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Old Sep 6th, 2010, 05:46 AM
DMyotamharan's Avatar
DMyotamharan DMyotamharan is offline
Where's all my RPXP gone?
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Last Visit: Nov 14th, 2010
RPXP: 11
Posts: 326
Homebrew Stew

Level UpLeveling up is a process that requires time, so that you can't just level up once you've got enough XP for it. Instead, reaching your XP goal will only provide a limited amount of benefits. Once you get the time, all other benefits will be provideded.

Benefits you can get...Benefits you can't...
BAB increaseNew spells
Class special abilitiesNew feats (exc. bonus feats)

XP DistributionIn this game we will be using a system similar to the 2e system for XP distribution, though seriously modified, and far more elaborate. Characters will be receiving XP depending on their actions, and not only for combat or problem solving. For example, a Rogue will receive XP for some of his special abilities, a Sorcerer will receive XP for casting a spell, and so forth...

More coming soon...
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Row, row, row your... coat?
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