wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. |
"I don't know." Lanaya shook her head in response to the tiefling's question, drawing the scimitar that was concealed by a simple sheath on her side. "I'll go out. You shouldn't stay here either, Zariel... get ready and come as soon as you can." Waiting for her might have been the better choice, she realised as she opened the door to their room slowly, careful not to make as much as a soft sound - anything would be heard in this eerie silence, the elf told herself as she opened the door just enough to allow her to slip out into the chilly darkness, moving a few feet away from their door, back to the wall as to not get surprised from behind, if anything was out there. The cold steel in her hand calmed her down enough to think clearly, and once her heartbeat got steady again, she looked around for any clues as to what could have caused this inexplicable coldness - taking a few seconds to scan both sides of the hallway, and finding nothing except for an open door. A tiny sigh went through the magus' body and she shivered slightly, because of the coldness and because of fear. Something bigger was at word here, and she didn't even understand a thing of it - Lanaya hated being in the unknown about things, and it seemed like her only choice was that open door close to her - without giving it as much as another thought, she dashed forward, trying to escape the eerieness of this empty hallway this way, until she came to a quick halt before the door, looking into the room and seeing the other guests from the dinner all gathered there - and not quite being sure on how to react to them, or if they even would be friendly and not involved in the entire thing, just standing there like frozen. "...oh."
"It is a poor decision to lay hands on a man when words will do." Isaru buckles on the last of his armor, fitting the daisho at his waist and shouldering his pack. With all weapons and gear stowed he takes the naginata in hand and starts toward the door.
"The abbot's office is a fine place to start, then. Stick close." He glances back at Talhoffer, then. "If you could carry a source of light I would appreciate it. I don't have a free hand to offer if something should attack us." A flicker of motion in the doorway sent his stance rigid and he brought the naginata up, lowering it a second later as he recognized the woman. "You are unharmed?" |
Talhoffer again nodded and rattled of a short incantation, bringing four glowing orbs into existence in the hallway. Looking at Yoshi Talhoffer pulls out a pair of scrolls, opening one and with the same phrase and swirling black energy, sends necrotic
Dice False life HP:
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. Last edited by brann miekka; Jan 6th, 2013 at 05:03 PM. |
"I am." Lanaya replied shortly, not sheathing the weapon in her hand, not even lowering it as she looked at the samurai, still as cautious as before. While they didn't certainly didn't look like they had anything to do with a thing such as this, she wouldn't take the risk - especially with a wizard about. Looking behind the samurai and into the room, she saw the other two guests there as well - and another one who she didn't recognise on the bed, unmoving. Quickly looking away from it and trying not to put another thought on what happened to him, her eyes focused on the wizard as he spoke, and she gave him a nod as she allowed to let the swirling, necrotic energy enter and strengthen her body - she didn't try to resist it, as she Taking 10 on Spellcraft etc.recognised the spell for a helpful one.
As the spell did it's work, she shuddered slightly, but gave the wizard another nod, this time a little more friendly, and grateful. "I thank you. Zariel, or Ms. Thorn, should come very soon. I..." she waited for a few seconds to think about what she was about to say, but decided it to be for the best - the situation at hand seemed much more threatening than giving up part of her identity to strangers - "...I happen to be a magus, so I know a few spells of my own. I also noticed that the fire seems to have gone out everywhere with this cold. Have you tried a Sparksmall fire evocation yet, to see if it does any good?" |
The flood of energy was strangely cold at first, then nothing but a tingle and a surge of energy remained. Isaru was unclear about the specifics of the spell but he didn't view Talhoffer as the type to try and harm him given their situation. He rolls his shoulders and draws in a breath of chilled air, nodding once to the wizard.
"We seem to be allies of convenience in this. It would be best if we went together to find the abbot." He pauses to motion past Lanaya to the hallway beyond. "I will go first if it is preferred. Whatever may lurk between us and our goal, I am ready to face it." Last edited by PopCultureBard; Jan 9th, 2013 at 03:00 PM. |
As you stand about deciding you course of action, the cold fully seeps into your rooms, and a chill runs through each of you. Some of you start feeling the familiar tingling of cold working it's way into your fingers and toes. |
Caught up in the current action, Talhoffer hadn't noticed the cold seeping into his weary bones. He incanted the last of his wards against cold and almost immediately felt his temperature rise again. Turning to yoshi with a less shaky nod, Talhoffer says, "Very well sir, I shall provide support from the rear."
Once the samurai moves, Talhoffer follows out and twirls the wand in his hand slowly, Dice Perception:
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. |
Prepping all of her gear and getting up, Zariel was more than a little unnerved. Perhaps miffed would be a more precise term. She ran after Lanaya and noticed she was with the other strangers from the previous night. The old one (Talhoffer, if memory served her) likely knew the cause of all this cold and ice. "What the hell happened here? Why is it so cold, all of a sudden?" She looked to Talhoffer, a slight glare in her crimson eyes. "I get the feeling you know something about all this. Care to fill me in?"
"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online |
Inhale. Exhale. Steam.
"Mirror. Elemental plane of ice." He motions down the hallway with a nod of his head. "We should walk and talk. I think we may be on a timetable here." Pushing forward, naginata braced on his shoulder, Isaru makes for the bend in the hall only to stop halfway down. "What are the chances that opening any of these doors will reveal anyone else alive?" |
Talhoffer turns, a little dumbfounded but quickly recovering himself, and says, "I believe Yoshi is right, come, let us speak and walk." As he moves out behind Yoshi, he again started his story. "At dinner you recall Master Koyamata saying he had something he needed me to identify correct? well, it turned out, to make a long story short, to be a mirror that was a direct gate to the elemental plane of ice meant to contact this woman you see all over the monastery. I activated the device and the master spoke with the woman. They made plans to meet at midnight, and I can only assume this is the fruit of their meeting." As Yoshi stopped the professor pondered his question and said simply, "There was an awful lot of screaming...."
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. Last edited by brann miekka; Jan 12th, 2013 at 04:46 PM. |
Zariel shook her head, knowing all too well the consequences of dealing with great powers. "Okay, so this mirror, as well as the spirit within it, caused this whole place to freeze over? What are we supposed to do, now? Destroy the damn mirror?" She didn't realize she was asking a lot of questions.
"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online |
Dice Fortitude:
The elf magus barely listened to the others talk as the cold began to creep through her body - she had no outfit that would protect her from the cold, and the silk of her armor did little to help against the freezing temperature. She was used to much warmer temperatures, and not being able to resist the piercing chill came back to bite her now. She hugged herself a bit more, hiding her bare hands in her sleeves as she kept up with the party, struggling after a short while but doing her best for the moment, even as it seemed to become colder and colder. "Hey..." her voice sounded through the hallway, quiet and shivering. "Can we hurry? I'm freezing already..." Dice Non-Lethal Cold Damage:
Last edited by Lightened; Jan 13th, 2013 at 09:39 AM. |
While conversing in the hall, a sudden loud scrapping noise begins to echo from around the corner. You all stop speaking for a moment to listen. The scrapping draws closer, and in a moment you see a large blue hand, about the size of a small boulder, grasp the corner of the wall, it's sharp nails cutting into the rock. Then a huge head looms into view. Atop of the head sits a pair of sharp black horns, but the head is otherwise devoid of hair. The creature's mouth is open-wide, a maw of jagged black fangs that stick out at all angles. The creature easily fills up the corridor from side to side, standing around 10 feet tall. It appears to be dragging a huge naginata along the ground behind it. As it settles it's beady gaze on your group, the air seems to chill even further. |
Shinobi sticks his head out the doorway and sees the creature coming around the corner. Only one word comes to mind, "Oni"(Demon). "My name is Toshi. Trouble coming around the corner. Samurai, your sword is needed!" Shinobi's movements becomes a blur as he moves with grace and purpose as he clears the doorway while getting his shortbow ready. He moves toward the statue, back peddling. He draws a black cold iron tipped arrow and Attack roll Dice Roll:
Dice Roll:
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Jan 16th, 2013 at 10:21 AM. |
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