Nailfin looks to the others in the group. "They seem pretty focused on their ride. Should one of us step out to get their attention, or should we go as a group? If they decide to charge, I have a nasty trick up my sleeve for them...."
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
"There are benefits of just one person confronting them versus everybody, but I like the option of everybody coming out into view. It is not necessarily a show of force, but at the same time is. They may be less hesitant of causing bodily harm to a group than one person."
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it" |
![]() She sighed and switched her machete to her left hand as she pulled out her handaxe. Not being a people person per sae, she wasn't keen on stepping out into the open with a band of armed riders headed her direction. Still, she understood he pros and cons of revealing one of them initially, and then all later. She caught the ear and tail movement of the shewolf and replied, "No, I don't want to step out from this cover either, but we are new to these lands and must make ourselves known, and - I know, I know. I... yes, you could keep back, but I think it will do us well if the riders see you are allied with us so - okay. Okay. Okay! We are allied with you. Fine. Let's go." Lexa glanced at the others and then stepped out of cover and a bit away from the cover of the trees, making sure all of the group were out and visible to the riders.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. |
Fyrian nods to the others and steps out after Lexa. Battle formation? I would have Nalfin and I in front as we look like the warriors in the group. Casters behind, and Lexa free roaming. Of course it might be more difficult to defend against a mounted assault. Last edited by Yves; Aug 12th, 2015 at 06:20 AM. |
I am happy to take point, Nailfin indicates. "Though I may be better equipped to handle hostilities than friendliness. Let us hope that it doesn't come to it."
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
Day 2 - 1:30 PM
As this is transpiring there is a shout from the treeline off to the Ahead of you and to your left.southwest and three more riders emerge from the treeline where they had ridden unseen until now. They are in full gallop as they cross the quarter of a trek distance between the treeline and the first group of riders. It only takes them a few seconds to reach you and they pull up sharply, their horses all but skidding across the ground. A short discussion ensues between them then, or perhaps a brief exchange of words would be more literal. It appears that their leader was amongst the three riders who came from the treeline and you recognize the authority in her words as she fires off questions to her subordinates. The language that they speak is unknown to you, however. All in all about one minute passes between the time that you emerged from the treeline to the time when the leader spins her horse agilely and rides across the small space that remains between you. She approaches you alone, her retinue remaining in place even if their eyes remain fixed on you the entire time. She is a beautiful woman you see as she draws closer. Delicate facial features frame large dark eyes that peer out at you from underneath a beautiful fur hat. She wears a soft leather riding skirt and a fur lined top that leaves her lean midriff exposed. She carries a long spear loosely in one hand as she leads a huge warhorse through the tall grass. She pulls up a few hands away from you and peers down at you, her face hard, but not angry. For a few moments she says nothing, but then she raises her spear and slams the butt of it into the earth. "Meloka in seputa!" She says in a voice that carries easily across the short distance between you. "Re ven untopay mer conkestor?"
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” |
Turning to look at each of the others, Fyrian says, Anyone know that language? If no one says yes he continues, Well, we could do 1 of 2 things here. Everyone spout out all the languages you know and hope to find a common tongue. Or I can pull out my spellbook and memorize a spell that will enable me to comprehend what she's saying. Hm, that won't help us communicate back though. He furrows his brow in thought.
Shaking his head, Nailfin indicates that he does not. Not giving up however, he attempts to show that they are not hostile. He raises both hands outwards, palms outstretched to indicate that he is not armed. He then slowly bows down towards the woman on the horse. Raising back up, but keeping his arms spread apart, he slowly takes a step towards the woman, then waits to see how she will react.
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” Last edited by Jonwane; Aug 20th, 2015 at 11:33 AM. |
"Well doesn't this take all. Nobody can understand her and she cannot us." Brother Francis laughs to himself. Then he tries to speak in Halfling followed by Dwarven. "Please to meet you." He then points to himself, "Brother Francis". He figured it was worth a try.
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it" |
Responding to Brother Francis' claim, "I Believe Matthew would be able to communicate with her telepathically, sadly he is not here at the moment. I am not sure how they would respond to that method either. It is a bit invasive... Lets see how far we can get stumbling through this." Returning his gaze to the woman, Nailfin returns the smile. He then shrugs, to show he does not understand what she just spoke. He points to himself and loudly says, "Nailfin." Using his hands he makes a motion like the waves of the see, points towards the direction the ocean lies. "Ocean." He says then uses his other hand to make the shape of a ship. "Ship."
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
Fyrian stay silent for now, not wanting to confuse the woman by saying too much at once. He relaxes a bit at the sight of everyone relaxing though.
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