Now then, here's what I want from you all in here. First, go ahead and post your original application. Allong with your app, I will want you to also roll your stats. Stats will be, as mentioned before, 4d6 drop the lowest. You will be aloud to roll two different stat sets; you will choose the one you prefer. Once you have your stats, go ahead and delete the set you don't like in an edit. (Also, I can see -all- deleted rolls, so no point in cheating, yeah?) Last edited by Deo; Jul 28th, 2012 at 02:23 PM. |
Character Name: Mace
Race: Human Class: Bard (Gallant kit) Appearance: Mace is the quintessential ladies man. Tall, handsome, hair neatly trimmed. His smile lights up every room, and his prose makes many a woman dreamy. His music is catchy. He's exactly what you expect a bard to look like. He currently doesn't look up to the task though. He's still got his trusty longsword and lute. But the times have certainly taken a toll on his game. Personality: True love. Where has it gone? It was gone before this mess. Mace's love of life and love of love itself drive him. He's typically a jovial guy, but the current events have put a twist on his outlook. Its kinda hard to pursue life and love when surrounded by death. His code of conduct drives his decisions, and it guides his personality. Background: Mace comes from the countryside south of town. He's young, foolish, and full of life. His father is the head of the guard for a wealthy land owner and as such, he was exposed to all manner of cultural influences as he grew. His love for poetry grew from his mother, his love for jousting from his father, and his love for magic...well that's not something gentlemen tell.... Mace rode into town on his trusty steed for the yearly tournament after a falling out with his father, who doesn't seem to love life as much. Hopeful to make a name for himself in the city, imagine his surprise when on his third joust, what can only be described as a zombie made its way into the games. Then another.... Officially, Mace is quick to note he "won" the yearly tournament and is due all the rewards therein seeing as, as far as anyone knows, he is the only survivor of the tournament. Since then, he's lost his lance, his horse, and everything else save his longsword and lute. He survived these past three weeks on his wit, his skill with his lance and sword, and, most importantly, his ability to woo the ladies. The first few days, many of the tournament jousters were used against the dead in organized lancing runs. Mace was quite adept at it, killing what might approach a hundred of them from his trusty steed's back. Alas it quickly became clear nothing would slow the effects...the resistance fell quickly and organized response fell into dis-array. Near the end of the first week, after the tournament grounds fell, he fled towards the sea, hoping beyond hope to find a way beyond the walls to the water. On the way there, he came upon the lady Dion and her party, by chance, who (after using his charms) granted him safety in her largish home near the docks. Unfortunately, it wasn't impregnable, and yesterday was over-run. Mace, lady Dion, and several guards fought their way to the haven only to be over-run. Mace expects this location to also be overrun soon, and his current poetry reeks of doom. He fought gallantly to save the lady Dion, but his efforts (again) were in vain, as the lady fell just steps from safety. RP Sample: Love. Where have you gone? What have we done wrong? Life. Why have you betrayed us? How can we revive your flame? Death. Why do you walk? Go back to where you belong. Stats (from OOC thread) STR - 12 DEX - 16 CON - 12 INT - 13 WIS - 11 CHA - 16 I'm toying with swapping STR and DEX in this number setup. Last edited by jaredh; Aug 2nd, 2012 at 04:37 PM. |
my ap
Character Name - Xander Darkwaters
Race - Human Age - 19 Class - Ranger with the Stalker Kit from the Complete Rangers Handbook Alignment - Neutral Good Stats- Str-13 Dex-13 Con-16 Int-16 Wis-14 Cha-13 Appearance - Xander is 5'3'' tall and weighs 125lbs. He has black crew cut hair with blue eyes. He has a scar that starts at the scalp line running across his right eye and half way down his right cheek. Xander walks with a limp favoring his left leg which bows slightly. He dresses in as plain of clothes as he can so that he stands out less in a crowd and blends in better. Personality - Xander is a soft spoken and doesn't raise his voice except on rare occasions. Unless he has something important to say or is asked a question he would rather just sit back and observe the going ons around him. That's not to say that he can't get his point across or get people to answer his questions he would just rather do it in a more intelligent and effective manner. Xander is more of an intellectual than physical person and is more at home working out his brain than muscles. Weapons of Choice - Sword Stick from complete Thieves Handbook - 1d6/1d8 dmg, 4lb wt, medium pointed, 25gp cost Half Staff(Scabbard) from complete Ninja Handbook - 1d6/1d3 dmg, 1lb wt, small blunt Stiletto from complete Fighters Handbook - 1d3/1d2 dmg, 2/1 10 20 30 ranged, 1/2lb wt small pointed, 5sp cost Razor from Al-Qadim setting corebook - 1d2/1d2 dmg, 1lb wt, small edged, 4sp cost Background - Xander was born into poverty. His parents were common pickpockets and beggars. As Xander got older his parents would use him as a lookout to keep out an eye for the City Guard. When Xander was 8 years old his parents decided to try to break into a jewelry shop one night so they could make a big score. They left Xander out front as a watch when they broke in. The City Guard happened along and noticed lights in the shop. Before Xander could warn his parents the guard stormed the shop and grabbed him. His parents were sent to prison for their crimes and Xander was sent to an orphanage. Xander didn't fit in well with the other kids at the orphanage and spent most of his time alone in study. He spent the next 4 years mostly keeping to himself and expanding his knowledge on any subjects he could. When Xander was 12 years old and older man who worked as a barber came in looking for someone to be his apprentice. Even though Xander was more of a wallflower his attention to detail caught the man's eye and he took Xander off the orphanage's hands. So Xander became the mans apprentice and with his studious nature quickly learned the trade. For the next 6 years Xander continued to practice the barber profession and became very good at it. He was amazed by how much information he was able to learn while servicing his clients. It's like they didn't even notice he was there and would talk about just about anything in his presence. One day a couple of guys that Xander knew were members of the Assassins Guild was talking about a job while in the shop. Xander overheard that they were planning to try to assassinate the king at his next public speaking event. Xander wasn't the biggest fan of the king but he didn't want to see him assassinated either. So he went to the City Guard and told them what he had found out. The guard set up a sting operation and caught the potential assassins before they could complete their plans. Some how the Assassins Guild found out that Xander had snitched them out and sent some thugs to take him out. The thugs attacked Xander one night as he was closing up shop. They would have succeeded in killing him if the king hadn't of been grateful for what Xander had done and sent some of his personal bodyguards to keep an eye on him. The bodyguards ran the thugs off and saved Xander's life. But not before major damage could be done. Xander was severely cut across the right side of his face almost blinding him and his left leg was broken in multiple places. The bodyguards took Xander back to the palace to heal from his wounds. After several months of healing Xander was able to walk again but with a limp. The king saw potential in Xander and had him start training with his intelligence agents so he could serve the city as a spy on the street gathering information. After several more months in training learning how to fight when he had to and gather information without being found out Xander was ready to go to work for the crown. After only a couple of weeks serving in his new position the Zombie Plague broke out stranding Xander in the slums district. Xander is now trying to make his way back to the royal district and service to the king. He is trying to figure out what caused the plague and any way to stop it before everyone in the city is killed. Roleplay Example - For the last 3 weeks Xander has been trying to make it across town and to the royal district. But with all the undead everywhere he turns it has been a slow process. It seems like for every 2 miles he makes it towards his goal he has to backtrack a mile in the wrong direction to avoid a hoard of zombies he couldn't sneak pass or fight his way through. At this rate he'll never make it there. He's seen other survivors during the last weeks but they were all going in the wrong direction towards the main gates or docks hoping to find someway out of the doomed city.None of them knew what caused the plague or anyway to combat it. They could care less about saving the city and only wanted to save themselves. Why couldn't Xander be like them and turn the other way heading towards safety? Why did he have to feel like it was his responsibility to figure out a solution for this problem? Why did he have to agree to work for the king in the first place? The sun was starting to set and it was a lot more dangerous to try to travel at night since if you used any kind of light it would draw the shambling beast towards you. Xander had to find somewhere safe to rest and quickly because all the sneaking and fighting he had to do today had worn him out. He kept his eyes open for a spot that he could defend if attacked during the night yet still escape from in a hurry if he had to. Up on the corner of the next intersection,of what he thought was Silver and who knew what else since he had gotten so turned around,there seemed to be a building with all it's doors and windows still intact. He quickly looked around and didn't see any zombies in the area so he dashed out of hiding towards his sanctuary for the night. As he passed an alley just a couple of building from his target out of the gloom came a mass of undead horrors. It was as if they knew where he was heading and were waiting for just the right moment to make their move. He quickly dodged to the side to avoid their outstretched hands and tried to draw his sword out of the cane that he was carrying in his left hand. All of his attention was focused on the zombies,and not watching where he was going,so he didn't see the rotting carcass of the dead dog in front of him. His feat tripped over the remains and his lame left leg went out from under him as he tried to regain his balance yet still keep out of the advancing mobs reach. Xander tumbled to the ground taking a hard fall on his side causing him to loose the grip on the sword cane he had been trying to ready for his defense. The cane went flying off somewhere in the distance landing with a heartbreaking clatter. Xander rolled onto his back and started sitting up. The relentless minions of undead were mere feet from him and surrounding him from all sides ready to devour him as their next meal. Xander knew it was helpless but he refused to just sit there and not give them a fight for their supper. So he drew his only weapons left, a shiny extremely sharp razor that was tucked into the hem of his right boot and a slim pointy stiletto from a sheath strapped to his left forearm. He looked towards the intersection and his salvation one more time and saw that he had come within 25' of the safety that the secure building promised. Then the enemy was upon him and all he could see was zombies as he slashed with the razor and jabbed with the stiletto while screaming at the top of his lungs, "Come get some you maggot ridden walking dead." Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.
mess with the best and die like the rest Last edited by bonedaddy1974; Aug 3rd, 2012 at 03:09 AM. Reason: updating ap and putting stats in correct order |
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