"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online |
As Shinobi moves quickly with the others he snatches up his missed arrows and checks to see if they are 50% chance to see if missed ammo is usable ... Lower than 51 is usuable...1st
Dice Roll:
Dice Roll:
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Jan 21st, 2013 at 07:18 PM. |
"Consider what could have happened had we not all arrived at this place on this night. A temple filled with oni and nobody the wiser." Isaru pushes forward, intent on the left passage as a suitable destination. Visions of burning villages, possessed corpses and unending slaughter filled his mind. "We cannot allow this evil to infest the countryside. The Emperor's soldiers do not defend this area thoroughly enough to combat it." He pauses at the edge of the hallway long enough to check it for any obvious threats. If no giant ice monsters are readily apparent, he moves towards the garden.
You make your way around the corner, heading rapidly down the hallway. In front of you is a door, no doubt leading outside. To your right is a staircase leading into a room filled with pillars surrounding a pool of water that seems to have frozen over. To your left you see the dining hall of the monastery. A solitary monk lies dead on the floor, his lips blue with frost just as the other monk had been. In the hall leading away from the dining room, you see another large oni lurking. It too, sees you, and with a roar, charges into the dining room to catch you. |
walking around the corner, Talhoffer could already feel the burn in his lungs; gods I am out of shape, he thought as he stopped to catch his breath, in the process seeing the other demon. Standing back up he gripped his wand and said, "To fight or flee now, hurry for time is waning." hastily speaking the trigger, Talhoffers wand glowed slightly and a thick puddle of grease appeared below the Oni. Should buy us a modicum of time at the least, he thought to himself as he moved away from the door.
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. Last edited by brann miekka; Jan 28th, 2013 at 12:28 PM. |
Dice Initiative:
Zariel wasn't about to back down from another oni, especially with how well they dealt with the last one. She was going to go about this smart, though. She was going to use the tables in the next room as possible cover to get the jump on the oni when she got the chance. Using her natural talents, she slunk into the room, hoping not to be noticed. Dice Stealth Check:
"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online |
Shinobi shakes his head as the group starts to go after another Oni, "Baka Gaijin.". It appears as if he heard the oni from the northern corridor before crashing into the room ahead. Shinobi says, "Toshi, go around back.". He nods to them. Shinobi's feet become a blur as he rushes down the Northern corridor to come around the back of the Oni (as far as he can, that is). Hopefully, there are no more down here waiting. (5' move [immediate]to the NW, then 60' down the corridor North [move], another 30' movement (60' if haste allows it [standard]). Initiative: Dice Roll:
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Jan 29th, 2013 at 11:53 PM. |
Seeing the others move against the creature, Isaru braces the naginata along his right arm and returns Toshi's nod. He starts forward, moving as fast as he can to close on the oni without stepping into the wizard's spell. "Better to deal with it now than have it at our backs, I suppose." If he is able to close to ten feet safely, he will
Dice Attack/Damage:
Last edited by PopCultureBard; Jan 30th, 2013 at 12:03 AM. |
Lanaya just barely saw the big demon in the corner of her eye, and she knew that she could not reach it in time even with Talhoffer's spell still lightening her steps - she would however try her best in taking him down as soon as possible, using the advantages the swiftness gave her as long as it still persisted, quickly dashing around the corner and just stepping short of the oni, staring into those cold eyes with her own heated up only by the frenzy of combat and the fire that still danced around her blade as she felt the haste slowly leaving her body, bracing herself for an assault from the oni - she had put herself in a good position to attack, and she knew it too, but the magus was certain that taking the demon down quickly was the best option - the elf had felt the excruciating cold they emanated, and them being a part of the frost that had taken a hold of the monastery wasn't too far off.
Last edited by Lightened; Jan 30th, 2013 at 05:31 PM. |
~Round 1 Summary~
'Toshi' tears off into the dining room, leaping from table to table, as the bewildered oni tries, and ultimately fails, to follow his movements. The mysterious Yakuza lands gracefully behind the giant creature, no harm having befallen him. Seeing the opportunity, Zariel slips into the hallway, completely unseen while the oni is distracted, and settles herself between two of the tables, ready to strike. A puddle of slick oil magically appears beneath the oni's feet, but the giant manages to keep his footing. Lanaya rushes forward and the oni finally sees a target he can swing his naginata at. Lanaya's defensive stance proves useful, however, and she manages to dodge the crushing blow. Finally, Sagota's charge connects solidly with the oni, and black blood begins to ooze from the wound left in it's side. ~End of Round 1~ Last edited by Aerandor; Feb 4th, 2013 at 03:12 AM. |
Talhoffer Surveys the field and nods rather contently. Seeing little need to expend many resources he simply waves his hand and rattles of a small evocation, sending darts of emerald light from his fingertips to weave between his allies and thud solidly into the demon.
wear the chains you forged in life, link by link. |
Shinobi/Toshi smiles as his agile moves bewilders the ONI allowing him to slip behind it. He draws his silvered shortsword and aims at it approximately where he saw his elven cohort hit it. Since his blade is not burning, he is unsure of the result, but he is NINJA!
Taking in a deep breath, he give a scream, "KIYAAIII!!!". He puts his weight behind it trying to Attack Roll Dice Roll:
Dice Roll:
Dice Roll:
Live each day as it was your last, for one day you will be correct Last edited by ShinobiMaster123; Feb 7th, 2013 at 08:35 PM. |
Dice Stealth Check:
Once more trying to sneak up on the oni, Zariel attempts to move from where she was hiding to just on the other side of Shinobi from her. Once there, however, she would strike at the oni's flank, hoping to wound it the way she had its kin before. She hoped she was quiet and sneaky enough to do so unseen.
"You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade. This may be a virtual world, but I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito/Kirigaya Kazuto, Sword Art Online |
Lanaya just narrowly managed to avoid the demon's crushing assault - it was way too close, but she had no choice if she wanted to engage the fierce oni, and now it was her turn to dish out attacks on the demon. Taking another step forward, she lunged at him with the fiery blade, twirling around and trying to catch his side with it.
Last edited by Lightened; Feb 7th, 2013 at 08:31 PM. |
~Round 2 Summary~
Shinobi and Zariel each try their best to harm the oni, but its skin proves too tough to pierce. A wave of cold seems to burst forth from the demon's body, and both Shinobi and Lanaya feel the chill worsen around them. Talhoffer's magical bolts hit the Oni hard, and it staggers a bit. But what really finishes it off is Lanaya's fierce assault. A burst of fire seems to overwhelm the oni, and it falls to it's knees before shattering into ice just like its fellow had, the weapon and armor lying atop the pile. ~End of Round 2, End of Combat~ Last edited by Aerandor; Feb 9th, 2013 at 11:19 AM. |
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