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Old Nov 21st, 2011, 07:56 PM
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After listening quietly to the conversation with the priest, Magnus finally speaks up I agree with Priest Francesco, his description follows with what I have been following more closely then this creature you call a manicore. But I also agree with Sigve about trying to capture this fell creature this night.
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Old Nov 24th, 2011, 04:00 AM
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Francesco nods and glances out one of the small windows. “We still have an hour, or perhaps a bit more before darkness falls. Not that the creature only comes at night mind you. We could just as easily be struck down walking across town to see Thomas, as you could be this eve should you implement you plan for it’s capture.” He pauses and peers around at your faces. “I find it best to hand it over to God and allow His will to be done. No sense worrying about happenstance.” As he turns to lead you out he hesitates, a thoughtful expression on his features. “One thing you should know before we go. Thomas’s wife was taken only a month ago. Her body was never recovered and she was with child when the creature took her. Their first... He is a man who is lost and desperate for answers. So much so that he would sacrifice himself for those answers. I ask you, do not exploit his desperation. He is a good man and he will recover in time, God willing.”

With that said he leads you out of the church and into the fading twilight. Unbidden the charm of this riverside village floods your senses. It as if the departure from the church has brought with it a fresh viewpoint on what life here was like before the beasts arrival. Not one of you is immune to a sudden weight that presses upon your shoulders and a sadness that suddenly seeps into your hearts as you suddenly realize that this community will never be the same as it was before. Even should you succeed in your task, the damage that has been done has served to strip away a nameless, yet fundamental quality of life that is as vital to a community as the blood that pulses within a mans veins.. With the sun setting slowly behind the distant Bonecrag’s, the village is bathed in a pinkish glow that castes a soothing aura across the thatched and tiled rooftops. Windows sparkle here and there like captured flames and in the distance the river chuckles softly as it contemplates unspoken secrets. In the distant forest the chirps and whistles of the fauna reach to your ears and the rustle of the leaves as they sigh like embracing lovers fills the fading twilight with a relaxed ambiance. Overall it is a deceptively peaceful scene, but a scene that, while once beautiful and pure, has become tarnished beyond repair.

Arriving at your destination demon free you are pleased to note that Thomas, true to his profession, is outside of a small thatched roof building splitting firewood with a double bladed axe. You are surprised by his youthful appearance and unless your eyes deceive you, you judge him to be only a few turns over his twentieth year. He is of moderate height with curly black hair and strong musculature attributed likely to his chosen occupation.

Father Francesco greets him with a handshake and makes the introductions. Once the young man has greeted you all he settles back on his heels, with his hands resting on the handle of his axe like a cane.

“So you wish to know the nature of the beast?” He asks. His tone is surprisingly sardonic and Francesco moves to place a large hand on the youths shoulder. With a glance towards the giant, the young mans shoulders slump slightly. “I do not mean to be rude. It is just that what you ask is something that no one can tell you. We", he waves his hand in a sweeping gesture across the village proper, “have all asked the same questions. We have all spent sleepless nights wondering, waiting, worrying about our neighbors and loved ones. If I had information to give, I would give it freely. But the forest is vast and there are many places that a beast could hide.” Resting the handle of his axe against his hip, he casts his eyes to the ground while rubbing his callused hands together. “If it is a cave you seek, there are many. Some too small to house anything but bats, but others so large they could accommodate a dragon. Unless you are better trackers than I am though, then the forest will do naught, but waste your time, or worse, get you killed.” He looks up from the dirt at his feet, fire visible in his eyes. “I am not afraid though. If you wish a guide I will take you. We can go now or in the morning. It makes no difference to me.”
Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!

Last edited by Klazzform; Nov 24th, 2011 at 04:02 AM.
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Old Nov 25th, 2011, 10:02 PM
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“Thomas , I am sorry for your loss,” Sigve supplied, extending his condolences to the weary woodcutter. “And I understand it, having lost mine own daughter to this thing we seek. Indeed, I feel much as you do…haven given up on life, and willing to forego all else to bring the creature low. But, I think it is best we await the dawn, as we can discern clues to the thing’s whereabouts better by sunlight.” Looking about for an appropriate space, the Northman asked the young man, “If it is not a bother, could we rest here in your home ‘till the morn?”

"Then," Sigve declared, "we will set out to find and kill this thing."
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Last edited by Landifarne; Nov 25th, 2011 at 10:03 PM.
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Old Dec 2nd, 2011, 12:18 AM
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Thomas shrugs. "You are welcome to stay if you like, but my accommodations are meager and I can offer no more than a spot on the floor.”

Francesco also speaks up, offering you a pew at the church. “You should be safe there, if you don‘t mind sleeping on hard oak. As I mentioned before there have been no attacks within the walls, but it is my understanding that the crown has provided rooms for you at the tavern. Would you not find that more suitable to your needs?”
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Old Dec 2nd, 2011, 09:57 PM
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Looking over at his companions Magnus pauses with his thoughts before speaking. I agree that staying at the inn would be more comfortable and the church would offer better protection but by staying here with you might shed more light on what is happening here and also puts us closer to the heart of town incase something happens tonight.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2011, 01:51 AM
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William looks down at his feet. In a small way, he can sympathize with the loss of the woodcutter. Yet, he cannot fully imagine the loss of a wife and unborn child to the creature. The priest had specifically asked them not to incite the man to violence, however, William cannot help but feel that the man is deserving of retribution. Unless we are prepared to hunt by moonlight, I suggest we get started in the mornin'. I will patrol the outside of the wall before settlin' down at the tavern. Might I suggest we meet here at first light.

Last edited by Stormhammer; Dec 3rd, 2011 at 02:01 AM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2011, 04:29 PM
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Agreeing to meet Thomas at sunup, the hunters left the woodcutter to his misery.

"Aye, William, if you think it is important, then check the town's preparations," Sigve agreed, clapping the older man on the back. "We'll retire to the inn, and tilt a few cups while you're out." Turning to the priest, Sigve allayed the giant cleric's fears, "Priest Francesco, there is no need for us to hide within the temple's walls and cower in fear. I do not think the creature will target us this, or any night; what, with so many unarmed villagers about. Indeed, I would offer you our own hopitality, that you accompany us to the inn and share in our meal."

Returning to Cinder's tavern, Magnus and Sigve enjoyed a hearty repast and spoke at length to the boy Artimus, attempting to gauge the lad's worth. The boy spoke of being an apprentice to some master of the dark arts, reputation unknown to either of the northerners. This was not surprising, as the warriors were superstitious of anything arcane, to the point where Sigve even doubted the existence of magic.

Trust in your own arm and strength, Sigve had been taught at an early age, and now found himself thinking.

Tired from the journey, and exhausted from the day's introductions, the Northman went upstairs to get a good night's sleep.
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Last edited by Landifarne; Dec 4th, 2011 at 04:35 PM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2011, 06:54 PM
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William continues on towards the wall, stopping long enough to address Sigve. I'll join you within the hour. Don't knock back too many without me, laddie. William makes off towards the outskirts of the wall with his strange wooden staff at the ready.
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Old Dec 7th, 2011, 12:38 AM
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William heads to the Skewered Boar as swiftly as his old legs will carry him. He removes his axe from his belt, clutching the handle so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Barging into the tavern, he faces Sigve and Magnus with a perplexed look on his face. We may be huntin' a lycanthrope. I found the tracks of a naked man wanderin' out of the forest into the village.
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Old Dec 7th, 2011, 01:25 PM
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Looking up from his stein of ale at the abrupt entrance of William, Magnus takes one last swig of his drink before answering. A lycanthrope you say. I have heard rumors of such beast. Men who transform themselves into creatues upon the full moon. It is also said that some can even chose when the transformation over takes them. What is your suggestion in tracking and slaying such a fell beast?
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Old Dec 8th, 2011, 11:44 PM
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More than ready to get some sleep, Sigve runs his hands through his lank hair and shakes his head upon hearing William's words.

"Nay, William, this cannot be a shapechanger," Sigve explains. "That would not make any sense. Sparhawk's man was taken right from under his nose, in the middle of a river. What would explain that, a shapechanger that can materialize and then disappear once again, with a full-grown man in tow?"

"I am of a mind to believe Priest Francesco. I think that our beast is employing some kind of evil power to be so stealthy and fleet. Perhaps your were-man simply happens to be in the area, or has been drawn to the power we seek to destroy..."
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Old Dec 9th, 2011, 12:47 PM
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William shrugs his shoulders with uncertainty. I only know what I’ve seen with my own two eyes. I cannot rely on the words of a sea rat whose brain was probably swirlin' with brandywine at the time of the disappearance. William readjusts the wooden staff hanging over his shoulder, readdressing Sigve in a dark and grim tone. I’ve heard strange stories before of men makin' deals with demons. In exchange for their souls, they are granted the ability to transform into terrible monsters. As Magnus has said, such men can chose when the transformation overtakes them. The only way to combat such creatures is with silver weapons. But we should have more evidence before we empty our coin purses to the local blacksmith.

Last edited by Stormhammer; Dec 9th, 2011 at 01:04 PM.
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Old Dec 10th, 2011, 04:18 PM
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"Well, William, if you are correct, then the tracks will still be there in the morning," Sigve answered solemnly, tired from the day's journey and series of interviews. "At least we have something to start with when the sun comes up."

"As for our weapons, I'm, sure Magnus' axe and my father's sax will be adequate to the task of slaying the beast," the warrior said, patting his short sword. "We can get the woodcutter and set off, come sunrise."
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Old Dec 13th, 2011, 11:21 PM
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Thumbing his axe in agreement to Sigve statement, Is is possible that there are two creatures of the night that we are hunting? I have heard of stranger things than that in my traveles. But I also agree that we should start in the morning with the tracks that William found tonight.
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Old Dec 15th, 2011, 09:59 PM
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With full darkness in tow, you all retire for the evening. The young man Artimus had been strangely absent since the visit with Sparhawk, but upon knocking on the door to his room, you find him with his nose buried in some incomprehensible book. Satisfied that all of her tenants are in for the evening, Cinder bars the front door to the inn, extinguishes the lamps, banks the fire and heads to bed herself.

The night is cold and turns the rooms in which you sleep, to ice boxes. Luckily you are provided with adequate blankets making it tolerable for the most part unless some stray flesh wanders its way out from under its protective insulation. Outside the moisture rolls in off of the river and soon the entire town is blanketed in a dense fog. Its thick tendril apertures wind their way sinuously through the streets, crawling up the walls of the buildings and attempting to merge with the smoke from the chimneys.

In the forest a creature watched as one by one the lanterns were doused and the town fell quiet. Only the guards in the towers remained, ever watchful, but blinded to the night by the light of their torches. Deaf as stones they stood watch, never standing a chance at hearing the scant sounds made as the beast slipped almost silently through the trees.

The thing's eyes glowed dimly in the moonlight as it studied the scene. Fifty feet from the tree line to the wall took only two strides and were made from the depths of the shadows that formed between the flickering torchlight. One leap to the top of the wall, agilely avoiding the sharpened points hewn into their tips. A drop to the ground. Soft dust in the well used street muffles the landing. A nostril lifted to the breeze finds the scent. It is near! Bloodlust clouds the mind…need! Muscles flex and shiver in anticipation. Prey is near! Head down, eyes up. Watch the torchlight. Move silently. A door! No matter. Pain! Awkwardness. This body so crude compared to the other, but useful for some purposes. Door open! Pain! Head down, eyes up! Hearing the heartbeat now…prey is sleeping. Careful…careful…Pounce! Quick to the neck! No sound! Good…very good. Feed…so good to feed! But enough for now. Escape now...To the wall…and up…forest awaits. So cool, so dark... Sweet embrace…

The knock on the door comes early to Sigve’s door. It is still cold and the air is frigid upon stepping out of bed. Frost clouds the glass of a narrow window, dampening the light from the rising sun. Outside the door Father Francesco waits, giant hands folded and emotion playing across his face.

“Thomas has been taken.”
Stop by and visit the DnDOG Short Story Competition in the Library. Show your support by voting for the story of the month!

Last edited by Klazzform; Dec 15th, 2011 at 10:05 PM.
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