The Minutemen
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time |
Name Andrew Forbes
Origin ghoul mercenary Gender male Age 24 at the time of the dropping of the bombs. Personality Andrew can be snarky as hell, particularly if he thinks someone is being stupid. Being old means he has no more craps to give in dealing with stupidity. He favours practical solutions to problems. Whilst not overly social, he does make the effort, recognising it’s not healthy to be alone. However if you do earn his friendship, it’s for life. He will stick his neck out for you, especially if it’s for a kid. He lost his toddler son to the bombs, and later an adopted son to the Gunners. People hurting children is one of the few things that really anger him. As for being a ghoul, Andrew has come to terms with it. People whom hate him for being a ghoul, just make him sad. However that doesn’t stop him defending himself if they attack him. He also has absolutely no problem with killing feral ghouls. They’re gone. People whom try to protect the ferals, are just dumb. Andrew remains exceptionally bitter about the anti ghoul laws in Diamond City. In free time he either like to tinker with machines, or sit with a bottle of whisky and listen to the classical music radio. Sometimes he can even forget the bombs. Physical description Andrew is a tall drink of a ghoul. Bald and his eyes are bloodshot. He had been handsome before the war, though very little remains of that. He wears a tough outfit, consisting of combat boots, jeans, white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Additionally he has a leather armour chest piece. On his belt hangs a multi tool. His hunting rifle is a well maintained but weathered weapon. It’s a relic from his first friend post ghouldom. Background Andrew Forbes came from Scotland to America’s Boston to sue the Croup family over a stock trade. He had also brought wife Fiona, and their toddler son, intending to also make a holiday of it. These plans are cut short by the fall of nuclear weapons. His family died but he survived. Losing his family and turning into a ghoul, was the most traumatic experience of his life. He wanders the new apocalyptic landscape, uncertain what to do. He had a stroke of luck when he runs into Tom Winters, a retired veteran. He does not care Andrew is a ghoul. Andrew is never sure why Tom takes him in but he does. Under Tom’s wing, Andrew learns skills to survive. Shooting comes surprisingly naturally easy to him, impressing Tom. He also learns stealth and survival skills. Mechanical skills as well, but that’s something he developed more over time. As a team they survive the new order. Sadly Tom is not a young man, and it’s impressive he lives 10 years after the bombs, but he succumbs to a natural death. Andrew gives his friend a Viking burial, keeping his hunting rifle as a keepsake. For many years and decades after, Andrew does mercenary work. Nothing changes for him for a long time. That is until he surveilled a small raider camp. He’s about to plan a a route around them when he spots the children. Three of them, two boys and a girl. They’re being kept in animal cages. Knowing this is something he couldn’t ignore, Andrew gritted his teeth, and sniped all the raiders in the camp. The children are called Peter, Colin, and Gwen. Andrew intended to hand them off at the first settlement he found. However they grew on him, and Andrew started to teach them, what Tom had taught him so long ago. The ghoul was proud that all three were good shots. Eventually they reached Diamond city. Andrew got a job with security, to support his adopted family. Life was very good for a while. The children grew up. Peter and Gwen got married(to other people), and jobs. Colin joined up with the minutemen. Life stopped being good for Andrew when the anti ghoul laws were passed. He was fired and forced out of the city, away from most of his adopted family. He manages to get word of where Colin is, and joins up with the minutemen. This is the group that includes Preston Garvey. Then it’s off to Quincy. Colin has a bad feeling about the place, and Andrew tries to calm him down, despite having the same feeling. History happens and the brave soldiers are forced into a retreat. Colin is hit by a plasma rifle in the retreat, disintegrated into green goo, in front of a horrified Andrew. S 5 P 8 E 5 C 4 I 6 A 8 L 4 Skills Athletics STR - Barter CHA - Big Guns END - Energy Weapons PER - Explosives PER 3 Lockpick PER 3 Medicine INT - Melee Weapons STR 3 Pilot PER 2 *Repair INT 3 Science INT - *Small Guns AGI 3 *Sneak AGI 3 Speech CHA - *Survival END 3 Throwing AGI - Unarmed STR - Perks/Trait Ghoul Sniper Gear Hunting Rifle-Small Guns, 6D, Piercing 1, Physical, 0 Fire Rate, M Range, Two Handed, 10 lbs, 55 caps, Rarity 2 +small scope 49 .308 ammunition Pipe Wrench- Melee Weapon, 3 D, Physical, 2 lbs, 30 caps, Rarity 1 Purified Water- 3 HP healed, <1 lbs, 20 Rarity 1 Iguana on a stick Multi-tool- Reduce difficulty of REPAIR tests by 1 (minimum 0), weight 1, 100 caps, Rarity 2 Leather Chestpiece- Physical 1, Energy 2, Radiation 0, Location Torso, 5 lbs, 25 caps, Rarity 1 4 caps
Quia iocari libet mihi Last edited by Acathala; Nov 16th, 2023 at 12:19 AM. |
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Last edited by The Rat Queen; Nov 11th, 2023 at 01:24 PM. |
Last edited by Kenjitsu; Nov 14th, 2023 at 03:13 PM. |
Last edited by mightymconeshot; Nov 10th, 2023 at 06:37 PM. |
“It’s a…“ rolls a d20 “pleasure to meet you!” Last edited by KingHabby; Nov 10th, 2023 at 10:55 PM. |
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