Sep 6th, 2010, 05:53 AM
Where's all my RPXP gone?
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Last Visit: Nov 14th, 2010
RPXP: 11
Posts: 326
A Bit of History
A Bit of History No Diplomatic Ties How Elves Became Enemies Past legends said that elves were the purest of all races, and when a group of dark skinned elves arrived on the mainland many years ago, the humans accepted them with open hands. However, it soon turned out that they were in fact corrupt outcasts, arriving to try their luck in plundering and taking over human settlements. Those elves are known these days as black elves, and their arrival was an omen of bad times.
For hundreds of years later, elves of all kinds were not welcome in any human settlement.
Why the Dwarves Hate Humans The dwarves were never known to be quite forgiving, and this case was no different. Even though they had been working practically forever with the humans, building for them and receiving technology in return, they refused to forgive them for messing up with the dark elves. They blamed the humans for not stopping them when they arrived, letting them terrorize dwarven (as well as human) settlements freely.
A human running into a dwarf with an ax in his hand might find himself running for his life.
Gnomes as a Superior Race? Just after the elves arrived, one gnome king came up with the weird idea that gnomes are a superior race. He claimed that humans are gullible and lame, that dwarves are stupidly stubborn, and that elves... well, you know. His idea soon caught up, and the gnomes cut all ties with both dwarves and humans, turning into a highly independent, extremely confident race.
Gnomes manage somehow to look down at humans, even though they are shorter.
Dark Times Dark Times - Round One Ever since civilization existed on the mainland, the north was considered a dangerous place. It's not known how it came to be, but a powerful protection spell was keeping the monsters there at bay, so that other places were kept safer than they would have been otherwise. No one dares go north except the bravest of adventurers.
Just over a hundred years after the dark elves arrived on the mainland, the protections set on the north were crumbling. No one was sure why, but the dangerous northern monsters were slowly starting to appear in other places as well. As more and more monsters were released, it became clear that an alliance between the four quarreling races had to be formed to save them all.
Excerpt from a crumbling edition of the "Enciclopedia delle Antiche" …ew that the alliance would never last, but no … pected it to fall apart in less tha … ears. And yet, the forma … the alliance was a histori … ike any other. For the first time in over three millennia, Dwar … umans were joining forces to fight a com … nemy. The tension was high between the rac … racticality overcame their inherent animosity.
Saved for a While... Dark Times - Round Two After forming the alliance, the four races devised a plan to chase all monsters back to the north. A large army was formed for that purpose, while a small group of powerful wizards was formed to renew the protections. The attempt seemed successful, but the alliance didn't hold on for long. The dark elves managed to spark a dispute between the four races, and the alliance fell apart before ten years had passed.
A hundred and twenty two years later, things seemed to be going on quite well when monsters were beginning to appear again. It was clear that a great force was at work, breaking down the protections a second time, and it was also clear that another alliance wouldn't be formed again anytime soon. Who will save the four races from destruction?
[I'm GMT +2 , in case it matters to anyone... ]
Row, row, row your... coat?