OOC: Reynard uses Laughing Touch (rolls found elsewhere). |
Angarato watches as Willow trys to yank the helm off the armored cultist. Noticing Base's shot to the ribs and wanting to avoid possibly striking Willow, Angarato spins so that he can deliver a swift mace attack to the cultist with his fiery mace aiming for the opposite side of his back where Base had struck with his shovel.
Dice Mace Attack:
Dice Mace Dmg:
Dice Fire Dmg:
Last edited by Angarato; Mar 21st, 2014 at 02:41 AM. |
Basementicus slams the man in the ribs with a satisfying clang followed closely with a grunt. Willowick attempts to pull off the man's helmet, but fails and becomes visible as his greater invisibility wears off. Luckily Willowick is on the front of the man's helmet, making it very difficult for him to see. Reynard's laughing touch manages to succeed and the man bursts into laughter. While he's laughing Angarato slams his mace against the man causing him to drop to the ground. The dwarf that was in range then slams his weapon into the back of the man's head causing him to completely collapse on the ground dead. The dwarves are cheering as you note that the few undead that are left are now leaving the area or wandering aimlessly enough that they are easily destroyed.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Mar 21st, 2014 at 02:00 AM. |
Angarato breaths a sigh of relief that the armored cultist has been slain. "Base if it wasn't for your opening kneecap move, I think this fight might of been much more difficult. Nice job! Let me heal you up a bit, I am sure the dwarves can fix you up the rest of the way." Angarato waves his hand and utters a few words in draconic and
Dice Cure Light Wounds:
Angarato casting detect magic, begins to study the magical pieces on the cultists corpse. "Base, the armor this guy is wearing is a masterwork with a magical effect of Ant Hauling. Also, as you may notice, it appears to be made of a non standard metal." Angarato then focuses in on the boots, and says aloud "these boots appear to make someone move a little faster and enhances its wearer ability to jump (Boots of Striding and Springing)." Angarato then looks at the other items and is not able to determine any thing useful, until he focuses on the cloak. Taking the cloak off the body, he swirls the cloak over his shoulder and takes on the appearance of a zombie. He begins to chuckle, saying "It would seem this not only hides you from undead, but as you can see allows you to disguise yourself as one." Angarato, appearing as a zombie, walks over to the shield that the armored guy dropped and picks it up. "This might come in handy! However, I can't really determine its magical effect. From watching the fight, it would seem to deflect ranged attacks. Raynard, can you identify it or determine its magical characteristics?" Last edited by Angarato; Mar 21st, 2014 at 02:39 AM. |
Basementicus scalps the man and roars in triumph, holding it high for all to see
Basementicus observes the spasms of the man as he lay on the ground, face twisted into a mad grin, skull fractured and likely hemorrhaging internally. The drow takes a moment to feel the blow that had struck him earlier. The sensation was nearly gone after the healing spell, but he wouldn't forget it. He then notices the armor the man was wearing. He sizes up the fallen figure and wonders if it would be a fit for him. Red and black wasn't really his color, though. He also has a look at the rest of the gear and at the shield Angarato had picked up. It all looked of especially nice quality, much like his prized shovel. "Guys, I gotta say. That was some good teamwork. I could tell by the way that guy fought I wouldn't have been able to handle him one on one." Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 21st, 2014 at 03:31 AM. |
Reynard nods in acknowledgment of Basementicus' statement and with the action over, takes a moment of silence for the fallen dwarves. Turning back he looks over the dead fighter, now in nothing but his small clothes, the rest of his armor and gear having been removed. He takes a moment to look over the items Angarato hadn't successfully identified, "Well, it looks like this longsword and the crossbow have your basic weapon enchants on them (both are +1). This is a ring of sustenance!" He says with some surprise, "It can sustain its wearer without food and they require less sleep for a full night's rest. This shield appears to be enchanted with arrow deflection most superior (+1 heavy steel shield of greater arrow catching. +3 AC vs mundane projectiles.)."
Last edited by Aarroun; Mar 21st, 2014 at 03:43 AM. |
Basementicus holds the chestpiece from the man's armor up to himself. It looked a bit large for the drow, but he figured he may as well give it a try. He didn't know what ant-haul meant, but the armor itself looked real nice. Meanwhile, the haversack was looking awful nice as were the boots.
"Do you guys mind if I take this armor and the fancy backpack? I'll bet someone around here can tell me what metal the armor is made of. The boots would be nice too, but only I'll only take them if you guys don't want them." Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 21st, 2014 at 04:37 AM. |
Angarato looks up at Basementicus and stares longingly, hungrily at him. Trying to sound as he thought a zombie would, Angarato says, "All I want is brains! Brains! "
Half chuckling, clearly amused at his joke, he removes the cloak and places it inside the parties loot bag saying, "This may come in handy in certain situations, and potentially fun at parties. However, since the situation would likely dictate the need, it seems like a good idea to store it in our bag." Angarato considers Bases question and ponders the items they took off the cultist's corpse. Aside from the shield, he seemed to be the only member of the party that used one, most of the items seemed of little use to him. The crossbow might be fun to practice with when they get back to camp, but he had never really used one before. He had just picked up some boots that were similar and he had never been fond of swords. Thomas seemed to have a flare with swords however, maybe he could get some pointers when they get back to camp sometime. The bag would be immensely helpful, his gear was becoming a chore to lug around. He was a little disappointed that Base was interested in that, the armor, which was obviously most beneficial for the drow, would aid him in carrying anything. Last was the ring, which was quite tempting. Those nights, those terrifying nights, would be a real blessing to avoid those. The things he saw in them pushed him to the brink of madness at times, but yet, he was learning new skills and abilities. He had to admit to himself he was getting used to the visions; and, they were teaching him and developing a greater understanding of the universe. He might be best served to embrace the darkness. Angarato look of deep thought fades and he smiles at Base, "I would think the armor and boots would serve you well, I have no problem with you using them. However, given the armor's effect of easing the burden of carrying stuff, I would hope I could use the haversack myself. This gear I am hauling around is getting to be quite a chore, and the sack would be of great use to me. With respect to the other items, I think they might be best utilized by one of the others." Angarato thinking about the crossbow, "Does anyone use a crossbow? I would like to try it out the next time we are back at our base and would appreciate any pointers." Last edited by Angarato; Mar 21st, 2014 at 04:37 PM. Reason: typos |
Basementicus thinks about the pack again and thinks to himself of how he could possibly have a use for such a thing. It wasn't exactly very tactical for what he had in mind and it would likely be more useful for those who really need to carry small components and lots of tools.
"You make a point, dead guy. That bag ought to prove more useful for you. I can show you how to use that crossbow; those are really easy to get the hang of. The shortbow like I've got is a bit trickier." Basementicus sits down and takes off his boots. A pungent odor wafts from his socks and a pebble falls from one of his boots. He reaches for the boots of the real dead guy and tries them on. He stands up again and bounces from side to side, getting a feel for them. "There's something about these boots that I like! They're just so comfy; like bunnies hugging your feet!" He jumps a couple more times and settles down. He then gathers the pieces of the armor the guy was wearing. "I think I'd like to see what this armor is made of. I'm going to ask someone in the camp." Last edited by Explosionguy; Mar 21st, 2014 at 03:10 PM. |
Angarato smiles at Base has he hops around trying on his new boots. "I never really thought a pair of boots could feel so good until i put these on", as he glances toward his elven boots he had acquired earlier, "You seem to be experiencing the same thing. They feel amazing right?"
As he watches Base settle down from testing out the boots, he reaches down and picks up the haversack and opens it up. He places his old shield in the bag and was amazed that it actually fit inside and the bag still appeared the same, and the weight seemed lighter than a moment before. "These sacks are so amazing! Thank you, for allowing me to use this." Angarato was eager to transfer his items to this bag. In an effort to experiment with the bag, he places the heavy shield into the bag, along with his mace. "Wow, with all that stuff inside, this bag still weighs the same, what a difference it makes! " As Angrato throws the haversack over his shoulder, it occurs to him that while everyone was here, we may want to talk about what to do next. "Base, before you head off, what do you guys think taking a moment to talk about what we do next? Or would you rather wait and meet up at the mess tent later tonight? We should prepare to meet and debrief the Digmaster and think about when we want to begin our journey back to the teleporter. " |
Reynard looks at Thomas off in the distance and wonders what must be going through the man's head. Perhaps the battle was just too overwhelming for him to comprehend. He dons the ring of sustenance, feeling a slight tingle from it as the ring recognizes a new wearer. It will be a week before the magic takes effect but he's looking forward to the effects.
"What did you want to talk about Angarato? We should probably wait until tomorrow to leave for Easton, so we'll have plenty of time to talk later this evening. I'm all for finding the Digmaster, though I'd like to get out of these robes first." He starts to pull the hastily donned outfit off over his head after setting his haversack on the ground. |
Basementicus had already gone off to find a knowledgeable person about the armor. He goes to a supplier's tent where someone appears to be coming back from the battle with the undead.
After talking with the supply dwarf Basementicus comes away discovering that the metal used in the armor is dark iron (which was later made into steel). Dark iron it turns out naturally occurs in areas where there is a lot of negative energy as well as naturally occurring iron. When used to make armor it provides a small amount of resistance to negative energy as it seems to absorb the negative energy around it. The dwarf talks about having a theory that the negative energy could potentially be harnessed, but likely only by someone capable of using positive or negative energies.
OOC: I'll be updating the stuff thread with dark iron/steel
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
The raven robes off and folded neatly, Reynard waits another minute for Angarato to respond but soon grows weary of the Aasimar's silence and walks back to camp saying, "Well, I'm going to go look for the Digmaster, maybe I'll see you there." He passes Thomas on the way but passes on the opportunity to try and illicit a response. at the tent he stows the garment in his pack and sets off to find the Digmaster intending to ask if any further assistance is needed.
The digmaster is pacing around outside his tent with his ogres and other experienced employees still standing nearby. He seemed to be in a rather foul mood though he lightens up a little when Reynard walks up. "I'm not sure what you did, but thank you for getting rid of the ravens for us. It isn't too difficult to deal with attacks from the air, or the ground, just not both at the same time. From what I've heard, your group has managed to clear quite a few traps for us as well as alerting us to several potential dangers that we may need to call in more experienced personnel in to deal with and for that I am grateful. I also hear that you managed to find what you came for, a book I believe? I don't want to know anything for sure about it. For your help I just want you to take whatever it was no questions asked. I think we'll be fine for a while now given how big that attack was. The one thing that concerns me is the involvement by the Cult of the Raven." The gnome continues pacing. He is obviously more concerned about other things, like the couple employees he lost today.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
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