“Shame...” Krik-Ket responded coolly and then paused before explaining, “We simply cannot turn back.” Krik did not think it was out of bounds to speak on behalf of Salin, since his employer had said as much before sending him out to meet with the trio of strangers. The ranger took care not to mention the specifics that the most dire reason for pressing on was the need for water. As any psionicist knew, knowledge was power. “It would be appreciated if Davino could make an exception.” The ranger truthfully wanted no conflict with them men, but although his unique features had not betrayed it the demeanor of these strangers had riled him. He could not resist returning that favor. ”After all, a hot day like today is no good for disputes,” he added, ”I'm afraid it would only serve to stir my appetite.” After he spoke, the mantis man's mandibles wriggled excitedly, like a human might lick their lips in anticipation of a good meal. Krik had learned that other races often found the prospect of being consumed after their demise quite unnerving, and so he thought it might serve to dissuade any rash action on the part of the men.
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia Dim the Drowned|Telephus Lorre|Togashi Shingo Tribulations of the Stag |
The man looks at Krik-Ket closely. "Come on, buggy," he says quietly. "If your master really wanted to push his way through us, he'd of sent that monster beside him, not you alone. If your master decides to fight, then he may well win. You will die though." He cleared his throat. "I don't like to yield, but I can be bought off for the right price. Call it a hundred ceramics for each of us. I agree that it is too hot for confrontation, so lets get on with it."
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Krik-Ket heard what Davino had to say in the same impassive manner he had before, although his featureless gaze did not leave the man's face this time. “I see,” the thri-kreen said at length in his usual even manner, “Then, I will tell Boss that.”
Krik-Ket returned to his clutch in the same manner he had departed. “Bandit trash,” Krik reported back to Salin, “The lead man calls himself Davino—says you may well win if you choose to fight though he claims I will die. Says he'll take a toll of three hundred ceramic instead.” ”He also says it is hot,” the ranger added. ”Don't care much about the ceramic myself, but I don't trust these scoundrels not to ambush us later in greater numbers. Lets stick them while the odds are still fair.” That was all the ranger would say about that, and so he fell silent. As he waited for Salin's order, he lost himself in Teleport Trigger -0 PSPthought. Dice Mysterious Check:
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia Dim the Drowned|Telephus Lorre|Togashi Shingo Tribulations of the Stag Last edited by Grenadier; Jan 30th, 2013 at 10:41 PM. Reason: [/b] |
Dice Roll:
Quickly assessing his position and the surrounding environment he decides that even though the risk of being seen is great, he must find a way to move himself into the rocks that form the canyon walls. With everyone's focus towards the front of the wagon and the newcomers, he slips carefully out from underneath the wagon, exiting as quietly as possible near the rear of the wagon. Once out he scurries across the rock strewn ground and dives into the closest location that will offer him cover from the eyes of the assembled parties.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Support your local Short Story Competition!
Nothing to see here... |
Cecelia turned her head as Salin started to speak, saying there never were any forests, but that Nibenay had some. she turned her head back and stared off for a moment in though 'perhaps i truly will find answers in Nibenay' she thought to herself. she looked down as Thakar spoke now, giving a soft smile "yes, they are beautiful visions, but perhaps all of it is simply an illusion" she said with a soft sigh, laying her head down for a moment. she lifted her head up as Thakar spoke again, tilting her head slightly before giving a slight nod. she grabbed the edge of the wagon and pushed herself off the back of it, doing a soft silent flip into the back, slipping her hood over her head and covering her white hair. She moved in the back of the wagon when it stopped and leaned over the halflings cage to look out past salin at the three newcomers in their way. As she listened to what she could hear of the conversation she stayed silent, even when krik-ket came back to relay information to Salin.
Dice Roll:
"I Hope You Don't Screw Like You Type."
Thakar Tuul does not pretend to understand what the gambit going on here means, but he does not need to. His eyes drift for a moment to Cecelia as she complies, then back to the task forward. Strange, that they should hold the road in such a way. His nerves continues to rattle. He has thoughts of Aldar. Logically, this could be such an encounter, the one he's dreaded since the day he fled. Would Salin hand him over? He wasn't sure. He didn't ask. He would not antagonize. As much as he wanted to, the child-like side, the slave side, wanting him to know, wanting answers: demanding answers.
His hand remains on the sword at his side. His mind plays out how best these men may fall. Thakar Thuul remains vigilant.
In Repose Last edited by Sassafrass; Jan 26th, 2013 at 01:59 AM. |
Gardener could not see any of the action ahead, but he could see those closest to him getting ready for a possible confrontation. He started to get ready from inside his cage, as much as he could anyway.
He glanced at his slave companion indifferently and thought; I could mend some of those wounds or try to bend the bars of your cage so you could escape. But you would probably do more harm than good. He could also tell that this human slave had had an exceptionally hard life. And judging by your appearance your roots have probably been twisted too much to be of any good in this world. Plus, if I helped you, you would know too much about me and if pressed you wouldn’t think twice about putting me in harm’s way. There is no reason for you to keep my secrets safe. "More harm than good," he muttered as he started collecting the remains of bark from the bars of his cage. Dice Roll:
Last edited by Rabid Gnome; Jan 26th, 2013 at 04:40 AM. |
From behind a raucous chorus of sounds echo from the canyon walls. At least a dozen, perhaps fifteen or more, mounted men, definitely armed and making no effort to quiet themselves, are riding up behind the wagon.
Salin starts at the noise, then flicks the reins, hard. The mekillot swings its head around to eye Salin. He flicks the reins again and yells, "Move, you cursed beast!" but the creature doesn't budge. Emma moves up to kick the mek.
Ahead of you, Davino's kank prances a couple steps forward. "I hope you aren't thinking of doing something drastic," he calls. "Three hundred isn't so high a price, is it?"
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Nothing to see here... Last edited by Quori; Jan 30th, 2013 at 05:27 PM. |
This is getting out of hand quickly, Jerm decides. Although he doesn't have any specific affiliation with the beings that he is traveling with, he still isn't interested in watching the situation turn in to bloodshed. If there is anything that he can do to stop this from happening, he feels obligated to do it. Climbing out from behind the rock that he has taken shelter behind, he shoulders his bow and begins at a brisk trot towards Davino.
"Hello!" He waves his hands in the air so that his small form will be seen. "Hello there!" As he walks he peers around at his "companions", smiling and waving at a few of them (even though they have never seen him before in their lives). "Nice day isn't it?" The day is not nice at all, but he doesn't really know what to say at this point. His heart is pounding loudly in his ears as he nears Davino and the kank. "I'm Jerm'San Mumblyspot and it is a distinct pleasure to be making your acquaintance." He gestures around to the growing army. "It seems that you may have us at a disadvantage. I would like to take you up on your offer and pay for our safe passage." He digs into his belt pouch, trying to keep an eye on what he is doing while at the same time keeping an eye on Davino, his traveling companions, and the "army" gathering up from the rear. "Three hundred ceramics was it?" He retrieves the amount from his pouch and offers it up to Davino. His hand barely comes up to the kanks snout. "This should do nicely I believe." As he speaks, he once again Dice Contact:
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Support your local Short Story Competition!
Last edited by Sparhawk; Jan 31st, 2013 at 12:00 PM. |
Thakar does not delay, drawing his sword at the demand of ceramics. They have some nerve, and it does not look as though his employer is willing to pay. He has does not make a show of the obsidian blade, simply does it, and keeps it hidden, ready to use it if necessary. His eyes call to Cecelia, poor girl that she is, that she has to see this. But Thakar would not back down. These monsters would do awful things to her, and they would show no mercy to the rest. Why return the favor? "Say the word," he whispers to his employer, watching the exchange in front of him. He barely catches the the gambit of Jerm.
He doesn't understand. Why pay? Why not fight? This is not their road. But perhaps it is wise. Perhaps. Perhaps it's for the best. Not knowing if the gamble will pay off, Thakar Thuul says nothing, does nothing, and watches, waiting. This action's wisdom remains to be seen.
In Repose |
At the appearance of the halfling from beneath his wagon, Salin momentarily stops encouraging the recalcitrant beast. "What- Where-" He looks around. "Emma! No stowaways are allowed!"
From the canyon behind you, a particularly loud shriek sounds and you turn involuntarily to look at it. No motion is visible, but instead a bloom of inky darkness has appeared emanating from around the corner.
"Ah, yes... 300 indeed," Davino sounds surprised at the halfling's offer. "That will cover me and my friends. But you see... the kanks will cost you more. It will be... another 200 for them. And your master will pay, of course." Davino extends his hand, waiting for it to be filled.
At the insistence for more money, Salin shakes his head and whips the mekillot. It begins moving forward. "No money for passage through this canyon!" Davino and his men draw weapons and ready to Dice davino:
Dice henchman 1:
Dice henchman 2:
This space reserved. Last edited by Zagros; Feb 2nd, 2013 at 10:10 AM. |
”A spy!” Krik-Ket thought immediately upon the stowaway's revelation. However, before the thri-kreen could move to stick the little fellow with his gruesome weapon, the gnome had offered to pay for their passage. It was hard for the ranger to decide just what to think, as he did not know what to think of clutch-mates that had not earned their keep, yet this stranger was willing to offer up so many of the trinkets others valued so much
Unfortunately, the mantis man did not have much time to consider such things. Davino, being the unscrupulous bandit that the somewhat naïve creature that the psionicist was had judged the stranger as being, demanded even more ceramics. The greed of this man reminded Krik of the selfish giant that he had encountered a short time before, yet his physique was not nearly as imposing. “Yes!” he called out excitedly as he pumped his gythka over his head with his upper arms while brandished his knife with one of his lower limbs, “Stick them!” ”I'm coming to pick you bones clean, Davino” Krik-Ket called out from between his mandibles as he Dice Initiative:
Dice Initiative:
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia Dim the Drowned|Telephus Lorre|Togashi Shingo Tribulations of the Stag Last edited by Grenadier; Feb 2nd, 2013 at 01:51 PM. Reason: d10 for Initiative |
Nothing to see here... Last edited by Quori; Feb 2nd, 2013 at 04:20 PM. |
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