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Old Mar 1st, 2014, 05:26 PM
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"What's the worst that can happen? That guardian returns to wherever it came from if we just duck out of sight. We lose nothing as long as we stay mobile. Plus, I can grab the last of the bronze statues without going too stage fright." Thomas jokes.
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Old Mar 1st, 2014, 07:24 PM
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Reynard nods in agreement with Thomas, "So let's check the office closest to the stairs. Willowick is already watching them for that statue's return. Thomas can grab the figurines on the way out."
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Old Mar 2nd, 2014, 03:44 AM
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The group heads toward the stairs, having to disable several trap gems along the way. Luckily, during this time disarming the trap gems it becomes apparent that Thomas doesn't naturally trigger the trap gems here as he accidentally messes up his approach on one of the gems and nothing happens and later it is apparent that the light gems won't automatically light up for him either. Willowick fortunately is also ignored by everything but the light gems. The door to the office closest to the stairs on the inside wall is unlocked and takes little effort to get the door open. This office looks much like the others though this time there are a variety of scrolls still in tact on the book shelf in the room, likely magical given that they survived the ages.

Unlike the other rooms however, this one does not have any art in it. No statues, no paintings, no sculptures. There are also more chairs in this room than in the other rooms, a full eight chairs in all (several of them folding chairs against a wall). Upon checking out the desk it turns out that one side doesn't even have drawers, instead it has a small cabinet. When opened the group can feel some cold air coming out of the cabinet. There are some glass containers inside that look like they might have had edible food in them at one time. There are also several sealed bottles of wine inside and it looks as if they might still be good. If they are still good they likely contain some of the oldest existing wine on the planet. The only other thing interesting on the desk is the drawer on the other side on the bottom that is locked. There are a total of six piles of ash in various locations in the room. Otherwise this office room seems almost like it was used as a break room.

OOC: Scrolls on the bookshelf (at least the magical ones) are listed in the first post in the Party Loot thread.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Mar 2nd, 2014 at 03:59 AM.
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Old Mar 2nd, 2014, 04:35 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus is still on edge, but he doesn't appear to be able to discern anything too unusual in this room.

"There doesn't seem to be much going on in this room, although the piles of ash seem to be everywhere we go."

He sifts through a pile of ash.

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"Why do you guys think all this ash is here?"

Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 2nd, 2014 at 09:50 PM.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2014, 02:13 AM
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"Probably the remains of whoever was working here when the event that made this area a wasteland happened. I imagine a lot of energy was released and just about everything alive was killed." Reynard comments as he's looking at the labels on the scrolls. "Let's grab all this stuff and head out, we'll need to clear everything with the Digmaster as well. Thomas... hmm, since nothing seems to react to you, could you collect Willowick, please. We'll wait in the entry way for you."
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Old Mar 3rd, 2014, 06:11 PM
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"Is it actual ash," Thomas wonders, inspecting it closely. "Or is it the dust of ancient things?"

As for getting Willowick, he places his fingers between his lips and whistles. "Wiiiiilowick!"
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Old Mar 3rd, 2014, 07:09 PM
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Willowick flicks an ear at the call, soon flying in through the doorway, a look of minor displeasure on his face
"I am here, am I needed? Also... Whoever made that noise, please never do so again, it hurts my ears."
He then looks about the room once again, glancing at the ashes, and at the figurines that have been just recently collected, particularly the one that resembles him.
"Have we figured out what these ashes are from... and what in the fey is that?"

Last edited by Dizzy; Mar 3rd, 2014 at 07:10 PM.
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Old Mar 3rd, 2014, 10:38 PM
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As Basementicus sifts through one of the piles of ashes he happens upon something hard that stings him a little when he touches it. After brushing more ash off it reveals a small key that looks like it would fit in the desk drawer's lock. On the other hand, the key seems to be glowing faintly black? That can't be right. It is even more confusing for those who have their detect magic spells going as the natural glow seems to overlap the magical glow. It does seem likely that the key is radiating negative energy though.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Mar 3rd, 2014, 10:54 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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It is unusual that this is the first time something has been discovered in any of the ash piles. This strange key must have some kind of special property that let it survive whatever happened to the people that used to be here considering Basementicus had found no other objects in the ash piles. As he grabs the key it becomes apparent that it had a nasty aura of negative energy that made him fumble the thing like a hot potato. He grins insincerely at the key and wraps his hand in the sleeve of his shirt to pick it up again.

"What a wretched little key! This thing feels quite tainted. I'll use it quickly on that drawer."

Basementicus puts that bad boy into the lock on the drawer and tweaks it.

Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 3rd, 2014 at 11:38 PM.
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Old Mar 4th, 2014, 03:01 AM
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Once wrapped in the cloth of his shirt the key stops causing pain to Basementicus. He turns the key and opens the drawer, which actually contains non-magical papers that have survived the ages. Or more specifically, magic from the drawer protected them. Unfortunately, the papers seem to just be someone's rather impressive porn collection ranging from mundane to (likely) downright illegal. At the bottom of the collection is a small disk, looking rather like a table coaster. Detect magic reveals that it is indeed magical.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Mar 4th, 2014, 03:59 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus is intrigued by the sight of such a collection of papers and illustrations.

"Oh my."

He reaches for a random piece and grabs a folded up paper. He holds it sideways and lets it unfold into segments toward the party.

"Man, can you imagine how much effort this took to make? They must have had to stay posed like this for at least a couple of hours to capture the realism. And it's so old, too! I'll bet some of people in this picture are long dead now! Except maybe the dwarf. And the gnome. And that guy in the robe and hat with the long ears."

Basementicus folds the paper back up. He might keep some of this. You never know when it might be useful!
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Old Mar 4th, 2014, 10:56 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Taking some extra time to shake off the effects of the beams, Angarato stands up and sorts himself out. He looks around for his team and not seeing them wonders where they may have gone. As he considers the question, some memories of them discussing going back into the library to check out the remaining office seep into his consciousness. Mace and shield in hand, Angarato returns to the library and approaches the door to office they had yet to explore.

As he steps into the doorway, the scene before him is not quite what he expected to find. Base holding some porn up and the rest of his team sitting around looking at him. Reynard even looks as though he has a stiffy and is in a hurry to leave. Erupting in laughter at the scene before him as Base begins to fold the piece back up, Angarato says "Base, I am sure you want to take that back to your tent and study it very carefully. You may want to share some with Reynard, he seems particularly interested as well. "

Angarato looks up at Thomas looking as stoic as ever, "Thank you for what you did for me, it is deeply appreciated. "

Speaking to everyone, Angarato says, "I was a little out of it back there, did you guys decide that you were going to explore more than just this floor or is this it for now? "
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Old Mar 4th, 2014, 09:39 PM
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Reynard winces at the loud laughter coming from Angarato and he has a brief vision of being trapped in this room with that winged statue barring the exit, "I think it's time to go! Considering the guardian, it's likely too dangerous for us to continue beyond this point and we've got what we came for. Considering how long it took us to get here, if we're ready to head back, I think we should start in the morning. It could take us a bit longer since we don't have a guide this time."
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Old Mar 6th, 2014, 02:22 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus grabs the magical disk in the drawer along with some of the pornography. He briefly grins diabolically at the thought of using such heinous material against his foes.

"Heading out now sounds like a good idea. Maybe you can check this disk out once we're outside."

Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 6th, 2014 at 02:27 AM.
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Old Mar 6th, 2014, 02:54 AM
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The group travels back outside the library. The DWARF employees weren't back to work yet and only Kryla was willing to go near the library at the moment. Otherwise they are all on break. Unfortunately the break doesn't last long as you hear a whistling sound in the distance and a lot of shouting. Looking around and then up you notice a black cloud moving toward the tents. It isn't till a moment or two later that you realize that it isn't just an ordinary cloud. It is black because there are just that many ravens in the cloud. You hear more shouting and looking around the camp you can see undead bearing down slowly. It seems that the alarm alerted more than just things in the library, the ones out here just took some time to respond. A moment later the mangonel launches at the ravens, making large holes through the cloud as many ravens fall from the sky. Many of the dwarves run for tents and quickly emerge with tower shields. They would have liked armor, but it would take too long to get on. The ogres both station themselves outside the Digmaster's tent as he comes outside to see what the problem is.

OOC: You have all of about 30 seconds before undead start arriving at the edge of the camp (about 160 feet from your current position). They are currently about 500 feet away. The cloud of ravens is getting close to the tower with the mangonel and is about 220 feet away currently. The mangonel takes about 3 rounds to load and can be used against ground or air targets. DWARF members are quickly setting up a perimeter around the camp to try to hold back the undead. About half the dwarves have crossbows that they will be firing at the birds.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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