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Old Sep 17th, 2012, 07:10 PM
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We call that one Muad'Dib
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Furious at the dwarf's snub, Serlehne clenches his fists and exhales.

Serenity! Calm yourself. All dwarves are like this

Don't do anything rash, just eat your fruit, just eat your...

Serlehne shouted in dwarvish:


Serlehne clasped a hand over his mouth.

Control yourself. Eat your fruit.
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 12:58 AM
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Haldir heard his elven brethren speak dwarven, and considered his words. The dwarf might be offended by that....lets see how this goes. Silly Grey Elf

OOCaren't you a grey, not moon elf?
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 01:23 AM
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As Mu tends to the grievous Crusader, another scene unfolds in tonight's hobnobitty.
Haldir & Serlehne
When the Moonelf comes to the bar, and begins his banter with the Sundered Dwarf he notices that a woman of remarkable beauty is making her way towards the disruptive newcomers with a rapid, yet graceful speed. Wrapped in furs and Kashmir of the deepest violets, she wore the color of royalty as she made it vogue. Her gaze lingered almost enchantingly off Haldir her entire way down the flight stairs, (at the rear of the barroom,) to the landing, where she offers him a warm smile. In perfect eloquence she whispers something to (ear) what looks like an enormous nose perched on her shoulder. A Nose that that has grown a little set of hands and legs, complete with buckled Gillies and all.

She turns off from the landing to continue down the bar, passing the Moonelf to continue along her determined course to Haldir, wrapping her arm within his, "Good Evening, favored patron...would you be so kind as to introduce me to your friends here?" she purrs, looking meaningfully at the Greyelf. Directly following her greeting, the ambling Nose slides down her person to hit the floor with a determined snort. Upon landing, Serlehne guesses the creature can't be much more than a hand-and-a-half tall, and yet the diminutive orifice peers up to the Moonelf and honks in a meager squeak; "Hello there, fellow friend! How may I be of Service!?!" at this you notice a distinct feeling of warm, happy pleasure creep into your mind, and though it is obvious, it's not intrusive.

Bofgar & KildrenLittle sprites whurr about you both seemingly moreso than the other patrons of the night, be it this from a dwarf's love of good meat and drink, or the common knowledge of dwarvish loathing for anything magical or cute. Gods forbid you get both- bringing your meat and drink, no less. As they both feel the butt of a bad joke - with pixiedust - it's plain for everyone to see range of emotions going through the dwarf without ribs. Having carried out their service with the expediency of Muamman Duathal himself, the sprites immediately recognized the imminent danger before it became something serious, addressing the cleric a Spriteserver rattles out: "Another Order of Ribs, comin' rite up sir! Your right, I better make that three.. ohhh brother!"

Not only does another massive pile of meaty bones appear with alarming speed, but the glittery little firecrackers have made sure that everyone's drink is refreshed ( if maybe just a little too often?)and seemlessly attend to the needs of the Violacious Woman , producing a goblet of decadent ambrosia from which she may wet her lips.


Last edited by Split; Sep 18th, 2012 at 01:48 AM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 02:11 AM
Addar Addar is offline
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Hearing the Moonelf speak in his tongue, Kildren would turn his glance back onto him, he would bite his tongue and talk to him politely.

Kildren would quickly slide his plate of ribs over to Bofgar, for it was common that the dwarven priest would fast for a couple days after his return back to Waterdeep/Neverwinter. He patted the fellow dwarf on the back smiling, taking note of his weaponry.

Kildren would turn his glance down to the beholder, usually he would get the urge to strike them down, but this one seemed different. "What brings an Eye Tyrant to these parts? Not afraid that you might die in these parts or does Mu pay for your protection?" He would shoot the beholder a smile awaiting for his questions to be answered, hoping that he didn't anger him in anyway.

Last edited by Addar; Sep 18th, 2012 at 02:12 AM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 03:03 AM
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Eirik smiles and takes the lizardman up on his offer. "Well I think I could use a plate of know to replace the ones that were crushed by your employee there." The knight places his hand on his left ribcage indicating where his crushed ribs used to be. "And a refill on my drink as well!" The priest sits at his original seat before having almost died in his last stool. He wasn't superstitious or anything, but neither was he going to pick it up just so that he could sit on it again.

As he downs the remaining contents of his drink, Eirik notes the fairy-like creatures that were serving the food and drinks. Sprites they were called. He remembered seeing them once during his journey through the western mountain range. One morning he was taking a brisk walk after eating breakfast, the mountain dew still glistened on the foliage, when he saw the sprites playing what seemed to be game of tag through the trees. The mountain dew, and the sprites flying through the sierra mist were a memory that Eirik always went back to during hard times.
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 04:26 AM
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We call that one Muad'Dib
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See he didn't ignore you... Not everyone hates you.

No! He does hate you. He'll probably try and fight you before the night is out.

No, dwarves are honest... mean but honest...

he notices that a woman of remarkable beauty...
The elves thought train is smashed to a thousand pieces and instantly rebuilt around the beauty of the woman is purple.

A goddess...
Serlehne whispered. Serlehne had always liked human women but this one was simply exquisite.

Turning back to the dwarf: I apologize for my rudeness says Serlehne to the dwarf, this time in Common and bowing deeply, My travel has been hard and I have slept little. Furthermore, a recent altercation with bandits has left me prickly.

The Moon Elf picked out Mu'uzrim and called sharply: Gentle Lizardman. I would like to get the dwarf and his friends another ale.

Hello there, fellow friend! How may I be of Service!?!

The elf looks down in amazement.

Greetings errr... small one... err... well you can start by telling me your name. Mine is Serlehne.

The elf tried to anticipate what kind of name a talking nose would have...

Last edited by tealcisgod; Sep 18th, 2012 at 04:28 AM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2012, 05:16 AM
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"I have not had the pleasure to even meet them yet, m'lady. I see the world has yet to dampen your beauty since we last met. Shall we meet them together, or go sit at my table and discuss things of mutual interest?"

It was impossible to miss the innuendo in Haldir's voice, but his intentions were less clear...and she knew it. Haldir's feelings for the woman could not be hidden, but he could not settle into that commitment yet...not with things incomplete.

He considered the impact bedding the woman had on him the last time...
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 11:18 AM
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The NewcomersWhile tending to his fallen comrade, Mu notices the Lady in Loxxen eying him from the arm of the Halfelf. Snapping is raspy snap, a local Sprite picks up on the new order and with a "You got it, hero! yet Another plate of animal bones IN-YOU-FACE" and dashes off, leaving a small explosion of sparkles dancing on the bar...

"Good Evening, favored patron...would you be so kind as to introduce me to your friends here?" noticing her company seems to be ensconced by her beauty, Mr. Malpar takes the initiative, "Yheentielemeen, mhah Ah hintr'rudewze ze hown'ner han hup'erahter'r, ze Luvuolley Meez Ven'dar'ra Tzuntzin."Gentlemen, may I introduce the owner and operator of the Misty Beard, the Lovvvely Miss Vindara Tzuntzin(T) with this dramatic introduction, Mu takes another of his trademark sweeping bows,

Upon hearing her introduction proper, the beautiful woman offers her hand to those patrons in the general vicinity, starting firstly with the other MoonElf, (whose attention is currently diverted by a walking, talking nose) giving him a warm smile then quickly moving to the GreyElf, and letting her hand linger in his for sometime before proceeding to the 'begrudged' Crusader and finally the pair of dwarfs seated at the bar.

SerlehneThe little Noser couldn't have seemed more happy to discuss himself with his new found friend, Serlehne. The everflowing empathic stream pouring from the creature of minor stature was that of giddiness and wile. Being thoroughly enamored recognition, the Kilmoulis flies into an extremely fast paced lecture concerning their various ambulations in a small squeaky voice that raises in pitch as well as tempo;

Well, I, uh, I don’t think I introduced myself, my name is Sivithriliathinkalottaferaguywitahugenosaderp. You’d be surprised the things we little people can do that you biggers can’t! For instance, I am really really good at fixing watches and locks and other things like monoscopes and ever more bizarre items of uh, a special kind. For a uh, an Old Friend.….Hey Zif!!”

Just when the little guy was about to think up a name to give, the Old Man in mouse-ish colored robes comes skipping back down the stairs, taking several in a bound, at near ludicrous speed. Flying moreso than just dashing past the two on the landing, the Old Man gives a brief tip of the hat and wink of his eye, first to the tiny Kilmoulis who responds with a bashful yet enthusiastic wave, then to Serlehne. Easily taken by distractions, the Noseman stares after the Grey Magus with a fond eye, finally giving you a break in the constant stream of borrowed emotions as yet another new, and curious looking character approaches the group.

Last edited by Split; Aug 30th, 2013 at 01:25 PM.
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 09:25 PM
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then quickly moving to the GreyElf, and letting her hand linger in his for sometime before proceeding...
** murmurs something about "the splendors of the human race rival the deepest darkest hues of the most beautiful metals he's ever put his hand to"**

the Old Man in mouse-ish colored robes comes skipping back down the stairs, taking several in a bound, at near ludicrous speed.
** Averts his attention and squints with a scrutinizing gaze at the Old Man and says,** Don't I know you from somewhere? You move much like I do **as he rubs his heel into the floor as if preparing to begin a race**
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Old Sep 20th, 2012, 02:11 AM
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Kildren would smile at the Lady elf, nodding at her before turning his gaze back to the beholder kin politely waiting an answer from it. The wizard running down the stairs caught his eye. It was an odd thought to him, something that a small being was performing dangerous magic. He shrugged it off and went back to drinking his ale, not wanting to mix in much more just quite yet.
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Old Sep 20th, 2012, 03:17 AM
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"What brings an Eye Tyrant to these parts? Not afraid that you might die in these parts or does Mu pay for your protection?"
At the friendly jab, the cyclops just grumblems incoherently into his drink and raises his mug, as if in toast. No reaction forthcoming, the Tjhiom repeats the gesture, and waits for the dwarf to reply in kind before down his brew in one massive go. Reaching out, he abruptly takes Kildren's empty, and trudges over to the keg - where he finds it's gone dry. Shuffling around to the side of the huge keg Tjhiom finds the box of fresh taps, and drives one into a fresh barrel of brew without any sign of effort. Seeing the first sign of emotion coming from the monstrosity, Tjhiom smiles broadly at the dwarf as a shower of suds come shooting out from the bottom of his mug as the head of the ale keg settles.

Last edited by Split; Sep 20th, 2012 at 03:18 AM.
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Old Sep 21st, 2012, 02:18 AM
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Kildren would wave the beholder kin off. He had already had too much to drink that night. It wouldn't be healthy or wise for him to continue drinking. He knew he would have to explain his actions to the church already. For he was letting so many monstrosities stay within city limits. Though, also knew that Tyr was the God of Justice, and seeing as none of them really have committed in crimes in his presence. A sweet aroma from the kitchen would catch Kildren's interest. Inquiring as to what was being cooked in the kitchen he had ordered a small plate of it.
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Old Sep 21st, 2012, 02:54 AM
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Eirik takes Lady Tzuntzin's hand in his gauntleted right hand and bows slightly, doing what's expected of men when in the presence of a lady. Normally, he would have bestowed a kiss upon her hand, but given the recent circumstances he was not going to defile her skin with the sweat from the chest of tubguts over there. The priest loosens his grip on her hand, letting her move on if she so pleases.

Once she does move on, he turns back to the bar and sips at his drink, anticipating his meal.
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Old Sep 21st, 2012, 11:36 AM
johanis johanis is offline
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Bofgar wasn't sure if it was from ingesting a Mycodnids hallucinogenic spore's, the beauty of the woman in purple or the steady flow of Ale at his fingertips he was indulging. But he may have been intoxicated, because he was fairly sure that a living Giant Nose had just jumped off the ladies shoulder and presented itself to a mercurial elf who moments ago, was speaking to Kildren in the dwarven tongue. With bloodshot eye's bulging out he nearly shouted a warning not to encourage the strange creature, but upon recollecting it was in the company of the Lady owner of the Misty Beard he decided against it.

His instincts were correct, as a man came whipping down the stairs, with some implied association by way of interaction with the nose-thing. Sizing up the way he was robed and carried himself, Bofgar presumed this was a wizard or an adept in things arcane.

Alarmed at being addressed in such a state by the Lady Vindara, Bofgar took her hand (After cleaning his in the bowl of citrus) and fumbled with something flattering, failing callously by putting her on the spot. "My Lady, such a fine evening can only befit one such as you. Perhaps you could flatter us with the latest rumours to be had, for they would be the greatest at the Misty Beard!" Bofgar did his best to not show weakness despite his objections to certain ilk present (The Ogres) and on his best behavior offered praise to the Moon elf for his proficiency in dwarven.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2012, 08:16 AM
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Sivithriliathinkalottaferaguywitahugenosaderp... is that his name? Doesn't matter... I'm writing it down anyway...

The elf swings around his backpack and reaches in to grab a little cloth bundle that contains a quill, ink and writing paper. He eases the cork from the ink bottle, being careful not to splash any on his new friend, dips the quill and writes...


I can't let a name like that pass me by...

As the noseman talks and talks, Serlehne studies the mysterious word...

Until his attention is caught by the Grey Magus.

The nose and the mage seem to know each other... Why did the nose tell me he's good at fixing locks... and what is a monoscope? Monoscope.. Mono-scope..

The elf writes the word down for future reference.
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