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Old Mar 29th, 2014, 05:34 PM
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Throughout most of the trek, Willowick finds himself perched on the kitsunes shoulder, still trying to figure out exactly what is going on and where they are going.

"So let me get this straight. You're all mercenaries, all of you? What did you come here to do, the forest, no, EVERYTHING was destroyed already. What were you doing here?"
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Old Apr 1st, 2014, 12:46 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus, still clad in the stolen cultist's armor turns his head to Willowick as they walk.

"We came here to find a book. A guy from the mercenary guild gave us a list of jobs and that was the one we took. We found it already. Anyway, about the missing forest; it's been that way for a long time now. I don't know exactly how long, but when I was a kid about a hundred years ago, it was still a wasteland."
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Old Apr 1st, 2014, 02:38 AM
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As the party approaches the city, Lartran, Reynard scrutinizes the simple tabard Basementicus is wearing to cover the armor, to make sure it's not coming apart. It had been Base's cloak at one point, but when it became clear that he couldn't be persuaded to continue in his previous attire, need had arisen and sewing had been done. "Let's go turn these beaks in then find a place to stay for the night, that sound alright with you guys?" Asks Reynard.
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Old Apr 2nd, 2014, 01:23 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"I'll find us an inn. Preferably one with plenty of untaken beds."

Basementicus shifts his eyes from side to side, hoping no one will notice the red hidden under the gray cloth. As they shift he looks around at the signs buildings looking for inns.
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Old Apr 2nd, 2014, 09:55 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato notices Base's uneasiness and says, "Base, you need to put that armor out of your mind, you are more likely to get noticed because your a Drow, than the armor your wearing. The tabard looks good, like it was meant to be there. Remember if you appear apprehensive and sneaky, folks will start looking for the reasons why. A good nights rest will do us all some good."
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Old Apr 2nd, 2014, 07:37 PM
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Reynard wanders off to find a constabulary to turn the beaks in at while Basementicus starts looking for an inn. Basementicus does notice something relatively quickly during his search. While he's wearing the armor and helmet he's actually getting slightly less attention than he normally gets. Mostly people are just staring at him like they normally do on adventurers. Normally he is used to parents hiding their children or doors getting slammed as he passes by due to the normal (and very well deserved) prejudice against the Drow. It doesn't take long to find a good inn to stay at considering that the mercenary compound outside the city has an inn that is large and well designed for an excessive number of dark corners in it's main area. The main benefit to this inn is that the money to pay for it comes out of your travel expenses rather than out of pocket and even comes with all meals and (most) drinks paid for. There must not be that many mercenary missions out this direction right now though since there seem to be very few people using the inn. On the other hand, there does seem to be a kobold wearing a leather tunic at the counter drinking. You suspect that later more people will show up given that the normal work day ended recently and many people are probably still getting their evening meal.

Reynard, and any of the party that follows to help turn in the beaks, manages to find a constabulary relatively quickly and even before the clerk had gone home. Much to the irritation of the clerk, who was getting ready to head home for the day he accepts Reynard's appearance anyway. "Had to be just as I was heading home for the day didn't it? Hurry up man, why are you here?" The clerk asks impatiently. He's a middle aged human and a bit on the portly side of things and very much in a hurry. The guards in the room on the room, however, seem far less concerned since they had just had a shift change and they were about to be guarding a mostly empty constabulary.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Apr 2nd, 2014, 09:20 PM
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"I understand fully, sir. We've just returned from the wastes and have a number of raven beaks to turn in for the bounty." Reynard is brisk and to the point as he sets the sack of beaks on the desk for the clerk to inspect, "They've been cleaned of course, no sense delivering a mess for someone to sort through."

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Old Apr 3rd, 2014, 10:13 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus goes up to the bar where the kobold sits and takes a seat just one seat away from the kobold on his left side.

Still wearing his helmet, he looks at the bartender who is idly polishing a mug. Basementicus asks the bartender, "What's on the menu tonight?"
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Old Apr 3rd, 2014, 10:32 PM
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The clerk sighs and takes the bag of raven beaks and looks inside looking quite disgusted. Without even counting them he closes the bag and smirks back at Reynard and snorts. "Hmmph, they are all just normal raven beaks. Thought we couldn't tell the difference? Now get out before I have you arrested for trying to steal from the city!" The man was lying, but the guards standing behind him seemed to expect this type of behavior and would back him up on the matter. "Guard, dispose of this bag of... trash." The guard reaches for the bag with a smile on his face. Likely he would get some cut of the money that should have been going to Reynard for the bounty.

The bartender, an older and relatively fat elf, looks over at Basementicus. "Gruel." He says in a very flat voice and returns to polishing his mug and then starts shaking a bit. He then bursts out into laughter. "You thought I was just a boring old man for a moment there didn't you? Nah, we've got a fairly well stocked larder. We can make most things, though right now we've got fresh elk just in today. The apples are fresh off the trees. Naturally many of the root type vegetables are in very good condition in the cellar right now. But! If you have no allergies and no food restrictions you can try the special today. It is a surprise what it is, but since you look like you are from the mercs it shouldn't be a loss for you to at least try it and I've got over five hundred years of experience cooking." The old man seems to be genuinely excited and rather hoping to get someone new to try today's special. The kobold, who seems to be rather drunk at this point, pauses from their drink and watches what is going on.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Apr 3rd, 2014, 10:41 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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"I don't think I've had a reaction to anything I've eaten. Plus I've been around about as many plants as my mother has grown, which is quite a lot of plants.

Basementicus, who had been resting his arms on the table lifts a finger and says, "I'll have one order of the special, good sir! Oh, and a glass of wine."

Basementicus was fond of trying new foods. He wonders if his comrades felt the same way.
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Old Apr 4th, 2014, 01:01 AM
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"You realize I work for the mercenary organization, right? I pity the fool that tries to cheat the gods' employees. Just see if you get any help from us the next time you're suffering from a plague or an army comes knocking on your gates. Tell me, who do you pray to? I'm sure I could convince my superiors to stop accepting jobs from him/her."
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Old Apr 6th, 2014, 01:21 AM
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The man calls back into the kitchen area for a special and after only a minute or two a waitress comes out with the special. It consists of some sort of purple bread that has berries baked into it as well as some (what you later identify as) elk that has been boiled in apple cider with some other seasonings added. There is a fresh salad as well with the typical assortment of vegetables and a delicious raspberry vinaigrette. The wine brought out turns out to have been made from huckleberries as has a rather pleasant taste. Overall the meal seems a little sweet, but then elves tend to make their food on the sweeter side of things. The kobold seems to be eying the meal, though after a couple moments you notice that it is really just eying the wine.

The clerk looks out the window then looks back and forth and then sighs. "Fine." He says then grabs the bag back and opens it and sprinkles some dust inside the bag causing every beak in the bag to glow for a moment. He then goes through the laborious task of counting all of them. He then opens a chest under the desk and spends the next couple minutes counting out coins. Turns out that the constabulary didn't have enough gold readily on hand, but it did have enough silver, so the man pushes a pile of coins that consists of 102 gold coins and 40 silver bars (worth 50 silver a piece) and 380 silver coins. The downside to this? It is about 50 pounds in gold and silver and Basementicus usually carries the communal goods, like the purse of holding. Almost immediately after Reynard has the payment gathered up they politely escort him out of the office and lock the door.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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Old Apr 6th, 2014, 01:36 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Basementicus unfastens the strap on his helmet and pulls it off of his head, setting it on the floor next to him. He runs a gloved hand through the white hair that is plastered to his head and peers at the plate set before him with solid white eyes.

"Never seen venison done like this before. Well, here goes!"

The drow picks up the knife and fork and looks up at the waiter and to the kobold to his right and gives them a little smile. He then digs in to his dinner, trying a piece of the venison first.
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Old Apr 6th, 2014, 08:43 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato, after looking around the town for a few minutes, decides to head to the constables office to see how things were going. Just as he approaches the office, Reynard is visible being escorted from the office, "Everything go ok in there?"
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Old Apr 7th, 2014, 03:59 AM
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Reynard grins at Angarato, "Yep! Had a little bit of trouble but managed to get it all sorted out. We've got our money, so let's go find Basementicus. Did you happen to see where he went?"
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