World Info, Houserules, etc
This space reserved. Last edited by Zagros; Aug 22nd, 2015 at 11:44 PM. |
Religion and dieties
Religion in Sarrapan is a fairly casual affair, with few residents making a point of regular attendance at any kind of organized observances. Priestly classes are, of course, the exception. Individual chapels and churches abound; within any reasonably populated area you can find some kind of shrine to each of the fourteen major deities listed here. In smaller villages that cannot support multiple churches, the clergy generally act as neutral representatives of all the deities in this pantheon. Toron, Norich, and Uldium are generally regarded as the three chief gods.
While active participation in services is unusual, there is a vibrant recognition that each deity is supreme in its area. Sailors frequently toss a coin to Norich when they leave port, and farmers recognize Toron, Jurana, and Norich at each planting in hopes of good weather through the season and a plentiful harvest. Toron – Sky god, including weather, the sun, and stars Arragun – Fire, workmanship, and the hearth Donio – War and slaughter Cheng – Knowledge, healing, and music Argochan – Something of a benevolent saint. Argochan was an emperor of Randor about 600 years ago. Son and sucessor declared him to be divine shortly after his death. Not recognized outside lands not at one time controlled by Randor. Sarrapan is the exception... while never a part of the Randor empire, so many people have come to Sarrapan that you may frequently run across his followers. Worship of Argochan is strongly discouraged, as one of the tenant's of his church is the restoration of the Randor empire, much of which is now controlled by Sarrapan. Silphius – Wilderness and hunting Suma – Marriage, home, and family Jurana – Agriculture, wine, and harvest Boral – Travelers, commerce, athletics and thieves Riolis – The ideal man and advocate of humans among the gods. Legend holds that he was a man in ancient history, and his heroic exploits so impressed the gods that they elevated him to godhood Burana – Wisdom, crafts, education, and prophesy Lisola – Love and beauty Norich – Sea, rivers, earthquakes and floods Uldium – Underworld and death Other races have their own deities, of course, though they tend to reflect this listing with the exception that Riolis is replaced by an ideal of their own race, and Argochan is not recognized at all.
This space reserved. Last edited by Zagros; Jan 31st, 2016 at 02:12 PM. |
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