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Old Nov 17th, 2011, 12:12 AM
Coracodon Coracodon is offline
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Coracodon Coracodon Coracodon Coracodon
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House Rules

House rules will be listed here. Unless otherwise noted, use rules from the Dark Sun Rule Book and PHB.

Rolling Ability Scores:
4d4+4, placed as desired. Reroll 1's.

Max hit points for first and second level; after that roll half and take half. I.e. a fighter gets a d10, so roll d5 and take 5 at each level (result is gaining 6-10 hp each level). If this results in fractional hit points, accumulate them but don't count them until you have full points.

All races can multiclass, limited to the list in the Dark Sun Rules Book. Humans can have any but not within the same group (i.e. no ranger/gladiators). The second (or third) classes can be taken at any time. Starting characters have just enough experience in all classes to make the most expensive class 2nd level. Second or third classes taken later in the game must accumulate enough experience to become second level before they actually get the class. Exp is assigned to either class as desired; each exp award must be assigned as a whole and cannot be split. If the difference between class levels becomes greater than 1, all exp assigned to the lower class(es) has a 10% penalty per level difference more than 1. This penalty is to reflect that the character is "rusty" in the less practiced skills of the lower class. Humans can be 3 levels different before this penalty kicks in. Later in life multiclass does not receive this penalty until the higher class advances a level.

Joe is half-elven 5F/3Pre. He receives 100 exp and puts it all towards the preserver class. After the 10% penalty he actually gets 90 exp. The other 10 is lost to being "rusty".

Sue is human 8F/3Pre. She receives 100 exp and puts it all towards the preserver class. The exp is reduced by 20% (8th level minus 3rd level = 5 difference. 5 difference - 3 allowed = 2 penalty, or 20%).

Julie is mul 15th level fighter and 3rd level psionicist. She can no longer advance as a psionicist because the penalty is over 100%.

Exception to above: Al is level 10 fighter and takes a class as a defiler. He accumulates the required 1750 exp to be 2nd level defiler and becomes F10/Def2. As long as he doesn't gain a level as a fighter, there is no penalty to exp assigned to the defiler class. Once the fighter class advances the above rules apply.

Character Trees:
We will not be using character trees.

Class-specific rules:
Clerics who have access to healing spells can substitute, in situ, a healing spell of the same level.
If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write. ~ Stephen King

Last edited by Coracodon; Nov 17th, 2011 at 09:50 AM.
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