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Old Feb 2nd, 2013, 01:57 PM
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Jerm's friendly features fall as Davino demands more money in exchange for safe passage. Slowly withdrawing the proffered amount he peers up at the man with a look of disappointment and disgust.

"I see." He replaces the ceramics into his belt pouch with slow deliberation. "Unfortunately I spent the remainder of our profits on your mother at the brothel last week. It is simply impossible to provide more in exchange for passage."

With that being said, he bows low, doffing his hat in a flamboyant manner that might be comical in another situation. "Please give my regards to whatever god it is that you worship. I'm sure that you'll be meeting him soon."

Replacing his hat, he spins on his heels and
Dice Initiative Roll:
1d10 6
sprints full tilt towards the canyon wall.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 2nd, 2013, 08:37 PM
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It was order enough; serves the bastards right for demanding a further price. Brigands, one and all: they'd get what's coming to them. And he'd be the one to deliver it to them. As Salin declares he will pay no more, Thakar Thuul whips his steed and shoots forward,
Dice Initiative:
1d10 8
sword raised. He lets loose a howl, almost inhuman and deep, mad, a growl of sorts, as his hood flies back, revealing his bald Mul's head, hairless in its entirety. It was not a new sensation, riding on a mount like this into combat: he'd done it enough times before to be good enough at it. It was merely that he was not doing it for the amusement of others. It was something deeper now, more primal, more real. This was life itself, the lives of others he fought for. For the naive little girl back in the wagon, for his employer. For everyone else in the caravan.

Thakar Thuul would not let them down.
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Old Feb 3rd, 2013, 03:24 AM
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Gardener heard voices and then more voices and finally they all unified into one voice. There is someone using the powers of the mind here. I could weigh in on this fight but if these new people win what would they do to me. Salin is at least taking me somewhere where I can be useful to plants that need me. No harm in waiting.

Gardener saw the stowaway crawl into the open. “Are you in this fight brother?”, Gardener said to the Halfling.

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Old Feb 8th, 2013, 07:56 PM
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The wagon rolls forward a few mekillot steps, then creaks to a stop. Salin whips the beast several times to no avail. The creature sees the mounted riders in front, plus Krik-Ket's flying leap, and wants no part of the confrontation. The noises from behind, while louder, do not seem to be affecting it.

Davino backs his kank a few steps as the other two push theirs forward. He draws a wood-and-bone bow while the other two raise wooden clubs. They both slide from their saddles, their mounts remaining completely motionless.

Thakar Thul and Krik-Kit are the fastest of the caravan crew to reach the confrontation, the mul on the left and the thri-kreen on the right. Emma is right behind them but heads for the stowaway halfling rather than the men blocking the road.
OOCCombat actions, please.
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Old Feb 8th, 2013, 11:13 PM
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Jerm, sprinting for all his little legs are worth, pulls up short next to the captive halfling. "Well I would have preferred a negotiation, but it seems that's well beyond the realm of possibility. So, yes. I suppose I am in this fight." With that, he dives behind the nearest boulder, draws his bow and
Dice Attack Roll:
2d20 1, 16 Total = 17
fires at the closest
Dice Damage Roll:
2d6 6, 3 Total = 9
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 10th, 2013, 08:13 PM
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The thri-kreen landed on his spindly legs with a grace that seemed to be at odds with his sheer size. His mind was racing in order to make quick calculations; he wanted to stick that smug crook Davino upon his gythka, but he at that moment he thought of his clutch and decided to stand by the side of Thakar. With deliberate motions, Krik brought his weapons to bear against the nearest of Davino's cohort,
Dice Knife Attack:
1d20 12
Dice Knife Damage:
1d3-1 (1)-1 Total = 0
stabbing and
Dice Gythka Attack:
1d20 2
Dice Gythka Damage:
1d10 10
thrusting with his terrible hunting implements and even attempting to
Dice Bite Attack:
1d20 5
Dice Bite Damage:
1d4+1 (1)+1 Total = 2
catch the man with his mandibles.

Krik=Ket's Status
Dice Initiative:
1d10 7
Actions: Move & Attack (Gythka - 7, Knife - 2, Bite - 0) [THAC0 – 18]
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

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Old Feb 11th, 2013, 07:09 PM
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Orders are orders, and Thakar Thuul has never been one to question orders when, at face value, they make sense. These men demand an unreasonable amount of money for an unreasonable request: treat them as fools and strike them as if they were dogs biting the hand that feeds them. Killing them may not be the best option, in Thakar's opinion, but no one asked it and he does not give it. He rides forward, mounted, with his obsidian blade raised in the air as he gives a cry, bouncing in the saddle of his ant-like kank. To his companions he gives little thought, making minor note of who and where they are but otherwise not caring a whole lot. Their lives were in their hands: if he could help them, he would, but he would not go out of his way. Nothing personal against them, but he had something to live for.

Upon reaching the group, he howls again, and begins his
Dice Attack:
1d20 10

Dice Obsidian Sword damage:
1d8+1 (2)+1 Total = 3
swinging, hoping that his advanced height and the mount besides will give him an advantage against his foes: he is not used to so little armor, but it will do.

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Old Feb 12th, 2013, 02:12 AM
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Look at these rabble, I wonder if they realize they are all slaves too. Maybe less than slaves. Gardener sat now in his cage, not really caring who won or lost. They will both lose.

No, I think there is a chance these thugs would leave me to die, or kill me for fun, or would they eat a halfling if need be? He shook his head. Maybe, I do have a side.
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Old Feb 13th, 2013, 01:12 AM
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After some initial dancing, the opponents have settled into opposing stances. Viewed from the wagon, Krik-Ket has taken up position on the left, Thakar Thul on the right. Facing each of them is a standing human. Both are armed with clubs. Davino sits astride his kank a couple paces back from the melee. Davino seems to shudder, and pauses for a second as he surveys the scene as if anew. He squints, then raises his bow and takes aim at the half-giant.

Krik-Ket gets in the first blow. His knife is a silver flash that strikes his opponent's torso, biting into the armor but doesn't seem to A hit, but damage was 0draw blood. Thakar's opponent then misses with a wild swing of his club, leaving him desperately out of position and vulnerable to further attack. That attack is swift in coming as a swing of Thakar's obsidian sword 3 hpbites into his shoulder.

Almost at the same time as Thakar's swing hits, Jerm releases an arrow. That arrow shatters in the bow, sending a shower of slivers 1 hpinto his arm. The other dismounted rider swings his club at Krik-Ket, but misses.

Emma charges forward, stopping just short of the main melee, unable to get beyond either Krik-Ket or Thakar to engage the enemy. She roars impotently over their heads at Davino. Krik-Kit somehow misses his opponent with both his gythka and a bite attack.

Davino, his attention drawn back to the roaring 12-foot half-giant in front of him, looses both arrows in her direction. One flies wide to the side and is lost in the dirt, the other glances off her shoulder and deflects towards the canyon wall.

Garm recovers from his shattered arrow and fires again at Thakar's opponent, scoring a 3 hpsolid hit in his off arm. The man stumbles back, a look of terror in his eyes as he stares up into Thakar Thul's face.

OOCAnother round of combat actions, please.
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Old Feb 13th, 2013, 08:52 PM
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The three individuals seem well dealt with at the front lines. If we can defeat them quickly then we can deal with whatever is behind us. If they jump us before then however, we will have to deal with them...

With that, the elf focuses his attention at the rear. Leaving himself some distance, Readied Action: If 2 or more enemies exit the darknesshe watches and waits to see if any of the noise turns into additional targets...
ActionsAction: Readied Action
Movement: Adjust position

Nothing to see here...
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Old Feb 14th, 2013, 01:24 AM
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Jerm curses as his arrow shatters and sends splinters into his wrist. That's what I get for buying from a traveling merchant, he grimaces. Ignoring the pain he quickly looses another arrow and smiles as it bites into flesh. That's more like it! From his hiding place he continues
Dice To Hit:
2d20 17, 2 Total = 19
Dice Damage:
2d6 4, 1 Total = 5
firing, well aware of the possible threat approaching from the rear of the wagon.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 15th, 2013, 12:58 AM
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Krik-ket relents in his assault in order to Time Shift – 1 Round 16 PSPfocus his mind. A mere moment later, he fades from the battlefield, creating an opening for Emma to join the fray. Meanwhile, he slips through time to make his way towards Davino.

Action NotesTime Shift PSP 45/65
Move towards Davino
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

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Old Feb 15th, 2013, 03:32 AM
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The bloodlust begins. When he was a gladiator, the simplest sight of blood was enough to drive him into a rampage, a berserker's rage that did not end until there was no living thing left to rip and tear. The gladiator in him lived strong, lived proud, and longed for the battles of old, and from up here on the kank, he had the advantage: a good thing, too, but something in him didn't feel right about it. That would have to wait, though: the new Thakar Thuul would not risk going into that rage while still there was a job to be done, and not while the girl was watching. No need in her fearing him, if he could help it. He was a monster with a blade, but only when he did it for amusement did he become an animal.

"To dust, brigands!" roars the Mul, bringing his crimson-stained black blade above his head and back down again on his foe,
Dice * Attack:
1d20 16

Dice * Damage:
1d8+1 (3)+1 Total = 4
now pierced by blade and bow.

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Old Feb 16th, 2013, 10:05 AM
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Davino starts in surprise at the mantis warrior's sudden disappearance, backing his mount a couple steps. "Hold them on your lives!" he screams at the two men in front. The one facing Thakar responds immediately, landing a crushing blow6 hp
on Thakar's left arm. Unfortunately for him the blow leaves him badly out of position and Thakar's obsidian sword 4 hpbites deep into the man's shoulder and he goes down, motionless.

At the very last second, seeing his target go down, Jerm shifts and looses his first arrow at the remaining footman, his aim opened by the mantis's sudden disappearance. The arrow 4 hpburies in the man's thigh. Just after the arrow lands Emma steps into the gap, landing a massive closed fist against the man's head. He reels but keeps his feet, even landing a 2 hpglancing blow on the half-giant.

Davino looses an arrow at the half-giant at the same time Jerm's arrow flies towards Davino. Both missles fly wide. Davino looses another that buries in the dirt.

OOCOne man down. Keep it up guys. Grenadier I need your action first.
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Old Feb 16th, 2013, 09:30 PM
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From his place outside the boundaries of time, Krik-Ket closed in upon Davino, hoping to ambush the brigand when he returned to the temporal stream. As the mantis man blinked back into existence, he was upon the rider and his mount, and the ranger delivered an
Dice Gythka Attack:
1d20+4 (6)+4 Total = 10
Dice Gythka Damage:
1d10 5
Dice Knife Attack Attack:
1d20+4 (7)+4 Total = 11
Dice Knife Damage:
1d3-1 (2)-1 Total = 1
Dice Bite Attack:
1d20+4 (9)+4 Total = 13
Dice Bite Damage:
1d4+1 (1)+1 Total = 2
onslaught of attacks against the kank.

Krik=Ket's Status
Dice Initiative:
1d10 5
Actions: Move & Attack (Gythka - 7, Knife - 2, Bite - 0) [THAC0 – 18]
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

Dim the Drowned|Telephus Lorre|Togashi Shingo
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Last edited by Grenadier; Feb 16th, 2013 at 09:31 PM.
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