The new ones
What i need for now: Roll ability score (4d6 drop lowest): you can assign them as you please, or let faith decide and roll in order of STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA (i let the players pick here, but i suggest the second method) hitpoints: Everyone starts with 6hp Secondary skills: according to your profession Also copy your application into this thread |
I will roll for my stats here:
STR: Dice Roll:
DEX: Dice Roll:
CON: Dice Roll:
INT: Dice Roll:
WIS: Dice Roll:
CHA: Dice Roll:
Hp: 6 <Is this value modified by CON?> Secondary skills would be sewing, possibly spinning and/or weaving. Here is a copy of my application: Name: Wendy Reed Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 22 years Profession: Seamstress Background: Wendy's family lives along the river. She spends her life spinning, weaving, and sewing, trying to make good clothing. The local farmers bring her wool and cotton, and the river powers the loom and wheel. Her brother is busy weaving a massive boat-he claims it will take them someplace better. Wendy has little time for such nonsense-life is decent enough here, and she doesn't really need to go elsewhere. Faerune is a dangerous place, and it is probably at least a little safer to stay buy the river, trade with farmers and merchants, and hope for the best. Her life has been rather bland and dull, except for sometimes getting in trouble when her brother drags her into some mad scheme, but she doesn't care. Appearance: Wendy Reed wears simple, but high-quality clothing. Her face and figure are rather plain. Personality: Wendy is rather dull and practical, and has seen very little of the world. She doesn't allways agree with her brother's plans, but tends to go along with them anyway. Perhaps she will wind up lost when his boat goes bad... |
So that is
STR 11 DEX 14 CON 11 INT 17 WIS 16 CHA 14 |
Name: Roland Crick
Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 17 Profession: Bookkeeper and Scribe Background: Roland grew up a ward of a small temple of Oghma where he learned his current trade as a scribe. He grew up sheltered from the larger world and its ways by the monks of Oghma. Once he reached his majority (16) he decided he would not take up the life of a Monk and was sent away. He has since found work as a bookkeeper and scribe for the guild of wine makers in the city. Shy and uneasy in his own skin he has been trying to adjust to life in the outside world. He is a tall lean (gangly) youth who has not yet adjusted to his adult proportions. He has pale skin, short black hair and a hawkish noise. He spends his free time listen to tales of traveling bards in various inns and ale houses in the city. STR: Dice Roll:
DEX: Dice Roll:
INT: Dice Roll:
WIS: Dice Roll:
CHR: Dice Roll:
CON: Dice Roll:
HP: 6, Secondary Skills: Scribe |
Name: Lyndon Farendain
Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 18 Profession: Bowmaker/Fletcher Background: Lyndon's father, Merek, was a bowmaker and fletcher. Their home was in the Midwood of Cormanthor Forest, near the city of Ashabenford. Lyndon grew up learning more than just the art of making bows, but the mastery of the weapon itself. He spent most of his free time exporing the forest, where he felt the most at home. His curiosity of the forst turned to reverance and the hunting and frolicking was frequently balanced with meditation and reflection. It was durning one of his meditation times that Lyndon's home was attacked by orc raiders. Lyndon and his father were able to run off the attackers but not before Merek was critically wounded. Lyndon has continued his fathers trade as he tends to his ailing mother. But inside he burns with the desire to avenge his fathers death and, more importantly, battle the evil that threatens to destroy the balance of nature. Appearance: Lyndon is of average height, with short brown hair and blue/green eyes. He prefers clothing in forest colors: brown, green & tan; avoiding "pompus" bright colors. He is quiet and reserved, choosing to speak only when he has someing worthwhile to say. STR: 6 DEX: 15 CON: 12 INT: 13 WIS: 9 CHA: 15 HP: 6 Secondary skill: Bowyer/Fletcher |
Name: "Trader"
Race: Finhead Saurial Gender: Male Age: adult (equivalent to a human of about 35) Profession: Trader Background: "Trader", the name given him by the people of the villages he visits, is a small-time merchant making a regular circuit among the local communities. He is not always regarded with favor, but his prices tend to be a little better than others, buying acceptance into the local towns. He frequently visits the smaller towns and villages that others bypass, making him more welcome. He prefers to avoid larger towns and cities. While he is unable to speak most humanoid languages, he uses a rudimentary sign languge to conduct business. A few of his more frequent customers have started to understand his tell-tale smells. If the people of a village will not trade with him, he will pack up and move on quickly, before racial enmities can surface. He knows enough of weapons to defend himself, but prefers not to. He has been known to carry injured people in from the wilderness, paying for their care and refusing compensation. His business consists of one aging horse and a wagon, both of which have their best years behind them. Appearance:Trader is a typical finhead saurial, standing about 5' tall. His fin starts between his eyes and extends to the back of his skull, gradually increasing in height to about 3" at the top of his head before tapering down again. His skin is a mottled grey-green and he has black eyes. His hands and feet are clawed and he does not wear shoes or gloves. His tail is about 3 1/2 feet long. He never drags it, instead holding it out behind his body for balance. Picture here. Secondary Skill: Trader Str: 7 Dex: 13 Con: 10 Int: 17 Wis: 15 Cha: 9 HP: 6
This space reserved. Last edited by Zagros; Jan 5th, 2011 at 09:48 PM. |
Dice S:
Dice D:
Dice C:
Dice I:
Dice W:
Dice Ch:
Name: Breck
Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 16 Profession: Servant at the Happy Badger Inn and Tavern Background: Breck spent her early childhood playing and working on her mother and father's farm. It was a good life-- until raiders, a mixed force of humans and orcs swept through, killed her family, and rode off with most of the crops and livestock. Similar backgrounds have spawned great adventurers, but Breck was too young to even really think about adventure at the time. Instead she fled, escaped to the nearest town, and focused on staying alive. Breck was found pilfering food by Odo Lorents, the owner-operator of the Happy Badger and cleric of Chauntea (Odo loves beer and without grain, there can be no beer). Odo cleaned Breck up and put her to work around the Badger. Now sixteen years old, Breck is four years removed from the loss of her family. She has grown to love "Uncle" Odo as an adoptive father, but she's also starting to think that there might be more to life than serving food and drinks and cleaning patient rooms. Description: Of middling height, Breck has lean limbs, but a full butt and breasts (she likes to partake of the Badger's food and drink). She has fair skin, sprinkled with freckles; green eyes; and long, curly red hair, which she wear pulled back in a single ponytail. Breck dresses in plain, but sturdy skirts and blouses or dresses, usually in a variety of earth tones. She likes to go barefoot, weather permitting. Last edited by copatt; Jan 6th, 2011 at 12:40 AM. Reason: adding your background |
Hiram Darkoak
I hope I can still join this game...I am online from 12pm - 5pm, Mon. - Fri., California Time.
Here is my character, if you are willing to allow me to join in: Str: 6,1,6,5 = 17 Dex: 6,3,4,4 = 16 (14 +2 Drow Racial Modifier - Complete Book of Elves) Con: 3,1,6,5 = 13 (14 -1 Racial Modifier) Int: 6,1,4,3 = 14 (13 +1 Drow Racial Modifier - Complete Book of Elves) Wis: 5,3,4,3 = 12 Cha:2,1,3,5 = 8 (10 -2 Drow Racial Modifier - Complete Book of Elves) Warrior Hit Die 1d10: Rolled a 9, however, if you wish for me to start a 6, will do...let me know. Character Sheet: Character Name: Hiram Darkoak Gender: Male Race: Ice Elf / Dark Elf (Drow) Level: 1 AC: 10 HP: 9 (Pending Approval by DM - Otherwise 6) Place of Origin: Icewind Dale Diety: Tarsellis Meunniduin / Lolth (Araushnee) Alignment: Neutral Age: 162 Height: 6'6" Weight: 270 Hair Color: White Skin Color: Grey Eye Color: Purple Vision: Infravision: 120' (Drow) Languages: Common/Undercommon, Elvish, Orcish, Dwarf/Deep Dwarf Profession: Tribal Warrior / Fighter, Son of the Tribal Chief Ability Scores: STR: 17 [Hit Probability: +1] [Damage Adjustment: +1] [Weight Allowance: 85lbs.] [Max Press: 220lbs.] [Open Doors: 10] [Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 13%] DEX: 16 [Reaction Adjustment: +1] [Missile Attack Adjustment: +1] [Defensive Adjustment: -2] CON: 13 [Hit Point Adjustment: 0] [System Shock: 85%] [Resurrection Survival: 90%] [Poison Save: 0] [Regeneration: Nil] INT: 14 [# of Languages: 4] [Spell Level: 7th] [Chance to Learn New Spell: 60%] [Max # of Spells/Lvl: 9] [Spell Immunity: ---] WIS: 12 [Magical Defense Adjustment: 0] [Bonus Spells: 0] [Chance of Spell Failure: 5%] [Spell Immunity: ---] CHA: 8 [Maximum # of Henchmen: 3] [Loyalty Base: -1] [Reaction Adjustment: 0] Saving Throws: Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic: 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand: 16 Petrification or Polymorph: 15 Breath Weapon: 17 Spell: 17 Spell Resistance: 90% Resistant to Sleep & Charm Related Spells Movement Rates: Base Rate: 12 Light: 8 Mod: 6 Hvy: 4 Svr: 1 Jog x2: 24 Run x3: 36 Run x4: 48 Run x5: 60 Background: My entire tribe was destroyed and every last man, woman and child was killed by a Red Dragon. I was the sole survivor, escaping thru a porthole opened by the tribe's Shaman/Mage, who gave his life to save mine. I am now the Son of a dead Chief of a dead tribe, making me a Chief of nothing...at least this is how I feel deep in my heart as I constantly mourn the loss of my tribe. My racial background comes from the fact that my father, an Ice (Snow) Elf held a union with a Female Drow, I was presented to my father by my mother who knew I would not survive in Menzoberranzan (Underdark) Last edited by Amaljss Mastar; Jan 4th, 2011 at 09:32 PM. |
Small resume
Copatt: Brack, human female, age 16 Still need a secondary skill for Breck Eon: Roland Crick, human male, age 17, scribe EngrInAz: Lyndon Farendain, Human male, age 18, Bowyer/Fletcher Eric1S: Wendy Reed, Human female, age 22, seamstress Zagros: Trader, Finhead Saurial male, age 35, trader Andrew Ryan: Still waiting arrival (will wait one more day) Once Andrew arrives, we can begin, but i will start tomorrow for sure. Jardel |
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