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Old Jun 19th, 2023, 09:07 PM
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Kerwin cast a sleep spell, hoping to stop two knights in their tracks. He could feel the pull of the magic, that despite putting extra oomph into it, only one of these foes was forced to sleep, and even that one nearly overpowered the spell. Meanwhile, Gallindan levied a trio of attacks at the vile group leader. One swing of his glave and the followup from the butt of his weapon landed home, and lit up with radiant smiting energy. He could tell that the blows were hurting, and starting to stack up against the man.

Adelaide was still a blur of action as she slashed, then shoved the nearest foe back down the pit she had created. After that, her speed carried her easily to the knight who was running towards the town and put an end to his flight. She then worked her way down to where the rest of the battle was still raging. Oren managed to keep himself in the air, and sent two more blasts of energy towards the leader of the heinous group. One hit squarely and was met with a dark curse under the man's breath.

Up on the hillside, a knight poked his head up from a pit, which he was in for the 2nd time, and peered around to make sure that the fiery redheaded paladin was not waiting to kick him down again. Seeing that she had moved to other areas of the fight, he climbed back out of the hole, and confidently moved towards Kerwin, "Hold still," he demanded, assuming all the illusions he was seeing were an artifact of the bump he had on his head. Two quick slashes failed to find the Wizard, but Kerwin found himself now face to face against the knight, without any more illusionary duplicates of himself for protection.

Around Markus, the Knight still on a horse, the knight on foot, and the zombie all continued to pummel away at the senior paladin. Like the enemy group's leader, the continual barrage of blows was adding up again, and Markus wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out without some help.

Gallindan faced another kind of trouble. The knight with the lantern now gave him the full attention that he seemed to be begging for. "You should be scared, begging for your life!" He tapped his lantern twice, and a sickening green ray shot out at Gallindan, making him feel ill to the stomach.

Near the church, one of the knights was taking a nice nap, but the other proceeded towards the doorway, gritting his teeth through the pain of the moonbeam burning his skin, and flung the door open. He came face to face with Daybreak, who was blocking the way, and quickly slashed at her with his wicked blade. A wince of pain and anger indicated that the blow had landed, though it would take much more than that to cause Daybreak to abandon her post.

A moment later, a broom broke over the man's head. Isabella had run forward and smashed her improvised weapon on the Knights head, determined to at least get a swing in this fight. Deabreak then pushed her aside, snarling like an animal. Then, suddenly, she WAS an animal, a massive dire wolf. Her teeth sunk into the knight's leg, and pulled them out from underneath him, leaving the helpless figure pinned to the ground, covered in moonlight.

Marcus decided that just playing defense wasn't going to get him out of trouble. He turned his desperation into furry, and swung his hammer with strength at the knight still up on the horse. The sounds of bone breaking were so loud, that commoners in the village probably heard it over their dinner conversations. The result was one more foe down, and now Marcus knew he had broke the flank that was leaving him vulnerable.

Royal Rumble

1 square = 5'
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zebedee - these knights are Humanoids, not fiends (well, and the one is Undead now). To flank, you need to physically be next to the creature, not just have them in your threat range, and have an ally physically next to them on the opposite side. Gallindan is hit with a curse. DC 17 WIS save. On a failure, every attack he makes against K1 has disadvantage.

tomplum - both Kerwin's illusions are now gone.

Everyone us up to act!
NPC Status (not listed are unhurt)
Marcus = -37 HP

K<x> - Knight on Foot. AC 15. K1 is holding the lantern
KH<x> - Knights on Horses. AC 16 (KH2/3/4/5/6 are no longer on horses, KH4 is asleep)
RED COLORED - Zombie Kniht, AC 13

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Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 20th, 2023 at 08:26 AM.
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Old Jun 19th, 2023, 10:03 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Haste Action - Dash; Move to O14Charging towards the church, Adelaide came to Gallindan’s aid with Attack 1 w/advantage, 22 to hit, 9 damage; Attack 2 w/advantage, missa flurry of sword strikes at the enemy assailing her mentor with foul magic. Still empowered by Haste - round 5Kerwin’s spell, Adelaide swept her gaze over the battlefield and caught sight of an old friend sneaking up on the wizard.

”I thought you were dead,” she muttered under her breath as she Shove to knock K1 prone, Str(Athletics) 12plowed her shield into the evil knight’s back, trying to knock him to the ground before heading off to Kerwin’s aid.

Move to E12Sliding to a stop behind the honourless dog, she tapped him on the shoulder, ”Long time, no see. Ready for another go?”

OOC+2 AC, 60’ movement, ADV on Dex saves, extra action (Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, Use an ObjectHaste (Round 5)

Conceding the possible OA to K1


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter

Last edited by Starflier; Jun 19th, 2023 at 10:04 PM.
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Old Jun 21st, 2023, 03:16 PM
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GallindanGallindan's stomach roils at the assault... but somehow, he Wisdom save 26resists the effect. Grinning, he answers the man's taunt. "Your feeble lantern is no match for the dawn." And without any further ado, he spins Move to P17away from the lantern-bearer and takes full advantage of the length of his weapon. Two hits for 27 total.Twice his blade slices through the man's armor. He stands ready for the counterattack.


Last edited by zebedee; Jun 21st, 2023 at 03:30 PM.
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Old Jun 23rd, 2023, 11:53 PM
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Seeing Adelaide and Gallindan teaming up on the leader, Oren focuses on one of the knights on foot still harrassing Marcus. He fires yet another round of psychic power down at the battlefield, hoping to drive the man back.


AC: 16
HP: 39/39 (temp HP gone)
Action: Fly
Condition: Armor of Agythys
Bonus: none
Move: T16, still hovering just above the church roof
Action: Eldritch blasts at K4
Spell save DC: 15
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Old Jul 1st, 2023, 08:52 PM
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Kerwin Powell As Adelaide left the hill that Kerwin stood on, having vanquished their foes, the rotund mage found himself rather exposed as the formerly horsebound knight clambered back out of the pit he had fallen into. Having no inclination to have bits of himself hacked off, Kerwin summoned three illusory copies of himself in an effort to avoid any harm. Adding to his illusion, he said, "Your friend didn't make it too far when he tried to run but she's down the hill at the church...and I certainly won't run after you." Might send a trio of magic missiles into your back but I won't be running, he thought, waiting to see if the foul knight would see reason and retreat.



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Old Jul 7th, 2023, 08:31 PM
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What had started out looking like improbable odds quickly turned around. Gallindan and Adelaide worked in unison, mimicking their movements from all those hours of sparing practice, to dispatch of the evil knight, wielding the magical lantern. With their leader down, Oren finished off the last knight harassing Marcus. Marcus immediately followed up by dispatching the zombie. The foe that was caught in Daybreak's grasp continued to be burned by a moonbeam, and torn to shreds by wolf teeth. A few whacks more of a broom from Isabella was needed, but added for good measure. One last night was still magically asleep, and the other watched as Kerwin put up more images of himself in a defensive posture. Seeing he was now essentially alone, after spending most of the fight being repeatedly kicked down a hole, he dropped his weapons and surrendered at the mage's feet.

Marcus grabbed a rope and immediately started tying up the sleeping Knight, making sure he had no chance to flee or fight when he awoke soon afterward. Unceremoniously, the night grew quiet, with the expectation of a torch coming from down the road. Frath was on his way, and his son Olliver was right behind. They had heard all the commotion and felt the evil presence that the rest had, and were arriving to see if they could provide any help with the situation.

Kerwin marched his prisoner down to the chapel, and Marcus smiled at the group. "I don't know that I would have survived this, surrounded by any other group of warriors. You have my thanks and have certainly proven your worth." There were a lot of questions to be asked now. Who were these Knights? What was with that Lantern? What would happen next? And, it seemed Isabella had a new idol, as she watched Daybreak's every move, now determined to learn from the Druid.
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Old Jul 8th, 2023, 03:28 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft While Kerwin escorted the prisoner to the church, Adelaide turned her attention to the injured horse that had fallen into the pit she’d created. Scrambling down the side of the pit, which the other knight had climbed out of on two occasions, she found herself standing on the damp soil next to the wounded mount. Calling on her training with Gallindan she first began establishing Cast Speak with Animalsa connection between herself and the horse to help her keep the creature from panicking.

”Whoa, easy, I can help,” she said softly with hands held out palms up as she took a few, slow steps forward. ”Remain still, and I will mend your leg so that you may run once more.”

Adelaide wasn’t really sure how to ‘talk’ to a horse, even with the aid of the magic linking the two of them, but what else did horses do but run and eat and sleep. Taking a few more slow steps forward, she reached out with one hand and placed it gently on the horse’s nearest shoulder. As she did so she Lay on Hands]However many HP requiredchanneled healing energy into the broken leg, hoping it would be enough, ”Easy… easy… when this is better I will find someone to get you out of this hole.”

OOC+2 AC, 60’ movement, ADV on Dex saves, extra action (Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, Use an ObjectHaste (Round 6)

Speak with Animals (10 minutes)


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Jul 10th, 2023, 02:20 PM
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GallindanThe eladrin watched the enemy leader fall and whirled to look for another opponent... only to find that there weren't any! The tide had turned so quickly, he hadn't quite appreciated it. He relaxed and lowered his glaive. "Well fought, all of you. And you, Kerwin! Your enchantment of Adelaide might have been the most important part of this victory." He crouched to look at the lantern that had fallen from the leader's hands. "Kerwin, what do you make of this artifact? Am I right to be wary to touch it?"
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Old Jul 15th, 2023, 11:23 PM
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OrenOren waves at Frath and Oliver, gladly accepting the help of these trusted old companions. "You missed the battle, but there's plenty of cleaning up to do," he says, knowing that they'd have to mobilize the town to bury the knights. To Marcus the warlock says, "Should you perform some holy ritual over their bodies before we put them to rest?"

Everyone had questions, and Oren was glad that a couple of the evil knights survived. He says to Kerwin, "Well done magician! You fought well tonight."

The biggest surprise though, was Isabella's sudden admiration for Daybreak. Pulling Daybreak aside he says, "You must have made some impression on her in the chapel. It is a very good thing to give her someone to look up to. I can't think of anyone better," he tells the tiefling woman. Her powers continued to grow, and he was glad as ever to have her support.

He sighs, though the odds were against them, they prevailed with a bit of luck and teamwork. Looking to Marcus he says, "Something tells me this is not the last we'll see of these knights."
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Old Jul 29th, 2023, 07:32 PM
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Frath took the cue, and good word that the dangers had been dealt with, and headed back to the town to grab a few more helping hands. "Will need to clean up the bodies before burial. The armor and weapons they brought can be put to good use though. Maybe we should have our own local militia, given how many dangers we have seen lately." Frath's pragmatic response was intended to help calm his son Olliver, who looked like he was going to be sick after seeing the dead bodies. Oren knew to old man well enough to know that he had a lot more concern about what he was seeing there than he was letting on.

Kerwin was a little too focused on his task of keeping an eye on their prisoner to hear Gallindan's praise or question. Marcus had a thought though. "I wouldn't directly touch it, until we can discern what kind of magic it holds. Pick it up with a rod, or keep it wrapped in cloth for now. We should study it though."

Daybreak felt that Isabella's fragile emotional state would probably not be helped by being around the lantern, or hearing whatever conversation would be had with the two prisoners. "Let's talk a walk outside for a bit," she suggested to the young woman.

Marcus nodded his approval, not that it was needed. "We still should attempt that cleansing ritual on her, when we are ready. It seems the worst of it has passed for the time though. Keep an eye on her." Daybreak understood the situation well enough that she didn't need the direction though, and had a better intuition for how to handle Isabella than Marcus ever would.

A little later that evening, a dozen villagers were working to bury the corpses of the slain Knights and clean up the battlefield outside. The Knight's steeds had been rounded up, a task made much easier by the previously injured horse's willingness to work with Adilade, and tied to posts on the backside of the church. After mending the beast's leg, it was a rival task to topple enough dirt back into the hole to make a ramp for it to hop back up to the surface.

The two prisoners were tied together, and held inside the church, while the Lantern was sitting underneath a cloak Marcus had provided. So far, the prisoners hadn't spoken a word. Marcus had spent the better part of the last hour meditating, resting, praying, and recovering from the fight. The group was going to have to make some decisions about what to do next.
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Old Aug 3rd, 2023, 10:06 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Having only just climbed from the pit when Kerwin’s magic ended on her, Adelaide was struck by a wave of disorientation and fatigue that left her feeling sick to her stomach. In the moment she lost focus on her own spell and could only hope the horse in the pit remained calm a while longer. Indeed, the villagers soon arrived and made quick work of getting the horse free, despite their confusion over how the pit came to be there. Adelaide did not feel like explaining that, or having curious townsfolk trying to pull patches from her cloak and so remained quiet on the subject.

With the townsfolk taking care of the battlefield and the prisoners tied up, Adelaid offered to watch the two knights while the others focused on the lantern and ritual. Her connection with the natural order might give her abilities similar in some ways, but she was quite certain that Kerwin or Marcus or Oren would be better suited to magical investigation. Even Gallindan’s experience made him an asset in such matters, but keeping an eye on these two and keeping them in line? She could handle that just fine.

”Feel free to speak,” she said to the two bound prisoners
Dice Intimidation:
1d20+6 (15)+6 Total = 21
while cleaning their companions' blood from her blade, the only thing she’d said since sitting down nearby twenty minutes earlier, ”so long as you have something we would like to hear.”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Aug 6th, 2023, 08:46 PM
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OrenRemembering the demonic invasion in Trebblefork, Oren can only wince to think of a band of farmers taking on a sudden horde. But he can see Oliver's resolve come back, and says, "I think that an armed volunteer force might be an excellent way to alert the village of danger. Perhaps Oliver might even want to be part of it."

Oren sees Isabella following Daybreak around, and watches as the tiefling woman gives the younger girl some unheard words. He decides to let his friend handle that situaion and instead makes his way to join Adelaide with the prisoners. The warrior woman also had things in hand, so he merely sheathes his dagger, dispels his weapon and stands by to listen to what they had to say.

Insight on the prisoners
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Old Aug 6th, 2023, 09:00 PM
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Kerwin Powell Now that the fight was over, Kerwin could feel his adrenaline fading while his hands began to shake. He tugged them into his waistcoat to try and hide them from those assembled. He could feel the sweat beading on his forehead and running down his neck behind his ears. So, this is what it feels like to kill a man, he thought to himself. Sure he had swatted down the odd goblin highway robber or gotten himself out of a pack of wolves with a torch and a few well placed magic missiles but this was the first time he had killed another human. It made him feel like he would retch and it wasn't over a rotten pie either.

His mind scrambled for something solid to grip onto to pull itself back out of the whirlpool of despair it felt itself sinking into when it realized why he had been coming to the church in the first place. "The ritual!" he blurted out rather loudly.

He snapped his mouth shut and then meekly added, "I found some information that might be of assistance with an alchemical exorcism."



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Old Aug 8th, 2023, 06:42 PM
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GallindanGallindan had seen enough of Marcus's methods to know the interrogation would make him uncomfortable. But he also knew that Adelaide would work to keep the man in check. He knew better than to meddle with the mysterious lantern on his own. And he knew that Isabella didn't want him around. So he took his leave to wander into the woods nearby. He should meditate, he knew; battle seemed to find them far more regularly than he would like. But he opted instead to walk among the trees and listen to the birds and the other animals. He found simple joy in the unfamiliar birdsongs of this place. Even squirrels and the like made different sounds than their kin in the Feywild. He knew better than to wander far, but he reveled in the growing dusk.

OOC:Setting up preparing Find Steed overnight to finally cast first thing in the morning. Assuming we get to rest.

Last edited by zebedee; Aug 8th, 2023 at 06:50 PM.
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Old Aug 15th, 2023, 10:25 AM
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Gallindan went off to meditate alone in the woods, while Isabella and Daybreak went for their own walk. Outside the church, the townsfolk were busy starting the process of preparing bodies for burial. Inside the church, Oren, Adelaide, and Marucs were joined by Kerwin when the alchemist remembered the task he had been working on earlier that evening. Marcus heard his words, and nodded with approval. "We should still do that. Isabella seems to be doing better at the moment, but she still needs our help."

Adelaide, with the aid of another Zone of Truth from Marcus, was ready to hear what their prisoners might have to say. "Tell us about that lantern," Marcus insisted.

One of the dark cultists seemed happy enough to respond, "The Antilantern. It's how we track down our marks."

"It had different colors, red and white, what do those mean?" Marcus probing further. He could guess the answer to this question, but they had to start somewhere.

"The red lights lead us to those sworn to the cult of the hooded lantern." He couldn't help but include some kind of insinuation towards his captors. "The white lights lead us to those who are blessed and ready to open gates. We just... help them along."

"The Antilantern produced other forms of magic your leader invoked from it, what do you know about that?"

"The Antilantern has many gifts for those who have sworn loyalty, and curses for those who offend."

Marcus then turned to the rest of the group in the chapel. "I think it's safe to say, we probably can't touch the lantern, without maybe putting it through a cleansing ritual, like what we need to do for Isabella. Anything you want to ask these goons?"
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