![]() Moryggan Silverhand has always had a violent temper and a passion for the fight. Growing up, she often took it upon herself to seek out conflict and resolve it with a heavy hand. Her troublesome ways often border lined that of a bully or thug, but she had learned from her family a good sense of right and wrong. Although not committed to any sense of justice, she certainly sees the value in picking her fights wisely, and finds would-be-villains to be the most rewarding of punching bags. Deep down, she held back a growing blood-lust and desire for violence that she knew the good people of the world did not deserve, so she continued to vent her rage against the scum of society, the thieves, murderers, and rapists, all were the targets of her rage, targets of her dark need to feel the snapping of bone and crushing flesh beneath her fists. As she grew, her strength and tenacity excelled; her strikes became faster, her body became harder, and her skill in rending flesh and bone became almost monstrous when she entered what others began to call her "Trance" state. She in time, she owned the title and fully adopted the name, and by the time she neared adulthood, even the most hardened of low-lifes knew not to cross her path if he wanted to keep all his body parts intact, and those foolish enough to wrong her would be lucky to walk away with their life. Now she seeks a challenge her hometown just can't provide, and has decided to leave the safety of home would be her only true calling. Perhaps in the wilds, she can satiate the blood-lust deep within that the civilized world would never fully accept. Last edited by SammokTheGrey; Sep 1st, 2014 at 02:53 AM. |
![]() Unknown if the surface elves won or lost, didn't matter at the time for the mother and child, they were free, free at last. The elves had taken them to their camp for awhile, some were very friendly, others seemed unsettled by the half-drow child. Some days later, the two were taken to a few days trip to a town called Hawksroost. A small town with ordinary goings on and such and where almost everyone knew everyone. Rose and her son Hawk were accepted readily. Though it took time, Rose began to feel like herself again and was among the people of the town. Hawk however, had a bit more of adjustment to make. Born into slavery, this was his first taste of freedom. While he mostly enjoyed the new feeling of being treated equally and able to refuse something and not be whipped for it, he did occasionally get bullied for his drow blood. He mostly wandered into the woods for some peace. His eyesight eventually grew accustomed to the daylight after time and was able to bear it without problems. Winter was hard on the eyes though, the sun shining down on the white snow, but after a couple of years, his eyes finally gotten accustomed to that as well. It was in the wood when he had a true ally, an half-elven ranger named Jaeln. He was middle aged and understood a bit of what the boy was going thru and bonded with him. Taught him everything about the woods and how nature operates. Quick learner, he easily became one with nature, getting close to wildlife and the animals were most couldn't and with Jaeln's help, he was able to shoot a bow better than half the children his age. As years went by, he did manage to make some friends and was able to tell who he could rely on and who he couldn't. Growing up the friends he had, they eagerly listened to adventure stories, made their own forte, talking about exploring the world when they became of age. While they loved their town, as some never experienced anything outside of Hawkroost, they wanted more. While he still had a few that shunned him because of his drow blood, he was accepted by most of the people, both human and elves and they affectionately kidded him about owning the town because of his name, saying "This is Hawk's Roost." The day of adulthood finally came, Hawk and his friends were eagerly planning on when to leave for exploring. They all agreed that early spring after winter was best. (after all, when the best time to go on long travels than beginning of spring?) Last edited by Dread Reaper; Aug 31st, 2014 at 09:40 AM. |
![]() For a year, he raised him, kept him safe, showed him the ways of kindness that he remembered from his mother and father. As the days wore on, the ranger decided to take Fash'kha to a place he knew. A place where he knew Fash'kha would enjoy. As he neared the town of Hawksroost, the ranger noted that a friend was out and about. He hailed the woman, letting her know that he was in her territory. This woman was named Farina and she was a druid. With her was a grizzly bear whom she called Torin. As Torin got closer, Fash'kha could not take his eyes off him. He moved to stand in front of the bear and smiled, reaching forward, palm up. Torin sniffed, then licked the palm, laid down before the child and stretched out his head. Farina knew instantly that Fash'kha had a connection with nature. She asked the Severin if she could adopt Fash'kha. He asked Fash'kha if he would like to live with Farina and learn more about the animals and nature. Fash'kha was hesitant at first, but accepted the request and bid a tearful goodbye to his "father". For the next 15 years, Fash'kha has been living around the town of Hawksroost and has enjoyed a truly remarkable existence with the woman he now calls mother. He has began his journey as a druid and welcomes and adventure that will take him far and wide to learn more about this wonderful world and her embrace. Last edited by Dread Reaper; Aug 31st, 2014 at 10:54 AM. |
Always wondered what Fistandantilus looked like in his younger days.
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![]() He left home to see the world and experience more of other cultures. However, he does not forsake his homeland and his people. He keeps in regular contact with the Elven community, gathering information on events and possible threats to Elven life. Jaden travels throughout the lands making connections and sending messages back home. He practices his linguistic skills to several family correspondence. He considers his family the extended Elven community, including some people of influence, but he is very modest of his relations. He has also trained in a variety of skills to aid his journeys. There are countless dangers that may arise. He prepares for as many as possible. Last edited by Tymerean; Sep 1st, 2014 at 10:41 PM. |
![]() The farm was located a bit outside of town; because of this wildlife usually found their way into the livestock and crops. His father would be in charge of guarding their home and produce from predators and scavengers. At a young age Lyle adored his father's skill with the bow which he used to slay the beasts that wandered too close. His brother Garret however did not take much of an interest in fighting and was much more content with farm work. When Lyle reached 7 years of age Alton taught him how to properly use the bow and shown him the basic, and later advanced, strategic positions techniques for taking out targets. At age 17 he killed his first Wolf, this was seen as his right of passage by his father. Now the next man of the household Lyle was given a bow to protect their farm from the woods by eliminating potential targets, still Lyle was told explicitly not to patrol too far from treeline. Of course like any young man he would disobey his Alton's restriction and venture farther and farther. Lyle kept going further and further by about a mile per year. At age 26 he would run into a band of adventurers being stalked by a pack Wolves. Remaining hidden he watched as the group of 5 were surrounded. A battle would rage leaving the party severely outnumbered. Snapping into action Lyle brought his bow to bare and shot off a rapid succession of arrows, each meeting their intended target. This unintended barrage sent the Wolves running thus saving the adventurers. Though they didn't exchange names this Halfling would not be forgotten. Because of this Lyle discovered a new passion of his other than his bow, adventuring. The next day upon returning Lyle makes his trip back into the woods. Halfway into his normal patrol route he hears a Wolf whimpering. Going to investigate he notices that it is one he had wounded the past day. Normally he would have finished the job but something was different about this one. It looked into his eyes without fear begging for help. His heart got the better of him that day and he cancelled his duties until he could restore its strength. Carrying the Wolf home it licked his arms displaying affection and gratefulness. Upon arrival his father was furious with the idea but later on warmed up to it as he thought it would be good for the boy. Hours turned into days and days turned into months. Once healed Lyle opened the door to the woods in the distance figuring the Wolf would return to his pack. Instead it circled around him, brushed against his leg and went to the foot of his bed dozing off into sleep. Approaching the sleeping beast Lyle crouched down and affectionately rubbed its head giving him a name "Gentle". Thus began a lifelong friendship with many adventures to come. Last edited by Korn; Sep 1st, 2014 at 08:14 PM. |
![]() When they had come, he had in stalls with the horses, but he was found by the leader of the assassins. Himura tried to avenge his father's death, which of course ended in failure. The assassin didn't kill him, however. The boys bravery in the face of death encouraged the leader (who's name was Hanzo) to teach Himura the way of the assassin. Himura went along with it, but only because he planned on using his skills to avenge his fathers death. Several decades passed, with Himura becoming stronger and more widely feared then Hanzo himself. Hanzo made plans to end his young student's life... but Himura stuck first. Himura drugged Danzo, then slit his throat. After doing so, he gave thanks to his old teacher by burning both him and the entire town they had lived in to the ground as a way to close off the past and start anew. But, rumors followed him of what he had done, so he took up a new name and hid in the small village of Hawksroot. And thus ends the story of Himura, and now... the story of Azrael begins. Last edited by mrjgsolorio; Sep 1st, 2014 at 11:30 AM. |
Valandil woke to the sun shining on his face and the sounds of spring outside his window. He knew this day had been coming, and yet he was still filled with anticipation. Though it was not the first time he had traveled outside of Hawkroost, it was his first real adventure. He and his twin brother Fistandantilus would be joining with several others in the village, some of whom they had known their entire lives, to seek their own fortunes. They had all decided weeks earlier, much to the chagrin of their elders, that this was their path. His mother Nessa seemed particularly upset. While his brother had followed the path of their father, Valandil had taken to the healing arts like their mother. It was her healing arts that had brought their parents together in the first place. A traveling mercenary, their father had been hired to deal with a roving band of ogres that had been plaguing the area for some time. A powerful mage in his own right, Findecáno proved the hero of his reputation, defeating the ogre mage in single combat and scattering the remainder of the tribe. Unfortunately the mortally wounded mage struck a dying blow, poisioning their father and leaving him near death. It was also then that he met Nessa. "I had never met so pure a creature in all my travels.", their father would often tell them. "It was her light that saved me." From that moment on Findecáno had set aside his wandering ways, settled down, and raised a family. They had been blessed with twin boys, and for over a hundred years had happily raised them in Hawkroost. This brought him to thoughts of his brother. They had shared much in the short 127 years they had been alive. Least of all their secret. Valandil could never forget what they had shared that day. His brother lie there spirit holding on to his body by a tenuous thread. He remember being scared, more so than he had ever been since. As his brothers life began to slip from him, Valandil felt the pressure in his head building as a blinding golden light filled his sight. The next thing he knew, he was falling.... no, not quite falling, but floating. Slowly down he felt his body drift and the bright light began to fade. Below he saw his brother, fighting and thrashing against the massive roots of a gnarled black tree as they tried to drag him down. Valandil screamed, but no voice came out. He clawed at the air, but to no avail. As he began to weep, realizing the futility of his attempts to save his brother, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a calm washed over him. Suddenly he knew what he had to do and with a burst of brilliant energy he was at his twins side. Grasping his brothers hand, he felt the light flow out of him and watched the black tendrils retreat from his brother. The light continued to build, and he panicked as he realized he was loosing control. Everything inside him burned, and yet he was in ecstacy. This was his end and he knew it, yet could not seem to care. His brother shrugged the wisps of burning darkness from him and stood, taking Valandils head in both of his hands. "Come back with me brother..." He said as Valandil felt the darkness envelope the light. It was not a consuming darkness, nor did it seek to destroy, merely to contain. A counterpoint to the fiery light. Then Valandil awoke. He had felt the darkness that tainted his brother, as much as he felt the light that welled up within him, and knew from that day forward just how truly connected he was to Fistandantilus. As different as they were, they were two parts of a whole. Fistandantilus was his balance, as he was his brothers, and they complemented each other perfectly. He was could not think of anyone he would rather have by his side. Valandil snapped to, his rememberances of his childhood fading away. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. He donned his robes, white and blue as was his custom and set off to find the others. He knew everyone would be getting ready early, and that most of the village would be there to see them off. Pulling his stark white hair back, he gave himself one final look over in the mirror. He would miss this place and it's people, but there wasn't time for that now though. Today was the beginning of his story... It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell. Picture is in the works. ![]() ![]() Last edited by Apoc; Sep 1st, 2014 at 09:20 PM. |
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