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Old Sep 8th, 2010, 05:36 PM
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Cold Floor/Windowless

It's probably late at night. None of you have slept for long, but something has awakened you all. It might be the cold flagstones underneath you, or maybe the shudder you felt a moment ago when gravity seemed to disappear for a second. Whatever it was, you're now awake, well aware of two more presences in the dark room you are in. You can just make out their figures, as well as the walls around you, barely lighted by a small candle fixed to the ceiling. It seems, at first sight, that the room is absolutely windowless, and quite small at that.

Your ActionsYou may do whatever you please, whether it's going back to sleep, interacting with the other people in the room, or something completely different. I'll budge in once in a few posts to give you updates on your situation. Game on!
[I'm GMT +2, in case it matters to anyone... ]
Row, row, row your... coat?

Last edited by DMyotamharan; Sep 8th, 2010 at 05:37 PM. Reason: More detail...
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Old Sep 8th, 2010, 10:31 PM
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Ronstin rises up slowly and thinks to himself, Surely this must be a dream; I should be waking to sunlight piercing the tree canopy. He stretches and struggles to crack his back, and then he blows some warm breath into his cupped hands. Too much detail for a dream... He remains somewhat calm, and requests introductions from the other two figures in the room, "Hello, I mean you no harm; would you possibly be able to explain to me how I have been brought here or why?"
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Old Sep 9th, 2010, 10:26 AM
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Kayci just rolls her eyes. 'Must be a frazzin tree walker, judging from the overly tanned flesh and the caluses everywhere. Doesn't he know we could be under surveillance? Obviously someone teleported us here, the same person could be scrying on us.'

Kayci remains silent and scowers the room looking for an exit that is not locked, barried or blocked.
Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
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Old Sep 10th, 2010, 11:40 AM
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[Secret text for Jennifer]
[I'm GMT +2, in case it matters to anyone... ]
Row, row, row your... coat?
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Old Sep 10th, 2010, 05:46 PM
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Elec slowly opens his eyes, his head slightly throbbing with pain, instantly he is aware that he isn't in his room at the inn. Instantly his aware of others in the room with him. It appears that all but one of them is still sleeping or unconcious. He recognizes that the one speaking is an elf and that puts him at a slight ease, but only slight.

Language Index
  • Common Dialect
  • Elven Dialect

"As much as I wish to believe you mean me no harm, I am surrounded by sleeping and unconscious people, have a pounding headache, just came to myself and am in an unknown room with no apparent exit. Being that besides yourself, I am the only other one who appears to be awake, I have a hard time just taking your word. No offense or anything."

Elec rolls his eyes at the druid. Slowly he raises himself up and begins examining his surroundings.

Last edited by Elec; Sep 10th, 2010 at 05:46 PM.
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Old Sep 10th, 2010, 06:07 PM
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'By the gods. It was any wonder elves even existed anymore. They just chatter and chatter and chatter, without thought or worry about who may be listening in, with intent to learn something to use against them. After all, someone teleported them, with that kind of power, he, or she probably, must have the power to listen to them remotely.'

Kayci glared at the two elves. It was not a glare of menace, but a glare of "and just what do you think you are doing" as if in hopes the elves would clam up.

Shrugging, Kayci gives up her search. It seems the room they are in was built with no entrance and no exit. Whatever was going to happen, would have to happen on their captor's time, not theirs. More the pity. She longed to see just how far in she could shove her claymore before the resistance was too great for her strength. Too bad, she did not have it with her.

Kayci decided to check and see if some of the unconscious were breathing by placing the back of her hand about an inch away from their nose to feel if breath was felt or not.

She definitely did not like her situation, but it seemed - based on the incessant ramblings of the elves - that if these others were similar, then everyone here was here against their will. The more beings alive, the more chances she could have at allies and the more allies, the better her chances of surviving this to seek retribution.
Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist!
Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed!
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Old Sep 11th, 2010, 04:56 AM
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[Secrets for elec & Jennifer]

[I'm GMT +2, in case it matters to anyone... ]
Row, row, row your... coat?
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Old Sep 11th, 2010, 03:26 PM
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Elec stood there for a moment, gathering his thoughts for a second while quickly scanning the room. Upon doing so he notices the female human checking the others, hopefully for signs of life.

Elec mutters: "Great a human."

Elec tries to put on his most presentable Which doesn't need rolling for, because his 8 charisma is fail.manners and addresses this third person.

"You there. You see us both alive and confused, yet you say nothing. Perhaps you are the reason we are here? Maybe I was a little rough on this fellow over here who seems to be as confused as myself. What say you to that?

Elec calls back to the druid.

"What is your name, man who means me no harm?"
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Old Sep 12th, 2010, 07:51 PM
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Gauvin woke up slowly. It first occurred to him that the air was much colder and staler than when he went to sleep. He then realized that he lay on hard stone, not the hollow of a lightning-struck tree that he had laid down in. Finally, it clicked that his blanket was gone.

"Which onna you buggers stole me blanket!?"

After all, that blanket was very important to him. Almost as important as - his mask! Gauvin touched his unshaven face. There were people! And and and his mask was still in his pack! He whirled, scrabbling for the satchel's ties to - his pack was gone!


His voice, otherwise surprisingly large and bold for such a small being, rose to a near-shriek.

"Think this is funny, ya sons of bitches?!"

If he were taller, Gauvin would be standing nose-to-nose with Elec; as it is, he doesn't seem to notice the height difference, and has the body language of a man at least a foot taller than the elf, if not more.
That's too bad for you. I just baked a cinnamon roll as big as my head!
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Old Sep 12th, 2010, 09:53 PM
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Elec looks down at the Gnome. No hint of humor in his face.

"Tell me Gnome, do you enjoy breathing?" His hand clenching into a fist. "Let me give you a moment to consider this, before you consider an answer to my question. Why would I want a blanket that would hardly cover my leg? Better yet, why would anyone want to steal a smelly, ratty old piece of cloth from a Gnome?" Elec turns from the tiny terror.

"I have a loud man who means me no harm. A human woman who is as suspicious as they come. Oh, and yes, I have a Gnome, with a loud irritating voice, accusing and threatening me. Either this is the biggest prank anyone has even played on me, or I am going to need to hurt someone."

Last edited by Elec; Sep 12th, 2010 at 09:54 PM.
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Old Sep 13th, 2010, 12:25 AM
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Gauvin's mouth closed, then opened, then closed. When he spoke again, it was with a tone of cold steel.

"That blanket was woven from the finest unicorn hair. They weren't even dead! The only hands it touched, besides mine, were those of three and three hearth spirits, bound in chains of finest quicksilver. Do you know how hard it is to make a chain out of quicksilver? It was literally the most comfortable blanket this pathetic little ball of dirt has ever known."

He glared at Elec for another moment before turning away. What an insufferable elf.
That's too bad for you. I just baked a cinnamon roll as big as my head!
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Old Sep 13th, 2010, 01:21 AM
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"Hope you find it then." [i]Elec says in a very non-sincere manner. "Then you can use it to sleep away the predicament we are obviously in. You worry about a blanket, I worry about the fact that I am stuck in this room with no apparent exit, and we have no idea how we got here...well except maybe for this human over here...who has been sneaking around while we converse..." Elec fires a very blunt glance in her direction.

Elec pauses for a brief moment, contemplates and then begins to speak...

"Ok, so what do we know...? Briefly pauses and looks puzzled. "We know we all, minus the human, went to sleep or began meditating elsewhere. We know we woke up in this windowless and doorless room, well not including magical doors. So it is safe to assume that someone who works with the arcane arts hada hand in this...and they are probably quite powerful." Elec ponders on for a moment.


Elec continues on...

"I am not the most educated in the magical arts, but I do know that this is not magic that everyone is quite powerful. So I imagine someone of this power could probably be watching and listening to us right now..." Elec pauses. "So...for whichever person would like to take credit for this...perhaps now would be a good timeto introduce yourself and your intent. You have rendered us hear in the nude to say the least..." Elec motions to the lack of armor and weaponry on his person. "...and you have given us no indication as to why. You are either very cowardly just very cowardly. Some answers would be appreciated."

Elec seems to be waiting for a response.

Last edited by Elec; Sep 13th, 2010 at 01:25 AM.
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Old Sep 13th, 2010, 12:02 PM
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"Oh, please."

Gauvin snorted

"You're giving whoever did this too much credit. Wizards are morons. It comes from all that paper. They have to get special paper, y'see, for their spellbooks, not to mention demon's blood and whatnot for the inks. Gives off fumes. While I don't deny the sheer scale of abilities wizards can conjure, at least the SUPERIOR BLOOD OF SORCERY doesn't make me go insane!"

The gnome let out a somewhat-insane cackle.

That's too bad for you. I just baked a cinnamon roll as big as my head!
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Old Sep 13th, 2010, 03:17 PM
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Elec thinks to himself...

"Sorceror if I am giving this the right thought...than how am I giving this person too much credit. They capture you didn't they? So unless you are implying that as mediocre as this individual are even more so?"

Elec dramatically pauses.

"You need not answer that gnome. Whoever did this is quite powerful, more-so than you, more-so than me. So you may continue with your ego-inflation or you can come to terms with our situation."

"Gnomes. Always trying to compensate for something..."
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Old Sep 13th, 2010, 03:50 PM
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Kayci sighed gently. The lot of them either did not know how to behave in this situation, or were attempting to lul her into giving away information for free. Either way, she was not in a great position right now.

Looking at the two elves, she determined they must be employed in some physical activity. They both had the hands of laborers. The gnome was obviously a magic thrower of some kind. Really, he should know better...assuming he was not one of their captors.

Gentlebeings, either you think I am quite daft, or you do not know better. That said, I would like to assume the latter and not the former. Her voice was like honey'ed milk.

Whatever the may be the case, you dandelion eaters may find it wise not to taunt that cute little darling of a gnome over there. Cannot you tell that he is the type to be learned in the way of magics, whereas you two, are more of the type to work with your hands? Do you hold any weapon that may be used to silence a magic thrower? Are you not aware that his magics can be reciteted from memory and be used to reduce you to cinders?

Furthermore, while I know you dandelion eaters may not worry much about getting a full night's rest, it is quite diconcerting to think that perhaps this little magic thrower is the cause of my missing hours of my beauty sleep.

Kayci stood there, staring the two elves down. She knew if this came to blows, she'd be out matched pound for pound with these two elves. It was the nature of being born small, and perhaps a major reason she ended up always in a fight. Either way, she hoped her soft voice, and the smile she forced upon her face, might get the three of them either to shut up, or to seem less hostile towards her.
Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
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