"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Basementicus can't help but raise his arms and drawl, "Oh praise the lawd, I am healed. I have seen the light!"
Lowering his arms to his sides, he says, "Okay. But seriously, let's look around here some more." |
Pointedly ignoring Angarato's request for the amethyst, since he does have an agreement with Kryla to trade it for information, Reynard pipes up, "You know, that's an excellent suggestion, Angarato. We should check the other office first." He heads back into the hall. It feels like I'm walking in circles here... Stopping by the door opposite the dig entrance he gazes at it idly as though inspecting a painting at a museum; he knows he won't be the one finding any traps.
Willowick hovers before the door, staring it up and down, his eyes darting over the framework.
"Mmmh. I don't see any obvious traps on this side of the door, though none of the other doors we opened in this hallway were trapped, so it should be safe enough. Go ahead." Last edited by Dizzy; Feb 25th, 2014 at 04:16 AM. |
Thomas agrees with the concept of checking the library thoroughly. It's an archaeological dig after all, and even if they cut a deep straight path through the facility the researchers would be studious in their exploration. If they are looking for traps under the guise of protecting the dwarves, then cutting ahead would make no sense, and if they were breaking traps for the sake of their gems and reward, they'd be passing up money by passing up every room and door. Testing out his new hat, Thomas silently looks over the doors and surrounding areas.
Basementicus sticks near Reynard as he searches around. On the way out, he says to Kryla, "Thanks for checking on us. We're going to keep looking around as there is likely more to explore on this floor."
Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 25th, 2014 at 01:07 PM. |
Reynard growls softly in frustration at the apparent lack of action by the party and opens the door in front of him enough to see inside, while weaving a floating ball of light to illuminate the darkness.
Nobody manages to find any traps on the door. Luckily for Reynard, the door he tries opens without any trouble. It wasn't even stuck, though there was some resistance from the hinges. Inside the room seems to look fairly similar to the other office, though with different decorations. The walls only have paintings of landscape. By the door has two marble statues of a man's head. Otherwise the office is pretty dusty in all the usual places. This room does not have any piles of ash in it. The only other oddity in the room are some (very dusty) brass figurines on the desk and top of the bookshelf.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Slipping into the office Thomas checks behind the paintings first, as well as inspecting the marble statues closely.
Basementicus looks around the desk. If there are any drawers, he looks in those.
Reynard looks around the room from the doorway, gaze lingering on the brass figurines, drawn by a mix of suspicion and curiosity. He waits patiently, looking for movement while the globe of light floats around the room and comes to a rest at the middle of the ceiling adding to the glow of the crystals in the walls.
Angarato finds that the door he is checking has no traps and is either locked, or won't open. Thomas checks behind the paintings and merely finds blank wall. Basementicus checks the desk and drawers and finds mostly decayed paperwork primarily. One of the drawers, however, seems to have three unlabeled potions inside. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell whether they are still any good since they seem to have mostly separated out and the liquid on the bottom was black (on top it is light blue). Reynard checks out the brass figurines. They seem to mostly be of various monsters (to scale it seems). It only takes a couple moments looking before he finds one that looks like a miniature version of Willowick.
It isn't till Thomas starts looking at the two statues that something happens. Both of them seem to shudder and then make a very loud gonging sound. It is loud enough that dust is being shaken loose from just about everything in the area (but luckily not loud enough to do any physical damage). Likely if anything is "moving" in the area they will be alerted and heading toward this location now. OOC: The statues are about 3.5 feet tall and solid marble. Likely several hundred pounds.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Feb 26th, 2014 at 03:05 AM. |
Basementicus grabs the mystery potions and closes the drawers.
"I don't like the sound of that. Let's get to a different room before something shows up!" Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 26th, 2014 at 03:13 AM. |
Reynard pokes his head out the door to check on Angarato, then moves into the room, covering his ears. Thankfully human ears aren't as sensitive as fox ears. He grabs the brass miniature of Willowick and makes for the door, following after Basementicus, "We'll shut the door once everyone's out! That should help muffle the noise!" He calls over the din.
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