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Old Sep 24th, 2012, 01:51 PM
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Releasing her embrace on Haldir's arm, the Lady spends a little more time entertaining the GreyElf's polite murmurings than the Spellsword would have liked. Noticing there seems to be something wrong with the knightly fellow, she gives Mu a curious eyebrow, queuing him to chime in with, "Deez ezz de hunvortunate veel'low whuum vas be'zieeg'gd bhe ze grhluuzom G'hrudghe. Ey hehlee r'eccomhend ve vhir'rle ze hiem'bezial hawt wunc'ze!" This is the unfortunate fellow whom was besieged by the gruesome Grudge. I highly recommend we fire the slob at once.(T) at this the Violettess gasps in a feigned show of concern "My Goddesses, Mr. ...? Let me truly apologize for the eccentric employees I hold in my establishment. Rest assured that beast will never bother you nor your company here again tonight. Please allow me to extend to you the cutosey of enjoying tonight's accomodations free of charge, and do let me know if there is anything... you might need." giving the handsome crusader the impression of a curtsey, without actually having the material to work with, her smile is genuinely warm and rather....auspicious.

After moving on to the dwarves at the bar, Vindara is grateful the first seems to be preoccupied by the many performers and minstrels she's collected. The second, however, accosted her interlopings with a rather generalized question, one thats going to require some manner of response. So at this she stops and smiles ( again, very warmly) and seems to ponder her choice of words for a moment. It is then she was rescued from commitment by the Old Greybeard. "Zif's the name!" he interjects his hands, (both of them - one to one elf, and the other to another,) as excitedly as he does with his into, grabbing the unfortunate travelers and proceeding to shake the teeth from their very heads. Seeing the one to his left was under the spells of the Kilmoulis, he proceeds to address the GreyElf's question about his gait. " Well there, I'm sure I don't remember. Although that's nothing new to you, if you do know me that is? perhaps, then. Perhaps. Weel whats say you fellow greyhair? what blows you into the Misty Beard tonight of all nights, the night of the Eye!?!" finishing his counter-question with a flourishing show of his eyeball, by pulling down on his cheek with such exaggeration as to cause one to wince. His wistful yet eccentric mannerisms are perplexing to say the least. Your not sure whither to take the fellow seriously or if he's just a crazy old loon. If looking to Vindara for help on this issue, she provides only a bemused turn of the cheek or rolling of the eyes.

As far as the Nose goes, Serlehne's note taking is rather curious, and the little bugger can't resist himself, "Hey you! Serlehne! whatcha writin' down there? do you always write down the names of everyone you meet? you never see that anymore! and what's going on with all the blood? you are hurt! are you okay? you look like you need a doctor! hold on I'll get the boss! HEY ZIF!"
Snapping his finger's the Old man in Mouse robes flicks out +3 hitpoints (overhealed.)a burst of healing energies towards Serlehne without even looking. the radiance appears to be made of the same stuff as the glinting after-trails made by the lightning sprites' serving drinks. After the energies settle upon the elf, whom remains relatively unchanged by the unnecessary show( provided mostly for the Nose's mental well-being), the old man makes a gesture with his recently freed hands that seems to appear as if he is gathering the air around him. After a moment of confusion, you realize that he wishes the party to gather around.

"Adventurer's, come to me, that I might tell you a story. Tonight is a fine night for a good tale, Yes? the Night of the Eye! It IS a story worthy of telling, so let it be told. A story that may in fact change your very lives! Come, Come here! All of you!" at this he reaches out and gives the priest of Tyr sitting at the bar a gruff shake on the shoulder, "You too, sonny! Let's all come in and give this Old Man the attention your elder deserves! Come, yes come!"
Seeing the camaraderie being forced upon the group of travelers, Vindara simply shakes her head, wearing a wry smirk. Returning to the spellswords embrace, she beckons the group to come over and entertain the Oldman, seeming to somehow take stock in his lunacy.
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Old Sep 24th, 2012, 05:52 PM
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Haldir wandered over nearer to the Old Man, wondering what type of story could change his life, while wanting to stay near to Vindara. Haldir didn't like the sound of the old man one bit at first odd request to have everyone "gather round" for a story, even in this place.

Last edited by jaredh; Sep 24th, 2012 at 05:53 PM.
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Old Sep 27th, 2012, 12:59 AM
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Seeing that his audience was not exactly captivated, the Oldman looks to Vindara with a disindignified look on his bushy little face. Her return was nothing more than a simple shrug of her shoulders and a stifled yawn of obvious malcontent over the direction this 'story' was headed. Getting his whiskers all abristle, he stares intently at Haldir, knowing the current consort of the Purple Lady will back him up. "So lemme start this lil' story by first asking you a question. Gotta love that switcheroo there, eh sonny? So we've all heard of the tears of Selune, right? Yes of course yous have, of course. But can any of you tell me How those tears came to be? What could possibly make a goddess cry like that every night, like some heart-torn lover's lost, or some other such nonsense..?" At this he takes a moment to wander off in his mind a moment before coming to the stark conversation he was apparently having with himself. "Well, do any of you really know about the Tears? Speaks up, Lemme see if there some Life pumping through those clodding meatbags you sod's are draggin's around!" Giving the crowd a minute to soak it all in, he peers out from beneath the bushiest eyebrows you could've ever seen with this sort of piercing - yet clouded - gaze that cuts through your brackish wall of disinterest like a feather knocking over a horse. "Well tell me this, travelers, have you ever heard of the Kingslayer Star?" With this last cliffhanger, he peers around the gathering, eagerly awaiting some sort of validation to his rantings....
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Old Sep 27th, 2012, 03:03 PM
johanis johanis is offline
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Bofgar shifted in his seat, at the mention of a 'Kingslayer star'. Despite being an avid Astronomer he had not heard the name and felt a twinge of dissatisfaction. Nicely settled, and with the closest seat to appreciate the wizard Zif's animated state he had chosen simply to remain quiet and listen. The Lady had certainly fulfilled his request for a rumour by proxy, now it was practically story time. Laughing, he spoke up "Well you have got my keen ear old man, let's hear the tune then! What of the star and the tear's of Selune?"

He polished off the remaining Ale and sat back with his arms crossed, putting up a wary but mildly interested eye towards the old man's peculiar mannerisms.
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Old Sep 28th, 2012, 04:07 AM
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Eirik kinda half turns toward the old man to see what he's about, and frankly, is not impressed. Not that half of the tavern really impressed him really, but then he didn't pay much attention to them either. He keeps his eye on the Lady Vindara, who is apparently somehow associated with the walking beard. She was really the only one worth looking at in the entire establishment. Being at war most of the time or on the run, Eirik never really had too many moments where he could stop an admire a beautiful woman and so he might as well take what he could get. Of course, he wasn't blatantly staring, no that would make her uncomfortable. But he was paying more attention to her than the old man that's for sure.

Somewhat listening to the old geezer's story, Eirik sips his ale counting the seconds until his warm meal arrives.
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Old Sep 28th, 2012, 11:14 AM
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The Spritresses continue their rounds unabashed by the large group of travelers or the many various other patrons in The Beard this night. The Night of the Eye. Whirring around with such speed, the little trails of Pixiedust left in their wakes cross over each other and form little racelines around the establishment. As the dwarven fighter empties his mug, another one appears before he even manages get his empty on the bar. The meal for the Crusader appears with a triumphant "Sorry for the delay sir! The Cook tried to tell me these went to the wrong table!" she nods over her shoulder in a most exaggerated fashion towards the group of ogres leering at the Violet Lady. "Won't happen again, Sir!"

As the Old Man assaults the group of unassociated strangers with his maddness, anyone watching Vindara will notice that she makes a slight nod of the nose to the Kilmoulis. The empathic Nose immediately jumps off his perch of about halfway up Serlehne's knee, and darts into a conveniently placed mousehole right at the base of the bar, in-between the two Dwarves.

The tempo of the bizarre, otherworldly music changed drastically then, as a band in the back room began their set for the night, and by the sounds of it the troupe must be quite an ensemble indeed. As your attention becomes diverted by a new change of scenery, you notice most of the performers, from the axe-wielding barbarians to the roving minstrels, all quiet down and melt into the background - as if on queue. The lights seems to dim on their own, tipping any magi off as being somehow enchanted, and their colors slowly begin to shift on through various hues of all tints and tones.

The Oldman obviously seems to think the change of scenerey was almost meant just for him and his tale, and smiles broadly at the lady in Loxxen. Once he feels his audience is properly supplicated by the atmosphere of their hostess, he will continue his tale, but for now he seems to be waiting on the rest of the troupe's acknowledgements, or perhaps it's just to build the anticipation!

Last edited by Split; Sep 28th, 2012 at 11:15 AM.
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Old Sep 28th, 2012, 02:48 PM
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Kildren would turn to face the Old Man, interested in his story. Taking note of what he called the Kingslayers Star. He had heard about it only in passing before, but was never sure what it was, though that is out of his own fault. He rarely studied texts that weren't involved in his Priestly duties as a Priest of Tyr. He would take a mental note of the others that were paying attention to the Old Man.
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Old Sep 29th, 2012, 12:00 PM
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Seeing the nose dart into small mousehole shocks Serlehne out of a trance that he didn't even realize that he had fallen into.

Does this place seem darker?

The warm and slightly maternal nature of the music emanating from the back room made the elf feel sleepy... but he should listen to this old man.

You love stories don't you. Stories within stories within stories...

Serlehne edges his seat toward the wizard, indicating his interest.

Pour out your words upon us, old one, wax poetic till sleep overcomes us.
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Old Oct 1st, 2012, 12:44 PM
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Through the thickest of grey beards you can plainly see the smile broaden the animated little OldMan's face. Having the center of attention at the Misty Beard was no small feat (or so thinks the would-be-sage), and Zif wasn't going to miss his opportunity to impress the twinkle of his eye, the Violetteress. Abruptly turning to the end of the bar, the OldMan hollers out to the beholderkin, "Heya Thjiom! Get yer grey butt down here! yer gonna want to catch this one 'speciall!"

"Yes, Yes! That's right my dear boy, the Kingslayer Star! also by the name of the King-Killer Star!" this he says pointedly to the burly dwarf, "A fabled tale every young lad should know, or these minstrels be damned! Yes my young friends, a Star that's really a Comet! they just didn't know what they e're lookin at back when, yer keen it? But a an ordinary comet this is not, for it holds the essence of Draconian Kind, and when she shines her blood red trails in our skies, woe to all whom hold dragon's blood in their veins! For it is said that any dragon, or spawnlings of with the taint of dracos, mind you, go utterly mad with rage at the sight of 'er. And this, my friends, is the true reason we have the tears of Selune today!" Zif is in full swing now, circling the barroom, and practically yelling his ramblings into the faces of the many patrons unfortunate enough to not have yet made their escape. "Not from the goddess herself, but from the Dragons! Yes, the Dragons." he peers abouts with a ludicrous expression of awe and wonder, "For it is written, ages ago, that when the comet was about to make 'er return, the Drakes had made plans to put an end to their celestial nemesis. So they created a powerful magical device to destroy the comet once and for all! When the comet came around next, they wold fire the artifact at the comet itself, and rid themselves of this plight forevermore!
Well, they missed. Lousy aiming on the part of the dragons, such it was blamed. What they did end up hitting was the Moon! Selune was wounded deeply by the magical blast, and the wretched device tore free large pieces of her, filled with her tears, to trail her forever in our skies above, a constant reminder of the reality of our cosmology. What most people do not know is that some of these so called "tears" are actually occupied! By Creatures of all kinds!

It has been my life's work to catalog these tears and their inhabitants. I have made as much progress as I can from my limited station here on Toril, and have mapped out several bodies I call "astyroids" which are evidently inhabited. The most prominent one is called Dragon Rock, for obvious reasons, and it has been the keystone of my work. Until recently that is. Upon many other 'tears' are various other civilizations, ranging from humanoids to Beholders."
at this the beastly beholderkin lets out a lound grumbling grunt, sounding as if one of the ceiling timbers were about to give way."Which brings me to my point in all this, Thjom. Tonight the 'Night's Eye', as it is called, the big rock of beholders - will cross behind one of the smallest of visible 'atsyroids', called simply The Castle. It's effect is stunning to whomever might notice it, as The Tears form the image of a weeping eye! Noone knows what's in this marvelous Castle, or whom built it, or who's in it, for nothing can be seen moving about it's surface."

"O course, we may never truly know what it is, until we git a gander at it ourselves!
with this the wheezened OldMan waggles his finger straight to the heavens with such dramatic flourish he losses his hat. "At that's what I aim to do, my boys! Tonight I plan to see once and for all this Castle, and all the tears, by Gods, and I'll have yer company if ye keen it!" now he is looking at the troupe with a forlorn sparkle in his eyes, an undefinable wanderlust that has the uncanny effect of making onlookers smile a wistful grin. "For recently I have discovered, that in this very Inn, on this very night, the Night of the Eye, with the proper conditions met that is, one can open a portal directly to Night's Eye!"

"Whadya say, Thjiom? You ready to see your Tear-faring kin? And what say the rest of you? I may not have much to offer in the means of payment, but I can guarantee the adventure of your lifetimes! I'm not at all positive whats going to happen on the 'Rock o' Beasts', but what I Do know is that I could use a couple of good younger bashers around an scare off any would be-holders, if ya git what i keen?!

When the Old Magus finally ends his little tale with the obvious hope of rallying the entirety of the bar to his crazy cause, the stunned silence of his audience is broken by a rumbling sound just as deep and foreboding as the mycodnid produced earlier. This time is was Thjiom's turn to get in a good belly laugh.

Last edited by Split; Oct 1st, 2012 at 12:51 PM.
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Old Oct 1st, 2012, 01:01 PM
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Take me! ...the words burst from Serlehne's mouth.

Shut up. He doesn't want you to go with him. Stay here, there's good thieving to be had.

Take me! ...the elf said again showing no obeisance to the voice in his head.

The elf tried to visualize the weeping eye. A delicious concoction of awe and excitement filled his body from bottom to top.
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Old Oct 2nd, 2012, 01:59 PM
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"And how do we get back here from this Castle you speak of?" Haldir suspected the old man even more.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2012, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by jaredh View Post
"And how do we get back here from this Castle you speak of?" Haldir suspected the old man even more.

Typical elf
thought Serlehne. My kind are always so concerned about the future.

Perhaps I would be concerned about my future too if I had a home to spend it in...

Last edited by tealcisgod; Oct 3rd, 2012 at 06:30 AM.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2012, 03:31 PM
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The greybeard looks shrewdly at the wizard, posing the petulant question,
"And how do we get back here from this Castle you speak of?"
and return's with an answer full of bluster and not much else,

"Why the same way we arrived, my good boy! O' course! You'd really think an ol' Blood like me would just hop on the first one-way jump to the moon?!? Leavin' the lot of yous sods, what? Stran'it up there? Heavens Me, no, sonny, no. We will return right through the portal after just a short jaunt aroun' the surface. For the Key to the Portal will only last so long as the Night of the Eye shines." looking around the barroom the Oldman catches the eyes of Mu, who can be seen snickering under his teeth, and to Thjiom, making some inaudible vibrations. The Violettress is still by the Skeptics side, yet she seems almost interested in the Magus' plans, if not simply pleased by the 'story'. Vindara chooses to keep her own council, it would seem as if she were waiting to hear the opinions of the others.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2012, 04:51 PM
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Since his food arrived, Eirik didn't pay much attention to the old man's story, as he was devoting most of his attention to the meal in front of him (which was in the other direction from where the greybeard was). It wasn't his offer that made the Knight turn around, no...he wasn't paying enough attention to have distinguished that from the rest of the babble that he was spewing. What startled him was the elf's sudden outburst Take me! which caused him to jump slightly out of his seat. Turning around, he looks at the elf, who seems to have turned silent after his outburst; then he looks at the rest of them, the dwarves, the violottress, and the greybeard. Meatsauce still on his hands and dripping off his face, he is surprised to see them looking expectantly at him. Innocently, he raises his eyebrows and says, "What?"

Last edited by Yves; Oct 3rd, 2012 at 04:52 PM.
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Old Oct 5th, 2012, 07:52 PM
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Zif's well spun story had Bofgar's heart pumping with excitement, to set foot upon a body of heaven, to walk where the gods must dwell, what magnificence! Even in his dreams and in the quiet solitude of his stargazing he had never considered it a possibility. At such dizzying heights he imagined how the world must look and nearly fell off his seat thinking about it.

"Such a wonderful tale! but nothing more than an Old man's deluded prattle!" Bofgar yelled accusingly, "The Tear's of selune.. Aye, but the King-slayer star? and who here believe's such a place exist's to be walked upon by mere mortals such as him, or us?" Slamming his mug down and leaning forward, Bofgar looked upon the expression of those in the company of the tale, he was of course dutifully ignored by both the beholder-kin and the Fair lady.
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