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Old Feb 17th, 2014, 08:48 PM
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Angarato manages to find that there are no traps on the top part of the chest, but there is one trap (poison gas) to get into the bottom compartment of the chest. The top part of the chest is safe to go through. It doesn't take long before the group manages to confirm that the book is indeed the book you are looking for. The paperwork, while it may have been a bunch of highly important documents from ages past are useless at this point. The shoulder bag, when opened, reveals that it is a Handy Havarsack, and seems to have a few things inside it still.

Inside the Havarsack is probably the best made combat shovel you have ever seen. You can also see some finely made elven boots. A pair of beautiful arm guards. A ring with a tiny skull on it. Lastly, a tiny red fez. In addition to the wearable items there are also two bottles of gel (one labeled frost ward, the other labeled fire ward. Each with 5 applications). There is a large bottle labeled Unguent of Timelessness that is about half empty (roughly 3 normal sized flasks worth are left). At the bottom of the havarsack is a single amethyst gem and 5 one pound ingots of red iron.

The noises from the hallway continue, this time sounding a bit closer and seem to be coming from the other direction than where Dwarf was working. It sounds almost like bone dragging across a stone floor.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Feb 17th, 2014, 09:05 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus is looking at nothing in particular when the rest of the group is inspecting the chest. They sift through the contents and discover the loot. He spies the shovel and his heart skips a beat. What is that thing? He had not seen a device so fine as this.

He finds the tool with the head folded neatly against the handle. It's not a large device, but it certainly has some weight to it. The ergonomic design fits like a dream in the drow's hands. It might even be more comfortable than the rapier his parents gave him when they left on the trip. He removes the leather sheathe covering the head. He gives it a hard flick and it unfolds, locking in place and exposing a broad, sharp, blackened head. My god, it even has a spike not unlike that of a warpick. Basementicus folds it again partway, showing a hardened spike that could defeat any armor if it were to be swung hard enough. He could only imagine the carnage that could be wrought with such a fine weapon... or the things he could create.

He stares at it for a moment, mouth agape. He turns away from the group and rubs at his eyes. It doesn't usually rain underground like this, but he would make an exception this time.

Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 17th, 2014 at 11:16 PM.
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Old Feb 17th, 2014, 11:59 PM
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Thomas isn't a part of opening the haversack, as he's too busy thumbing through the book.
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 01:35 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato reaches in the sack and pulls out the elven made boots. He had heard about boots such as this, made of living leaves and other such natural material. Despite the natural components the boots were incredibly soft and seemed to put a spring in ones step. He just had to slip them on and try them out.

After walking around for a few moments, Angarato returns to the chest and utters the familiar phrase to detect magic and begins to study the contents of the chest. Looking at the shovel in Basementicus' hand Angarato says, "Looks like that shovel is magically enhanced a little, Base" Angarato could see the Base had formed an attachment already.

Next Angarato picked up the ring with the skull and could detect its magical properties but was unable to determine its use. "Reynard, this ring seems to have a magic aura, faint necromancy it appears, but I can not figure out what its purpose is, will you take a look at it?" Angarato then hands the ring to Reynard.

Angarato returns to the chest and picks up cloth arm guard and begins to study them, saying "Ah yes, I recognize these symbols, bracers of armor" Angarato puts the bracers back in the chest and picks up the amethyst gem. After a few moments of study he could detect the presence of magic, but could not determine its purpose. He returned the gem back to the chest.

Lastly, Angarato picked up the red fez hat. At first glance it appeared like it would only fit on a small or tiny sized head. After a few moments of study, it then dawned on Angarato, that the magic in this spell would allow the wearer cast a basic disguise illusion. He wondered allowed if Willowick might find some use for it, he was probably the only member of the party whose head was small enough for the hat to fit on. Angarato said, "Willowick, this hat will allow to you cast a basic disguise illusion. Looks like it might fit you, want to give it a try?"

Angarato looks back at the chest then looks at Thomas, "I would love to get a look into the bottom of the chest, Thomas, do you think you could disarm this trap so we can take a look at what is there. " Angarato points at an area near the access point for the bottom part of the chest.

Last edited by Angarato; Feb 18th, 2014 at 01:48 AM. Reason: typos
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 01:58 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus bites his lower lip at the mention of magical shovels. The sounds of approaching creatures draws ever nearer from the direction opposite the entrance of the library. There hadn't been all that much action since they arrived, and Basementicus just got a shiny new weapon. He was eager to try it out.

"I hear the sweet sound of approaching hostiles. Don't take too much time looking over the goods."

The drow readjusts the blade to the shovel position and prepares to dig some late graves.
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 03:00 AM
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Noticing a distinct lack of urgency regarding the approaching sounds, Reynard drops his ready posture, shrugs, and saunters back to the chest to have another look. He accepts the ring from Angarato with a dubious expression, "Necromancy, you say? That's not something that I have much study in; very little, in fact. But I will tell you what I can." He casts detect magic and takes a moment
Dice Eew, necromancy.:
1d20+4 (16)+4 Total = 20
studying the ring. He also pockets the amethyst gem after saying to himself, "This looks like what Kryla was looking for." He spends a moment longer pondering what she could want it for and mulling over what they had talked about.

Done with the ring, Reynard looks back in the box, only the bracers of armor and the haversack itself are left, "If there aren't any objections, I can carry the luggage." He says easily, slipping the strap over his head to hang from the opposite shoulder. Lastly he lifts the the bracers and looks at his companions, noticing the various armors they all wear. Being honest with himself, he realizes he had never really considered wearing anything more protective than normal clothes. He dons the bracers and feels a little safer.

"Well, I know I said not to put the book in the bag we were given, but I think it would be safe to carry it in this." He says, patting the haversack. "Basementicus is right though, something's coming." Reynard readies himself again, taking up a position near the desk.
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 04:56 PM
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Willowick hears the incoming sounds well in advance, responding as a fae normally would, he
Dice Stealth (hide):
1d20+18 (4)+18 Total = 22
hides, perched above the doorframe where the incoming 'visitors' would be arriving, he has scooped up a pawful of sand/dust in order to prepare a sleep spell if necessary.

Though his mouth does not even open, his words still register in your minds, those who are familiar with the concept may recognize it as telepathy. The phrase he delivers comes from habit, the exact same phrase he would use if he were protecting a forest, aided by other creatures of the fae.

"Be hidden and be silent, friends. We have visitors not known by us."

Last edited by Dizzy; Feb 18th, 2014 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Spelling and phrasing correction
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 07:49 PM
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"Sure," Thomas says, eyes still on the book. He closes it, and puts it in his pack before pulling out his tools and rendering the trap inside the chest non-functional for his friend. His mind is on nothing but the knowledge that the book has to offer.

Dice Disable Device:
d20+6 (8)+6 Total = 14
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Old Feb 18th, 2014, 08:42 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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As the call for alarm goes up, with a few hand gestures and the utterance of a few words in Draconic, Angarato's weapon gleams as if touched by magic and he is covered in darkness again.

Angarato whispers, "Base how about you stick your head out and see what is coming"

Reading his shield and mace, Angarato
Dice Stealth:
1d20+10 (9)+10 Total = 19
quietly takes up a ready position in the corner just left of the door (facing out into the hall) and attempts to hide in the shadows.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 12:24 AM
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Thomas manages to safely disarm the simple trap, which consisted of simply removing the bottle of fluid that would turn to gas when broken (you can throw the bottle, it replicates the Stinking Cloud spell when broken). When Basementicus looks out the door he sees what was already expected. Enemies. In this case, it was the bones from the display room animated and coming down the hallway as skeletons. They were moving very slowly, but after seeing Base they seem to speed up.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Feb 19th, 2014 at 12:58 AM.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 01:22 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Skeletons? This is too spooky for me. I'm getting the other narrator to narrate this.

...seriously? They're only skeletons. There's one in all of us, man. Whatever.

Three skeletons draw near! What will Fighter Basementicus do?

Fight <-

Basementicus chooses to proceed to the nearest skeleton and hit it with his magical shovel! He also uses combat expertise for some extra defense. He has +5 to hit and 20 AC.

Dice Shovel attack:
d20+5 (11)+5 Total = 16

Just in case that one hit...

Dice Shovel slash:
d6+3 (1)+3 Total = 4


Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 19th, 2014 at 02:27 AM.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 01:24 AM
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The small dragon, upon hearing the clacking of bones, realizes that his plan of putting the 'guests' to sleep may not be so effective. He thinks for a moment, then looks down at the floor just below the door. It seems smooth enough, just enough to work for his intentions anyhow. With a moment of preparation he spits upon the floor below him, almost instantly the saliva thins and spreads, forming a layer of grease just under the skeletons' feet.

"This should slow them down a bit."

OOC: "I can't believe it's not butter!" ~Unnamed chef NPC

Last edited by Dizzy; Feb 19th, 2014 at 02:14 AM. Reason: Adjusted for an unforseen ninja-post + added extra hilarity
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 02:48 AM
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Reynard, his confidence boosted by the shovel wielding basement standing between him and the trio of colorful bones, advances into the hall and positions himself opposite the door, leaving room for others to evacuate. At his behest, a duo of gleeful looking, crackling dragons appear in his palms, one of which he promptly flings towards the red skeleton. It rockets towards its target in an erratic path, zigzagging around Basmenticus to find its target, upon which it detonates with a loud "BANG!" showering the area with colorful sparks and fire.

Dice Snapdragon Fireworks:
1d4 3


Last edited by Aarroun; Feb 20th, 2014 at 12:40 AM. Reason: Blue. No greeeeen!... red apparently.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 11:10 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato shakes his head in amazement at the stupid, impulsive, and reckless nature of the drow. The whole team is in a ready position to engage the threat at the door to this office, and yet, he decides to rush down the hall and engage them where they are. Angarato mutters allowed to no one in particular, "Ready!, Fire!, Aim!, just like I said!

Clearing his mind of his frustration with the drow, he focuses on the scene in front of him. Reynard has just launched some type of magical dragon at the green skeleton. Base, is flailing his shovel around at 3 skeletons in the doorway of the room where we found Willow.

Considering the tight quarters with which we are now fighting, seems a ranged attack is the best opening move. Angarato lifts his mace and activates its magical ability, flame rises from his grip up to the top of the weapon, collecting as a ball at the top. Angarato reaches out toward the blue skeleton with his mind, and the flame ball leaps forward toward his target. As he watched the flame go toward the skeleton, Angarato was briefly amused at how close the flame passed by the back of the drow's head.

As quickly as the ball of flame had departed the top of the mace, another had taken its place.

Dice Flame-Ranged touch:
1d6+1 (4)+1 Total = 5

Last edited by Angarato; Feb 19th, 2014 at 11:07 PM. Reason: typos - Aarroun pointed out a disconnect with the spit .. removed the comments relating to that for continuity of action.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 12:16 PM
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Getting to his feet Thomas draws his sword as he crosses the room and leaps through the doorway to join Base. "Leave the yellow one to me, it's bite may sicken you. Take out the green one, the red should be taken last." He tells his friends at arms.

OOCKnowledge Checks don't take an action, but the results will influence my actual actions this round.


Not sure the distances involved, if it's less than 30' he'll take a slash at the skeleton, swift action for arcane strike.
Dice Attack vs. Green:
d20+3 (17)+3 Total = 20
d6+2 (1)+2 Total = 3
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Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Feb 19th, 2014 at 11:23 PM.
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