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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 02:40 PM
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Alright, going with a Berserker heheh.. Uh, remind me how we're handling proficiencies and equipment?
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 04:29 PM
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Another question: I see others have taken cohorts/followers. I was hoping to have my guy have one companion, if that's alright, using the third set of stats that I rolled. He'll be another warrior type, though not a berserker. Any specific restrictions on him I should know about, such as equipment and level?
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 04:52 PM
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Earlier in the thread, either this one or character creation, our DM said that Followers could be half our level, and equipped with whatever fit their class, and mundane items no limit since our upper class characters are the ones they are following. If you want them to have magic stuff, then you will have to share you 10,000 xp allotment .
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 05:22 PM
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Ok thanks!
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 12:14 PM
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Done! Sorry it took me so long, real life decided to be busy. I'm a bit rusty with 2E, which didn't help with the swiftness of character creation.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 03:01 PM
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Two Things:

Thing 1: I apparently forgot this was actually set in Greyhawk, so I just made up a kingdom that my character comes from. If you'd rather I bring into line with Greyhawk Canon, hypno, then I can change it to a similarly suitable location on Oerth, such as Fireland or one of the Barbarian Nations of the Thillronian peninsula.

Thing 2: Since it is assumed that our group has been working together for some time, should we develop a more detailed joint backstory to describe our relationship? Thought I'd get everyone's input on this.
Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Aerandor View Post
Two Things:

Thing 1: I apparently forgot this was actually set in Greyhawk, so I just made up a kingdom that my character comes from. If you'd rather I bring into line with Greyhawk Canon, hypno, then I can change it to a similarly suitable location on Oerth, such as Fireland or one of the Barbarian Nations of the Thillronian peninsula.

Thing 2: Since it is assumed that our group has been working together for some time, should we develop a more detailed joint backstory to describe our relationship? Thought I'd get everyone's input on this.
Well, my Cleric - Champion of Torm is Forgotten Realms Diety based so, I'm in the same dingy.
That's a good idea on joint backstory, perhaps we can all throw in little dispositions our characters might have towards each other, how they met perhaps, and maybe a time or two that they saved the other's life, or something thereabouts...?
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 15th, 2014 at 03:14 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 03:54 PM
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I'd be happy to joint my backstory, too. Chaera should be easy enough to fit in as the "occasional team member who comes and goes as she pleases."
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 04:08 PM
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Sounds like a good idea. Here are my initial thoughts on everyone's characters:

Autumn- Gundel respects Autumn's abilities as a leader and dedication to helping others, but he chaffs somewhat at her rigidity and seriousness, feeling she acts a bit too maternal for his liking. Snori, on the other hand, would get along quite well with Autumn, often sharing the same thoughts on the matters at hand.

Britta- Gundel is likely closer to Britta than any of the other party members. Her good-nature and temperament are quite similar to Gundel's own, and it is probably that while drunken, Gundel has made more than one pass at her, likely resulting in either embarrassing or painful rejections for the northern prince. It is likely that cultural differences also contributed to this. Regardless, Gundel respects Britta for her martial abilities and views her as at least a good friend. Snori also respects her, though he is wary of Gundel's interest in her, for he does not desire Gundel to have any further reasons to remain away from home than he already has. Should things somehow ever grow serious between the two, Snori would try to discourage the relationship.

Nylin & Gernun- Gundel and Snori have a healthy respect for Nylin and Gernun's talents, and maintain a cordial working relationship with the pair, but otherwise do not have particularly strong ties with them.

Gruff- Similar to Britta, Gundel likes Gruff quite a bit, and the trio are likely drinking partners. Snori also respects Gruff for his wisdom.

Chaera- Gundel likely enjoys endlessly bantering with Chaera and listening to her tall tales. He does, however, sense Chaera's self-interest, and though he is likely warm toward her, and does not begrudge her views, her nature prevents him from fully trusting her. Snori would be less inclined to spend time with Chaera, viewing thievery as a dishonorable profession, though he keeps his views on the matter to himself out of respect for Gundel's cordial relationship with her. He would be even more wary of Chaera than Gundel is, and likely would suspect her the moment something seems to be amiss.

I'll also note that I just need to finish fleshing out Gundel and Snori's equipment and I should be ready to go.
Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 04:36 PM
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Autumn: Autumn is not Chaera's favourite person in the world. She respects the other woman's skills and dedication, and she doesn't hesitate to give her nicknames and try to get on her nerves enough to make Autumn lose her cool, but there is always an underlying wariness and mistrust given their vastly different outlooks and personalities.

Britta: Chaera is much more friendly around Britta, despite her being a follower of Torm as well; while their ideologies clash all the same, Britta is just nicer to be around and more personable. Chaera gets along with her just fine as long as they don't get into heavier topics, and likely (unless Britta violently dislikes her), they've spent many a companionable evening in various taverns.

Nylin: Chaera respects anyone who's trying to make something of themselves, knowing just how difficult that is, and Nylin is no exception. While she doesn't have a lot in common with him otherwise, she's cordial and polite in her own peculiar way.

Gernun: Again, they don't have a whole lot in common. Chaera isn't too fond of vigilantes - they're not as predictable and easy to avoid as proper law enforcement - but respects his skill and accomplishments. She's polite, if cool.

Gruff: Chaera likes the dwarf a lot, probably the most out of everyone in the party, especially since he likely is one of the few not judging her for her background and methods. She'll happily drink with him, trading battle stories and rumours of new adventures.

Gundel: Chaera likes Gundel well enough, giving him affectionate nicknames and telling her best stories. She always embellishes them a little for him; he seems to like it. She can sense that he doesn't trust her completely, but doesn't mind as long as he's still polite and friendly; not trusting her is the smartest thing the kid can do.

Snori: Chaera respects Snori's skill, but otherwise finds him far too dour and suspicious. As said, she doesn't mind not being trusted, but being accused of wrong-doing everytime he stubs his toe because he seems to think everything ever is her fault is rather tiresome. Still, she likes Gundel and Gundel likes Snori for some reason, so she smiles through gritted teeth.

Last edited by Choo Choo; Jan 15th, 2014 at 04:36 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 06:27 PM
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Gundel -
Autumn greatly respects Gundel for his duty to deity, clan and the good of all people. She thinks it the noblest of all sacrifices that he is away from his lands adventuring for the good of all. She is especially respectful of his faith, being a Tormite and commanded to respect all other faiths. She is closer to Snori, realizing his sacrifice at keeping track of Gundel by his duty. She is especially fond of his record keeping, and likes to hear about things he has recorded when she wasn't with the group. He is he only one besides Britta that knows she is a Harper - a fact she confided in him to hear his thoughts on it.
Britta has a better relationship with Gundel than any of the others in the group, to include Autumn. Though she devoutly followers her faith and Autumn, she is mostly seen talking, laughing, and Drinking with Gundel when the latter occasion arises. She sees him as a rugged prince, and though she hasn't said it to him, has had a few daydreams about being his warrior queen. Though she has snuggled with Gundel a bit and let him steal a kiss or two - giving back in turn, she hasn't let anything go any further as of yet. And there have been more times than not that she rebuffs his advances. But she is always happy to see him and lets him pick her up with a hug when they meet again afer being apart awhile - laughing and smiling as he does so. Britta loves to tease Snori over how protective he is of Gundel. She respects him greatly however because of how fond Gundel is of him.
Nylin will talk all things battle with both Gundel and Snori, and loves to fight alongside Gundel when the situation arises, feeling a warrior kinship with him. But though he would say they are his friends, it's more of a working friendship and comraderie.
Gernun respects both Gundel and Snori for their dedication to stomping out evil. He likes to talk about giants and beasts from their barbarian lands, and how they fight.
Autumn gets along well with Gruff and enjoys talking about their respective faiths. She considers him a fine warrior and good Friend, giving the same respect to his followers.
Britta gets along well with Gruff and his followers more than her other companions, probably because Gundel does so well.
Nylin and Gernun have a working relationship with the dwarves, and Gernun loves to throw jests back and forth between all of them as he is half-elven and takes no offense to his racial makeup at all. Nylin respects their dedication to duty.[/U]
Autumn is cordial to Chaera, and sees her as a necessary part of their group due to her skills. Autumn hasn't said anything about it, but suspects Chaera knows about her being a Harper due to her involvement with Guilds now and again.
Britta likes being around Chaera if Gundel is not at odds with her. She tends to filter their relationship on how the barbarian sees her, using his judgement as she hasn't been around the thieving type much at all. She will spend time alone in a Tavern with Chaera however as she never fails to have a good time with her in this way.
Nylin is taken with Chaera more than anyone else in the whole group. Like him, she has a plan, and has already acheived hers. He believes her way of doing things is more thought through than the others might see it, but this is because he has a secret crush on her. It's a bad girl thing, and he just can't help it. He'll be around her as much as his duty allows and will be next to her in a fight to protect her if it doesn't take away from his duties to Autumn. He hasn't acted on his feelings, but others may have sensed them. He trades her stories with a few of his own, though his are not near as many.
Gernun actually doesn't have any thoughts on 'taking Chaera to justice', though he may jest otherwise. He, like Autumn, sees her as a necessary skill set in the fight to bring evil to account for its misdeeds. He thinks her stories are funny, and will sometimes have to walk away because he gets to laughing too hard.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 15th, 2014 at 06:33 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 06:30 PM
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OK I guess I'm going to scrap the greyhawk thing and sort of make a free for all to allow open endedness. You won't care to much as you'll be fighting to not die LOL!
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 06:31 PM
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On another note we have our four characters so I'll be working to get the game up and running as soon as possible. Keep working on your group background though I like that.
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy!
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 07:00 PM
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Ooh, I like where this is going. Completely missed that Gruff had followers too though, so I may have to come back and address them. To continue Drachenspirit's train of thought, we should look into how everyone met, how long it's been from then until the beginning of the adventure, and whether any of them have had any particularly bonding experiences. Some thoughts:

1. Gundel and Snori have been away from home for nearly a decade, so any time in that frame could work for them having met the rest of the group. I'm also curious what various group members' reactions were when they first witnessed Gundel enter Raivosta (i.e. go berserk), and how they feel about it now. Unless a particular group member only recently met Gundel, it can be safely assumed that they have realized his nature as a Berserker and exactly what that entails.

2. Did Autumn reveal her nature as a harper to Snori in a conversational, if private, manner? Or could there have been some dramatic elements surrounding the big reveal? It might be an interesting direction to explore at least. It is likely that harpers were not particularly well-known in Gelheim, so Snori wouldn't have any prejudices carried over from that.

3. What sort of hypothetical adventures would it be fun to say the group has done together? We can create our own or draw on the various 2e modules that exist for ideas. Hopefully, these will provide insight into not only how our characters bonded (saving each others' lives, etc.) but also what locations and npcs might be connected to them in some way. Maybe there is a specific inn that the group has come to favor frequenting after an adventure? Perhaps certain nobles or other political/religious/mercantile entities owe us favors/want to see us dead? What about family members or various allies and friends we've made? Being 13th level, we should have quite the rich backstory. At the same time, seeing as we are going to go through a meat grinder of an adventure, it may be perhaps overkill to develop this too much. But I think having rich, interwoven backstories will make it all the more dramatic when one of the characters is suddenly ripped from the picture, and all the ramifications that would entail. Sure, our followers are half our level and maybe viewed as canon fodder ooc, but that doesn't mean our characters view them as anything less than equals and friends.
Characters: Julia, Saru
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Old Jan 16th, 2014, 01:21 PM
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I too, like where this is going. And agree that just because our followers may be cannon fodder, that doesn't mean we shouldn't give them depth. I think it just adds to our principal characters that much more.

1. Autumn would have told Snoir being a Harper in Confidence. She wouldnt' have asked him to keep it from Gundel though.

2. The last 2E adventure I DM'd was about a town wherein everyone was getting sick. The group traced it to the water, the source being an underground spring coming from underground caverns. After meeting beasties and such, they found the source to be an Evil aligned Orc Cleric tainting the water in the cavern he was set up in to, spread his evil if you will. Some got wounded pretty seriously, and some got sick due to evil spells cast in the place, but none died and they killed the orc and his followers. This could be an adventure they completed early on together and we could all embellish and expound upon our characters roles in it. For Autumn, I'll say she only had Britta along then, and the others joined her shortly thereafter, this taking place maybe 5 or less years ago? Just idea for thoughts...
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