going for HPs rolls. Champions of Torm get same CON HP bonus as fighters, so total of +47.
Dice Roll:
Roll 2 Dice Roll:
Not much difference. Going with 88. Don't know where I got that +47 from, it's + 72. 52 for CON bonus, and 20 for hitting levels 10-13. Per kit, she gets CON bonus same as fighter class. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 23rd, 2013 at 04:22 PM. Reason: add comment |
I still hate those ability rolls though. Given DMs comments, I'm gonna see what happens with 3 more attempts at abilities.
Try 1 Dice Roll:
Try 2 Dice Roll:
Try 3 Dice Roll:
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 22nd, 2013 at 01:59 PM. |
That sucked...
Try 1 Dice *
Try 2 Dice *
Try 3 Dice *
I did something wrong there...
Try 1 Dice Roll:
Try 2 Dice Roll:
One more and I'm giving up on abilities... Try 1 Dice Roll:
Try 2 Dice Roll:
Dice Roll:
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 22nd, 2013 at 02:02 PM. |
Ok. I'm going with the lat #2, and here's a reroll of 1 Die.
Dice Roll:
2nd chance Dice Roll:
One more chance
Dice Roll:
CON=18 DEX=18 WIS=15 INT=7 CHA=8 HP=113 I'm still not happy... Gonna walk away a while... I'll live. ![]() Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 23rd, 2013 at 04:26 PM. Reason: typo |
For spells I say you can pick one of the max level you can learn and one more for each lower. So if at you level the max spell level you can learn is 6. Then you get 1 6th ...2 5th....3 4th.....you get the idea?
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! |
Yes, I too have forgotten how much harder 2E was. They have made things so much easier with 3.0 and 3.5 for players. Gruff will do reroll of stat.
Dice Roll:
Drop lowest= 10 lol no change to stats Last edited by Clawsome; Dec 22nd, 2013 at 03:52 PM. |
Guys try not to worry about stats. Proficiencies and strong play is what wins. I am going to give everyone a decently strong magical item as well.
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! |
Claw do a full stat reroll.. The rules state you are able to do a full reroll not just one stat. Its Christmas too, my gift to you.
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! |
Question on spells.
Is the above requirements just for wizard class? Or for Priest class as well? If the latter, I've a dilemna below... The kit I chose gives my character the following "Additional" spells to what she normally gets for the priest class. Can use the following once per day in addition to allotment: - Command spell (once at first level, and gain additional at 5th level so that's twice) - Hold Portal as per the wizard spell - Compel - Detect Lie - Dispel Evil or Flamestrike (player's choice) So, do I go by the kit and add this to the allotment you've stated above, or do I have to add them in to the allotment? Also, I'm kinda stuck on moving forward with the sheet until we know magical items and such. I know what weapons and armor she'll probably have, but that's about it. I've ran several Games at this level created or advanced characters quite a bit in the past to play at this level. I've seen DMs give out stuff, let players submit a wish list, or give an allotment of 10,000 XP to as high as 20,000 XP to use to purchase magic items - with the DM (myself on some of these occasions) having the final say. As for monies, I've mostly gone with having players roll for first level and multiply that by current level of character and use that to purchase mundane items, or just say you have 10 grand or whatever (minus tithing for you paladins and priests, and thieves belonging to guilds!!). Now, I'm not trying to powergame, just kinda on hold with all the final touches - armor, weapons, magical bracer-ring-belt-boot-cloak, or what have you. Not gonna spend a fortune on armor if sometime in the past she got Armor of blending for example. All that said, I'm gonna work on Proficiencies now... :-) Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 22nd, 2013 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Add comment |
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