Coming back to the Skeptic, who seems to be irritatingly attached to his 'Lady in Loxxen', the twinkle of the Old Man's eye, the Voluptuous Violetteress, the diminutive Greybeard gives him a look very shrew, with a laughable moment of pause, "Never is fat the mouse who is too scared to leave his hole." turning round again with much flourish and flare, the Old Man turns his erratic attention to the rest of the troupe, "Although I assure any of you whom choose to venture with me safe passage back here to this Inn this very night!" bowing deeply to Vindara, "Although I cannot assure you much else, other than that I have researched this matter as extensively as anyone would be able, stuck here on the ground, that is, and I can say for a fact, that the portal will remain open for at least the duration of 'the Night of the Eye'. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, folks, and we can be the heroes to make history! Accompany me on my life's quest, my 'Expedition to the Tears!' " rounding the group, the Old Man looks almost frantic, " The hour is upon us, berks. Will you become more than ordinary nobodies, or will you stay here the night, safe and sound, knowing your routine waits for you in the morn?" Although the beholderkin has long since stopped the infernal grumbling chortle, the effort was quickly picked up by Vindara herself, giving the little greybeard the lightest of applause. The effect was moreso discrediting than disarming, and lends to the incredulity of the Magus' quest for this 'Expedition" |
Recovered from his initial shock and stupor, the Knight grabs the tablecloth and wipes his mouth. Eirik listens to the old man, not swayed by his joshing. In his mind, he is contemplating whether this would be contradicting his faith. It didn't take long for him to decide that this was a neutral matter as far as his god was concerned. Had there been war and strife in the land, he would be obligated to stay and contribute, but there hasn't been any signs for the last 5 years that anything was stirring up. The old man also said that this would be but a momentary excursion so it probably wouldn't keep him too long from his priestly duties.
The question was...what would he rather do? He hasn't seen much battle since he arrived in Waterdeep, no more than the occasional fighter-for-hire jobs that he took to earn some pocket change. Perhaps it will be a beneficial experience to go along on this adventure. Certainly less dull than drinking the night away. "Alright, I'll come along, he says simply. |
Before the old man has even finished talking, Serlehne has munched the rest of his fruit, slung his backpack over his shoulders and is standing ready to go.
He watches with disgust as the knight wipes his mouth on the tablecloth. So uncouth, these knights. Then again, the uncouth do have the most interesting diaries and letters. He Perception type check just for fun? Wisdom Roll Dice Roll:
Irongate Foghorn, Second son of Clan Ironforge Profile ~+~ Serlehne Grimdaar, Rejected Son of Willowthrone Profile Last edited by tealcisgod; Oct 9th, 2012 at 06:36 AM. |
"Alright then. You've got this grand story, and plan. I don't see any portals opening, or anything else. I think you might have mis-calculated
Haldir was having none of it. The story was implausible. Probably just the ramblings of an old mage gone mad. |
The Magus excitement blows away like a tradewind as he realizes yet again noone is taking him seriously. Most especially the blasphemous laughter by his supposed consort, the Lady in Loxxen.
Even though she was asking very pointed questions, all of which made perfect sense for anyone traveling up there to ask, why was she asking them, now? Why was she doing this to her alleged 'consort'? Was she stabbing him in the back, or merely generating more drama for her latest of "performers'? It was obviously paining the Oldtimer very much, and his mood became increasingly sour the more the Violettress spoke. Wounded to the core, and failing in his best to try and not show it, Zif works his bluster up in volume, if not in conviction,"Well that's just fine by us, right Sonny?!?" grabbing the elf once again by the shoulders in an embrace made comical by so many factors, height being just the first, secondly Serlehne is just staring at the knight, a look of total dissociation in his eyes,"What was your name my good boy? Sir Lanney. that's right, gotit. Dressed kinda funny for a knight, though, dontcha keen? Nomatter. Well me and Sir Lennay here will prove to the lot o ye that any ole berk can walk among the stars just as we please, and thankyou. All you need is a little know-how, and maybe a small bag of tricks or three. But you know OLD Ziffie's got you there, right Linnie? I assure you my boy Buff, is it? I assure you Boff that there are a plenty O critters up on these rocks, and I'm a keenin we can breathe the same as any o 'em? Besides, there's a slew of other tears, not inherently the same bodies of rock mind you, but in the same place, that appear to the viewing eyes of my," at this he begins rummaging around in his robes like an oldwoman fighting off her cat,"appear in ... the...eyes ...ofmy lookin... my Lookin Scope!" inexplicably producing a longish tube of polished brass, or mayhap even gold, which was entirely too long to be fitting anywhere on this lil old man's person, "that there is many 'Colonies' if you will. 'Colonies' of other inhabitants, some of which appear to be common people! Such as you and I!" further brandishing the telescope, the old man peers down it at the troupe, thinking his preposterous demonstration is doing something to beneficial for his credibility. At this the lizardman tosses his towel on the bar and heaves a sigh of disgust. Well, maybe that's how we are supposed to take it, as it sounded more like the hiss of a rattlesnake that's been stepped on by a dwarf. Vindara, however looking thoroughly satisfied with herself and her half-elven companion, simply shakes her head at the Oldman, writing off his rationale as just "...senile rantings of an old scholar gone out to pasture.." Just when things were looking about dejected as a gnome without a question for the Old Magus, the Ogres previously occupying the back table ( with a gnoll, no less) begin to shuffle up to the gathering with a "You trying to get these lettle whimps to watch your skinny arse, oldman? Why donchu just ask tha 'real warriors' in the room here to work for ya. So as longs as dere's some gold in it fer us, that is." the grayish animalish pigman grunts, staring at the finely adorned relic the Magus now holds with obvious reverence. Last edited by Split; Oct 12th, 2012 at 12:07 PM. |
Kildren remained attentive throughout the whole thing, not wanting to interrupt the Oldman with his babble. He wanted to keep hearing more from the Oldman, grunting a bit each time he was stopped by those listening to him. Kildren loved a good story, but only when he could remain focused on it. He knew he would follow the Oldman for the night, knowing that he would be back well before he needed to stop in at the Temple of Tyr.
As the Ogres took their turn talking, Kildren would keep his mouth shut. He knew they were insulting not just the others, but him as well. He knew if he started anything most likely he would need someone else to finish it. His head would shake in disgust instead, praying that the Oldman wouldn't take them up on that offer. |
Perfect timing for the Ogres. When the party of bashers accost the Magus, and his prized telescope, he quickly tries to replace the exceedingly long apparatus within his haphazard mouse-colored robes. The befuddled OldMan looks once again like he's fighting off some invisible cat. Amidst the fray he practically shouts at the Ogre, "Noone was talking to you brute! I plainly said for everyone invited to hear that I've no gold for pay, nor will any thieves find different! Now leave an OldMan to his business! Begone with your smelly arse and take that ratfink with you!" an obvious jab at the Gnoll, the trio are none too happy with Zif's insults and are not to be dismissed like some common guttertrash. "Who you callin' smelly ?!?" snarls the massive green-eyed creature as he scoops up the Magus by his throat. Easily hoisting up the diminutive OldMan a full four feet off the floor, the Magus is caught off guard by the beast's speed and ferocity, and the fact that his larynx is being crushed in the grip of the Ogre. Being held aloft and unable to speak any spellcraft, Zif seems to panic, and starts turning colors, first red, then shades of blue. "Ratfink?!?" screeches the Gnoll, and begins rushing forward. The sudden violence has the Violtteress frozen for the breifest of moments, until she snaps out "Xhilhilnisc! Thjiom! Stop this Foolishness RIGHT NOW!!" as she pulls out a wand from a hidden garter beneath her Loxxen dress. Thjiom is already on the move as a result of the ogres actions, but is a slow going creature, seemingly stuck to his spot by the keg. Mu the bartender vaults the bar. Xhilhilnisc, the mycodnid, appears around from behind the door of the storeroom. Last edited by Split; Oct 12th, 2012 at 01:34 PM. |
Keenly taking in all the old man had to offer in terms of a rebuttal to his comment and admiring the telescopic device zif had produced during the process , Bofgar was beginning to consider becoming one of his mad volunteers. The moment the ogre's entered the picture however, He was doubly committed. A surge of rage came from his belly seeing them grab Zif's throat and he sprang into action immediately. He circles the lead ogre and jams the butt end of his bardiche under the brutes jaw. "I'll have you let him go or taste this edge brute." Turning then to zif he says "Looks like I'll be joining your crazy venture after all you old fox".
Eirik's sword has calmed down since he had laid his hand on it to stop its rattling. However, during the confrontation with the Ogres, it began again to shake violently within its sheathe, even moreso than before. The Knight noticed his sword, and did not stop it this time. It had the right to be angry, but he did not pull it out quite yet. He wasn't too familiar with the rules of this city, but for most kingdoms the brandishing of arms without reason was grounds for considerable punishment.
The ogre choking the life out of the old man was a different story. Eirik acted immediately when he saw the old man's life was in danger. Without thinking of the consequences (he knew he had no time to do so or else the old man was dead), he drew his sword. The sword blade, held in both of the Knight's hands emanated a brilliant holy light that engulfed everyone in the immediately vicinity (10 feet). With conviction Eirik swings his blade at the Ogre that was strangling the old man, intending to kill the beast. His blade strikes true, dealing a great blow to the offending creature. Last edited by Yves; Oct 16th, 2012 at 12:27 AM. |
Watching the scene unfold about him, Kildren knew that the other Ogres would help their kin out. "Looks like its time to have a little fun!" Kildren was all laughter as he hurled his hammer at the second Ogre. He knew that if he went for the Gnoll he was done for, he was best to fight at a distance instead of up close, he didn't need to work up a great deal of sweat.
Upon hearing the loud crack upon the Ogres' body as he hammer hits right on target, he gives a little fist pump in the air before catching his hammer as it returns to him. "Any other low life need a good pounding?!" He would focus his gaze on the other Ogres in the room, daring them to charge at him. |
Serlehne, having seen tussles with ogres many times, decides the action must be swift and brutal.
Serlehne whispers the first line of an elven warsong: May the blood of my enemies fall like the morning dew May my hand be firm and my blade strike true Like the creeping forest vine May the victory song be mine... With a flick of his wrist, the elf's Dagger of Throwing slips from a specially designed sleeve compartment into his fingertips. Using a second motion, the elf launches the dagger toward the nearest ogre.
Irongate Foghorn, Second son of Clan Ironforge Profile ~+~ Serlehne Grimdaar, Rejected Son of Willowthrone Profile Last edited by tealcisgod; Oct 14th, 2012 at 03:41 PM. |
Bofgar was taken a back by the knights fell swoop on the ogre he was attempting to back down. Chaos had quickly erupted and he takes an overhead swing at the gnoll. Cursing, the gnolls speed was too much for the strike to find its mark and he nearly embeds the axe into the taverns floorboards.
"You might think this was an unwise choice in a few minutes Ogres..." Haldir could be saying as he raised his hands
"Sparaz Corlory" Haldir said, casting a Color Sprayspell towards the foolishly grouped up ogres. "Don't be thinking I'm a wimpy mage...that would be a major mistake. He said to them as they steadied themselves after the color blast...drawing his flaming longsword from its sheaf. |
Just when everyone in the room thought the Grey-Beard had finally met his fate, (of course by spouting off at the mouth to a creature roughly 5 times his size) and the threat of the dwarf's polearm did nothing to deter the ogre from squeezing the life from the poor old fool, the Crusader intervened with a heroic demonstration of swordplay. Rounding the beast with a devastating over-headed swing, putting all the force needed to fell the mightiest of Vallenwood trees, and the ogre practically explodes into two very separate pieces, and then recovers the momentum of the backswing for another downward thrust into the beasts' skull, driving it into the floor as if smited by Helm himself. Gore was strewn about everywhere.
Seeing that his intended threat was now falling on 'dead' ears, the burly dwarf finds a new target, but the agile the Gnoll Flind dodges the ungainly swing of the long weapon, letting it crash into the floorboards. Seizing the opportunity to close the distance and strike back at this new offender, the gnoll and Ogre 4ogre standing abreast rush in, and are blasted squarely in the face by a strangely pungent stream of vibrantly coloured sticky mist, which is apparently erupting from the hands of the true consort to the Violettress. The Gnoll and Ogre go down hard, crashing through a table, out cold. Vindara is continuing to scream at her staff in efforts to quell the usurping of her barrooom when she lets loose with her wand, sending out a blast of devastating lighting. Aimed at the an 2ogre, it misses when it's taken by the spay of sticky colors, and plunges into an unfortunate minstrel whom was doing his best to stay out of a bad situation while idiotically rubbernecking. He screams his last in short agony. The cleric from down under whips his hammer unerringly at the Ogre2beast, his aim guided by Tyr's grace, and cracks the thug's skull. It just blocked most of the effects of the colorspray spell with its arms, and now looks dazed by the concussion of the hammerblow, but somehow manages to get a counterswing off on the dwarf. Missing terribly. Serlehne's arm pulses and suddenly a blade is buried within the stomach of (ogre3)one of the beasts . The ogre stumbles in it's charge towards Haldir, and yanks out the blade, turns to eye his rouge attacker and brings it to his lips for a meanacing lick. Snapping forward with impossible speed, It uses the throwing dagger to return 7 pts dmg to Serlehne.attack. Mu lands on the fun side of his bar light as a leaping lizard ought, and springs out again, to pounce upon the gnoll, where he is caught by the various magical blasts loosed from Vindara and Haldir. He goes mad with rage, blindly thrashing about like a thing possessed;" "Mhye Heyyyyyeeezzzzzz!!!!!!!!" The Oldman stuggles and fails to regain his feet, sputtering and choking violently, yet his face seems to be returning to it;'s normal hues. Thjiom just makes it over to the ruckus, and manages an awkward unarmed swing at the Ogre accosting Serlehne. He misses and instead reduces yet another table to splinters. Vindara swears vehemently and levels her wand at her same target for another shot. Last edited by Split; Oct 17th, 2012 at 12:37 AM. |
Looking about the battle stricken room, Kildren would quickly refocus as the beast took a swing at him, barely reacting in time to duck slightly. Anger building up in him, he would swing at the blob of fat in front of him with his hammer. "Teach ye to mess with a dwarf that will!" Kildren hoped he would slow down the foul beast, not wanting to have to deal with him anymore. He would take pity on the man hit by the lightning, he had hoped the causalities wouldn't effect the bystanders. "Looks like we'll have to bury that poor bloke." He knew it was only right.
Last edited by Addar; Oct 17th, 2012 at 12:56 AM. |
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