's train of thought. Instead, he gapes mutely as the Abbot handily musters the town and stalks off with them, hooting and shouting their rhymes.

Left with just Frath, Oliver and the family of the smitten farmgirl, Oren first looks to the shadows of the homes around the church, catching sight of emerald eyes beneath a quilted seafoam cowl. He gives a slight gesture, indicating it was safe for his apprentice to approach. Then he turns to see Frath coming to his senses, leaning against Oliver's meaty shoulder.

"I wish I knew that myself," the warlock responds. "But whatever mischief the Abbot is up to, I'd be willing to bet that the evil of the temple is behind it. Those villagers have no idea what they're walking into." He considers the massacre that could happen. Then again, the demon was there to oversee the birth of a congregation. Even though they were ostensibly headed to destroy the temple, suggestible people could change their minds on a dime. Quickly he says as much to Frath and the girl's family, while appraising the group. "Do you have weapons? If so, gather them quickly, and armor too! Frath, is the dragonscale armor I ordered ready? We must head to the ancient temple to prevent something terrible happening, but we need to be prepared. Hurry! Meet back here in ten minutes." And get ready to run.

After what feels like far too long, Oren leads the small group into the woods, explaining along the way. "The Abbot is enchanted. If you want to keep your wits, don't believe his words or fall for his passionate displays. There is an evil force at work, and it needs followers. Whether willing or no, I think the Abbot is about to lose his congregation."
OOCGive a few short minutes to arm the family, Frath, Oliver, and even Daybreak with whatever weapons they can muster. They will hustle after the large mob once ready. If the family is already armed, they'll all set out immediately and catch up with the mob.

Oren will cast Detect Magic when they approach the temple.

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 8th, 2018 at 11:42 PM.
Old Nov 13th, 2018, 06:40 PM
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Weapons, they would need to grab them. The girl's family wasn't sure they were falling in on the right side here. Were it not for their daughter's infatuation with Oliver, they probably would have been with the rest of the villagers, headed to the temple already. "We have a few basic arms back at the house," the father said, before taking the queue and running off to get them.

"Oliver," Frath ordered, "run home and grab the stash of staves. I'll need my bow, Hurry now." Oliver dashed away, following orders, as fast as he could run. The farmer's girl looked pleadingly at her mother, who gave a nod, before the girl took off after him. "The Dragon's Hide hasn't even been fully curated yet, Oren. Once you have the pelt, you will need a specialist to craft the armor. It's beyond my skill. But that is the last thing we need to worry about at the moment."

"Oren, that's your name?" The farmer woman asked. Without waiting for a response, she started speaking a hundred miles an hour. "Oh this is terrible. I can't believe the nerve and naivety of some people! Here the come, and tie up Frath just because he was out last night. Snooping around they say, come to trial they say. But, that seems to have nothing to do with it once we get here and see all the hoopla." She continued on, calling out just about everyone in town by name, and why they were an idiot, or inbreed.

"Oh, calm down Minverva. And I can say that, I ain't your husband," Frath insisted trying to calm the woman down. "This is going to be dangerous and hard enough without you offending everyone in town." The woman gave Frath a stern look as well, that clearly put him in her list of degenerates.... at least for the moment. "Short fuse," Frath explained to Oren. "But, she has the sharpest wits of anyone in town. If she can control herself, she might just be useful in swaying the crowd."

Just then the farmer returned, about the time Daybreak got up the confidence to come out. One look at her let Oren know, the family thought about as high of tieflings as the Abbott had. "You are keeping company with Devils!" Minerva accused Oren. Daybreak put a hand on Minerva's shoulder, which nearly caused the woman to faint in shock. "Not that there is anything wrong with that...." she said timidly, looking Daybreak in the eye.

Oliver then returned with an armload of staves, a sword, a few clubs. The farm girl carried Frath's worn leather armor. "Divy these out, and let's make haste." Frath ordered. In a short time, the two families had united in their case to follow Oren. They had placed their hopes in him to stop the madness that had overtaken the village. They were outnumbered, 9 to the rest of the village (counting Frath, Oliver, The farmer, his wife, their daughter and two younger suns, Oren and Daybreak), but it seemed they were united in purpose, and sound of mind.

Following the tracks of the mob wasn't hard. Daybreak took to the sky, using her new wings as naturally as if she was born with them, to keep an eye out ahead. They moved as quickly as they could, and despite the lenght of the treck, it was becoming clear that they would not catch the mob until just before they reached the temple.

"Whats the plan Oren? We can try to stop the mob, but I'm not sure that will work. They were pretty worked up when they left, and seemed to be compleltly in the Abbotts control. We are armed, but I really don't want to fight against my neighboors and townsfolk. But, if that demon you say is at the temple, they may be dead anyway if they make it inside."
Old Nov 15th, 2018, 04:36 PM
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"You are keeping company with Devils!" Minerva accused Oren.

"That's correct," Oren says in a flat voice, "I never denied it, and now you're keeping company too." Seeing the way that one look from Daybreak cooled Minerva's temper, he continues. "Minerva, you are among the most respected women in the village. I'll need your help to keep order and bring sense to the others. But we cannot be divided."

As Oliver returns and begins divvying out weapons, Oren says, "These weapons are not intended to be used against your neighbors, I have no intention of harming any Oakcrest residents. We have one mission -- to protect the innocents who are blindly following the Abbot to god knows what may be waiting in the Ancient Temple."

He leads the small band forward at a jog, hastening to catch up with the mob. Along the way, huffing and puffing from the effort, he says, "The temple is an evil place. I fear it has duped the Abbott and may destroy him... But not before it uses him to win over the village. The devil... has come to gain followers for his mistress. The village will serve that purpose, so we need to ensure that... whatever happens, they are kept outside and away from the beguiling influence of the Abbott or anything that should emerge from the Temple." He stops, leaning against a tree to catch his breath and let the others circle around.

"As you know, I am not just a simple soldier. I possess ancient knowledge, and can use it to our advantage."

He takes a moment and sends his thoughts out to their minds. "I can speak directly to your mind. Listen for my voice and do as I command. When the time comes, we will need to work together."

Looking at each of his companions in turn: Minerva, her husband, her daughter, two sons, Oliver, Frath and Daybreak, Oren resumes speaking out loud. "Minerva, you and your family must do what you can to keep the villagers under control. Oliver, you'll help them keep the peace. Do not use violence, but keep them out of the temple. Frath, Daybreak and I will deal with the Abbott and anything that may transpire in the Temple." Grimly he looks to his friend, and then to Daybreak. He has serious reservations bringing her along, but she was probably safer with him than apart -- and if ever there was a moment to test her new abilities, it was now.

"We're almost there. Keep your wits, stick to the plan. And whatever you do, WHATEVER HAPPENS, do not fall prey to the trickery of the Abbott or the temple."

With that, he draws his dagger and leads them to what's waiting beyond the last trees.
OOCDaybreak will arm herself with a staff, seems a good fit for now. Not certain if she's armored or not.
Old Nov 17th, 2018, 07:13 PM
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Oren's small group of villagers cleared the trees. The temple was in the clearing, the lights inside flickering giving off a soft glow. Oren had seen this before when all the candles were lit with the Demon working inside. It was actually a pleasant visual, rather than terrifying. The sight must have caught the mob off guard because they stood just outside the main doors, in a state of stupor, not sure what to do.

"Wait here," Abbot Urthwin told the mob. "I will see what is going on inside." The Abbot then opened one of the doors and entered the temple.

OODMDaybreak still has the dagger given to her earlier, and a staff is fine. She is wearing hide armor, taken from the cave.

Short post, but Oren is up to act, or wait and see what happens.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 17th, 2018 at 07:19 PM.
Old Nov 18th, 2018, 10:51 PM
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Taking one look at the temple, Oren shakes his head against the enchanting glow. The windows were warm, inviting. He knew better to trust anything associated with the temple though.

Mentally he calls out to his small troup: "Whatever you do, don't let the villagers into the temple. Frath, Daybreak, follow me. We must save the Abbot."

He makes a motion with his dagger and bolts toward the doors, ready to face what trickery may come.
Old Nov 19th, 2018, 11:31 AM
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Oren, Daybreak and Frath made their way around the anxious mob waiting outside the temple. They looked wearily at trio, not sure how to act. They had been told by the Abbot to wait, but they also didn't expect others to try and go inside. "Cause any trouble in there," one man warned, "and we will be right in after you."

"Hold your tongue Eric," Frath responded. "We are here to stop trouble, not cause it." The reassurance was enough to keep anyone from impeding their way. As expected, the sight of Daybreak did cause some whisperings and mutterings about devils.

One of the double doors was ajar, allowing the trio to step inside. Standing at the rear of the pews, the room came in view, clearly lit by all the candles and fireplace Oren had seen before. The window he had jumped through was still broken. The wooden circular altar, standing like a portal, built by the demon was there as well, though the chained foe was not present.

Father Abbot stood before the altar. One of the sleeves of his robe was pulled up, exposing his forearm, which he held forward. In the other, he held a dagger. He turned his head to see who had entered the chapel. "Oh, you. Please, give me just a moment, and I promise this will all be over."

OODMThe Abbot is about 45' away from the trio. O6 on the map is where Oren stand, Urthwin is at O15. Of Oren is going to physically intervene, then we will need to roll initiative.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 19th, 2018 at 11:33 AM.
Old Nov 19th, 2018, 10:50 PM
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The warlock was both terrified and fixated on getting into the temple. His dagger held low and at the ready, he strides through, followed by Daybreak and Frath. The mutterings of the villagers die away as the glow of the sanctum greets him.

There in the back stands the abbot, but where is the demon? "Careful, the demon could be anywhere," he mentally tells his companions.

When he spies Urthwin positioning himself over the alter with the knife, it all comes back to Oren. The Abbot was in exactly the same place that he himself had been just a few days ago, poised to blindly unleash a new brand of evil into the world with a few drops of blood. Thank the gods I stopped when I did. And now Urthwin needed to be stopped as well.

Without thinking, Oren feels his connection with the arcane power his master afforded him, instinctively knowing how to reach out -- reach out with his hand even as he was able to reach out with his mind to contact the others. Aloud he calls, "Abbot, there's no need for you to cut yourself. There are people who need you, outside. They're calling for you." With an invisible force of will, Oren closes a spectral hand around the sharp blade, sheathing it palm and fingers in a way that would severely lacerate a real hand. He keeps tension on it so that it's not easy to move the blade, let alone cut with it.

"Abbot, I promised them you'd be safe," Oren continues. He speaks kindly to the man, like he would to a wounded animal, so as not to scare him, all the while moving forward. "So you can lay the blade down on the alter, and go back outside. That's where you're power is... with the people who love you. Go ahead, go on back outside."
OOCLet me know if this is not a legal use of Mage Hand. He's grabbing the blade so that the magical force of the Mage Hand makes it impossible to cut with it.

Trying his best to talk the Abbot out of whatever compulsion he's under.


Move action is to walk to O12 or as close as I can get to the Abbot.

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 19th, 2018 at 10:51 PM.
Old Nov 21st, 2018, 10:40 AM
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OODMMage Hand can move about 10 pounds of weight. So, I am going to have the Abbot contest that with a STR check. It isn't super hard, but then again, Priests aren't generally known for pumping iron daily.

OOCAbbot: Initiative
Dice init:
1d20 9

Oren wins Init, so the mage hand is in place before the Abbot acts
STR Contest vs. Dagger held with Mage Hand
Dice Abbot STR Check:
1d20 2

Yea, that isn't going to do it.

Abbot Urthwin was started as Oren moved forward, and a mystical hand grabbed his blade to prevent harm. The local priest gritted his teeth and tried to push through the magical force to draw blood anyway. He was weary from the long hours of leading the mob through the woods, and his strength failed him. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes, as Urthwin realized that he was unable to complete the task he had set about. Not so long as Oren and his friends were there to stop him. "Oren, you don't understand. I'm not trying to hurt myself. This is the only way to free Isabelle. When the demons from hell tried to claim your friend, she pushed Isabelle through the portal instead. She is trapped there now and this doorway here is the key to setting her free. Please, just let me finish this. You can do what you want with this place afterward. I can't fail my people again."

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 21st, 2018 at 10:53 AM.
Old Nov 22nd, 2018, 11:54 PM
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Jaw firmly set, Oren doesn't let the relief he felt inside show on his face. Instead, he concentrates on maintaining his force of will upon the dagger, keeping the Abbot from spilling his blood. Truth be told, Oren is amazed he's capable of such a feat. But the wonders of his patron were beyond his mortal comprehension, and he accepted them gratefully -- even joyously -- knowing in his heart that the source of his power was no longer a dark question.

"Abbot, it is well that you have resisted setting the temptations of this place thus far," he says, trying to recast Urthwin as a hero. "Demons may have her, and if so they won't free her easily. A ritual sealed with blood does not sound like the kind of contract a respectable person like yourself wants to get into. You're not failing your people." Oren gently takes Urthwin by the shoulders, leading him toward Frath. "I believe you that Isabelle is alive. We will recover her -- but not this way."

"Frath, please take Abbot Urthwin outside and make sure the villagers stay out of this accursed place." Turning back to the alter, he quickly kicks it over. With a word, the warlock sends green flames down the blade of his dagger, igniting the profane thing. To Daybreak he says, "We should burn the whole place to the ground, quickly."
OOCUsing Green Flame Blade to burn the alter.

Perception -- keeping eyes peeled for the chain demon, and ears alert for shouts from outside.

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 22nd, 2018 at 11:55 PM.
Old Nov 28th, 2018, 04:02 PM
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Frath grabbed Abbot Urthwin by the arm and escorted him outside. The abbot protested, but even Frath elderly as he was, easily held his grip firm. The round alter left sticky tar on the bottom of Oren's boot, as he kicked over the surprisingly heaving structure. Although sticky, the tar would aid in quickly burning the infernal thing. His blade lit up with Green Flame, then, keeping an eye out behind him, Oren lit the altar on fire. It immediately ignited, sending out immense amounts of heat. Through the center of the altar, the chapel floor was no longer invisible. Instead, it looked like a deep dark pit.

Daybreak lifted her hand to cover her face, and protect it from the heat of the flames. Distracted, she didn't' see the chain lash out from the pit, which wrapped around her legs before a sharp hook at the end buried itself into her flesh. She screamed out in pain and surprise. But, before Oren could move to react, another chain shot out and grabbed him as well. He felt his legs be constricted, followed by the pain of the hook tearing into his calf. The chains went taut and started pulling the pair towards the flaming circle.

OODMOren has been hit for 5 piercing damage, and is grappled by the chain. DC 14 ESCAPE action to break free. Daybreak needs to make the same roll, but has a +0 for both Acrobatics and Athletics. Would you like to make her roll as well, or should I?
Old Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:52 PM
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"Tar," Oren growls, sensing something foul was coming. Still he doesn't hesitate to light the sticky alter aflame. He glances up to see Frath and Urthwin exiting, and Daybreak not far away. When he looks back to the fire, there's a eerie pit where the alter once was. He backs away from the heat and the wrongness of the opening in the floor. "Let's get out of here," he says to his student, when suddenly the chains lash out.

He sees the chain wrap around Daybreak's slender legs a moment before he feels a hook dig into him. Gritting his teeth, he has to act fast. The words to a spell enter his mind without thinking, and an instant later he's standing behind Daybreak. Ignoring the intense pain in his calf, he wraps his arms under hers and attempts to slow her movement as the chains drag her closer to the burning pit. "Twist your leg, I won't let you go!"
OOCBonus: Misty Step
Action: Help

Daybreak's roll w advantage

AC 14; HP 16/21
Old Dec 4th, 2018, 11:40 AM
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Oren was able to escape his own chain entanglement and rushed to the aid of Daybreak. They locked arms together and tried their best to pull Daybreak free, or wiggle her lose from the chains. It was to no avail, sadly. The chains pulled quickly back through the portal, and the grip Oren and Daybreak had on each other broke. Oren heard Daybreak scream out his name as she was pulled through the black portal, encircled with flames. Flames which were burning quickly. In a short moment, the tar and wood would be completely consumed, and the portal closed. When that happened, the gateway to wherever Daybreak and Isabelle would be closed. It might be suicide to jump through and go after them. If the opportunity was not taken, however, there was no guarantee that another chance would arise.
OODMNo check needed here, just a choice. Does Oren jump through the portals, leading to somewhere in the Nine Hells to play the hero and try and rescue his friend, or will he wait, and look for another opportunity?
Old Dec 7th, 2018, 01:31 PM
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He says he won't let her go, and yet the evil chains violently rip her from his grip. Wide eyed, Oren watches in horror as his beloved Daybreak scrapes at the stone pavers of the floor, cruelly dragged toward the gaping portal at incredible speed. Her eyes lock with Oren's, terrified and knowing in that moment that her fate as sealed. She screams his name one last time as the flames leap around her and she's eaten by the pit.

"NO!" he cries, stunned at the turn of events. He had saved her once from the chains, and somehow he thought he could do it again. But no, he failed her this time. "NO!"

Not wasting another instant Oren races for the burning alter. Not bothering to shield his face from the flames he dives head first toward the floor. It was like jumping into a bubbling tarpit, and yet the insanity of it all meant nothing to him.

I need to save her. It was his only thought. He would never be able to live with himself if he let her go, and though he was sure he was going to die on the other side of the fiery portal, it was his one and only comfort that he would die trying to save his friend.
OOCHere goes.

AC 14; HP 16/21
Old Dec 8th, 2018, 06:47 PM
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Oren took a leap of faith. Or bravery, or stupidity, or love. Or, perhaps all of those things. Head first he dove into oblivion. Flames licked his body as he jumped, but he didn't feel them burn. The light of the flames soon went dark, and Oren felt himself falling into the darkness. He kept falling and falling. The air seemed thick, like pudding almost. He could breathe, though the sent of the place was like that of sulfur. For a while, as he descended in freefall, everything remained black.

After a few minutes, light from torches lined up in a row came into sight. They lit some kind of a walkway, and Oren was able to swim his way through the thick air towards it. As it came closer, Oren could gauge his rate of descent. It wasn't going to be pleasant when he hit the ground, but he at least wouldn't be injured. Finally, the ground came up to meet Oren, a dozen yards away from the path. Lying face down on the ground, he raised his head to look out. The only visible light source were those of the torches. They marked a path, one which was occupied by a long line of people, dressed in poor rags, being pushed and prodded along by devils wielding whips, tridents, and other horrible weapons. The people cried and begged, as they were pushed along the path, headed somewhere Oren could only guess. Some begged for forgiveness, others to go home. A few insane people seemed to enjoy their situation, and aided the devils in kicking and pushing the line along.

The chaos of the situation left Oren out of the spotlght. Nobody had seen him yet. That perhaps was a good thing, he would stick out like a sore thumb here, devoid of the dirty torn rags that barley covered the bodies of those being forced along. The demons here seemed organized though. Once spotted, he would be sure to be singled out. None of those demonic creatures seemed as terrible as the chained devil Oren dealt with before in the Temple. Daybreak, however, was also nowhere in sight.
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