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Old Feb 17th, 2013, 11:38 AM
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Quietly, almost reverently, Balbanes turns away from his companions. A great deal had be said about the Krackor and about Gerand's, but very little, too little, had been said about poor Rachel's family. Mangled torsos, twisted limbs, hewn, hacked, and altogether horrific; the scene reminded the ranger of some of the massacres he had survived when fighting Imperial rule.
Deep in the pit of his stomach, he could feel an uncomfortable constricting feeling growing, and in the back of his throat he could taste bile. Choke it down. You've got to choke it down and do what you can for the living now, he told himself. With more than a little exertion of will, he forced himself to look at the bodies and the scene in with a bit of distance. The bodies were horribly marred and many of them were dismembered. Many of the wounds suggested crude tools and crude means, so the Krackor were likely barbarians or savages. Examining the grass and tracks confirmed that suspicion, as it looked like they were traveling light and barefoot. There were wagon tracks, in addition to the numerous tracks, but they were days old and doubtlessly caused by Rachel's family.
From behind him, the sounds of Ejin and Maxwell discussing the next course of action bring Balbanes out of his pseudo-reverie. "Twelve? I can handle six, I think. Can you tell what kind of armor, heavy or not? Just so we are clear we do plan on slaughtering these bastards right?" A small grin touches the corners of Balbanes mouth as Ejin confidently numbers his opponents. He knew Ejin's type, for the most part, and with that kind of confidence, and a paladin's sense of justice, Ejin was a welcome ally. The pounds and pounds of steel and thick, corded muscle didn't hurt either. However, Balbanes was not as sure has the others about the course of action they should take. This world was very unfamiliar to them, and they may had already done a great deal more than was socially acceptable. However, the heart of a ranger deep in his chest said that social customs be damned. Something had to be done.
Balbanes looked over his shoulder and quietly offered, "Perhaps we can capture them and take them to whatever magistrate rules over this land.It could gain us the favor of the civilized populace, while outright slaughter might make us out to be only slightly better than those that we slay. We are strangers to this land after all. I'm sure that our customs and lack of knowledge will be more then sufficient to mark us outsiders already."
Being the orator that he had proven to be, Maxwell takes a few long minutes to expostulate on the possibilities and his concerns, only to offer the choice to Ejin in the end. Balbanes kept his back to the two of them, with Sparrow adjacent to him and waited for Ejin's imminent answer. He will choose to go. Regardless of the consequences or being outnumbered, he will choose to go. He took in a long, steeling breath and mentally prepared himself for the grim task that had been placed before them. When he breathed out, it came out almost like a sigh. Quietly, and mostly to himself, he muttered a familiar vers, "For only by wise counsel shall thou make thy war. Even kings and states should consider well the justness of their cause."
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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Old Feb 19th, 2013, 12:15 AM
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I cock my head slightly as Eljin seems to hesitate in making a decision. I can't say I know what's going on in his head, but I think he's torn between doing the right thing and the satisfying thing. Likely the thought that the Krakor may get away is troubling him.

I hear Balbanes' words and note that one can never be sure from where wisdom will flow. Apparently even rangers pick up bits of it here and there. I decide to take the burden from Eljin. "I'm taking Rachel to the her friends farm." With that I pick Rachel up, "Time to go see Sarah, Rachel.", and start down the wagon path to the farm.
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Old Feb 21st, 2013, 01:28 AM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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Eljin strokes his chin lightly with his forefinger and thumb while listening and thinking.

"It makes sence to go to the other farm first, not only can we drop off the kid but we can find out more about our quarry. You should all prepare yourselves for the possability that there is in fact not a magistrate capable of handling a dozen violent aggressors. I however....

Eljins grins and shrugs.
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Old Feb 21st, 2013, 02:30 AM
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The stoic ranger nodded in agreement with Maxwell, and then again with Eljin. Learning more about our potential enemies... wise. Perhaps we can discover a non-violent way to placate the Krackor. Rising from a hunters crouch, Balbanes eyes again fall over the mangled and twisted corpses of Rachel's family. His mouth tightened into a thin line, again, in momentary contemplation. He started speaking slowly, carefully, "I know not by what customs you treat the dead in this land," he was mostly addressing Rachel, "but something should be done to put the spirits of the departed to rest. Would you consent to letting me make a funerary pyre for them?"
Balbanes was not a brilliant orator, and he only hoped that Rachel understood the gesture for what it was: an expression of compassion. He looks to his other companions with as much empathy as he can muster and adds, "To burn them, as far as my peoples customs, would not only be a respectful way to lay them to rest, but it will save them from being devoured by the beasts and demons that may haunt this land." Already intent on building the pyre, Balbanes begins making long strides towards the ruined barn and house to gather wood. The dead... First the dead, then we deal with the Krackor.
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.

Last edited by Jeigh; Feb 21st, 2013 at 02:31 AM.
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Old Feb 21st, 2013, 09:08 PM
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MaxwellI ask Sparrow if, she would take Rachel for a moment and then hand her the child. "Stay with Sparrow for a moment Rachel, while I talk with my friend.". I approach Balbanes as he is beginning to collect wood saying, "My friend, it speaks well of your character that you would see to the needs of the dead, but if I may? We don't know of these people's custom. Burning may be seen as a very bad thing, maybe unforgivably bad. I also do not want the child watching as we gather the bits and pieces of her family. I've made a particular effort to shield her view of these bodies as much as possible. And if, my suspicions are correct, I'd prefer not being here with her when we fish their heads out of that well. I can think of a few other reasons to not take this course, so please, let us be on our way."
Wherever you go, there you are.

Last edited by Majestyk; Feb 21st, 2013 at 09:09 PM.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2013, 02:34 AM
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Rachel nods and makes a brave face as she fights back tears. "We burn dead people sometimes. Most of the time we bury them in the ground, but I'm sure Mama and Papa would be happy either way."


While you are debating the funeral pyre, Sparrow walks over. She looks anxious and you notice that the she has left Rachel at the edge of the yard with Eljin. You also notice that the little girl has grasped the giant warriors callused hand as he stands stoically beside her. It is an odd sight to see and it takes a moment to drag your concentration back to the ranger as she speaks.

"Rorek is over the Gerand's farm. The Krackor are there, although they haven't attacked yet. They are laying in the grass near the perimeter. There are eleven of them and they are armed with bows and some sort of bladed clubs. They appear to be planning an attack. I don't think that we have much time if we want to save those people. We should move quickly. They are outnumbered by nearly two to one."
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Feb 22nd, 2013, 11:59 AM
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Balbanes quietly continues his work as Sparrow approaches, yet when she reaches the end of her report, he lowers the scrap wood he had been holding. War... what a strange path has been laid before us. Born unto war, then given hope and momentary repspite, only to be flung back into the jaws of some other war. The brow hovering over his stony, gray eyes furrowed in thought for a few moments. Yet his mental discourse left only one foreseeable option."I see."
For a moment, the two small words linger on the wind with smoke and the ever-present sickly scent of blood. Yet, glancing to his side, he exchanges a slight nod with Maxwell, and acknowledges his course of action. As a reinforcement, he adds, "Show us the swiftest way Sparrow. And fly, if you can too." Fly swiftly or not even the gods will be able to help those poor people. Balbanes gathers himself quickly, then begins to move at a trot. Quickly, his long, steady gait brings him up to a very rapid pace as courses behind Sparrow. As Eljin joins the trio in their expeditious march, the ranger addresses him between breaths, "Did you have a plan in mind for routing the Krakor, strongarm?"
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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Old Feb 25th, 2013, 01:32 AM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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"We just going to leave her here or what?"
Eljin motions to the child, confident of the groups abilities to deal with the aggressors but unsure if they can keep the girl from harm at the same time...

"I thought we would kill as many as it takes to convince the survivors to surrender, you want to deal with the Archers or the Club thugs?"
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Old Feb 25th, 2013, 02:02 AM
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MaxwellLeave her behind or take her into battle... Fyr's Arrow has provided us a buffet of unappetizing options! "She comes. We leave her wait in a spot a little closer to the Gerand's than this."

I pick up the child and give her a smile. "She's a brave girl and she's proven to be a good gear watcher."

"Were wasting time we don't have. To the Gerand's." I start down the wagon path.
Wherever you go, there you are.
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Old Mar 1st, 2013, 03:11 AM
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Sparrow suggests that she lead the way, using Rorek as a guide as he circles high above the raiding party. The footpath that leads through the grass is distinctive enough, but with the added advantage of knowing where your foes are, she seems the logical guide. Carefully she makes here way through the tall grass, moving with very little sound and what sound there is, the wind serves as a mask. No one could possibly here her moving even if she were walking right past them.

It takes about fifteen minutes to cover the distance to the Gerand's farm and you know you are close when you smell smoke. Sparrow assures you that it is from a chimney, however, and that your quarry is still positioned in the grass waiting for the opportunity to strike. She drops into a crouch and points through the grass in front of you.

"They are there." She whispers. "Ten more steps and we will be on top of them. The haven't even glanced our way yet, but one of them noticed Rorek and seems to be kicking up a fuss. If I was to guess, I would say that he is not a bird that they are familiar with. We should move quickly. What do you suggest?"

You guys have the element of surprise and will get one free round to attack., but roll initiative anyway so that we can keep it coordinated for the following rounds. There are eleven men about 20' ahead of you. I will allow you to move that distance as part of your suprise attack as long as you move quickly. If you choose to stealth, or take an alternative action, then you will need to make rolls for that and may lose your opportunity for suprise. Good luck.OoC
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

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Old Mar 4th, 2013, 01:34 AM
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The ranger nods to his comrades as they near the point of attack. With his keen eyes, he notices the attackers splayed out on the ground, and draws both bastard sword and dirk. "Ready," he whispers. Beneath his thick corduroy coat, the blades glide silently from their scabbards. He gives a quick look over his shoulders at the others: Maxwell seems apprehensive, though he was reaching for his bow just the same; Sparrow seemed distant, and had not yet gathered herself for the attack. Eljin was at the ready though, and he knew that he could count on the mass of armor and muscle for aid if it in fact came down to blades.
With smooth, catlike strides, Balbanes begins to move cautiously towards one wing of the semi-circle formation. Please forgive me if I must needs spill blood. Better the blood of a murderer than the blood of an innocent. The thought of having to actually kill these man, still, was unnerving. He would edge as close as possible to one of the warriors and try to hold him helpless and hostage against the others...if he could.
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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Old Mar 4th, 2013, 03:25 PM
Jotur Jotur is offline
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Eljin sees how lighly armored these thugs are and mentally weighs the options, outnumbered he will not give up the advantage of surprise. The chances that these are a different party of lighly armed men then attacked the other settlement are too slim to be considered. Drawing one of his Longswords and readying his shield he stalks to the edges of thier numbers and plunges his sword into him.
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Old Mar 8th, 2013, 02:27 AM
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MaxwellI wait with arrow nocked at the ready. The moment any of my friends strike,
Dice Initiative:
1d10 4

Dice Attack roll if needed:
1d20 20

Dice Damage roll if needed:
1d8 4

Dice Attack roll if needed:
1d20 2

Dice Damage roll if needed:
1d8 3

I will send an arrow into the closest Krakor to me..
Wherever you go, there you are.

Last edited by Majestyk; Mar 8th, 2013 at 02:28 AM.
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Old Mar 10th, 2013, 07:10 AM
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The ranger
Dice Initiative:
1d10 5
surges forward and I will ready an action to strike at the nearest opponent if they perform hostile actions.
Dice Bastard Sword Attack:
1d20 17
Dice Bastard Sword Damage:
1d8 3
Dice Dirk Attack:
1d20 16
Dice Dirk Damage:
1d4 2
prepares to strike if need be.
OOC: Sorry for the delay. Needed some clarification. This post is mostly just an amendment to my last post with rolls included.
Currently Playing Orjan Erlandson. Currently writing, building and GMing for The Golandian Chronicle.
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