All players are privy to the following character information:
Aeric Mercer "Aeric the Young":
Name: Aeric Mercer “the Young” Race: Human Class: Magic-User Level: 1st Alignment: Neutral Experience: 0 Deity/Faith: None
Aeric is an exceptionally handsome young man, with chestnut-colored, curly locks and a smooth, dark complexion. Lithe and agile, but below-average in height (5’ 6”) and weight (135 lbs), Aeric’s southern looks and smallish stature remind those who gaze upon him that the apprentice is extracted from the Gallic nobility that rules the Barony of Norlund. The typical half-Gallic, half-Suevi inhabitant of Highwold is several inches taller than Aeric, and a bit more stout and strong limbed. Aeric’s appearance and aloof demeanor, coupled with his status as the quick-witted, acerbic apprentice of Willim the Apothecary mark him as an outsider to most Highwolders, despite the fact that the young man has lived amongst the townsfolk for the last four years. Aeric was brought from Mittlefeld to Highwold at the age of eleven, and it is assumed by the villagers that he will eventually succeed his great uncle Willim as the village healer. Most townsfolk address Aeric as “Master Aeric”, or “Young Master Aeric” because of his cleanliness, borderline-condescension towards the local peasants and possession of a social position requiring no need to perform manual labor.
Abilities: Str: 9 (Open Doors: 1-5/20; Bend Bars: 1%) Int: 17 (Languages: Gallic; Common Tongue; Herbalist Taxonomic System) Wis: 10 Dex: 15 (Defense Adj: +1) Con: 10 (System Shock: 70%) Cha: 14 (Reaction Adj: +2, would be 15 if he were more humble)
Spells: (preferred while traveling) 0-Level (four/sleep cycle): Cure Minor Wounds; Flare; Light; Mending 1st-level (one/sleep cycle): Acid Splash; Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Mage Hand (in lieu of 1st level)
Aeric Mercer was born in the small city of Mittlefeld to respectable Gallic parents of the merchant class. Raised in privilege, Aeric was given the rudimentary education befitting a member of Norlund’s ruling caste, and demonstrated a keen, but caustic wit from an early age.
Having little interest in his father’s business dealings, Aeric spent little time either at home or in the family’s warehouse. Instead, after leaving his tutor each day, the boy would run the streets of Mittlefeld and make an incredible nuisance of his self. Abusing his social privileges, Aeric often joined various street urchins and petty criminals in less than honorable activities, and, at the age of twelve, eventually found himself in a serious bind with a group of petty criminals from the city’s lower district. Stupidly acting as a lookout during a daytime robbery, Aeric was noticed and identified as being a member of a gang of young and vicious thieves. When hauled from his home and put to the question by the city’s magistrates, Aeric was given the hard choice of fingering his associates or being the cause of the financial ruin of his family at the hands of the city elders.
Aeric made the tough decision of identifying several of his associates, all of whom were strung from the gallows the next day. As reward, the remainder of the gang vowed to kill the immature boy. Aeric and his parents caught wind of his dire predicament, and accepted the offer of apprenticeship his father’s uncle had bestowed a year earlier. Smuggled out of Mittlefed in the hold of a wagon, at the age of twelve Aeric began a new chapter in his life as an apothecary’s assistant in the distant village of Highwold.
Possessions: 54 lbs total (heavy encumbrance, movement 9”)
Clothing: 4 lbs
Turnshoes: 1 lb
Belt and Dagger Scabbard: 1 lb
Staff: 4 lbs
Dagger: 1 lb
Waterskin: 4 lbs
Pouch (flint, steel, coins, cordage, small knife, material components): 2 lbs
Rucksack: 2 lbs
-Food (Oats, Barley, Dried Apples/Cranberries/Mushrooms, Salt, Dried Herbs, Pepper, Seed Potatoes): 4 lbs
-Woolen Robe: 4 lbs
-Thick Woolen Cloak: 4 lbs
-Small Coffer (wrapped in extra clothes, containing magical and healing supplies): 5 lbs
-Glass Specimen Vials (in small pouch): 1 lb
-Spellbook (in oiled bag): 3 lbs
-Extra Clothes: 4 lbs
-Medicinals: 2 lbs
-Bag with Dolgrim’s Pastes/Unguents/Minerals/Potions: 4 lbs
Small Sack: 1 lb
-Mortar/Pestle: 1 lb
-Herbs and Medicinals: 2 lbs
Harl is a human male of 16 years. Already tall for his age (5’ 11”), Harl is also large-framed and growing muscle at an alarming rate (190 lbs). He has not yet reached full stature, and one readily discerns that the youth will mature into a very formidable adult. Despite his size, Harl’s good nature and shy disposition are quickly noticed, and most who do not know him well (nearly everyone) believes him to be a rube. This is not true, as Harl simply prefers to avoid confrontation and conflict. His parents’ separate deaths have deeply scarred Harl, and he is only close to his best friend (Aeric), to his betrothed (Mallin) and to a few of Lord Duralain’s huscarls.
Harl Berlisson was begat of a Suevi-born silver miner and a half-Gallic mother. His mother had been sickly her entire life and had died of the wasting disease when Harl was but three, never having the chance to give the boy any siblings. Harl received only love from his mother, but from his northern-born father the young man inherited his golden hair, pale skin and blue eyes. These are not uncommon features in the Barony, where most Norlunders can trace some of their ancestry to the Suevi. Harl is quiet and utterly shy. Well liked, but thought by the townsfolk to be somewhat slow in the head, Harl is considered to be a gullible, but highly dependable young man. Harl is very deliberate and patient, and he considers all courses/outcomes before acting, unlike his rash friend Aeric.
Abilities: Str: 16 (Damage: +1; Open Doors: 1-3/6; Bend Bars: 10%) Int: 10 (Languages Known: Common Tongue; Suevi) Wis: 11 Dex: 11 Con: 16 (Hit Point Adj: +1; System Shock: 90%) Cha: 9
Combat: Hit Points: 7 AC: 9 (shield) AC Base: 10 (no armor) Rear AC: 10 THAC0: 20 Weapons: Suevi Sax (Short Sword) Damage: 1-6/1-4 Range: 1’ Speed: 2
Suevi Boss Shield Damage: 1-2/1-2 Range: 1’ Speed: 4
Horse/Mule Handling
Leather Tooling
Animal Care
Harl is always easy to locate. Never able to stray far from Duralain’s Manor, from sunup to sundown the stable hand’s duties never end. Fortunately, as long as that annoying apothecary’s apprentice does not interfere with their work boy’s mucking of stalls, and with the requisite bedding, grooming and feeding the manse’s animals, Harl’s superiors tend to look the other way when Aeric occasionally keeps the stable hand good company. Although they overwork Harl, Duralain’s liverymen know that the perceptive Aeric has the ear of the town’s influential apothecary, and thus gave Harl a wider berth than is generally due to one of the youth’s lowly status. Being of very average intelligence, and also being rather accepting and overly good-natured, Harl perceives very little of this.
Originally stricken by the early loss of his mother, at the age of thirteen Harl was further devastated by the unexpected death of his father in Duralain’s silver mines. At that time and not yet a man, Harl had nowhere to turn, and was left alone in the world but for a few boyhood friends. Destined to either beggary or to a life ruined by work in the mines, Harl’s fortune changed considerably when a valet employed by Lord Duralain absconded with several of the nobleman’s valuables. Caught in frantic flight down the demesne’s southern road, the servant’s demise at the end of a short rope proved to be a godsend for the boy. Thinking that the orphan would be a cheap addition to his lord’s household, Duralain’s steward pressed the still grieving youth into service as a stable hand and promoted a series of favored lackeys to fill the valet’s position.
Over the last three years, steward Gromlic has cheated the goodly Harl every month. The steward has gotten away with paying the lad a pittance not because Harl is simple, but because the youth understands that he had few alternatives and is exceedingly fearful of being put out. Harl has put up with Gromlic’s conniving and has bided his time at the Woldhaus, caching away the odd coin that has fallen into his hands. He dreams of one day enough coin to buy some mercenary gear and make his way south, to Stormhill. He wishes to become a soldier defending the barony’s southern reaches from the constant depredations of neighbouring kingdoms. The dilemma that Harl finds himself in is that his salary of two pence per month has only managed to net him a bit more than two marks over the last few years. This amount of coin is hardly sufficient to purchase a decent dagger, let alone a honed sword.
Possessions: 51 lbs total (normal encumbrance, movement 12”)
Suevi Style Clothing: 4 lbs
Turnshoes: 1 lb
Belt and Scabbard: 1 lb
Short Sword (Suevi Sax): 2 lbs
Boss Shield (with strap): 11 lbs
Waterskin: 4 lbs
Pouch (flint, steel, kindling, coins, cordage, tooling leather, small knife): 1 lb
Rucksack: 2 lbs
-Food (Cheese, Hard Tack, Salt, Turnips, Cured Ham): 4 lbs
-Thick Woolen Cloak: 4 lbs
-Blanket/Bedroll: 3 lbs
-Extra Pair of Turnshoes: 1 lb
(Bulging and awkward) Large Sack: 1 lb
-Small Pot: 3 lbs
-Extra Clothing: 4 lbs
Jonlin Oakesleaf "Jonlin Far-Ranger":
Name: Jonlin Oakesleaf “Far-Ranger” Race: Human Class: Ranger Level: 2nd Alignment: Neutral Experience: 2536 XP Deity/Faith: None
Jonlin Oakesleaf is a superb physical specimen. Of great size (6’) and strong thews (195 lbs), it is immediately apparent that Jonlin’s body has been chiseled from wood or stone by a rugged life of frontier survival. Spending time with the twenty one year old, a person soon discerns a personality that is equally as hard. Stolid and stern, the mountain man speaks little and keeps his own counsel, and in all respects reminds the people of Highwold of Goldrym, Jonlin’s father.
Of mixed parentage, Jonlin possesses a Northman’s stature and a Galli’s dark looks. The man’s near-black hair is tied in the back with a braided ribbon given him by his devoted mother. Otherwise, Jonlin’s abundant mane extends down, just below his broad shoulders. Tanned, and with strong features, many a village maid performs a double take when the far-ranger passes, but they sigh in resignation when Jonlin does not reciprocate. Jonlin has little patience for silly frivolity and is happiest in his own company. In this manner, Jonlin is in need of growth.
With his dagger and small, multipurpose axe (bryntroll) ever tucked into his leathern belt, Jonlin is always noticed when he deigns to visit Highwold, and the man’s cold, gray visage serves notice that only a complete fool would test the woodsman’s skill with either. Jonlin is known to live by his word, and is occasionally employed by Lord Duralain as a messenger and emissary to the dwarves of the eastern Immrik Mountains.
Abilities: Str: 16 (Damage: +1; Open Doors: 1-3/6; Bend Bars: 10%) Int: 11 (Languages Known: Common Tongue; Suevi, Dhurgahl) Wis: 11 Dex: 14 Con: 16 (Hit Point Adj: +1; System Shock: 90%) Cha: 12
Jonlin is a very private individual and will not tell his personal story to anyone he does not respect or like. If asked, most of the older residents of Highwold can relate a few stories of the Far-ranger, and are willing to tell the tale of Jonlin’s sire for the price of a tankard of stout.
Possessions: 46 lbs total (normal encumbrance, movement 12”)
Leather Outer Clothing: 6 lbs
Underclothes: 3 lbs
Sturdy Boots (dwarven style): 3 lbs
Belt and Dagger Scabbard: 1 lb
Hand Axe: 2 lbs
Dagger: 1 lb
Short Bow: 4 lbs
Quiver (12 Arrows): 5 lbs
Waterskin: 4 lbs
Pouch (flint, steel, kindling, coins, cordage, tooling leather, small knife): 1 lb
Rucksack: 2 lbs
-Food (Oats, Jerked Venison, Dried Onions, Garlic, Dried Apples, Dried Mushrooms, Salt): 4 lbs
-Thick Woolen Cloak: 4 lbs
-Drying Salt (for pelts): 1 lb
-Pair of Turnshoes: 1 lb
-Extra Underclothes: 3 lbs
-Pot of Healing Unguent (from Willim the Apothecary): 1 lb
Last edited by Landifarne; Dec 7th, 2011 at 12:31 AM.