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Old Oct 14th, 2011, 07:04 PM
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Post your character "sheets" here for update and perusal.

Here's a basic character sheet. If you wanna use it, just quote it and insert your info!
Character Sheet

XP Next Level


STR: Hit prob: Dmg Adj: Weight: Max.Press: Open Doors: BB/LG:
DEX: Reac Adj: Missile Att Adj: Defensive Adj:
CON: HP Adj: System Shock: Res Survival: Poison Save: Regen:
INT: # Lang: Spell Level: Chance Learn: Max Spells/Lvl: Illusion Immunity:
WIS: Mag Def Adj: Bonus Spells: Chance Fail: Spell Immunity:
CHA: Max Hench: Loyalty Base: Reac Adj:

Saving Throws :
Paralyze, Poison -
Rod, Staff, Wand -
Petrify, Polymorph -
Breath Weapon -
Spell -

Weapon Proficiencies
Non-weapon Proficiencies



To-hit, Proficient:
To-hit, Non-Proficient:

* Speed: Dam: Wgt: Range:
* Speed: Dam: Wgt: Range:
* Speed: Dam: Wgt: Range:



Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!

Last edited by Klazzform; Oct 14th, 2011 at 07:17 PM.
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Old Oct 14th, 2011, 10:38 PM
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Sigve Sigvaardson "The Northman" Welaga nu, waltant got Wodan. Wehwurt skihit!

Last edited by Landifarne; Oct 18th, 2011 at 01:30 AM.
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Old Oct 17th, 2011, 10:46 AM
Stormhammer's Avatar
Stormhammer Stormhammer is offline
Half-Orc Fighter
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Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer Stormhammer
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Name: William Wood
Player: Stormhammer
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Kit: -
Alignment: ?
Level: 5th
XP: 18,000
XP Next Level 36,000

Standing at two meters tall, William dresses almost entirely in the fruits of his trade. He seems thin, but anyone checking will see he has muscles. He is like an old oak, strong and concealing an inner vitality that belies its years. He constantly has stubble on his face and his hair is as white as the snow surrounding Snowhaven. His small, blue eyes gleam like sapphires.

STR: 13 Hit prob: +0 Dmg Adj: +0 Weight: 45 lbs. Max.Press: 140 lbs. Open Doors: 7 BB/LG: 4%
DEX: 16 Reac Adj: +1 Missile Att Adj: +1 Defensive Adj: -2
CON: 14 HP Adj: +0 System Shock: 88% Res Survival: 92% Poison Save: 0 Regen: Nil
INT: 13 # Lang: 3 Spell Level: 6th Chance Learn: 55% Max Spells/Lvl: 9 Illusion Immunity: -
WIS: 14 Mag Def Adj: 0 Bonus Spells: 1st Chance Fail: 0% Spell Immunity: -
CHA: 7 Max Hench: 3 Loyalty Base: -2 Reac Adj: -1

Saving Throws :
Paralyze, Poison 11
Rod, Staff, Wand 13
Petrify, Polymorph 12
Breath Weapon 13
Spell 14

Weapon Proficiencies
  • Crossbow

Non-weapon Proficiencies
  • Animal Lore
  • Set Snares
  • Tracking


HP: 33
AC: 6
THAC0: 16

To-hit, Proficient: +0
To-hit, Non-Proficient: -2

  • Throwing Axe
    Damage: 1d6
    Speed: 4
    ROF: 1x per round
    Range: 1/2/3
    Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Dagger
    Damage: 1d4
    Speed: 2
    ROF: 2x per round
    Range: 1/2/3
    Weight: 1 lb.

  • Padded Armor (10 lbs.)
  • Riding Horse (riding saddle)
  • Flint and steel (5 sp)
  • Lantern, hooded (7 gp) (2 lbs.)
  • Oil, lamp (cp) (1 lb.)
  • Pot, iron (2 lbs.) (5 sp)
  • Winter blanket (5 sp) (3 lbs.)

Gold: 500


Last edited by Stormhammer; Dec 9th, 2011 at 12:27 PM.
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Old Oct 19th, 2011, 01:49 AM
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Name: Magnus Ironborn
Player: Keylan
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: CN
Level: 5
XP: 21,435
XP Next Level 32,001

Appearance: Magnus is a brute of a man standing over 6 feet tall with shoulder length red hair and a red beard to match. His eyes are emerald green and specks of gold can be seen in them. He wears three gold hoop ear rings in his left ear. Magnus is quick to laugh but can be a terrible foe to behold in battle.

STR: 15 (Hit prob:0 Dmg Adj:0 Weight: 55 Max.Press:170 Open Doors: 8 BB/LG 7%)
DEX: 10 (Reac Adj:0 Missile Att Adj:0 Defensive Adj:0 )
CON: 14 (HP Adj:0 System Shock:88 Res Survival:92 Poison Save:0 Regen: nil)
INT: 12 (# Lang: 3)
WIS: 12 (Mag Def Adj:0)
CHA: 12 (Max Hench:5 Loyalty Base:0 Reac Adj:0)

Saving Throws :
Paralyze, Poison - 11
Rod, Staff, Wand - 13
Petrify, Polymorph - 12
Breath Weapon - 13
Spell - 14

Weapon Proficiencies 4
Specialization Battle Axe
Throwing axe

Non-weapon Proficiencies 3
Rope use
Blind Fighting


HP: 37
AC: 3
THAC0: 16

To-hit, Proficient:
To-hit, Non-Proficient: -2

Battle Axe* Speed: 7 Dam: d8 Wgt: 7 Range: 0
Throwing Axe* Speed: 4 Dam: d6 / d4 Wgt: 5 Range: 1,2,3
Composite Long Bow* Speed: 7 Dam: d8 Wgt: 3 Range: 4,8,17

Battle Axe +1
Throwing Axe (5)
Composite Long Bow
Splint Mail Armor
Body Shield
Fine Fur Cloak
Flint and Steel
Grappling Hook
Rope, silk 50'
Large Sack
Torch (6)
Winter blanket
Mirror, small metal
Quiver, 20 Sheaf arrows


Gold: 200
Copper: 5

Background: Magnus comes from a large family in the northern reaches of the realms. He has 5 brothers and 4 sisters of which he is the youngest. Magnus grew up on stories of great adventures including some stories of his father and his oldest brother, both who set out to see the world. One day while hunting with his friend Toren a freak storm came down from the mountains. Magnus and Toren were chased into a nearby cave to wait out the storm. As the storm raged outside, the companions could hear strange noises somewhere outside. At one point in the night Toren swore that he could see faces in the blowing snow, Magnus laughed it off as Toren’s imagination. Shortly thereafter as the storm continued to rage Magnus and Toren fell asleep despite their best efforts to stay awake. When Magnus awoke the next morning Toren was gone. The only sign Magnus could find were footprints melted into the snow heading toward his home. Magnus quickly gathered his gear and headed home. As he neared his home he could feel that something was amiss. As he rounded the last hill before his home he could see and smell what could only be a smoldering fire. There where his family cabin use to stand was a smoldering husk with little to identify it as a house. As Magnus ran to his home he began to see the same footprints as that were outside the cave last night. Upon searching the wreckage, Magnus found his mother’s body, badly burned and barley recognizable. With her dying breath she described the creature that came with the storm. After his mother was dead and buried Magnus took his father’s battleaxe and swore to track down and kill whoever or whatever this vile creature is.

Last edited by keylan; Oct 22nd, 2011 at 01:44 PM. Reason: adding background and equipment
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Old Dec 8th, 2011, 12:37 AM
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Landifarne Landifarne is offline
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Something to start with...

Artimus the Mageling (NPC):

If you like old-school D&D, please check out my 2E campaign here.

Last edited by Landifarne; Dec 8th, 2011 at 12:58 AM.
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