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Old Nov 17th, 2011, 12:14 AM
Coracodon Coracodon is offline
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Please post link to your character sheet here.
If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write. ~ Stephen King
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Old Nov 17th, 2011, 12:31 PM
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/han≠kass'o character sheet.

His tribe wanders the area around the small mountain range to the south west, living off the land. The men are very skilled trackers and hunters, while women are very knowledgeable in finding the roots, tubers, nuts and other plants that can sustain life in the unforgiving wastes. Their life is one of efficiency an ingenuity, using everything, wasting nothing.

One day a party of hunters came across an elven woman who had been bitten by a snake and was lying half-dead among the rocks. They had never seen her kind before. Curious, they administered an antidote for the poison and took her back to the encampment. She survived and for a while she lived amongst them and even took a husband from among the /kam-ssin !ku. Thus /han≠kass'o was born, but he was barely 5 years of age when his mother decided to rejoin her kin and left their tribe, leaving her son behind. This was no great trauma, as he had other mothers in the tribe, as well as grandmothers, brothers, uncles and sisters.

As he grew up, it became quite obvious that he had inherited his mother's wandering lust, as he ranged farther than anyone in his play around the encampment. When he came of age, the elders sat together and decided that it was time for their tribe to send someone out into the world to learn about the ways of others. /han≠kass'o was a natural choice, given his hunger for motion and his empathy. Besides, the elders reasoned that should he return with valuable knowledge, this will help him integrate into the tribe. So he left off, striking towards north-east, following animal trails and caravan tracks, hiring himself out as a tracker and hunter in exchange for shelter.

He was with a small caravan when they were ambushed by slave hunters during their midday rest. A few of the guards were killed, but most of the traders and travelers were taken as slaves and their possessions looted or discarded. It's been days since then and the wagon moves on and people die one after the other. He's been spitting half of his water ration in the mouths of the weakest ones and some of them still live, although for how long he does not know.

/ is a dental click made by placing the tongue behind the front teeth and making a sound like "tsk".
≠ is a palatal click made with a flat tongue, like a popping sound.
! is an alveolar click made with the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
Playing Torra Voliokerdam, dwarf kineticist,
and Sette Tawhoq, ratfolk investigator.

Last edited by Kittenmancer; Nov 17th, 2011 at 05:35 PM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2011, 07:05 PM
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Name: Xia'Wa'Chhtt'Kttka
Race: Thri-Kreen
Class: Ranger2/Psion2

Background: Xia is a j'hol hatched unto the Hinterlands about 4 years ago, with a racial memory so strong in tikchak he was deemed an incarnation of a great hunter indeed. He also showed some good ability as a chikak, and is abundant in natural curiousity. He balanced his hunting training with self-motivated research into the old ways, even going so far as to opening his mind and psionically delving into the recesses to tokchack, the Allmind. Fortunately, this was done without self-harm, and accomplished within him a new awareness of Thri-Kreen destiny as a whole.

Though showing great promise as a potential leader within his own clutch, Xia decided his own destiny lies elsewhere. The Allmind is beautiful, and should be preserved in the upmost against the enroaching threat of the Lonely Ones who squat in the huntinglands and create their ugly cites and use up all their resources greedily. And the best way to do that is to instill Allmind with the knowledge it needs to properly defend itself against these Lost People.

And so, armed with countless generations of hunter instinct, and blessed with the Allminds ability to see beyond the senses, Xia'Wa'Chhtt'Kttka set out on a journey to learn all he can about the lands around his homeland, in hope that his knowledge will be absorbed into the Allmind and help give proper defense against those that wish his people harm.

His journey, however, was cut humorously short when he was ambushed at the very first oasis he found...
RL hit me with a 1-2 Punch. Will be back to regular posting rate soon.

Last edited by JonnyGulliver; Nov 18th, 2011 at 07:07 PM.
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Old Nov 29th, 2011, 12:00 AM
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Name: Gilgahal
Race: Half-Giant
Gender: Male
Class: Gladiator
Alignment: Chaotic / Good [Fixed]

Background: Separated from his kin during a hunt, young Gilgahal was recovered by a moderate group of traders who felt that his size and strength would come in handy as a caravan guard. As such they clothed him, and feed him decently and offered him a place at the head of the guard. His natural abilities with combat and duty gave purchase to highwaymen and bandits alike. His 'fame' spread in a short time as he continued to travel within the caravan and stop wayward attacks with the aid of the other guard.

While they grew to respect him, his small mindedness and simple ways often led him to fault, and it was one such accord that ended his journeys. He fell afoul of a respectable merchant when he stopped the man's hand from falling upon another slave, a woman of his own property. This was cause enough for the man to plot his sale to a slaver's guild within a township as revenge. His sheer size was enough to convince a local Ludis to buy and support him, thinking him quick sport for quick gain.

They couldn't have been more wrong. Gilgahal excelled, moderately, at the simple contests often ending a bout faster than the introductions had been. While still a slave, he again was gaining some measure of respect among other humanoids. But, as is his nature, a Dwarf by the name of Kesar grew jealous of his impending victories and valor. So, once again he found himself drugged and smuggled out only to be sold once again to a band of slavers. He carries the cries of the crowds with him still, homage to a live worth living.


Statistics:Character Sheet: Gilgahal

Last edited by Zombie Hunter; Nov 29th, 2011 at 03:43 AM.
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Old Nov 29th, 2011, 02:39 AM
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ApplicationName: Sheryllin Nerel
Race: Human
Class: Psion Thief

Last edited by Lexkat; Dec 1st, 2011 at 06:37 AM.
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Old Dec 1st, 2011, 01:25 PM
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Name: Elzix
Race: Human
Class: Thief

Background: Sold into slavery as a child, Elzix was owned by a tyrannical merchant by the name of Kaelan. Serving his master well into adolescence, Elzix attempted to escape numerous times. Each failed attempt at escape earned Elzix a firm beating at the hands of Kaelan. During one such beating, Elzix suffered the loss of his right eye, as well as several other injuries. One night, Elzix entered the bedchamber of his master, using a pillow to suffocate the merchant in his sleep. Escaping into the desert, Elzix survived for awhile off what little resources the land had to offer. He eventually resorted to ambushing and raiding trade caravans that had insufficient protection, making off with what provisions he could carry on his person. This lifestyle suited him well, earning him an unsavory reputation among the sands of Athas. A week ago, while gorging himself on the water of a small oasis, he found himself surrounded by slavers, forced once again into an all-to-familiar slave market.
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Old Dec 1st, 2011, 10:32 PM
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LukiName: Louhahki Silverwing
Race: Aarakocra
Class: Cleric (Elemental Plane of Air)


As the eldest daughter of Isthale, a learned shaman of the Silvaarak, Luki felt the need to make room in the nest for her younger siblings by leaving in order to explore and live up to her mother’s great knowledge, even though she was strongly discouraged by her elders. They thought her desire to leave was a phase that would pass given a little time and freedom. Thus she did not take her first adventurous steps too boldly, first leaving with permission in order to learn and study in Kurn, but she didn’t settle there long. While it wasn’t expressed in her desire to leave, others hearing of her impulsive behavior felt that, subconsciously, she was looking for answers to her father’s disappearance. It was suspected that her father was captured by slavers from Eldaarich. All of that happened when Luki was very small, though, so the chances of her finding information out about her father are very slim.

Luki travelled, from city to city, and she would tend to those she could, pitying creatures limited to the ground, unable to see beyond. She found cities to be very unsettling, and takes poorly to the destruction of nature. Luki was very outspoken and she stood out in a crowd, being almost unmistakable. While curious about the desert, Luki doesn’t remember getting there. She believes it was some type of political intrigue she was mixed in with, including a powerful Trader and an Aarakocra child-slave, though a member of one of the lesser tribes, whom she tried to minister to. She remembers that he was ill and probably dying, since his freedom was stolen, and she was trying to ease his pain and find out if there was any message she might pass to his tribe and family. At first he was too afraid to speak to her, but after a few days he grew more comfortable with her and seemed soothed by her visits, although still weak. Luki gained visiting time with the boy by pretending she was looking to buy a slave and he might be the extra thrown in to satisfy the customer. Something about the contact made him feel well enough to attempt escape. He was killed in the attempt.

Now suspicious of her previous visits, the Trader watched Luki closely as she interacted with the slaves. Besides slaves, he had never had much interaction with the Aarakocra, and was uncertain of her motives. Soon, however, particularly the way in which the slaves watched her, the Trader realized she was never going to finalize her offer. He was not a man to be toyed with. The Trader confronted her, anger smoldering, and asked to speak to her about her funding in private. Assuming he had figured out she couldn’t even afford one slave, Luki went, planning to pretend naïveté about the price they had been discussing. Instead Luki was led into an ambush, though she cannot remember beyond the Trader pulling her aside. Of course Luki is faring no better than the boy in captivity. It has taken its toll, dropping her weight even below her normally meager weight of eighty-one pounds. Her pale feathers have picked up the gray-red dust of the desert. What keeps Luki going is that she found out the boy’s name, Ekeehr Vrashii, and hopes someday to find his family so that they might mourn their son.
Excitare Fluctus In Simpulo
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