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Old Jan 15th, 2013, 12:45 PM
Lightened Lightened is offline
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Lanaya gasped out rather loudly when the beast towered into view, and clenched her scimitar tighter in her hand, struggling to maintain the easy, even flowing stance of her fighting style. Still shivering, she moved her body to the side slightly, the cold steel in her hand pointing at the monster as her other hand was held in the opposite direction - the magus tried to shift her stance ever so slightly as she waited for the beast to make the first move, all while scouring her mind for something, anything she could have heard about a creature such as this.


Last edited by Lightened; Jan 15th, 2013 at 12:45 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2013, 04:58 PM
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Talhoffer sees the beast, and instantly his heart starts beating fast, and even though he's not sure which immediately, he says, "Outsider or Elemental," almost instinctively, years of research prevalent in his sure tone. He focuses on it, picking out its anatomy and its weaponry and tries to
Dice Know: planes:
1d20+13 (1)+13 Total = 14
call to mind exactly what it was. After a moment he shook his head and stepped back, intoning a quick haste, 5 roundstransmutation and letting the energy course through him and his allies; slowing the world around them but keeping them moving the same, if not faster then before.
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Old Jan 15th, 2013, 05:29 PM
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What Toshi had only thought, Isaru puts to words almost immediately.

"Oni! I am not well-prepared for this fight." He starts forward, spinning the naginata in a flourish as the wizard's magic lends speed to his movement. "Face me now, beast of ice and darkness. The Emperor abides you no longer."

With his +5 to Damage, +2 AC against target / -2 AC vs all otherschallenge given voice he picks up his pace. His boots slap hard against the floor as he closes the distance,
Dice Attack/Damage:
1d20+9 (2)+9 Total = 11
1d8+9 (1)+9 Total = 10
driving the polearm towards his foe as he draws near.


Last edited by PopCultureBard; Jan 16th, 2013 at 02:37 AM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2013, 04:01 PM
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~Round 1 Summary~

Toshi's arrow falls short, hitting the ground at the feet of the creature. As Toshi moves backwards away from the demon, Zariel rushes forward, going into a tumble just as she passes Sagota. Though the demon sees Zariel coming, bringing it's weapon down over it's shoulder to strike her as she tumbles past it's legs, it moves just a bit too slowly, and Zariel rolls past as bits of stone burst from the cracked stone tiles from the impact of the demon naginata, some of them getting stuck in her hair. She comes up back on her feet, just on the other side of the demon. A moment later, everyone feels the effects of Talhoffer's spell. Sagota issues his challenge, stepping forward and bringing his own weapon to bear on the demon. Unfortunately, the blow isn't strong enough to get through the demon's armor. The demon retaliates, grunting as it thrusts it's polearm at Sagota, but it too, misses as Sagota moves out of the way of the weapon's point.



~End of Round 1~
Characters: Julia, Saru

Last edited by Aerandor; Jan 16th, 2013 at 04:05 PM.
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Old Jan 17th, 2013, 02:56 AM
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In the throes of his own magic now Talhoffer calmed considerably, and with the practiced flourish of a professor chanted out the words to a conjuration; coating the entirety of the demons weapon in a slick grease as the spell, 5 minutesgrease.

HP: 31/31
AC: 11
Active effects: Haste, 4 more rounds

Okay, so standard action to cast grease, he must make a dc 16 reflex save each round or drop his naginata, making the first save immediately. for my move action I am going to step 10 feet backwards and end my turn.
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Last edited by brann miekka; Jan 17th, 2013 at 02:57 AM.
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Old Jan 17th, 2013, 03:55 AM
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Isaru feels the weapon cut through the air only inches from him, unsure if the chill he feels is from the creature's magic or his own apprehension. The fact that the beast is using his own style of weapon is a small reassurance, and his training gives him some knowledge of the weapons limits.

"First you, then whatever twisted master brought you here. I will not stop until this place is cleansed." He twists his body, the naginata arcing upwards in a vicious diagonal
Dice First Attack/Damage:
1d20+9 (9)+9 Total = 18
1d8+9 (7)+9 Total = 16
slash as he attempts to get inside the demon's guard. Letting the momentum carry him, he pivots on a heel and spins the weapon around his body to
Dice Second Attack/Damage:
1d20+9 (18)+9 Total = 27
1d8+9 (1)+9 Total = 10
sweep it low at the creature's legs. Surprise registers on his face as he finds himself amazed at what he can accomplish with the speed lent to him by the wizard's magic.


Last edited by PopCultureBard; Jan 17th, 2013 at 04:08 AM.
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Old Jan 17th, 2013, 02:50 PM
Lightened Lightened is offline
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After a short time of scouring her mind for information, Lanaya suddenly knew what the demon was weak against, and it was something she could well provide, she thought as she made her way to the demon quickly. She knew fully well she would have to avoid the deadly weapons he wielded with admirable proficiency, but not seeing much of a choice she tapped into her arcane pool. As she ran, her scimitar caught on fire and she could do little but hope the others would be a suitable enough distraction to not draw an attack from the demon as she tried to catch it's cold body with a horizontal slash, fire trailing behind the swift blade, the thought of the cold almost forgotten now that the heat of combat seemed to warm her right up.




Last edited by Lightened; Jan 17th, 2013 at 02:57 PM.
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Old Jan 17th, 2013, 11:34 PM
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The magical spell enhances Shinobi's reflexes and his movements become a blur. Shinobi grimaces after the arrow falls short. He now has the others who have given him a harder shot. He moves back toward the statue and Acrobatics check
Dice Roll:
1d20+11 (18)+11 Total = 29
propels himself up the wall in the corner balancing himself close the ceiling with one leg on the statue and one against the wall.

He holds the shortbow horizontally and yells, "Duck!" Shinobi
Dice Roll:
1d20+4 (10)+4 Total = 14
Dice Roll:
1d6+1 (2)+1 Total = 3
fires another black tipped arrow over the mages heads and at the demon. He tries to knowlege roll Local
Dice Roll:
1d20+10 (11)+10 Total = 21
recall what kind of oni he is.
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Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Jan 17th, 2013 at 11:55 PM.
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Old Jan 18th, 2013, 11:20 PM
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Zariel knew this ice demon was rather slow, judging by its movements, so she took the opportunity to attack it from behind, her rapiers gleaming in her hands. She could feel the speed from Talhoffer's magic coursing through her.

"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online
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Old Jan 19th, 2013, 01:31 PM
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~Round 2 Summary~

Shinobi calls out, firing another arrow, but still to no avail. The Oni howls in pain as Zariel's blades leave deep wounds across it's backside, Spot check for Zarielblack blood oozing sluggishly from the wounds. As Lanaya rushes forward, striking with her fiery blade, she feels a
Dice Cold Damage:
d6 5
sudden intense wave of cold emanate from the creature. This does nothing to distract her attack, and her blade sinks deep into the demon's belly. The Oni wavers on it's feet for a moment and then suddenly goes rigid. Beginning at it's feet and rushing up to it's head, you see it's entire body suddenly turn into solid ice. In another moment, the ice begins cracking and fracturing, breaking into thousands of pieces of black ice which tumble to the ground, forming a large mound. The massive naginata and the fur armor that the demon wore clatter to the floor.
~End of Round 2~

Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old Jan 19th, 2013, 04:24 PM
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Halfway through the throng of his spell Talhoffer stops as the beast crystallises and shatters into a thousand pieces. He lowers his hand and says, "I don't suppose any of you know what that was? It seems your demon lore was not on my list of studies." With his slow limp he re approaches the group and says, "Let us make use of this haste and continue on."
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Old Jan 19th, 2013, 10:31 PM
Lightened Lightened is offline
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Lanaya nodded quickly, not wanting to let the spell or the heat of battle die down, and especially not the flames on her blade that seemed to have been so effective. "I do not know it's name, but I recalled it had a weakness against fire. If we find more of them, perhaps that knowledge will prove to be useful." She didn't stop moving for as much as a second while she talked, her fluid, almost dancing movements of shifting between different fighting stances doing the very least to keep her warm and offer just the tiniest bit of comfort against the creeping cold - although she would not admit it, the demon's aura had hit her harder than she liked. "Talhoffer is right, we need to go, and quickly. No use in wasting time and warmth."
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Old Jan 20th, 2013, 05:05 PM
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"It was an oni, a spirit of malice, and it was dealt with as befits its kind." He watches the flames dance up the woman's scimitars, nodding in appreciation. "Such prowess will serve us well in this." As he starts forward he glances down at the oni's weapon, briefly considering giving it some study. Ultimately, he decides dragging such a cumbersome piece with them would be counterproductive. After all, it didn't seem to help the creature any.

"If all our enemies are his big we should have no trouble spotting them." Settling the shaft of the naginata back under his arm, he darts down the hallway and around the bend, letting the magic lend swiftness to his steps.

Last edited by PopCultureBard; Jan 20th, 2013 at 05:14 PM.
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Old Jan 20th, 2013, 06:41 PM
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Talhoffer nods and follows behind almost comically at this speed with his gimped leg. As he went, he
Dice Perception:
1d20+4 (7)+4 Total = 11
looked about for any other signs of intrusion.
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Old Jan 20th, 2013, 07:03 PM
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Rounding the corner, you see the hallway extends for quite a distance, with several outlets on either side. You know that the first two halls on your right lead to more small living spaces for the monks of the monastery, whereas the left halls will probably lead out to the garden eventually.
Characters: Julia, Saru

Last edited by Aerandor; Jan 20th, 2013 at 07:04 PM.
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