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Old Sep 30th, 2011, 10:34 PM
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Jonlin Oakesleaf's Private Communications


This will serve as an OCC communications thread. I will also post backstory information relevant to your character herein. If a private thread is needed for in-character play, I will create one as needed.

Last edited by Landifarne; Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:53 AM.
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Old Sep 30th, 2011, 11:07 PM
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More Background on Jonlin


Jonlin is a very private individual who suffers fools badly. He has always had a poor opinion of Aeric, believing the apprentice to be crass, immature and foolish. The ranger will share his backstory with the apprentice (and with Harl, Aeric's friend) only when the right time comes along.

With that, use what you want of this:

Goldrym Oakleaf was held in regard by man and dwarf; known throughout the Western Rakers as an honoured friend and an implacable foe. Living on a small but beautiful homestead cut from the mountain wilderness, Goldrym seldom made the journey into Highwold. Having a dour personality more suited to solitude and the life of a hermit, the mountain man deemed the sparsely populated hamlet to be overly crowded. Goldrym would occasionally wander into Highwold to trade animal pelts or raw gemstones, to purchase supplies or relay messages from neighboring dwarf clans.

Goldrym was on good terms with the dwarves to the east and acted as an intermediary between them and Lord Duralain. In turn, fostering economic ties and military alliances between Highwold and the stout people. The townsfolk were eager to swap leather goods, textiles and foodstuffs for the prized metalwork the dwarves sent with the mountain man and were also grateful for the protection the dwarves’ proximity afforded. Thus, Goldrym of the Mountains was appreciated for the role he played in the townfolks’ lives, though the people of the region never quite understood the mountain man’s solitary nature.

Goldrym spent endless days trapping game, keeping a small herd of goats and prospecting in the mountains. Yet, he would sometimes entertain the elderly Willim, who was something of a kindred spirit. Willim was a man isolated from others in the mountain community by virtue of his extreme age, and the apothecary could enjoy the trapper’s company. In time, Willim learned that Goldrym hailed from Norlund’s long western coastline, but had fled inland as a young man, after the death of his family at the hands of raiding barbarians. Willim came to understand that the memories of past events were the demons that drove Goldrym from people.

Over the years, the recluse fell into the habit of bringing rare plants, animal specimens and unearthed minerals to Willim. And in his dealings, Goldrym slowly found that he could again trust people and withstand their scrutiny. The hermit’s manner mellowed with time and he came to Highwold more often, visiting the gentle apothecary and occasionally tipping a few drinks with the locals. At the relatively old age of forty-three Goldrym was introduced by Willim to a hardened miner’s widow and the mountain man eventually courted the woman.

Marrying away from the eyes of curious villagers, Goldrym and the widow Callie retired to the trapper’s homestead. And, within a year, Callie birthed a strong son. For twelve years Goldrym, Callie and their son Jonlin lived a simple life, harvesting what they needed from the land and cherishing the ample beauty of their natural surroundings. The family’s relationship with nature, much like Goldrym’s relationships with the western dwarves and the wise apothecary, continued to grow over time.

Jonlin was very much like his father in temperament and interests and the boy idolized Goldrym. Father and son became inseparable once Jonlin’s legs grew long enough to stride alongside his far-roving sire. And, under his father’s tutelage, Jonlin matured much earlier than others his age, honing exceptional skills linked to nature. By early adolescence, the boy had become an expert guide, tracker and woodsman. Yet, his relationship with his father came to an abrupt end during Jonlin’s twelfth year of life.

Memories wont to be forgotten flood back to the young woodsman:

Goldrym’s goats tended to graze over an extensive swath, foraging over all the mountains that surrounded the family’s homestead. Tending the goats occupied much of Goldrym’s time and, having come into adolescence, his son had recently taken over the responsibility of tending the herd. Goldrym still accompanied Jonlin for a few hours on most days, and it was on one such day that tragedy befell the family.

Settling in for a morning meal on the peak of a favored mountain, Jonlin and his father failed to notice a small band of urokh raiders stealthily climbing towards them. Roused too late by their agitated herd, Goldrym and the boy did not have time to string their bows and defend the mountaintop. Other than his bow, Goldrym carried no more than a cudgel and a hunting knife as weapons; he quickly perceived their impending doom. Rather than make a stand, Goldrym acted quickly by enveloping his son in his strong arms and jumping off the mountain’s near-vertical lee; this, just as the savage creatures crested the summit. Crushing Jonlin to his chest to protect the boy, Goldrym landed awkwardly against the steep incline some thirty feet below and shattered his back and legs. However, his actions managed to absorb most of the impact and shield Jonlin from serious harm. Father and son roughly tumbled down the sloped scree another hundred feet, striking several jutting rocks in the process. But with each blow, Goldrym somehow kept his son from being brutalized. At the bottom of the mountain pinnacle the two came to a stop, and Jonlin rose in dizziness and pain. Clutching at an arm gnashed and snapped by unforgiving stone, the boy looked hopelessly down at his broken father. Above, a dozen orc warriors raged, heaving boulders down at the two, while others scrambled around the summit, finding easier routes down the precipice.

Gripping Jonlin’s leg with fierce determination, Goldrym clenched his teeth and jerked as a spasm of pain wracked his body.

Run, moaned Goldrym, somehow able to urge his son to action. With blood welling out the corner of his mouth, the mountain man spoke his last words. Run! Get your mother...and RUN! At this, Goldrym’s strength waned and the hold he had on both son and life failed.

Da! wailed Jonlin, bending down. Pushing his face to Goldrym’s, the boy cradled his father’s head in his good arm and wept, muttering No, Da. No... For many moments shock froze the boy to inaction, until awareness of the sharp clashing of rocks jarred his awareness. The orcs had begun to throw head-sized rocks at the pair. Larger boulders, though tumbling down the slope dangerously, had been failing to reach far enough. The ringing crashes woke Jonlin from the shock and confusion that had come over him and the boy realized that he was still in danger. Choking back tears, the mountain man’s son glanced upwards to survey the humanoid attackers, and images of their monstrous silhouettes set against the blue and white marble sky seared into Jonlin’s mind. Seeing that some of the raiders would be upon him in but a moment, the boy scurried away, having no choice but to leave his mangled father behind.

The younger Oakleaf worked his way down several narrow, winding ravines and eventually lost his orc pursuers. Luckily, Goldrym’s herd was grazing west of the farm that day and Jonlin’s flight led past their homestead, on the way to Highwold. Through intimate knowledge of the mountain terrain and its hidden shortcuts, the boy reached his family’s cabin ten minutes ahead of the humanoid raiders, despite being weak and disoriented from his wound. Shrieking at his confused mother, Jonlin freed as many animals as he could from the farm’s pens and the two made their way to Highwold as quickly as their tired legs could manage. In the end, Callie had to drag her torn son along. Covering the seven miles of undulating ravines in a scant two hours, Jonlin and his mother were able to warn the Highwold community of the urokh raiders before any further attacks could occur.

Like his father had done before him, Jonlin established a binding trust with the people of Highwold that day; a trust which endeared the youth to the village mothers’ hearts and which enabled him to forever move between the worlds of man and wild.

Jonlin’s shattered arm was treated by Master Willim. Sheltering Jonlin and his mother for many months after the attack, the apothecary forged an enduring relationship with the boy, who had previously viewed the old fellow as sort of an old, but trusted relative. Over the intervening years, Willim taught the growing lad many of his scholarly arts, including the ability to read, and aspects of nature that the boy’s father had never possessed. For his part, Jonlin reciprocated with profound feelings of affection and respect. Jonlin strove to maintain a strong connection to the old man and took upon himself Goldrym’s former role as a procurer. Jonlin and Callie eventually returned to their homestead, but both were emotionally scarred from the ordeal.

Last edited by Landifarne; Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:44 AM.
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Old Oct 1st, 2011, 01:12 AM
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Jonlin's possessions when he travels:

Jonlin will take along the following possessions when he travels. Feel free to modify as you wish...

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Old Oct 1st, 2011, 12:37 PM
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When Jonlin and Aeric Meet to Discuss Harl...(2 weeks before solstice)

Some suggestions on treating with Aeric. Feel free to interpret as you will. After all of this intro stuff, things will loosen up considerably!

The woodsman had pledged to guide Aeric (whom Jonlin considered an irrepressible fool) to Dolgrim’s abode because of the ranger’s longstanding, almost filial, obligations to the apothecary. Jonlin had never been impressed by the younger Aeric and disliked the apprentice’s overly free manner. However, speaking with Master Willim for the last time, Jonlin came to reconsider the situation. Willim assured Jonlin that Harl was quite unlike his nephew in demeanor, but was instead a highly responsible lad. Besides, they both came to reason, it would behoove the expedition to keep Aeric as occupied with his friend as possible...and thus out of Jonlin’s hair. Jonlin eventually figured that if Harl were to come along the older man would not have to spend every waking moment with the irresponsible Aeric. In this manner, it was determined that Harl, son of Berli, would make the journey.

Last edited by Landifarne; Oct 1st, 2011 at 12:38 PM.
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Old Oct 5th, 2011, 12:45 AM
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The aim is to dump the nuisance (Aeric) off at Blacktop Vale and get back to your own homestead before Jonlin's goats begin dropping their babies (during the first few weeks of spring). There is no direct route to the Vale, instead, the party must travel to Rifford, then east towards the forest that lies between Ironforge and the Vale. All told, it should take them less than a fortnight to travel the 120 miles, resupplying in Rifford, which is five days.

Last edited by Landifarne; Oct 5th, 2011 at 12:46 AM.
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