An incident in the Port city of Kalstrand
The band of adventurers had long seen action together and to be honest no dungeon, cave, or castle had even given them a challenge. They had entered into this area after hearing talk of some dark happenings but had found no clues or sign of such things. So tonight they gathered in the inn hoping to drink and be merry. The next day they might catch a barge back to their homeland and there had even been talk of retiring. That sort of thought was comforting yet sad. All they knew was how to adventure. What would they do being bored and sitting around for the rest of their lives. Little did they know that life would soon get very interesting. They did not know the horrors they would soon face.
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! Last edited by hypno44; Jan 19th, 2014 at 01:23 PM. |
Gruff and his dwarves sat in a corner booth of the inn. The others in the party are scattered among the tables and booths. He sat back and just relished in the meal he had just finished. Roast mutton and vegetables along with some darn good ale. "What could be better then a great meal, great drink and great companions? he said to Peta and anyone listening. ::he then thought....great adventure...tis the days of traveling really possible over for this old dwarf:: Peta was enjoying her meal but also enjoying the show that was going on with Rufus and Dufus fighting over the last swig of ale. "I don't know sire but I will miss this" She waves her hand at all the companions. "I too, tis the only life I know from when I was a wee lad." Gruff huffs and grumbles "Darned Church wanting me to be priest at the main chapel in City Greyhawk. I know it is a great honor but not the life for me." Gruff then gives bow and folds hands and a quick prayer, "Forgive me Thor, I just feel im more use for you out here in the world." He waves a hand at the serving maid and calls for another round of drinks for everyone and some more mutton for their table.
Autumn had encouraged her followers to dress up for the evening, leaving all their gear in their rooms so they could enjoy themselves since there was talk of leaving town tomorrow. She and Britta had put some braids in each other's hair in an attempt to relax, but as Autumn kept her gauntlets on, and Britta kept her sword strapped to one hip, and throwing axe on the other, the attempt to soften their look would be lost on all but those that knew them. Dressed in fine breeches, blouse and tunic, they met their friends.
Autumn heard Gruff's comment about being a Priest at the Main chapel chimed in. "Don't you dare let them twist your beard over such an appointment Gruff. I've fought that line of thought for years. The faithful like you and I are best serving our Gods by being out on the edge. After all, how often does evil come to the temple?" Knowing she left the line of thinking open to speaking on politicians and soothsayers taking over the temple, she still let the comment lie. Gernun was dressed in dark green attire, with his two longswords at either hip. He pulled up a stool next to Peta and glanced at the show she was viewing and chimed in. "Rufus, Dufus! Whichever of you gets that last swig, the next drink, no, two drinks are on me." Trying to get Peta's attention he said, "I know you've heard the word that we might be heading back to more civilized places tomorrow, so this might be my last try. So hear me out." Gernun was referring to his ongoing attempt to find out where Britta got her magical throwing axe. She never spoke of it in all the time he knew her. It wouldnt' be such an issue, but once she had told him she could throw it at a target father away that he could shoot a sheaf arrow on level ground. He had taken the bet and lost, tending to her horse for the whole rest of that adventure. So, he had come up with a plan. "Peta. I think your strength rivals that of Britta. She looks tall and lean, but she is quite strong. I will say she is challenged to arm wrestle and the winner must answer a question truthfully. She will think I am the challenger and when she accepts I will divulge it is you that challenges her. Agreed?" He hoped Peta wouldn't go into what was in it for her, but since it was possible, he had a few things in mind. Nylin was flipping a gold coin as he sat next to Chaera, trying to get her to talk about the time she tricked a couple of Giants so he could see if the number of giants grew from last time. "Come on Chee", as he often called her. "I forget that one. I get it mixed up with the one about you chasing a tribe of kolbolds." Britta was sitting with Gundel, offering to let him pull the wishbone from the large foul they had been eating. Thinking this time she would best the Barbarian who had far greater skill at eating meat of any kind than she did. She just knew, this would be the time. "This is my day Gundel", she said as she held out the wishbone. "I just know it."
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Gundel chuckled at Britta's confidence, reaching out to grab hold of the wishbone and waiting for her to pull first. "Vill see, Britta. Maybe Odin smiles on you today." Gundel's northern accent had diminished in the years he had lived in the south, but it was still present, marking him as a foreigner. Snori, on the other hand, still maintained the thick accent of the north as if it was a source of pride for him, much to the consternation of his allies, who sometimes found it difficult to discern when he was making a statement or asking a question. As it was, Gundel was glad for Britta providing a distraction. It gave him something to think about besides returning home. His sentiments were similar to that of his dwarven friends. He had been away for many years now, and yet, he felt that his purpose in the south had still not been accomplished yet. Though exactly what that purpose was, even Gundel was not sure.. though the deep corners of his heartstrings resonated the truth his mind would not admit.
Snori watched the others and the room, enjoying the welcome rest. Unlike Gundel and some of the others, he was actually rather happy at the idea of finally returning home after so many years away. He was no longer the young knight he had been when he left Gelheim with Gundel. He was of lordly age now, and he longed to take his place amongst the courtiers and knights of his realm. Perhaps even settling down with a wife or two and raising a family... Overhearing Peta and Gernun, Snori good-naturedly chimed in, "And just vhat are you two doing? Scheming again, it seems to me. But I vouldn't mind seeing a goode contest." He winked at them conspiratorially, which was unusual for the Thrane. |
Britta had him this time. The wishbone was limber, and hadn't dried out as was the custom before doing this little trick. She counted on Gundel trying to pull his side as he had done many times before on dried out wishbones that she had saved. This would be the time.
She smiled as she felt the tension and the wishbone started to spread. 'SNAP!' She held the smaller piece. She feigned extreme disappointment and dejection as she said, "Curse your big thumbs!", as she tossed her smaller piece over her shoulder and took a drink of ale, looking away, trying to appear sad. She then slowly averted her eyes to Gundel to see if he was buying her ruse. As Snori approached Gernun and Peta, Gernun shushed him. "SSSSSHHHHH! She'll hear you." He slightly gestured towards Britta and quitely filled in Snori on the plan. Peta... had yet to chime in and this had him worried. He smiled at the female Dwarf very widely.
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As all of the companions continued to enjoy themselves the rain outside began to pour even harder. So hard that it could be heard above all of the hustle and bustle of the crowd. A bargeman came in through the doors and complained loudly about the rain. "Raining buckets out there!! Now this terrible fog is rolling in. We have had fog before but this is just outrageous."
The man was right. Outside a fog as thick as death had set in among the rain. The perfect night to be inside enjoying the comforts of Khale's Place. Khale blurted out "By me ores its nasty out. Next drink is on the house!! Drink up and keep the fun rolling. Oh and fresh mutton just got out of the pot. Order now before its gone."
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! |
"Gernun, I think you should give up on trying to find out about the axe. First, you mistake my strength with Gruffs and second when she is ready she might tell you." Peta laughs "Just learn from your mistake of underestimating a woman and move on." Petta hands Gernun a drink. Meanwhile, Gruff orders more mutton, can never have too much mutton or drink. "Boys, there is plenty to go around" he yells at Rufus and Dufus who are still fighting over drinks. Meanwhile, Baldor gets up and proceeds to walk over to the door to check out the unusual fog.
There was anything that unusual about the fog other than how thick it was. Baldor did however have a sudden urge to not be by the door. He didn't know why but something just sort of told him.
You feeling lucky punk? You want a piece of me? That's it! Roll for initiative monkeyboy! |
Autumn took Gruff's advice and began to put some mutton on a plate, chopping it up and putting it into a piece of bread with some kind of local sauce.
Gernun threw his hands up in mock exasperation at everyone giving up on his scheme. He sat back against the wall and took the drink slid to him, sipping slowly and looking around the room. Nylin noticed Chaera was lost in thought, admiring some kind of trinket or other and got a shot of some kind of hard liquor from the barkeep and placed it in front of her, a matching one in front of him. He held his up to toast, waiting on her. Britta was still half turned away from Gundel, sipping her ale while she noticed the fog through the open door. She had a brief notion to cast a 'Sanctuary' spell around Baldor, but dismissed the idea. After all, they weren't out in some evil place, or tomb. It was just fog.
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Chaera was letting the banter of her companions flow over her as she studied a necklace she'd acquired recently in a dungeon. She shuddered at the memory of it - Gods, she hated trolls, they stank worse than most other kinds of monsters - but the trinket had been worth it. She hadn't had it appraised professionaly yet, but in her admittedly amaturish eyes it certainly looked like masterfully worked gold filigree, studded with emeralds. Should be worth quite the penny, not that she'd needed the money in a long, long time... perhaps she should keep it.
She was startled out of her thoughts by the glass put in front of her with some force, looking up to smile politely at Nylin. "Why, thank you," she said, her voice low and rough. A scar across her throat gave witness to why her voice was so raspy - a souvenir of a bit of a tussle in her gangrunning youth, that. Putting the necklace away, she gave Nylin a crooked grin and raised her glass. "Bottoms up," she intoned and downed the contents, the liquid burning its way down and settling in her stomach, a pleasant warmth. She'd briefly considered faking the drinking of it, but had decided that Nylin was unlikely to poison her. And she really had been a little thirsty. Hells, I'm going soft, she thought with an inward chuckle. Trusting someone not to poison me... who am I, and what have I done with myself? |
Nylin followed suit and slammed his drink along with Chaera. Without a hint of whether it bothered or burned going down he said, "Now... You have to straighten me out here. It was the Tribe of Giants you were chasing and the couple of kobolds you tricked out of their prized position? I find this all hard to believe Chee, Kobolds are much smarter than you..."
He poured another drink for each of them from the bottle he had purchased.
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Chaera snorted and slanted a glance at Nylin. "I chased giants, I tricked giants, there were no kobolds involved." She waved over a barmaid and ordered re-fills around the table. She was in a good mood, and feeling generous. "Although..." she said, humming a little. What outrageous and implausible embellishment to come up with this time? "I really can't take all the credit - I teamed up with this dragon, you see, barely out of its mother's nest though it was..."
Nylin was once again suckered in by Chaera's charismatic behavior and knack for storytelling. He pulled his chair closer, sipped his drink and said, "Was it a Green Dragon? Tell me it was Green."
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"Of course it was," she lied smoothly - the entire dragon was made up, of course, but she'd intended it to be red for dramatic purposes. But since this story was for his amusement, she didn't mind changing at all. "Fangs dripping acid, claws sharper than a barber's razor... But amenable to reason." She grinned, tilted her head. He couldn't possibly believe any of this nonsense. "The giants made for loud and disorderly neighbors, and she was willing to let me go on my way if I dealt with them for her. Even gave me a nice little piece from her treasure hoard, in return for my help."
Last edited by Choo Choo; Jan 25th, 2014 at 10:18 PM. |
Nylin was enjoying this emmensely as he had found in the past that his colorful rogue companion always mixed a bit of truth in with he tales. Sometimes it was only what she had to drink that day, but it made it all the more challenging for him to unwind it. He recovered from his love of all things Green Dragon and said, ""I have to stop you right there and say I believe you are most definitely adding misdirection to your tale here. This is no way, whatsoever, absolutely impossible that a Dragon parted with treasure. So what was it? Did you pull a thorn from under her talon or something in addition to chasing off those giants?."
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me. Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jan 25th, 2014 at 11:29 PM. |
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