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Old Dec 22nd, 2013, 10:49 AM
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You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy!
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Old Dec 31st, 2013, 05:43 PM
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Autumn - Champion of TormThe obvious leader of her small band of 4, Autumn wears Dusky Purple armor, scribed wth various Tormite duties.
Autumn Character Sheet

Henchman #1: Britta - Enforcer of TormBritta is Just shy of 6' tall herself, wearing custom fit Field Plate armor in Dragon Green color, and brandishing a Long sword. Keeping her dirty blonde colored hair long, her blue eyes and slim athletic build get her quite a number of looks as she passes by - being quite comely and disarming with her smile doesn't hurt either. She loves to laugh and carry on and many a man in a tavern has interpretted this to be that she is more free with herself - much to their chagrin and often to their harm. Being a Tormite as well, and one of the few females of the enforcement order, it comes as little surprise that she is adventuring with the more seasoned and highly known Autumn Estera. Not aspiring to be a Champion of Torm, Britta has come to find the responsibilities placed on Champions to be a bit too much. She prefers to further the cause of Torm with a sword and a smile.
Britta Character Sheet

Henchman 2: Nylin the Myrmidon
Nylin is a man on a mission. His mission however is all his own. Currently in the pay of the house or Torm, or more specifically in the service of The Torm Champion Autumn Estera, Nylin is biding his time until he can set himself up as a Lord, keep and all. He has visions of having his own small standing army, training them and lending them out as mercenaries to whomever can pay - further making a name for himself as well as wealth.
He stands 6'4" high and carries a menacingly looking, finely crafte halberd always. On the job, he is he soldier's soldier, obeying orders and doing his duty.
Nylin Character Sheet

Henchman 3: Gernun the JustifierGernun is a rugged looking young man at first glance, but a bit longer look gives way to his elvish parentage as well given the slight point of his ears and his slim features. He has swords sheathed on both sides of this belt, and a finely crafted longbow across his back. He appears to wear no armor.
Gernun is beginning to make a name for himself on the nearby plains, having killed a few hill giants that roamed down onto the plains to steal and pilfer. So much so that some clans of hill giants have come to know his name.
A ranger mostly, he is more of an enforcer, or self-proclaimed lawmen of his area of roaming. He is... a justifier. After a brief adventure with the Tormite Champion Autumn Estera, he has been adventuring with her and her other two followers for some time now.
Gernun Character Sheet

OOC Note: Sheets pretty much done. Just a bit of items to add. Giving henchmen some of my initial magical XP allotment hurts a bit, but should pay off in the long run. I hope...
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Dec 31st, 2013 at 05:59 PM.
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Old Jan 13th, 2014, 10:11 AM
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Gruff Ironshield-Cleric of Thor

Gruff’s Dwarven Henchman
All in standard Plate Mail armor and shield and use maces, all have war ponies with supplies.

Peta-7th Cleric of “Thor”, THACO-16, AC-2, HP- 37, Str-16 (+1 to dam), Dex-12, Con-12, Int-9, Wis-17 (+3 MA, 2-1st lev, 2--2nd lev, 1-3rd lev bonus spells), Cha-8
1st-Bless, Cure Light wounds x3, Invis vs. Undead
2nd-Aid, Spiritual Hammer x2, Slow poison, Flame blade
3rd-Negative Plane Protection x2, Protection from Fire
4th-Cure Serious wounds

Baldor-6th Fighter “Protector of Thor”, THACO-15, AC-2, HP-40, Str-14, Dex-14, Con-16 (+2hp/lv), Int-10, Wis-10, Cha-9

Rufus 6th Figther “Protector of Thor”, THACO-15, AC-2, HP-51, Str-14, Dex-12, Con-17 (+3hp/lv), Int-12, Wis-11,

Dufus 6th Fighter “Protector of Thor”, THACO-15, AC-2, HP-29, Str-11, Dex-9, Con-13, Int-11, Wis-10, Cha-8

Last edited by Clawsome; Jan 13th, 2014 at 10:18 AM.
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Old Jan 14th, 2014, 03:02 PM
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Gundel Threnkson, Berserker-Prince of FreyrCharacter Sheet
Gundel is the second son of King Threnk of the Kingdom of Gelheim, a land of frozen tundra, bleak mountain ranges, and hidden forests. A follower of Freyr, he believes in the divine authority of kings and nobles, and also having a good time. As his brother, the heir-apparent, enjoys good health and the support of the people, Gundel has been given leave by his family to make his own way in the world. Always possessed with a curiosity to explore the mysterious lands far to the south of Gelheim, he boarded a merchant ship with his loyal companion-in-arms and made his way there. Despite nearly a decade of living amongst the southern peoples, Gundel still struggles to understand the cultural gap that he has with others in the south, particularly their disdain for the ancient combative art of Raivosta, which, amongst his own people, is considered a rare gift where a man, at least momentarily, gains a bit of the divine essence so that he may slay all who oppose him. Despite the misunderstandings he often has with others, Gundel is naturally kind, wishing to help others as any man of nobility should.

Physically, Gundel is a mountain of a man, 6'1" of pure muscle. Like many northerners, he is fair-skinned, with blue eyes and blond hair. He wears his hair long and his beard braided. A few tattoos marking his achievements in battle grace his face, arms, and torso. Though handsome, his nature as a Berserker and outlandish ways often prove unsettling to those he meets. He tends to wear heavy armor, knowing that once he is caught up in Raivosta he has little awareness of the damage others deal to him.

Snori, Thrane of GelheimCharacter Sheet
Snori physically resembles an older version of Gundel in many ways, leading those who meet the two men to assume that Snori must be an older brother or uncle to Gundel. While this is not the case, the two are distantly related: Snori is King Threnk's cousin, on his mother's side. Though not directly within the royal family, Snori does hold the position of Thrane amongst the nobility of Gelheim. A follower of Odin rather than Freyr, Snori is more grim in his outlook on life than his younger charge, as well as a bit wiser. He has seen many battles and prefers a more tactical approach to combat, though like all of the people of Gelheim, he respects Gundel's ability in the art of Raivosta. His first priority is too ensure the Prince's safety, while also compiling a record of their journeys that he intends to bring back to the court of Gelheim once Gundel decides he is ready to return to his own people.
Characters: Julia, Saru

Last edited by Aerandor; Jan 14th, 2014 at 06:40 PM.
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Old Jan 15th, 2014, 12:12 PM
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Chaera the ThiefName: Chaera
Race: Human
Age: 33
Class: Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance: A short and wiry woman with a cap of curly black hair, Chaera's mouth is always twisted with a wry, bitter smile as if everything is some sort of grim joke to her. Not particularly comely to begin with, a disfiguring scar runs down her left cheek, pulling at the skin around it and making her face appear a little lopsided. Still, there is some sort of beauty to her smooth, economical movements and to her dark eyes, glittering with calculating intelligence. Her clothing tends to be simple and dyed dark greens and greys.

Personality: One cannot survive as a street urchin without developing a large amount of self-interest, and Chaera was no exception in her sorry excuse for a childhood. Even today, far removed from the dingy back alleys where a grubby slip of a girl once managed to scratch out some sort of existence, she does nothing for free and she is never loyal. She can like people well enough, even call them friends, but unless there is a benefit to her - a benefit outweighing whatever risk might be involved - she will turn her back on them every single time to save her own skin.

Chaera is a talkative sort, although most who meet her probably wish she wasn't. She likes to discuss her past exploits and adventures, particularly the gruesome bits, and in vivid detail. She likes to talk about monsters, humanoid and not, and what they do to their victims. All her stories are authentic, first-hand accounts, of course. She has a well-exercised sense of gallows humour, and seems able to find something funny in anything. Indeed, what was probably nothing more than a defence mechanism at first - deflecting trauma with jokes - has evolved into becoming a real part of who she is.

There is a slightly hysterical light to her eyes these days, suggesting that something has gone missing in her life and that she cannot find it again.

Background: Little is known about Chaera's life before she became an adventurer. She grew up an orphan on the City of Greyhawk's streets, stealing food and begging to get by. As she got older, criminal elements began to take notice of her talents of survival, grooming her into service in a thieves' guild. Chaera was content and happy there during her teenage years, happy to have regular meals and a roof over her head and people who cared about her. In fact, she might still have been there if not for the betrayal.

The betrayal came in the form of a city guard informant named Jarene, infiltrating the organization and tipping of the authorities once trusted enough to be shown proof of the guild's activities. The guards came in and then there was a little bloodbath; the thieves fought back well even though they were surprised, but the guards were too many and too well-armed, and the criminals were soon overwhelmed. Chaera was present for the initial attack, but soon saw where the battle was headed; realizing that staying would mean her death, she grabbed what she could carry and fled, leaving her comrades to their deaths.

She holed up in a cheap inn for a few days, mulling over her situation and the doors open to her. She would never go back to the streets, and she didn't need to; she had plenty of skills, now. She could found her own guild, to replace the one lost... but no, she was still too young and inexperienced, no one would follow her. She could become a freelance thief... no, she knew where that path lead - to the loving arms of the guards.

No, she needed to leave Greyhawk and its painful memories behind her and do something new, where her... unique skills would still be useful. The solution hit her over her fourth mug of cheap ale, where she was half-collapsed at her table in her temporary refuge's common room. She should become an adventurer! It was the best idea she'd ever had. If successful, which Chaera resolved to be, she would be famous, respected, and rich. She'd get to meet all sorts of people, see the world, find shiny artifacts...

Said and done, the next morning a very hungover adventurer-to-be bought equipment and gear with the money pilfered from the guild hideout and began to ask around. She found work almost immediately; after all, there is not and has never been a shortage of tasks for would-be heroes to carry out for people willing to pay, especially not in a grand city like Greyhawk. She proved to be very good at it, and soon gained a reputation for getting results... and for unorthodox, perhaps not entirely ethical methods.

Over ten years later and Chaera's famous, respected and rich, just as she wanted to be. She's also terribly bored, because she has everything she ever wanted. She must always crave something, and now she craves excitement. Every job she's sent out on feels routine and menial; she's convinced that she could sleep-walk through them. No, she doesn't want any more typical jobs. She's set up for life, it's no longer about the money. No, what she craves now is a challenge, something that will make even her think twice about taking it on...
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