Breck lifts the keyring from the hook and works quickly to free herself from the shackles that-- while no longer affixed to the wall-- still bind her wrists. Water rushes into the hold and swirls around her ankles. Gi'me a bit, she calls out to her anonymous fellow captives. I'll be better able t' get y'all free once I'm free. Once liberated from her shackles, Breck, true to her word, moves to release the nearest of the other prisoners. Can y'all swim. Looks like we might 'ave t'.
"Thanks," Lyndon says as the woman unlocks his shackles. He rubs his wrists where the cuffs had dug into them. "By the way, my name is Lyndon. I'll try and help people exit the ship while you unlock them."
Lyndon gingerly moves over to the hole in the hull and surveys the area. "I think we can make our way across the rocks at the bottom of the cliff to get to the beach." Lyndon begins to assist the prisoners as they climb through the hull and out onto the rocks. "Take it easy...Be careful, the rock are slippery." Boy, this little experience has taken a lot out of me. Lyndon periodically flexes his muscles and rubs his legs in an attempt to regain some strength and stability. |
Wendy heads out of the ship through the hole once she is freed from the chains.
"Where are we-does anyone recognize the area?" |
Trader patiently waits for his turn to be released. When the girl, Breck he commits to memory, approaches he puts on his best 'friendly but not too many teeth' smile, gently offering up his shackles to be unlocked.
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Once on the rocks Roland tries to catch his breath and take in his surroundings. He thinks back to many maps he has seen over the years in his studies hoping to try make an educated guess to the young woman's question.. "Lets see I was taken from my home about a week ago .. Does anybody else remember where and when they where taken? Perhaps we can piece together where we may be based on where the ship has been recently."
The first thing those who left the ship feel, is a bone-chilling cold air spiced with rain, it is a grey world at the moment.
The ship ran aground on the beach. On this side of the beach, craggy rocks and cliffs rise 40 to 50 feet. Then you notice him, at about 30 feet from the ship, Hafkris. Marching up and down, with his broadsword at his side. It even seems that he is singing pirate songs |
As Lyndon is assisting the prisoners exiting the ship he see a man marching along the beach. That's odd...out in the rain marching. Is he singing?
Breck frees all of those of human and recognizeable demi-human lineage first, coming at last to the reptilian figure. She hesitates briefly-- might it eat me?-- before shrugging and unlocking the creatures shackles as well. Well, c'mon, le's get outta'ere.
Breck turns and races toward the split in the hull. She pauses briefly to make sure the reptilian figure is following-- an' not about t'pounce upon me. |
Wendy watches the figure from a distance, not certain what he is up to.
Trader very carefully follows at a distance of several feet, keeping his hands at his sides as they make their way to the gaping opening in the side of the ship. He peers out with the others, trying to get a sense of his surroundings.
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