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Old Oct 31st, 2011, 12:43 AM
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"You should be able to find Father Francesco at the church." Cinder says, tilting her head in the same direction she had indicated the marina earlier. "Its hard to miss as its the largest building in town." After Sigve leaves to retrieve his weapons, she glances at the other two. "Your companion is wise to gather arms before setting forth. Even though it is still a few hours before darkness falls, the beast has been known to strike while the sun is up."
Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!
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Old Oct 31st, 2011, 11:46 AM
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William unslings a strange wooden staff from his back. The staff has several metal components that make it look very odd indeed. In fact, neither Magnus nor Sigve have seen anything like it in all their winters on this earth. William leaves the Skewered Boar Tavern, heading towards the marina to locate the Morning Glory.
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Old Nov 1st, 2011, 06:08 PM
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Artimus stood there….staring…at the door to the inn. It had all been quite exciting when his master had first told him that he was sending the 12 year old boy out to “do some good”. Arty had been utterly bored with this studies that had taken up pretty much all of the last 4 years. Though he studied hard…he could not help but long for the outside world where knights battled dragons and elves swung from trees singing beautiful songs….at least that is what the books said. So, when his master had sat him down and explained to him the trouble visiting this small town and that he was to go help….he nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement. That moment had been a week ago. Now that he was ‘out in the world’ he was beginning to have second thoughts. He had heard rumors in other towns about the monster that preyed on the living here. They mentioned stories of armed men being torn to pieces while others were drained of blood. Artimus did not think the stories were completely true….but his master had told him that most stories were based on at least a sliver of truth. So, these stories are what brought him to this door this eve.

He took a deep breath and said under his breath“I…I can do this. Just be confident. I am a mage after all. I know all sorts of powerful magic’s.” Of course at that moment he could not remember one thing he had learned. Clinching his fists he walked thru the people who were standing outside of the Squewed Boar and opened the door. As he stepped into the room he saw that there were quite a few people there this morning. Of course most turned to see who had come in…and a few faces were surprised to see a sand blonde boy with freckles wearing a black robe with silver laced cuffs, holding a staff in one hand and a book in the other. Not wanting to be the center of attention he started to walk away when one of the men near the door said “What…do you live in a barn boy? Shut the bloody door!” Several laughed as he turned, embarrassment covering his face, and shut the door. He lowered his head and moved off to the side as quickly as he could. This of course prevented him from seeing the chair leg that seemed to reach out and trip him. He fell to the ground with a hard ‘thump’ which only made the patrons laugh all the harder. If this ‘adventure’ could start any worse for little Arty….he was not sure how.

As the laughter died out and people returned to their own business Artimus managed to make his way to the bar. Climbing up the tall stood he situated himself and looked at the bar keep. The man gave him a humorous smile and said “What will it be….ale…perhaps some wine?” He gave a chuckle at his own joke which only deepened Arty’s embarrassment. He cleared his throat and said in the most manly voice he could muster…which of course only sounded like a girl….said “I….will have some milllll…..I mean…..some water would do.” With that he turned himself in his seat to listen to the conversations to find out what he had to do to get involved in the great monster hunt.

He watched as the others talked and then he finally overheard conversation on what he had been waiting for.

Cinder"You should be able to find Father Francesco at the church." Cinder says, tilting her head in the same direction she had indicated the marina earlier. "Its hard to miss as its the largest building in town." After Sigve leaves to retrieve his weapons, she glances at the other two. "Your companion is wise to gather arms before setting forth. Even though it is still a few hours before darkness falls, the beast has been known to strike while the sun is up."

As several strangers started existing Artimus drank the last of his water then tossed a few copper pieces on the counter saying "keep the change". He jumped off the stool and headed out the door after the others ignorant of the distasteful look the bartender was giving at the copper pieces.
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Old Nov 1st, 2011, 10:39 PM
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Throwing some copper down on the bar to pay for his meal and food, Magnus heads out the door and heads toward the stables to grab his gear and check on Honor. Catching up to Sigve and William, In listening to your conversation with Cinder, I gather that you both have been tracking this fell creature for some time now. Is this the first place that the creature has been known to spend more than one day killing?
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Old Nov 1st, 2011, 11:24 PM
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"It has been heading south for well nigh a year, since it brought ruin on Snowhaven," Sigve answered his new companion. "Yet, it never stayed as long at one location as it has here in Fisher's Pool. I have been asking myself the very question you seem to be broaching: why would it settle into this town for a length of time? It is almost as if it has been summoned."

Looking around the town, Sigve noted the location of the large temple building and decided that he would visit it immediately after speaking with Sparhawk.

"Likewise, friend Magnus, I am puzzled by the beast's noticeable presence here in this town. What I mean is, Fru Cinder has indicated that the townsfolk have heard the beast shuffling around at night, and seemingly put off by closed doors...yet, along the trek south the thing was never seen or heard. Indeed, people were taken from sealed chambers. This is very puzzling to me, as it is almost as if we are speaking of two different creatures."

With that, the normally taciturn Northman fell silent. Sparhawk's responses to their inquiries should prove enlightening, Sigve thought to himself.

Last edited by Landifarne; Nov 2nd, 2011 at 04:30 PM.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2011, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Landifarne View Post
"It has been heading south for well nigh a year, since it brought ruin on Snowhaven," Sigve answered his new companion. "Yet, it stayed not long at one location as it has here in Fisher's Pool. I have been asking myself the very question you seem to be broaching: why would it settle into this town for a length of time? It is almost as if it has been summoned."

Looking around the town, Sigve noted the location of the large temple building and decided that he would visit it immediately after speaking with Sparhawk.

"Likewise, friend Magnus, I am puzzled by the beast's noticeable presence here in this town. What I mean is, Fru Cinder has indicated that the townsfolk have heard the beast shuffling around at night, and seemingly put off by closed doors...yet, along the trek south the thing was never seen or heard. Indeed, people were taken from sealed chambers. This is very puzzling to me, as it is almost as if we are speaking of two different creatures."
Hearing the men talk Arty listened intently trying to pick up what they were saying. He never was very good at this kind of thing. Wanting to join the conversation he spoke up as he quickly shuffled forward saying "Why....there are several magical methods for breaking into a sealed room without opening it. There teleportation...that is an obvious one of course....or one could simply meld with the wood and in essence walk right through as if it were a doorway. If you had mastery over nature as some druids are known to have, you could turn yourself into a gas vapor and go under the door. As to the beast not being heard in some places yet in others is heard shuffling...there could be more than one beast...or perhaps it was injured....or I have even heard of creatures that have the ability to heal themselves by taking the blood of its victim. Then there is........" He went on for a few more minutes wanting to get it all out so he would sound knowledgeable and convincing. When he finished he was actually out of breath. He smiled at the men...all of whom were much taller then he...and said "Artimus Gordan....wizard apprentice to Aron the your service". He said this last part as if it would mean the world to every common man. They all knew his master...right?
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Old Nov 2nd, 2011, 01:21 AM
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William turns to Sigve and Magnus in mid stride towards the marina. As I suggested before, the creature isn't native to the area surroundin' Snowhaven. Its black pelt would be ill suited to survival in such an area. I believe the creature found the area around Fisher's Pool a more hospitable area to inhabit than the rest of the Turask. Not only that, but the villagers are easy pickin's. It will undoubtedly remain until no one is left standin' before movin' on. William suddenly turns to face the boy that had started following them. Without any consideration for his robes or book, William dismisses the fledgling youth. Go home boy where you'll be safe.

Last edited by Stormhammer; Nov 2nd, 2011 at 01:31 AM.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2011, 07:29 PM
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The Fisher’s Pool harbor is positioned on the east boundary of town. A series of docks, of varying lengths, extend out into the slow moving current. The river forms a natural bend there and begins to widen before continuing its journey to the sea some forty miles away to the south. The current slows to a crawl and it is obvious that positioning the harbor here was well planned out for the ease of arriving and departing boats.

Several small shops line the cobblestone road on the side away from the river creating a trade district, It must be a busy place when the trading season is in full swing, but now the doors and windows are closed and only a few men sit along the docks with lines in the water. They talk in hushed tones as you past and peer wearily at you from above their pipes and thick mustaches, which are the style of sailors and river folk alike.

The Morning Glory is not hard to find. It is the only vessel of any size anchored along one of the longest piers close to the southeast side of town. It is a handsome vessel. With a double mast and a long narrow beam those of you who are familiar with such things can tell that it is built for speed more than cargo capacity. With the sails furled and its deck polished to a dull sheen, it shimmers in the late afternoon sunlight.

As you approach one of several men aboard her decks wanders over to the rail and peers down at you. He is tall and muscular middle aged man, his skin browned by many years of work outdoors. Like the fishermen of earlier, he wears a thick black mustache on his upper lip. Below it, however, a long tuft of hair protrudes from his chin to signify rank. Dressed as a common deckhand he could easily be mistaken for a common worker, but something about the way he holds his body tells you that this man is not to be trifled with.

When you are close enough to speak he reaches into a vest pocket and pulling out a leather pouch, he begins to roll a cigarette, a practice that you have not seen before.

“Afternoon gentlemen! And laddy!” He speaks with a thick accent and you have to strain to catch his words. “I see that the royals ‘ave finally seen fit to send some men of stature to this fine town!” He grins and finishing his rolling job pops the thin roll of tobacco between his lips and lights it from a nearby lantern. “I’d tell ye my name, but I reckon ye already know it or ye wouldn’t be ‘ere. What can I do for ye?”
Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!
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Old Nov 2nd, 2011, 10:41 PM
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Prior to meeting Sparhawk

At being dismissed by the warrior Artiumus’s face slumped. He had tried so hard to impress them but only managed to make himself look foolish….or in the least…young. He thought about what his master had once said to him:

“Now Arty, you have to understand something very important. No matter how much you learn or how old you get, people will STILL take you for granted. To most, you will be just a simple boy. To most, I am just an old codger who should be sitting in a rocking chair with a pipe. Know that this is to be expected and you must not become bitter about it. Arcane magic is very real to you and I. However, to most it is just some side show parlor tricks done by a man with quick hands.”

He took those words to heart that day knowing they would serve him well. He ignored the slight and instead said “Boy? *slight chuckle* Yes, I have to admit that I am indeed a boy. None the less I am a wizard. I may not have a large sword and shield or wear impressive armor…but I can hold my own I can assure you. Tell me, when a spell is cast on you that prevents you from moving your legs…or causes your sight to leave you, what will you do then? How will you remove such a condition before your enemy kills you? What about if someone uses fire against you? How much protection will your shield or armor be when you are engulfed in a searing hot flame? I could provide you protection from these conditions. Do I need to demonstrate my usefulness? I can promise you that the enemy will not like me having your backs I can assure you.” *There was a twinkle in his eyes* If a demonstration of his power was needed….then that is what he will do.

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Old Nov 3rd, 2011, 01:01 AM
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Sigve darts out his hand and snags the boy named Artimus by the ear. Dragging the minikin close, the northman whispers to the lad:

“Listen well and mind your words, pup! Yon captain is a tangled knot and has been busy of late…of that I am sure. Many questions there are. Has he been working to help the people of this town, or has he been filling his hold with the effects of dead men? Is he tied to the creature that besets Fisher’s Pool? Does a man who lives aboard a ship while others die in the streets have a hidden motive here?”

Releasing the young mage, Sigve steps forth and replies to the man in a clear, cool voice, “Aye, Sparhawk of the Seas, we have questions to ask of you, but they are for your ears alone. Invite us aboard, or pray tell you will come down for a friendly moot.”

Last edited by Landifarne; Nov 3rd, 2011 at 02:07 AM.
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Old Nov 3rd, 2011, 01:43 AM
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Giving a heartfelt bellow at Artimus's show to bravery and his quick wit in the face of such a dangerous man as William, Magnus slaps Artimus on the back sending him slightly stumbing forward. I must say gents, I do believe having this "boy" around will be of great help to us on our quest. Magnus then lets Sigve do the talking when they finally meet Sparhawk.

Last edited by keylan; Nov 3rd, 2011 at 07:06 PM. Reason: changing description
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Old Nov 4th, 2011, 09:46 AM
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William's cold, sapphire eyes dart from the boy to Magnus. Even if the boy is a magician, would you have his blood on your hands, Magnus? The beast we hunt won't hesitate to snatch him up. Animals, unlike people, have no remorse for killin'. Not even waiting for an answer, William turns to look up at Sparhawk on his ship. Like my friend says, we would like to have a word with you regardin' the beast.
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Old Nov 4th, 2011, 07:10 PM
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Arty’s smile was one of knowing. He KNEW he had impressed them with his confident speech. They were certainly going to let him help out. “Why, I bet they start treating me…”ouch….Ouch….Ouch….OUCH!” He said this last part as Sigve yanked on his ear. For Artimus it was TOO much like how his master had grabbed him when he felt like the boy was not paying enough attention.

Sigve's words“Listen well and mind your words, pup! Yon captain is a tangled knot and has been busy of late…of that I am sure. Many questions there are. Has he been working to help the people of this town, or has he been filling his hold with the effects of dead men? Is he tied to the creature that besets Fisher’s Pool? Does a man who lives aboard a ship while others die in the streets have a hidden motive here?”

When he was released Artimus put his hand to his ear and tried to rub the pain away as he said “alright….ALRIGHT! Geeeezeee, no need to be so touchy.” When Magnus spoke up in his defense he felt a little better though the one called William did not like the idea of him tagging along any more that the burly, grumpy Sigve did. He did not like being dismissed out of hand so he said “I may be a boy but I can take care of myself thank you very much. I also don’t intend on charging any monsters. I am young…but I am NO fool.” With that he turned away from William and walked towards Sparhawk with determination. He was not going to mouth off to some captain pirate guy…but he was certainly going with.
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Old Nov 5th, 2011, 02:53 AM
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Sparhawk’s lips widen into a smile upon viewing the interaction between the men and the young boy who apparently has attached himself to their ranks.

“Ahh, leave the laddy be! We were all young once and out to make a name fer ourselves. I wasn’t much older than he when I stole…well, borrowed me first ship and used it to break some friends outta an Imperial prison.” His eyes cloud over slightly as he his thoughts drift backwards in time. “She was a bloody good skiff she was! Kept us goin’ with three cannonballs rattlin’ around inside her hull. Made it all the way back to the Sugercliffs ’fore we had to ’bandon ship an’ swim fer shore.”

He peered down at Artimus and winked slyly, smoke from his cigarette curling up around the bandana he wore atop his head. This man was indeed the walking embodiment of every pirate cliché known to exist. If he didn’t look so natural in his skin, you might think he tried to appear that way, but as it is, you almost wonder if every story ever written about pirates was actually written about this man, specifically.

Straightening up from the rail upon which he had been leaning, he kicks a rope ladder overboard. “Climb on up lads! Lets parlay! I’ve got some rum around ’ere somewheres if the crew ’asn’t drunk it already!”

Once onboard he leads you towards the aft of the ship, where his quarters are positioned underneath the wheelhouse. It is a small cabin, but comfortable and there is room for everyone to sit. A small desk is positioned towards the rear of the cabin and Sparhawk takes a seat behind its weathered surface, his back to a small window that looks out towards the jungle across the river. Several other seats are scattered around the room and he waves his hand towards them in a friendly gesture.

“’Ave a seat lads. Lets get business outta the way and then we’ll see ’bout the rum if ye‘re so inclined.” Once again he winks at Arty and snuffs out his cigarette in a large seashell. Leaning back in his seat he clasps his hands over his stomach and peers out at you all. “So what is it that I can help ye with?”
Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!
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Old Nov 5th, 2011, 02:57 PM
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Artimus, still rubbing his ear, looked quite surprised when the pirate....I mean...captain...spoke up in his defense. He fought the urge to turn back to William and Sigve and stick his tongue out at them. That of course would have doomed his chances of joining the group so he simply gave a slight bow of his head to Sparhawk.

He followed the group onto the ship with his hands in the opposite sleaves of his robe as he had seen his master do when they had gone on looking for spell components. He always thought the old man looked very regal and wizardly. Of course the old man had a very long white beard that just set it all off. Artimus would probably have to wait another year or two before he could have one too. The thought put a smile on his face as he entered the captain's cabin.

He looked around the room and thought "If this is the clean cabin...I would hate to see what the other ones look like". When Sparhawk waved a hand for them to sit down Artimus started moving around looking for a chair with the least about of stuff on it. Avoiding the chairs that had clothes draped over them he found one that was littered with rolled up maps. He sat down on the corner of the chair and slowly nudged what was there to the side. Once settled he sat there waiting to hear how the other three were going to bring up the monster. "This captain is not such a bad guy really. Sure he smelled....but so did William."

Last edited by AlwaysCivilMike; Nov 5th, 2011 at 02:58 PM.
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