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Old Sep 6th, 2010, 04:38 AM
DMyotamharan's Avatar
DMyotamharan DMyotamharan is offline
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Who's making all the action?

This is where character sheets should be posted. Your post should include a link to your char sheet, as well as the contents of your submission post. DM out.

Technical InfoParty Size: 4-5 Player Characters.
Level: 3
Races Allowed: Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves (not Dark Elves) & Humans.
Classes: PHB classes only, excluding Barbarian, Ranger & Paladin.
Starting Gold: See second fieldset in this post for more information.
Ability Scores: 16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 to distribute among your abilities as you see fit. No point conversion.
Alignment: Anything that ain't evil.
Mounts: None at all. You might get some as the game goes on...
Known Languages: Common + Suitable racial language.
Speed: Will affect combat movement. A speed of 20 is a disadvantage.
Dice Rolls: Should be made in the Dice Thingy.
Homebrew Rules: Check out the Homebrew Stew.
Books to Use: PHB only.

To gold or not to gold?As you all know, the adventure begins with you being teleported in the middle of the night to some room. Assuming you don't go to sleep wearing your weapons/armor on you, nor with gold in your pockets, you actually start out with nothing at all.

Don't worry! This isn't as bad as it sounds. You'll be equipped before you can say jack-robinson!
[I'm GMT +2, in case it matters to anyone... ]
Row, row, row your... coat?

Last edited by DMyotamharan; Sep 6th, 2010 at 05:46 AM.
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Old Sep 6th, 2010, 05:59 PM
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Character Details Required in Application

Name: Kayci MacKenzie

Race: Human

Class: Fighter

Alignment: Chaotic Good

* Strength: 12
* Dexterity: 14
* Constitution: 13
* Intelligence: 10
* Wisdom: 8
* Charisma: 16

Trusting in luck to see her through any potential problems, Jasmine often lets her natural curiosity override that inner voice that screams out for self-preservation. In general, she prefers to talk her way out of trouble rather than resort to force of arms, but she is not averse to using her rapier to settle an issue.

Physical Description:

Kayci wears the clothing of a nobleman (human nobleman), consisting of trousers covered with a long over tunic called a bliaud. Over that rides her Cuirass, and over that a surcoat. Often she wears a kilt of fine cloth in the tradition of her people. Her cloak is trimmed with sable fur and pinned to her shoulder with a broach. She wears calf boots with four inch heals that extend well above the knee for both comfort and protection. Upon her head, covering most of her raven and crimson locks, is a large, fobbish hat, and about her waist a silken sash, from which hangs both swords and in which, is tucked her familial dagger.

Gear on Hand

Robe (from when she fell into bed)
Familial dagger (tucked into the waistband of her robe)
Leather thong (keeping her hair tied up.)

Link: Kayci (
Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist!
Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed!
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Old Sep 8th, 2010, 10:19 PM
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There is the link to my sheet; the link is also on my profile page. I am going to assume that my wolf animal companion was not with me while I was transported.
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Old Sep 10th, 2010, 05:20 PM
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Character Details
Name: Elec Mournbringer
Character name is link to character sheet.

Race: Wood Elf

Class: Ranger

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ability Scores:
  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 18
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Wisdom: 14
  • Charisma: 8
Personality: Elec is smooth but lacks social charisma. He upholds himself as one worthy to mingle with nobles. He is thoughtful and passionate. He cares very much for people of all walks of life and wishes to uphold their safety. He is very much the leader type, though is adept at not stepping on toes. He believes in the general good of things, but not necessary the method of how they are obtained.

Physical Description:

Age: 122
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 163 lbs. (Muscular)

Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Blue

Unlike traditional Rangers, Elec has been trained to blend in with city dwelling adventurer's. He was a black and gray blend of studded leather armor with hints of brown that help him blend in with the shadows of alleys and the dusty streets and street side adornments. He wears no head armor and his hair is neatly kept in a pony tail (it otherwise flows to his neck). He wears his long sword and dagger opposed to his belt. While adequately adept with short and long bows, he has perfected his skill with the smaller, much more unnoticeable crossbow, which hangs from his side by his dagger. With the exception of some small waist pouches, he does not carry the usual fanfare of a ranger in the wilderness. People often assume he is with a Lord's private military arm, serving as a body guard.

Elec meditates with the following gear:
  • Black Cotton Slacks
  • Fingerless, Black Leather Gloves
  • Black Cloth Strand Used for Tying Hair
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Old Sep 12th, 2010, 07:35 PM
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Gauvin the Mad

The doomsday machine - named Velma, after the Meticulous Persecutor’s favorite succubus - whirred and clicked and jangled. Its grand, starmetal orreys sliced through their orbits, while the steam vents blasted jets of flesh-melting air.

Smiling, the Meticulous Persecutor gazed at his masterwork. Soon, the world would be his! Those quarrelsome adventurers must surely have fallen prey to the Dreaded Marmoset Trap by now, and the reaction would occur without a -

“Meticulous Persecutor! Your days of persecution are at an end!” The Persecutor whipped around on his floating pedestal, quivering with rage. It was that nitwit paladin Humboldt! And there, there was that blasted sorceress Felicia! That mean Felix, their rogue, must be around somewhere. The Persecutor thumbed the light control on his pedestal, bathing the cavernous room in witchlight.

There! Sneaking around by Velma. He must intend to shut her down. The countermeasures would do their work, now that they could see. In the meantime...

Suddenly, the green witchlight was replaced by a burst of purer, whiter light, coming from Humboldt’s chest. The Amulet of Throon! Forged ages ago, to lay bare all falsehoods. And lay bare it did.

The Meticulous Persecutor was known through the land (it was a small land - you probably haven’t heard of it) as a giant of a man. Broad and tall, he yet ruled not through his brawn, but his brain. A genius manipulator, he turned his innate magical talents to the arts of enchantment and misdirection.

But under the light of Throon, the Persecutor’s true face was revealed, to the adventurer’s surprise. Where the massive scourge of the land once stood, now stood...a gnome!?

Needless to say, bereft of his magical might, the Meticulous Persecutor quickly fell to the holy onslaught. He was not slain, however. That would not be Lawful and/or Good. No, no. Another great work of magic was conducted: this time, the Persecutor's magic was not dampened. It was destroyed. When the work was completed, the Persecutor could barely conjure a spray of color, let alone kill a man with his own darkest fear.

Powerless and humbled, the Meticulous Persecutor - now Gauvin, for that was his name - wanders, hiding behind masks and clothes and names. If he cannot be the Meticulous Persecutor, he will not be anyone.

Name: Gauvin
Alignment / Race / Class: CN Gnome Sorceror
Everything Else: Creative solutions to problems should be encouraged. Don't stay hidebound to a plan. Long fights kind of suck in PbP. Let's rock.
That's too bad for you. I just baked a cinnamon roll as big as my head!
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