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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 03:07 AM
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Fairly confident that the giantess can handle herself, Jerm shifts his focus towards Davino. If it wasn't for his refusal to accept the payment that had been offered to him, all of this could have been avoided. It irks the little halfling to be forced into battle over such a ridiculous display of greed as well as a serious lack of integrity. What is the world coming to when you cannot rely upon honor among thieves? Gritting his teeth, Jerm aims down the shaft of his arrow and lets
Dice Attack Rolls:
2d20 20, 10 Total = 30
Dice Damage Rolls:
2d6 4, 4 Total = 8
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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 03:41 AM
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Watching his man go down, Thakar allows himself a smile and then puts his heels to his kank, forcing it forward, towards the remaining bandits. These fools clearly had no idea what they were getting themselves into, asking for that kind of money. More than once, out of the arena, his dread owner had used him to intimidate the money out of people. Power. It had always been a show of power, and that power had felt good, but these men? They had made the mistake of not showing enough power. They were too passive. Why that pride without the ability to show power? Thakar thought them fools, but no more foolish than offering a price for passage in a canyon no one owned. This was a free land with free passage, and now it had costs these men their lives. Oh, he would see to that.

Propelled forward, Thakar Thuul raises his blood-stained black sword in the air and charges,
Dice Attack:
1d20 3

Dice Damage:
1d8+1 (8)+1 Total = 9
swiping at the would-be bandit near his stomach.
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Last edited by Sassafrass; Feb 17th, 2013 at 05:38 PM.
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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 10:08 PM
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With the battle continuing to look good for their side it was even more important to twart any rear attacks.

Wondering if/when others may jump out of the inky darkness, Felix kept his attention on the rear guard.

ActionsAction: Continuing Readied Action
Movement: None

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Old Feb 27th, 2013, 02:48 AM
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If Davino looked surprised at Krik-Kit's disappearance, then shocked is not too strong of a word at the thri-kreen's sudden appearance directly in front of the man. He raises an arm in subconscious defense and Krik's mandibles close on it, 2 hpdrawing blood. Davino drops his bow to the ground and draws a bone shortsword from his belongings on the kank's back. His sudden motion moves him out of Thakar's powerful swing and the obsidian sword cuts nothing but air.

The standing man swings his club at Emma, who barely notices when he lands a stiff blow on her 4 hpknee. She responds with another closed fist, this time a straight punch to the man's torso. The 12 hpblow forces him back a couple steps. He trips on his kank's still-motionless hind leg, falling to the ground. He scrambles to his feet and turns to flee.

Jerm takes careful aim at the mounted man and looses his first arrow. It flies true, 4 hp, arm unusable for 3 roundsslicing through Davino's arm directly above the cut from Krik's bite. Davino's arm twitches and the fingers flex involuntarily. Jerm's second arrow goes wide, however.

"Tell me what you want!" Davino screams loudly as he attempts to back the kank out of range of Krik-Ket's weapons. It is not at all clear who he is talking to.

OOCNext actions?
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Last edited by Zagros; Mar 2nd, 2013 at 11:21 AM. Reason: corrected arrow hit on Davino
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Old Feb 27th, 2013, 04:48 PM
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Krik-Ket's last volley had only been marginally more successful than his first, but he would not relent from the hunt with fresh blood on his mandibles. The thri-kreen pursued the withdrawing brigand, paying no mind to the man's strange cry. Moving in a manner that was half running and half springing, the ranger closed upon Davino and unleashed a third
Dice Gythka Attack:
1d20 10
Dice Gythka Damage:
1d10 9
Dice Knife Attack:
1d20 20
Dice Knife Damage:
1d3-1 (2)-1 Total = 1
Dice Bite Attack:
1d20 11
Dice Bite Damage:
1d4+1 (1)+1 Total = 2
volley, although without the temporal advantage that had favored him previously.

Krik=Ket's Status
Dice Initiative:
1d10 5
Actions: Move & Attack (Gythka - 7, Knife - 2, Bite - 0) [THAC0 – 18]
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

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Last edited by Grenadier; Feb 27th, 2013 at 04:49 PM.
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Old Mar 4th, 2013, 05:08 PM
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It seems as if the fighting at the front lines is dying down. If they can convince their leader to forfeit, they may be able to stand down.

Listening intently to what may be going on, the elf can't take his attention off of the rear just in case. Listening closely, he attempts to ascertain if the noises approaching from the rear are much closer, still distant or have come to a stop all-together.

ActionsHP: 14 , THACO: 20
No Effort: Listening to the rear
Action: Continuing Readied Action
Movement: None

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Old Mar 6th, 2013, 05:35 AM
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There is a cry, and the mul almost cries out in reply. Almost in success. In victory. Thakar Thuul is used to these things, but to each of these things there must be a show, a way to keep up the morale of his audience. No, his companions, now. A morale boost, to bolster their confidence. So long as Thakar stands with them, they shall remain standing until the earth itself crumbles into the dust of space and the storms of time. Now is no different:
Dice Attack and Damage:
1d20 9
1d8+1 (1)+1 Total = 2
the mul swings, hoping to rend his foe and bring an end to this. What do they want? Passage. Safety.

Because it is asked of them.
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Old Mar 7th, 2013, 12:50 AM
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Jerm, determining that the battle is well in hand, turns his attention to the rear of the wagon. Sprinting over he drops to one knee and knocks another arrow as he peers down the canyon hoping to identify what form of threat, if any, is approaching the party from the rear.
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Last edited by Sparhawk; Mar 7th, 2013 at 12:51 AM.
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Old Mar 9th, 2013, 09:33 AM
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The sounds from behind the wagon are becoming disjointed, as though some of the approaching horde have turned back and are receding. Others continue to grow louder and more distinct. Nothing has come through the darkness yet.

Once again, Krik-Ket's dagger flashes, drawing 2 hp (crit. double damage)blood. Davino screams. Thakar Thul's massive swing nearly shaves the whiskers from Davino's cheek, but he barely dodges in time. Emma ignores the man scrambling away from her feet and swings an open backhand at Davino, apparently intending to knock him from his mount. He dodges that blow as well, ducking just below the huge paw.

Krik-Ket is finally able to take advantage of Davino's movement. Once again his powerful mandibles close on the man, this time 2 hpdrawing blood from his arm. Davino also manages to barely deflect the gythka, preventing it from removing a large chunk from his leg.

Davino shakes his arm, apparently still unable to swing the bone shortsword in his hand. "Passage is granted," he yells, trying to back his kank out of melee range. "No charge." He nearly gets out of melee range, but not quite.

Salin, from his perch atop the wagon, finally breaks his silence. "Lets get moving now. Take his weapons so he can't do us any more harm."

"What about the ones behind us?" Buss asks.

"The sooner we are out of this canyon the better we can deal with whatever it is," Salin answers. He flicks the reins, but the mekillot doesn't move.
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Last edited by Zagros; Mar 9th, 2013 at 09:34 AM.
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Old Mar 15th, 2013, 10:24 PM
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Eager to get moving Felix acts quickly, abandoning his post at the rear.

"If anyone could assist in handling the animals, that would greatly speed up our retreat..." he says, using hand motions to rush people along.

Looking at Davion he says, "Step aside good man. We have places to be." With the leader out of the way and their rear covered for the time being, they should be fine if the caravan can get moving into the open desert.

ActionsHP: 14 , THACO: 20

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Old Mar 16th, 2013, 02:51 PM
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His sword raised once more about his head, Thakar-Thuul barely hears the cry to stop, to pass and gather weapons. Looking over his fearful, fallen foes, he wonders if they do not better deserve death. This will not be their last attempt at brigandry. This will not be the last time they try. This may be the last time they meet so much resistance, but they will do this again. Sliding off his mount, black sword still pointing at their throat, he waits for them to drop their weapons before collecting them.

"Never again," he says lowly, weapons collected, and the mul remounts his ant-like creature. Best to get over this. He waits on the caravan to catch up as so to give the weapons to his employer; he can make better use of them, in theory. Thakar can swing them, but those he cannot sale.
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Old Mar 17th, 2013, 10:11 PM
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Krik-Ket yielded as the greedy brigand pleaded for mercy. Perhaps he would not had he been amongst thri-kreen hunters, but the folk of this caravan lived by such ways. However, he would have little to do with any less primal punishment, leaving the civilized people to their forms of justice.

”Let me see the beast,” Krik chirped quietly as he turned his back to Davino. In a manner both calm and quiet but with some measure of certainty, the pale ranger approached the mekillot. Although his people did not domesticate animals, Krik-Ket understood their nature. He possessed a way with them that even the wildest creatures understood. The mantis man spoke no words yet goaded the beast of burden to carry the weight.
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

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Old Mar 18th, 2013, 11:26 PM
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Salin watches the thri-kreen with determined interest. "It's no use, if she doesn't want to move, she won't be..." He trails off as the mekillot turns and looks at Krik-Ket, something not quite like anger in her eyes. "She's liable to eat you, of course." Salin grunts when the lizard just continues to look at Krik, then looks around. Emma was just finishing to drag the dead man to the side of the canyon. The second man had already disappeared out of sight, and Davino continues to back his kank up the road.

Thakar Thuul manages to collect four weapons: two clubs and Davino's discarded bow and bone shortsword. "Well, that's a meager payoff," Salin says. "But, better than losing one of my guards, eh?" His smile is interrupted by a jolt as the wagon begins to move. He yells, "We're on the move! Emma! Get those kanks tied up! Salvage is salvage!" He chuckles. "And I want your hands on that halfling!" He glances behind, checking that his cargo is still intact. "Hal and Buss, you keep our rear guard." He turned forward and lashes the mekillot, though a touch gentler than usual. "Thakar and Krik-Ket, you've earned the lead. We're on the move!"

Emma follows his instructions to the "T", laying a firm hand on Jerm's shoulder and holding the kanks' reins until the wagon draws even. She somehow ties the animals to the back end of the wagon with one hand. Finally she scoops Jerm by the waist and deposits him beside Salin. "Hurt him and you're dead, little one!" she says before resuming her place beside the wagon.

OOC housekeepingEverybody gets 500 exp. Krik-Ket gets an extra 100 for his use of animal affinity and Felix an extra 50 for creative use of the spell.
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Old Mar 23rd, 2013, 08:48 PM
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Krik-Ket dutifully moved to the front of the caravan alongside Thakar. Krik-Ket liked the mul well-enough. At least, the fellow fought well enough, which was good in a clutch-mate. Thakar did always seem to have some dark personal matter over which he brooded. Krik was a wonderer himself, and often his mind went to dark places. Still, it was hard for the ranger to imagine suffering over such matters, but then again he was considerably less vested in himself than the civilized people seemed to be. At length, it simply meant the mul lacked a knack for conversation, which was fine with Krik anyway.

Looking back over the caravan, the thri-kreen noticed Emma manhandling the little guy that had jumped out of the wagon. She seemed to be rather gruff with him, and Krik was not quite sure why. The little fellow had joined him in the fight, which was fine enough for a mantis man to consider him family. Either way, he should not be up there fur a free ride; he ought to be put to work. It was bad enough they were hauling around that other dead weight.

Still, Krik-Ket kept quiet about it and turned his eyes and antennae back towards the road ahead of him.
"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

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Old Mar 24th, 2013, 09:44 PM
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With the caravan underway, Felix has a sense of relief. The faster we leave here the better, he thinks. Humanoids are the worst of our worries though, he reflects, thinking of all the stories he's heard of dangerous creatures, monsters and even plants in the deserts of Athas.

Shaking his head about what might be he returns his attention to the man in the cage. "Still with us?" He asks with a grin.
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