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Old Mar 4th, 2019, 04:16 PM
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Lux looked a little deflated. He had his own reservations for not wanting to go back and visit Lady Fierna, namely, the terrible news of their situation. The outpost held by the devil army was likely to be overrun by demons before long. It was an inevitable part of the ebb and flow repeated countless times in the Blood Wars between the two forces. But that didn't make failure any more acceptable.

"All right then, brother. Let's get this over with. Head on that way!" Lux pointed Oren in the direction to go, as he took a perch on his shoulder. As he continued to point the direction for Oren to go, Lux took the conversation another direction, in an attempt to take his mind off what they were about to do. "I got to tell you Oren, this just feels natural. It's like I was destined to be your bad influence, sitting on your shoulder here, telling you all kinds of ways to get into trouble. It's like I was created just for this role. Good tag team you know? One person has dumb ideas, but you need another to actually do them. Don't you agree? This could grow on you, couldn't it?"

The pair walked through the twisted caverns of the outpost, taking some stairs as a large stalagmite came into view. At the top of the stairs, they entered through an opening that took the pair inside the large rock formation. Inside was a large audience chamber. The pair were on a balcony high above the main floor. Stairs further down the path led down to the floor of the room. "Shhh!" Lux whispered in Oren's ear. "Let's listen in for a minute."

Oren's eyes quickly adjusted to the light inside the room, and he quickly found what he was looking for. Daybreak was here, bound in chains. Behind her, holding the chains was the devil with whom Oren had become fairly well acquainted over the last few days. He held the chains tight, preventing Daybreak from having a chance to move or try to escape. They were facing two other women. One of them, Oren recognized as Isabelle. Somehow, she looked a little bit older than the last time he had seen her. She was also dressed very differently, wearing a dark colored dress of peculiar make. It was, Oren had to admit, very provocative. Elegant in the way that it covered everything, while at the same time leaving nothing to the imagination. It certainly was not a dress of the caliber the Dragon had gathered. Rather, it must have been a gift to her from the devils themselves.

Next to Isabelle stood another woman, one whom Oren had never seen before. Her beauty eclipsed even the dress Isabelle was wearing, in a dark and twisted way. She had a presence that caused both fear and awe about her, strong enough that Oren could feel it pull at his nerves even from up on the balcony. "There she is, Lady Fierna. She's really something, eh?" Fierna walked back and forth behind Isabelle, whispering in her ear. Every movement she made, form large steps to small shifts in weight seemed seductive in nature.

"Yes, that is the girl who pushed me in." Isabelle said out loud, clear anger in her voice.

"Oh, and what do you want to do to her?" Fierna asked in response.

Isabelle's face scrunched up with anger, and she grabbed a spear. She pointed the tip towards Daybreak. Luckily, Oren figured, she didn't have the strength to throw the thing with enough force to do any real damage. "I want her dead! I shouldn't be here. It's her fault!"

"Oh, that is true my dear," Fierna responded. "But, let me teach you a valuable lesson here. We must be forgiving. You see, mortals are pretty useless once dead. But look in her face. There is something there. Remorse. She is sorry for what she did to you. She OWEs you, and she knows it. That is her weakness. Using that, you can control her. Manipulate her. Oh, poor child, so many have done you wrong! Your parents, the priest, even the Elders of your town who let you be their sacrifice. If you could find it in your heart to forgive them, the guilt of what they did will eat away at their will. Make them feel guilty, you are the victim here. And then, use that guilt. Twist it until they become your servants. Do you see, child? You have so much potential."

Isabelle hesitated. It was a lot for a young woman to try and take in and process. She knew how she felt, but she wasn't quite sure what she wanted. And here, one of the master manipulators of the Nine Hells was twisting her conscience, for who knows what means.

"Well, no time like the present. Should we go down and I'll deliver my report?" Lux asked Oren, seemingly satisified with what they had seen.
Old Mar 10th, 2019, 11:23 PM
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Lux's babbling was oddly hypnotic. Insane as the imp's logic was, Oren found himself comforted by having a voice calling the shots. The ex-soldier grips his teeth. "No, it couldn't grow on me." He wanted to say more but didn't -- perhaps because there was some allure, deep down in him, for surrendering responsibility for his actions to another, not having to think so hard and call all the shots...

The cavern opens up into a large chamber and from high up on a balcony he sees her. "Daybreak," he breathes with relief. She was alive.

His relief is short lived as he sees the insidious chain demon tugging on the chains binding his beloved companion. And there was Isabelle, or so he thought. The young girl had assuredly blossomed into something lesser than he had hoped. She seemed corrupt, and her words confirmed it for the warlock. But then again, at least she too was alive, and there was hope in that.

Even without consciously being aware of the effort, Oren had been trying to avoid looking at the third woman. It was as though his entire life would be defined by the period before he gazed upon Fierna, and after. He swallows hard, feeling extreme revulsion and desire and a dozen other emotions surge up unbidden. Indeed, he can't look away without having his eyes inexorably drawn back to her again and again.

Listening to Fierna's words, Oren hears the recipe for manipulation, and can see Isabelle is a student of darkness now.

"Well, no time like the present. Should we go down and I'll deliver my report?" Lux asked Oren.

"Those two girls, they're the ones I've come for. The tiefling in chains is Daybreak and I won't be leaving without her. The other... is Isabella. If it's possible to save her, I will. Is she Fierna's pupil now?"

He wipes his hand across his brow. It was damned hot down here. "I don't know if it's such a good idea for me to go down there. Me and that chain demon don't get along so well. When you give your report, is there any way you can play up the battle to get Fierna to be distracted from the two girls? If the queen leaves with her chain demon general, then maybe I have a chance of rescuing the girls. Unless you have a different plan."
Old Mar 20th, 2019, 08:40 PM
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Lux reconsidered the question about Isabelle. "By the looks of it, I would say she is a bit reluctant. I've seen this a thousand times. Most girls gobble it up, and dive right in. Your Isabelle, seems like she hasn't made her mind up just yet. Anyway, you can stay here if you like, it looks like our presence has just been noticed..."

A high pitched scream of excitement came from the floor below followed by claps of approval. To Oren's dismay, Fierna was straight right at them. Seeing her face straight on this way, Oren undoubtedly recognized it as the face he had seen in the fire at the Temple. "Well well well... if it isn't my favorite Spy. And, my most disobedient Warlock." Her voice changed tone when mentioning Oren. She was clearly happy to see Lux, but Oren, was an unpleasant surprise. "Well, quit your skulking and come down here. Tell me what you have been up to."

Lux pointed towards the stairs, motion for Oren to move. He wasn't about to fly or walk for himself if he didn't have to. "I'll give my report. Let's see what kind of mood that puts her in." As they made their way down the stairs, Oren could tell that the Chain Devil was licking his chops, waiting for permission to have his way with the warlock. Fierna gave him a quick look of disapproval, to make sure he knew not to act out of order. Oren could see the devil's grip tighten around the chains holding Daybreak, as a way to release his built up anticipation. Daybreak looked up, and made eye contact. She didn't seem happy that Oren was here, convinced that it would mean doom for both of them. She couldn't look long before the chains binding her forced the gaze downwards to the floor again.

"Well My Lady, your spy has indeed returned. With plentiful news! You see, we are about to be overrun! Hoards of demons are marching on this stronghold as we speak. I reckon they will be here in a few hours or so. But fret not! The news gets even juicier. The hoard is led by none other than The Demogorgon himself! Yup, no mistake about it, those two heads filled with madness are a sure giveaway that the Prince of Demons is at their head. Given our losses with the last raid, I don't think it is prudent for you to stay here any longer My lady."

"Ohhh, him again." Fierna sighed with disappointment. "I guess it is serious this time. I think your right Lux. It may just be my time for a retreat then."

"Where will we be going My Lady?"

"We? I never said anything about we Lux. No, I said it is time for ME to retreat. The rest of you will hold ranks as long as you can. Weaken their numbers as much as possible. That will make retaking the fortress easier next cycle. That still leaves the question though... what to do with you three." Lady Feirna made eye contact now with Oren, waiting to see how he would react.
Old Mar 30th, 2019, 11:33 PM
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Oren winces when the demon queen calls to him. With Lux pointing the way as though he was some kind of beast of burden, and all eyes upon him, the warlock sighs heavily and musters his dignity, marching straight toward Fierna. As he descends the stairs, he locks eyes with Daybreak. It was passing good to see her, and now that they're together, he sets his resolve. Can't fail now.

Turning his gaze to the chain demon, he begins to calculate how he might avoid those chains, free Daybreak, and disenchant Isabella. "Hope you have a plan," he says out of the corner of his mouth to Lux. When the little imp begins to pour out his news, much of it makes no sense, and none of it sounds promising.

He speaks. "We are of no use in a battle, and would only get in the way of your legions in the onslaught. I seek a way back to my world and would deliver these two along with me." He pauses, hating himself for what's about to come, but not seeing another way. "Release us back to our home, and I will owe you one favor... if it's within my power, and if it does not conflict with my new master's wishes. Perhaps delivery of a message on your behalf. I have served you in the past and you know me to be trustworthy to the letter of a bargain."
OOCWrestled with this one for a long time but no brilliant plan was coming.

Dice Roll:
1d20+6 (8)+6 Total = 14

Last edited by mountainbound; Mar 30th, 2019 at 11:34 PM.
Old Apr 7th, 2019, 12:06 PM
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Much to his surprise, Lady Fierna paused to consider Oren's offer. She stiffened a little, a change from her normal seductive demeanor. "Of course you want to go back. But, you must understand Oren. Favors themselves have little value to me. There is, in fact, only one currency I really deal in. Souls." She paused again, in thought. Oren knew she must be formulating some way to turn this situation to her favor. After a few painfully silent moments, she spoke ok. "Alright. I can send the three of you back. But I don't want some future favor. No, I will tell you right now what it is I want. Oakcrest needs new direction. A new leader. The Priest there is nearly as troublesome as you are. Find some way to get rid of him. Get him to leave the city, whatever it takes. You will then help establish Isabelle as the new Priestess. And, just to make sure you keep up your end of the deal, Lux here will accompany you. Any misstep or betrayal and he will report back to me."

Fierna gave Oren a moment to think it over. "So, do we have a deal darling?"
Old Apr 10th, 2019, 04:59 PM
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Oren took a quick look at Isabelle, decked out so unnatrually in the demon-queen's seductive fashion. Was she lost already? Did Fierna have some hidden seed planted deep in her heart? One glance was all he had to give him all the information with which he'd have to devote to steering his efforts to either keep her pure or win her back to the light.

Questions flooded into Oren's brain about just what Fierna had to gain by sending them all back. He knew that the demon queen had her talons in Isabelle, but how deep was yet to be determined. Dealing with the priest and keeping Oakcrest safe were matters he'd have to figure out on the fly. He did not like the idea of an imp minding his business for him, but he had no other way out, and no chips to bargain with. He would serve as a pawn once again, and seek to keep on the side of good whenever possible.

Such was the life of a warlock, he was increasingly aware.

"I'll help move the priest on his way, he was no friend of mine anyway. The heart of a congregation is up to Isabelle to win, if that is her desire. Other than that, so long as killing Lux counts as neither a misstep or a betrayal," he said with a devious smile, "then we have a deal."
OOCInsight into Isabelle
Dice Roll:
1d20+2 (11)+2 Total = 13
Old Apr 19th, 2019, 07:02 PM
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With Oren's question about murdering Lux, he observed two separate and opposite respnoses. Lux, looked terrified. "Oren, I thought we were becoming friends!" he exclaimed, showing as much gusto as he could to display just how offensive he found the sentiment.

Lady Fierna smiled with glee instead. "Oren, I'm surprised. Very dark of you, I may just get your soul yet. Killing Lux, on the material plane will be his ticket back. The only one, really. So, if you feel ready to have everything you have been up to reported on, then yes, please do kill him by all means."

Lux looked even more terrified and betrayed by Lady Fierna's explanation. "Well then, I'll just have to make sure you keep out of trouble. Squeaky clean, and I'll have no reason to need to come back." He folded his arms, mater of factly on his chest, settled into his new role.

Fierna turned and took a few steps back. Her walk, Oren couldn't help but notice, was the most seductive thing he had ever witnessed. Were it not for the cruel nature of his relationship with her, Oren could see how any other mortal man would be powerless to resist the lustful temptations. She picked up a long obsidian colored staff, and etched a circle into the ground. Sparks flew from the tip of it, as it left a deep gash in the brimstone floor. When it was completed, her eyes turned white as she recited an incantation. When it was completed, a portal appeared in the ground through the circle she had sketched. "This will take you back to my temple. Go now, you don't have much time left here."

Lady Fierna nodded at the chain devil to free Daybreak. When released, Daybreak flew to Oren, and wrapped her arms around him. She had a tear in her eye, and was in complete disbelief that Oren had come back to rescue her. What was even more miraculous, they were going to get out of here alive. It was going to come at a cost, for sure, but just how great of one was still to be determined. "Thank you," she whimpered in his year. "Please, lets go."
Old Apr 25th, 2019, 03:25 PM
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Unconcerned that he hurt the imp's feelings, Oren peels his eyes from Fierna's seductive and focuses on what she's doing instead. He tries to remember the exact incantation she says, and how she uses the staff to etch the flaming circle. Though the sorcery is far beyond him, he's starting to view demonstrations of the arcane with new eyes. They were now something that could be known, even mastered by him in time.

"My temple," she says. Not if I can help it. Looking down into the yawning circle of darkness, lipped in flame, Oren tries to put out of mind the thought that this was just another elaborate trap. Need to move forward, what's done is done.

And then his eyes catch Daybreak's and the warlock knows it's all been worth it. He can still see the dryad within. She runs to him and he catches her in a long embrace. "I would never leave you," he whispers. It was really her.

After a moment, he looks to Isabelle and stretches out his hand. "Isabelle, let's leave this place." His eyes are solemn. His sympathy is with the young girl. She had been through more than any mortal should witness in a lifetime, and she was probably not even seventeen. "It's time we go back where we belong." However, she had been in Fierna's clutches, exposed to the queen's insidious mind, and he would need to keep a very close watch on Isabelle's behavior. I need to know who's side she's on.

For now however, the trio -- or the quartet including Lux -- had no further business in this hellish realm. Oren gives the chain demon not the faintest glance. He looks to Fierna, trying hard not to let his eyes stray anywhere over her alluring form, except for her face. It took the young man an extreme effort of will to do so. "Lady Fierna, I would be glad if we never meet again. Goodbye to you." He bows and with his arms around Isabelle and Daybreak, ushers them toward the circle before the demon queen can add another wrinkle to the deal.
Old May 3rd, 2019, 05:27 PM
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OODM Let's get an arcana check to see what Oren can learn about how the teleportation circle was created.

Lux, Daybreak, Isabelle and Oren made their way towards the circle. It was a short step over the boundary of arcane energy, but one that came with great disorientation and vertigo. Everything blacked out for a moment. Before any sight was restored, smell and sounds came first. The smell was that of smoldering wood, like from a campfire. The sounds were those of birds chirping. Then, light began to be visible again, multi-colored and filtered through stainless windows. The quartet found themselves at the front of the chapel in the woods, and it was now morning. There was no mob outside, though their work was evident. All of the wooden pews and anything else flammable inside the temple had been piled up and burned in the chapel. The heat from the embers was still noticeable from the far side of the room.

Isabelle was the first to act. She looked at Daybreak with distrust. She was, after all, the woman who had pushed her through the portal sending her to the Abyss in the first place. "I'm going home," she said sharply and stormed off as fast as her feet could carry her.

"Gah, my eyes!" Lux gasped in shock. "What is this horrible light? Is that the Sun I had heard horrible rumors about? It's way worse than anything I would have imagined. How do you live in such a vile place?" He continued to squint, and cover his eyes with his arm. It would take the small devil a bit for his eyes to adjust to natural light, something other than fire, for the first time in his existence.

Daybreak kept her arms clutched around Oren, not wanting to let go. "This form," she muttered, "It will always remind me of that terrible place. I hate it!" Her self-consciousness of what she had was settling in, for the first time having meaning to her. When the curse had afflicted her before, she almost seemed to ignore the fact that she had been changed. But now, after spending some time suffering at the hands of those in the Abyss, she knew what it was meant to resemble, and mean. And she didn't like it. She now understood why the villagers were soo suspicious of her. A Tiefling was, in fact, someone who was cursed.

Tears started to come to Daybreak's eyes, and she let go of Oren's arm, falling to the ground on all fours. Perhaps to Oren's surprise, it was Lux who came to comfort Daybreak. "Don't like looking like a devil eh? Well, no surprise there. Not everyone can be as beautiful as yours truly here. But there is a trick we imps use. You see, sometimes it is better to look like a rat, or a spider, or things like that. It makes it easier to fit in, or sneak around. Why don't you try it?"

For the next several minutes, Lux coached Daybreak on how to visualize a type of creature she was familiar with, and then through force of will, make her shape change into that beast. It seemed crazy, and really shouldn't have worked, but after a few tries, it did. Before long, Daybreak had taken the form of a panther, a beast that while uncommon, did live in the nearby area. Daybreak looked over herself, before purring with satisfaction. She couldn't talk, but she liked this form. It was more comfortable for her than being stuck in that Tiefling body. It was hard for Oren to tell who was more surprised by the transformation, Daybreak or Lux. "I can't believe that worked!" Lux exclaimed to Oren. "I think she will be much happier that way though."

OODMCongratulations on making it back! We will take a moment here to level up, bringing Oren to level 4.
Daybreak has hit level 2 as a Druid, and can now use the Wildshape Class feature.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; May 7th, 2019 at 01:05 AM.
Old May 10th, 2019, 06:13 PM
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Even before sight returned, Oren took comfort in the smell of the charred wood. Unlike the metallic, sulfur stench, this was a natural odor, and one that the warlock welcomed. The birdsong on that spring morning was sweeter than angels to his ears. The temple had been destroyed, his eyes confirmed, and that was well. “One less thing to worry about for now,” he muttered, knowing full well that Fierna likely had the means to reconstruct the place if she wanted.

He begins to move, but Isabelle had a head start. The girl stomped away, without a word of thanks, and for a moment Oren felt confused. Hadn’t I just saved her? Then he remembers how it all started, with Daybreak getting beguiled by Fierna and offering Isabelle in exchange for power. That explained the look that passed between the two women. “Isabelle!” He calls. “I came for you because you did not deserve what happened to you. I am on your side, we both are,” he says, meaning Daybreak too. “Come back! You’re not alone — we survived together, and we should stay together! Come back!” They needed to talk now, before the girl had a chance to let her feelings toward Daybreak take root and spread to him as well. They needed to work together from the start.

The warlock says nothing in response to Lux. The imp was an annoying wrinkle that he would need to deal with in time. He needed to concentrate on his companions first.

Daybreak, her arms firmly around him, bemoans her form and Oren realizes that the small blessing of forgetting her former existence as a Dryad had been robbed from them finally by the demon queen. He shakes his head, knowing that things just got emotionally a lot more complicated. Yet her knowing the truth was a relief too. In some way, it connected them both to her past again. That she wore the form of a tiefling now was little concern to him, as long as the person inside was the same.

It’s then that Lux reveals a set of secrets to her and before Oren can stop it, Daybreak is able to master the ability to change her shape. It was impressive, and disheartening to Oren at the same time.

"I can't believe that worked!" Lux exclaimed to Oren. "I think she will be much happier that way though."

“I liked her just the way she was,” Oren growls. Another damn complication. “Daybreak, please change back. You may not like your form, but I happen to like it…” he manages, and then “Besides, we’re partners. We need to speak and I can't understand cat speech.”

OOCPersuasion to coax Isabelle to come back and talk.
Dice Roll:
1d20+6 (11)+6 Total = 17

Arcana to see what he can learn about the teleportation circle.
Dice Roll:
1d20+2 (15)+2 Total = 17

Still debating how best to level.
Old May 13th, 2019, 01:15 PM
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Despite his best attempts at convincing her to stay, Isabelle was determined to leave. Perhaps it was natural for someone of such a young age to want the comforts of home, after all she had been through. In any case, Oren knew where he could find her, back at Oakcrest, when the time was right. For the moment though, Oren had a new frustration.

"Oh relax Oren," Lux said, calmly as if nothing had happened. "It's not a permanent change. Go on Daybreak, show him!"

The panther stood on two legs, and as quickly as the transformation had happened earlier, it was undone. Daybreak was once again standing in front of Oren, with a large mischievous grin on her face. Her mood had been dramatically improved with the discovery of this new power. "We can talk now," she said playfully. "But I really don't want to hang around this Temple any longer. Every time we have come here, something bad has happened."

"Oh, I know what we can do!" Lux said with an annoying amount of enthusiasm. " Let's go find some beer!"
OODMWith that roll, Oren would be able to recognize the incantation if he saw it again. He knows it is magic quite beyond his current capabilities though.

So, need to determine if Oren is headed to Oakcrest to follow after Isabelle, or if he has other plans. Our new character is about ready to jump in, but I think the story needs a bit of decompression before we put that kind of a loop into it. When we do, a new thread will be started, and, we can update the game folder name to something more appropriate.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; May 13th, 2019 at 01:19 PM.
Old May 18th, 2019, 11:09 PM
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It pleased Oren greatly to hear a hint of playfulness in Daybreak’s voice as she transformed back to her usual self. Not since she was a dryad could he remember hearing her laugh. Perhaps this measure of newfound power has helped her regain something beyond just memories, he considers.

"I agree, there's no need to linger around this charcoal pit. I need to go to Oakcrest immediately, especially since Isabelle is in a fragile state, but first, let's go home," the warlock says to his companion. "Back to Dragonhall, where you'll be safe."

To Lux he merely responds, "No beer. Daybreak needs her rest, so we'll be heading to my lair first. Once she's settled in, I'll be heading to town to check in on the Priest, Isabelle, and an old friend."

He begins leading the familiar way through the woods back to his abode. "Tell me what happened to you after the chains took you. What did Fierna say, what did you learn?"

When they get to the base of the trail leading up to the cave, he telepathically communicates to Daybreak: "I will go up ahead on the trail with Lux. Look beneath the large granite stone at the base of the path just below and retrieve the key hidden underneath. We need to keep our secrets from the imp. I don't want him knowing how to unlock the cave."

OOCUsing Awakened Mind with Daybreak.

Once she's settled, he'll leave her in the cave and head to Oakcrest, and pay a visit to the priest for starters. I'm game for any shortcuts you hand in mind to fastback Zeb's character into the story.
Old May 24th, 2019, 07:34 PM
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On the trail back to the cave, Daybreak told Oren everything that had happened to her. It wasn't much, luckily. The devils she encountered at first didn't think anything of it, as a Tiefling was not all that foreign to them. But it didn't take long until the Chain Devil found her, and quickly kept her bound up. She had been in a holding cell for a short time, before she was to be taken for an audience with Fierna, which was about all that happened before Oren found her.

The return to Dragonhall felt like coming home, even if it hadn't been home for very long yet. Nothing ill had befallen the place while they were gone. Not that it had been very long. The townsfolk, for the most part, probably didn't know where the cave was. Frath had not had time to do any further work on it just yet, though he may not have continued what was started there, given what happened at the Temple. So, Daybreak made herself at home, while Oren and Lux prepared to return to Oakcrest.

The trip back, Lux begrudgingly agreed to stay invisible. This didn't keep him silent though, as he made it well known his grievances. "I'm telling you Oren, I have never had the pleasure of indulging myself in the sins of the material plane. Now that we are here, I just HAVE to see what mischief I can get into! Booze, Broads, fatty desserts! Come on man, you got to let me indulge myself at least a little bit!" It reminded Oren of how a teenager with overly protective parents might act the first time his folks went out of town for a week. He would have to keep close tabs on the little devil. Lux seemed completely unconcerned with doing Fierna's bidding and rather was focused on enjoying all the pleasures the material plane had to offer.

OODMThe story will continue with: A Change of Season - Part 3

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; May 24th, 2019 at 07:51 PM.
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