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Old Feb 2nd, 2013, 04:34 AM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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"Definately One Of Those Days..." Eljin slowy reaches into his side pouch hanging from over his left shoulder it rests on his right hip, his hand slowly rummages around for some vegetable type eddible goods that a more familear Rabit would be interested in, perhaps a large carrot? Producing whatever foodstuff his hand manages to grasp he pulls it out and gently tosses it near the creature but not too near, kind of at an angle hoping it will find food more interesting then him.

"Ok, nice carrot for you, nice exit for me. You get to keep both your giant lucky rabbits feet. Lets hope they are lucky for both of us."
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Old Feb 2nd, 2013, 02:54 PM
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MaxwellYeah. Sitting quietly was asking a bit much under the circumstances. "Rachel, my friends and I come from a very far away place. It's so far away that we only have one sun in the sky. We're strangers here and we need your help." I sit and hold the girl while we wait. "We need you to be brave now. Your mother would want you to be brave, wouldn't she?" Using the end of my sash and some water, I start to clean the dirt from her face. "Can you tell me who it was that came here, Rachel?" I ask her gently, pacing the questions to give her time to recover from answering; Where did they go? Come from? Want? Does she have any other family? Where are the nearest towns? Who rules them?
Wherever you go, there you are.

Last edited by Majestyk; Feb 2nd, 2013 at 02:55 PM.
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Old Feb 2nd, 2013, 04:17 PM
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Gladly, Balbanes takes Sparrow's hand and lifts himself to his feet. Breathing a bit slower, he nods to her in acknowledgement of her thanks. "You're not hurt are you?" He takes a cursory look at the girl and nods again. She looks unharmed. That's good. "Now then," he adds, "How about we find a way across this river." The ranger steps towards the bank and the churning, frothing madness of the fishes. He looks down into the chaotic whirlwind of fanged maws and twisting bodies, and characteristically rubs his chin.
A few minutes pass before Balbanes again moves, slowly but surely. First, he retrieves his thin dirk from where he cast it aside. Next, he produces the sackcloth rags from the prison and a small dried log which he gathered before his capture. "I think I've got an idea." He kneels down in the sand and rips some of the sackcloth into strips. With quick, practiced motions, Balbanes ties a few of the strands the cloth around the bit of firewood. Before another word, he draws his razor sharp dagger across the meat of his arm immediately drawing blood. Before the blood pools and runs, he applies the rags, tied around the wood, to the wound. "When I take this and toss it into the river, wait a moment, and I think you'll find that the threat of being devoured has passed." Or at least I hope so. Rapidly, the rags absorb the blood and Balbanes rises from kneeling position. He eyes Sparrow, making sure shes ready to cross, then tosses the blood-soaked decoy into the swiftly coursing stream. Although he's doesn't take too much time to aim, tossing it just beyond the carnivorous fish is probably his best bet for both attracting them and drawing them away. That is, assuming they're not intelligent man eating fish...
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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Old Feb 3rd, 2013, 04:19 AM
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Sparrow helped Balbanes up and shook her head slightly as he asked if she was hurt "No, i'm quite alright" she said as she let go of his hand and stepped away. She turned her attention to the stones in the water again as Banes wondered aloud how to cross the stream. Sparrow felt it obvious of what to do, but she supposed that might be a little to far for a human to jump. She stood there for a moment, waiting while he thought of a way to cross, not about to leave him behind. Her head turned in his direction as he stepped away from the shore, watching him through Rorek curiously, giving a small laugh as he said he had an idea 'this should be interesting' she thought to herself. Hearing him rummage about in his backpack she soon hears the tearing of cloth, tilting her head slightly. Taking a small step forward she reached out towards him and made a soft sound as he drew the dagger across his arm. Her hand soon comes to her nose at the smell of blood. She didn't mind it, it was more out of shock. "When I take this and toss it into the river, wait a moment, and I think you'll find that the threat of being devoured has passed." he told her. She took a few steps back so she could get a running start to to jump "Don't worry about me, but keep your arm out of the water so they are not drawn back to you." She told him. At least this way, if she did fall in the water then she would have a chance to get back up again unscathed.

As he tossed the blood soaked rags and stick into the water Rorek came from the sky and dove for the first rock, giving a soft chirp to to tell her where he fee needed to be. she took a few long strides before
Dice Roll:
1d20-2 (18)-2 Total = 16
Jumping in that direction. Rorek came down again, chirping once more at the next stone and she
Dice Roll:
1d20-2 (3)-2 Total = 1
flipped through the air to the next one. A final time Rorek came down and chirped for her making another
Dice Roll:
1d20 17
Jump to the stone poking out of the water then dove and tumbled onto the shore on the other side, stopping a moment to make sure that Banes made it all the way across as well. She had been so cold in that camp, she didn't want to replace it with being wet and uncomfortable.
"I Hope You Don't Screw Like You Type."
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Old Feb 3rd, 2013, 02:12 PM
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The creature snorts and shies away when you toss the carrot onto the ground, but curiosity soon gets the better of her. Stepping tentatively towards it, she lowers her head and sniffs at the tuber, her eyes on you the entire time. The baby also emerges from behind its mother, peeking it's head out to see what the fuss is about. The mother nibbles at the carrot, her velvet lips working around it carefully, her giant ears twitching the entire time. The baby takes a few steps forward and the mother does not stop it. You watch as the mother and offspring share the carrot until it is fully consumed. That is when something amazing happens.

The baby raises its head up from the ground as the last bite disappears and takes a few steps towards you. The mother grunts and tosses her head, but makes no move to stop it. When the baby is within arms reach of you, it lets out a loud mewl and tosses it's head, it's eyes fixed on the pouch where your food stash is contained. It appears that you have +500XPdiffused the situation, but you realize that in feeding the creatures, you may have just gained a new "family".


Rachel's sobs begin to quiet as you comfort her. She peers up at you with wide eyes when you mention that the land you have traveled from has only one sun, but then purses her lips in an expression of resolution and bravery when you tell her that you need her help.

"They're called the Krakor." She says, wiping the tears from her eyes. "They live in the mountains, but nobody knows where exactly. Papa said that nobody has even seen them in a long, long time. They ride the Foruntine and kill everybody they meet. Papa says it's because they were here before other people came and they think that the land belongs to them." She sniffles and leans back against your chest. "He said people only talk about them because they want to scare their children when they are being bad. He said that they didn't come down from the mountains anymore, but I guess he was wrong." Together you gaze out at the grass as it stirs softly in the wind. "When they came, Mama told me to go run and hide. Her and Papa were going to stay and fight with my brothers." She peers up at you. "I was really scared, especially when it got quiet and all I could hear was the Krakor talking. I couldn't understand what they were saying though, so I stayed hidden until they rode off." She looks down again and starts fidgeting with the hem of her torn dress. "That's when I sneaked out, but everybody was dead." She speaks softly and you can tell that she is trying very hard not to cry. The child's bravery is incredible.

When you inquire as to the direction of the Krakor's departure, she points southeast. "I guess they were probably going to the Gerand's. They have a farm not far away. I used to play with Sarah. She was about the same age as me." She looks up at you again and you can tell that she is judging your expression as well as your words. "Do you think they're alright?"

When you ask about any other family, she nods. "I have an Aunt and Uncle that live in town. It's on the other side of the mountains over there." She points to the west. "We used to go visit them sometimes. It takes about two days to get there, but it was still always a lot of fun. I don't know who is the boss of the town though. Sorry..."

As you sit with Rachel and hear her +500XPrecount her tale, you cannot help but wonder where your companions are. Although you had moved much more quickly to arrive here, they still should have made an appearance by now.

Balbanes and Sparrow

When the blood soaked cloth is tossed into the stream the fish erupt into a frenzy unparallelled by any behavior you have witnessed up to this point. In an instant they are away from the bank and are on the log as it begins to drift away downstream, tearing viciously at the rags of canvas. The ferocity of their attack leaves little doubt in your mind that should you have stepped into the stream unprotected, you wouldn't have left in one piece, if at all.

Taking the opportunity while the swarm is distracted, Sparrow leaps across the water in a feat of agility that startles Balbanesyou. With practiced precision, and with the cooperation of Rorek, she leaps from stone to stone until gracefully landing on the bank at the far side of the stream. Even though you are sighted, you are unsure whether you can match the feat that you have just witnessed and you find yourself with a new appreciation for the woman. Life could not have been easy for her since she was struck blind and it is amazing how well she has adapted to the +500XP for both of youchallenge.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Last edited by Sparhawk; Feb 3rd, 2013 at 02:17 PM.
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Old Feb 3rd, 2013, 08:27 PM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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Eljin produces a ration and opens itup setting it on the ground then continues backing away, if they follow and want to be traveling companions they will do as they do, he has a pair of Rangers alredy so they probubly be ok with it.

"Ok you guys can either stay here or follow me I am good either way, not sure why I'm talking to you tho. You seem to be animals and on top of that are on a totally different world but whatever." waves his hand as he leaves slowly, if they wish to follow they havetime to eat and do so if not he's good with that to.
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Old Feb 4th, 2013, 09:50 PM
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MaxwellIt strikes me that if, this little girl is indicative of her people, they are a tough lot, not to be taken lightly. They'd likely make good allies and saving one of their young would go a long way in securing their cooperation. Not that I need any additional motivation to help Rachel, but I should have my arguments prepared in case I have to convince any of the others.

I've pressed her with enough questions... at least for the moment. We've hidden in the grass long enough for other concerns to creep into my thoughts. Her friend Sarah is to the southeast and I left my friends to the North. At this moment I don't know the condition of any of them. I resist the temptation to speak my thoughts aloud to myself, Do I think they're alright? I put on a warm and thoughtful smile, "I don't know, Rachel. Right now, sitting in the grass, we don't know if, your friend is alright, but neither do we know that anything bad has happened to her. All we can do is to hope for the best." and prepare for the worst, "We'll find out soon enough."

I stand Rachel up, take a knee if front of her, and slip off my pack. I rummage through the rations and find a bit of honey-bread for her. I stand and look around again. I need a better view and their Windmill is still standing. "Let's see if we can find Rorek, shall we?" I put my pack on, pick Rachel up and carry her to the windmill. When we get to its base, I set her down and slip off my pack again, "Now you keep watch of the gear, while I climb up to see what we can see." I sit her and the pack next to a support timber, hiding them as well as I can, then I
Dice climb:
1d100 65
1d100 31
1d100 12
climb the windmill to look for my friends, to the north, and the Krakor, to the southeast.

Wherever you go, there you are.
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Old Feb 5th, 2013, 11:49 AM
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Balbanes smiles as his plan succeeds and Sparrow bounds over the stream. With a quick, practiced motion, he cleans both sides of his dirk, then sheathes it under his jacket. With the remainder of his sackcloth, he puts pressure on the slight cut on his forearm, to staunch the bleeding, and then approaches the stones. No problem, right? He examines the rough, uneven stones, and postulates on how Sparrow was able to cross so quickly, and on his own sure-footedness. And so, with slow ponderous steps, Balbanes picks his way across the river stones and plods up to bank to continue tailing the light-footed Sparrow.
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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Old Feb 8th, 2013, 10:54 PM
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Maxwell & Rachel
Rachel seems content to stay with the gear as you climb the tower. It is not difficult and you soon reach the highest accessible point. The view is much the same as you had previously observed while in eagle form, but it does offer you a different perspective since you are able to take your time and concentrate from a stationary position. The grassland stretches out in all directions for miles, unbroken save for the small stream that you flew over earlier. You are relieved to see your companions approaching, Sparrow and Balbanes just breaking through the grass and into the yard of the farmstead, while Eljin is slightly further off and seems to be being tailed by two of the herbivorous beasts that are scattered throughout the valley. Curious. Rachel lets out a shout as the two rangers come into view, but you shout down to her that they are your companions and she quickly settles down.

Taking your time you carefully Roll an Int. Check Pleasescan the horizon for any movement or signs of passage that may be caused by the marauding band of raiders. You do manage to spot another farm a mile or so distant to the southeast, but from this distance everything appears to be normal. At least there is no smoke rising from it.

Sparrow and Balbanes
With the stream and the bloodthirsty fish safely behind you, you make quick time to the farmstead, breaking out into the yard and quickly scanning the area. The first thing that strikes you is the brutality of the scene. Dismembered bodies lay scattered across the dirt yard, blood pooling in dark patches wherever they rest. The main house and barn are smoldering ruins and all of the livestock has been butchered and left to rot in the sun. The stench is oppressive. The next thing you spot is a small female child huddled on the ground near the base of a windmill, the only intact structure left, save for the hand dug well. The girl starts at you appearance and shouts something, but a return shout directs your attention skyward where Maxwell is perched atop the structure. The girl quickly calms, but still appears to be nervous as you make your approach across the ruined yard.

It seems that you have indeed made two new friends. As you depart in the direction of the farm, the creatures trail after you, although they do maintain a safe distance. You see no harm in it until you consider the size of the mother and the fact that she stands well above the grass. Should anyone connect her odd behavior to your presence, it could easily negate any chance of subterfuge. Seeing no other option you continue onward, breaking out onto a sandy stream bed after only a few moments. You notice what appears to be a canvas wrapped log floating slowly downstream, a pack of intensely angry fish attacking it. Scanning the immediate area you determine that the water is clear and quickly fiord the narrow stream. Once on the other side you look back to see the creatures standing on the other side. They seem hesitant to follow you, probably well aware of the danger that the fish offer. Taking that as your chance to make a speedy exit, you dive back into the tall grass and continue along your way.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Last edited by Sparhawk; Feb 8th, 2013 at 10:55 PM. Reason: Editing Textual Errors
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Old Feb 10th, 2013, 01:21 AM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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Seeing that the two creatures are wise enough not to cross the stream due to the dangerous fish Eljin determines they will probubly be ok on thier own, live a normal life and make thier way back to whever they would normally have been if he hadn't given them some vegetable style rations.

"Go on now I live a dangerous life, you wouldn't be safe with me."

Eljin will ready his ShortBow in case he needs to engage any targets from afar, creeping along in as stealthy a manner as he is able he will approach as close to his destination as he can without breaking the cover of the tall grass and see if he can hear anything or spot anything amiss in the surrounding areas.
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Old Feb 10th, 2013, 02:46 AM
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MaxwellNow that I can see my friends are in good condition, my mind focuses the whereabouts of the Krakor. I can just make out the farm where Rachel’s friend lives. No smoke. That’s a good sign, but… how do the Krakor attack? Do they charge blindly or wait and observe? Did they suffer any injury here that they might attend before attacking? Could Sarah’s family have seen the smoke on their horizon and prepared a defense that will at least buy them some time? These thoughts come quickly and they all lead to one conclusion. We have no time to waste. Perched on the northern side of the windmill, with my hands cupped to my mouth to direct my voice toward my friends, ”All clear here! Make haste!” I wave my hat, signaling them to come. I wait to be sure that each of them has seen me before I climb down.

I jump the remaining 8 feet from to the ground. As I grab my pack I smile at Rachel, ”Good job watching over the gear Rachel. You saw my friends coming and alerted me. Very impressive, young lady.” After I finish adjusting the pack on my shoulders, ”Now, allow me to make introductions.” I hold out my hand and when the little girl takes it, we walk to meet Sparrow and Balbanes.

I make the introductions, telling Rachel that Sparrow is Rorek’s special friend and that she might like Sparrow to tell her all about him. I wait for Eljin to join us and be introduced before telling the group what I learned from Rachel. I try to be both concise and sensitive to Rachel’s presence, but they have to be informed quickly. After I’ve explained the situation, ”There’s a trail that must have been left by the Krakor, over here. Let’s take a look at it.” I pick Rachel up, keeping her head turned away from the carnage that was her family as we make our way to the trampled grass to the southeast.
Wherever you go, there you are.

Last edited by Majestyk; Feb 10th, 2013 at 01:26 PM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2013, 02:43 AM
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After a thorough inspection of the trail leading through the grass, Balbanes declares that it is indeed man made. He points out several indention's in the ground, as well as several bent pieces of grass, and declares that they are footprints made by people who travel without shoes. He guesses their number to be close to twelve strong and that they are traveling with very few provisions, indicating a war party or something similar. Sparrow joins in at one point to reinforce Balbanes findings, as well as to add that the war party has a good two hour head start on the four, well, now five of you, and that it is likely that if the Gerand's were the next target, they would have already been there some time prior to your arrival. She releases Rorek into the sky and informs the rest of you that he will scout the Gerand's and report back any information that he is able to gather.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 01:56 AM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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Having surveyed the area thoroughly, and having enjoyed a bit of alone time on top of that Eljin puts away his Bow and walks into town to join his companions and the child.

"Twelve? I can handle 6 I think. Can you tell what kind of armor, heavy or not? Just so we are clear we do plan on slaughtering these bastards right?"
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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 02:58 AM
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Sparrow informs you that if they are wearing armor, it is of some light variety, but she hesitates, as does Balbanes, when you suggest a violent confrontation.

"Perhaps we can capture them and take them to whatever magistrate rules over this land." Balbanes suggests with Sparrow nodding over his shoulder. "It could gain us the favor of the civilized populace, while outright slaughter might make us out to be only slightly better than those that we slay. We are strangers to this land after all. I'm sure that our customs and lack of knowledge will be more then sufficient to mark us outsiders already."
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 04:29 AM
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"My first concern is finding a safe place for Rachel. The closest place for that will be her friend's farm over there, which is also my second concern. If, Sparrow is right in thinking that it would be ablaze by now if, the Krakor had made directly for it, then maybe we can get to it first, get help for Rachel, and find some adults that can tell us more about what's happening around here." I take a breath and looking at Eljin, "Once the girl is safe if, there's not a compelling reason not to, I'm all for tracking these guys down and killing any of them that resist capture. I'd rather not split up again so, it's your call Eljin. Do we go to the Gerand farm?"
Wherever you go, there you are.

Last edited by Majestyk; Feb 17th, 2013 at 04:30 AM.
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