"The book? Oh, right, that thing. I appreciate the warning but I lost interest in it back at the DWARF camp. It makes sense if you think about it though, dark artifact like that would have defenses." Reynard shrugs, "I'm glad it didn't do you any harm at least. This topic does make me wonder about Thomas; he was the first to read it and has been rather unresponsive since then. We should take him to a healer when we get back to the merc. camp."
"Well then, I guess the decision is made, when we get to Base, I will put the book into the bag and make delivery. " The two walk in silence for a few moments and then , stricken with a little curiosity, Angarato says, "Did you ever find out what the dwarf lady wanted with the trap gem we found? I was conflicted about assisting her, because of our commitment to Elear. However, in the end, he didn't seem to care very much, so I hope things work out for her. "
Reynard seems taken aback for a moment and gives Angarato a weird look, "Wait, I was only meaning that I lost interest in reading it myself, I still intend to deliver it to Kizziar first for whatever bonus he may have for us. Besides, we've come this far, so what's one more day?" Reynard shrugs and steps inside the inn (tavern?) and scans the room for Basementicus and Thomas while he waits in the entryway appearing to admire the decor.
Basementicus hears the door open behind him and turns in his seat to see who it is. He sees Reynard and Angarato come inside the tavern. The drow waves at his friends.
"Oh, hey guys! Come on over and have a seat. They've got this really good special right now." |
Reynard turns to Basementicus and smiles. He walks over and takes a seat, "What's this about a 'special'?" He asks the elf.
The old elf gestures at what Basementicus is eating. "He got it as a surprise, you can see on his plate what the special is. Can't say that I was expecting a drow under that helmet though. At least here in the mercenary compound he's welcome enough. Anyway, the special might be a little on the sweet side, but I think you might enjoy it. Would you like to try it? I'm guessing you are part of the organization and have a travel expense account anyway so you won't really be losing anything." The man is currently working on polishing the counter but is more than ready to move on from that task. He turns to Basementicus. "So, how is it young drow?"
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Reynard nods after looking over Base's plate, "I'll have what he's having then and a drink for her." He says gesturing towards the kobold next to him. Reynard has left the seat between Base and himself open for Angarato to take, if he likes, though it seems the Aasimar finds the decor to be overly fascinating. Before the bartender can turn away he adds, "Something for a faery dragon as well, please. He's vegetarian."
"A drink for her? Really? Never seen anyone willingly buy her a drink before. A well, one special coming right up. Oh, and a plate of faery dragon snacks. This isn't the first time I've dealt with them and I know quite well what food they enjoy." The bartender goes into the kitchen for a little while and then comes out with one special and one plate of assorted berries, cookies, and muffins (the cookies and muffins are sized appropriately for a faery dragon). After he sets the plates down in front of the people they are for he grabs a mug from under the counter and fills it with beer from a keg mounted behind the counter. He then sets it in front of the little kobold who gets quite excited about it. "Oooh, thank you very much Mr. Sir! No one has ever gotten me a drink before!" She says in draconic, obviously quite happy as she begins drinking from the mug.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
Angarato was distracted for a moment by something going on in the Inn, but decided there was nothing to be alarmed about. He took the seat left vacant between his teammates, saying as he sits "Base looks like a nice play you found, and the food there looks great. I have quite the appetite, what is that?"
He turns to Reynard and says "I had totally forgot about Kizziar's offer, thanks for reminding me. No sense in leaving money on the table, so to speak." |
"I'll have a mug of that as well please." Accepting the drink, Reynard thanks the bartender and raises it in a toast, "To friends and a hot meal after a hard day's travel." He takes a long drink, changing to his natural form as he does so and mock slams the mug back on the counter with a satisfied exhalation. "My pleasure, friend." He addresses the kobold.
Basementicus looks at what remains on his plate. He had already eaten most of it by the time his friends had arrived. The drow begins to point at the scraps with his fork.
"Let's see. This here's venison, boiled in cider with some secret herbs and spices. That's a fruit salad made out of what I think are apples and some other fruits I haven't seen before. And over here are some carrots and sweet potatoes. I think it's safe to say the cook knows what he's doing." Basementicus turns from Angarato to the old elf behind the counter. He opens his mouth, then turns away briefly to stifle a burp. "I think it's going to be hard to find a better restaurant around here. It's good, very good. Do you have any beds open for the night?" |
"Thank you for the compliments on the food! We have five rooms left at the moment and you are always welcome to spend the night in the common room." The old elf nods gesturing to the room filled with an excessive number of extra walls for creating extra dark corners. The rooms here were likely all the same as the building was more than likely funded by the mercenaries anyway. It meant that the rooms would be decent, but not great.
The kobold goes back to her drinking for a moment or two and sighs happily. Despite the amount you suspect she has had to drink so far she seems to be quite coherent. "So silly man, I like you. What made you want to buy me a drink?" She asks in draconic. Probably the only reason she was as coherent as she was is because she was speaking in her native tongue. As the group eats people slowly start to filter in. Some of them obviously from the mercenaries given their gear and general appearance. Others look like they are there for something more suspicious as they wear long hooded cloaks and immediately go to hide in the many dark corners. Three men enter together, look around for a moment before stopping looking right at the kobold. One scowls for a moment and then leads the other two to sit at a nearby table.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who Last edited by Valistar; Apr 11th, 2014 at 03:15 AM. |
Between bites of food, Reynard quietly speaks to the kobold, "Oh, company... they don't look too friendly though. You can stay with me tonight, if you care to. My name's Reynard." Addressing the bartender, "I think we'll take a couple rooms for the night." Then quietly to the party, "We can distribute the bounty in the back, where it's quieter."
Last edited by Aarroun; Apr 11th, 2014 at 04:02 AM. |
The bartender nods and pulls out a couple keys and hands them to Reynard. "Second floor, the rooms are on the right. Bathroom is at the end of the hall and the water is heated magically so it should be warm." He then proceeds to start dealing with customers. Things had finally gotten busy for him so he couldn't just stick around and chat.
The kobold shrugs at Reynard's statement and sighs rather dejectedly. "You don't have to help me. I know what they are after and they aren't going to kill me or anything. They just want... payment. That's all.." She glances up for a split second, just long enough to see the men and then goes back to her drink. "I'm Kar... Actually, I think I might take you up on your offer. I don't have the money and I'm still really sore from the last time they got me. Umm... you mind if I take a little of your food too?" She was definitely a drunk by all definitions, but she seemed to hold her liquor quite well. She was, however, obviously quite poor.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who |
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