The League Advances
The door to the tavern swings open and in strides a mountainous man in a long coat with fur around the collar. His golden hair is cut short and his emerald green eyes scan the patrons of the bar, looking immediately for a familiar face in a corner booth. Szayel's message didn't specify anything beyond that he desired a meeting, but Mathias didn't want to be caught unaware.
Perhaps the time had come and the guild wanted him to return, but they should know that as long as they are fighting within, he will not serve any masters.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Dela Vera walks past the window seeing the table she plans to sit at ensuring no one was looking she enters through the small window. Had she been anything other then a catfolk it would have been unlikely she would have made it through the small gap. Sitting down at her chair she fixes her hood so her ears wouldn't poke out and potentially cause her to stand out. Curious as to what her contact had need of or info that she might want she waited patently watching the door in the front but listening to the one in the back.
For anyone wanting to Join we are always recruiting in Pokemon Battle Island. PM me for Link to game threads.https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=199053 Last edited by KZ61; Jan 10th, 2015 at 08:57 PM. |
A tall thin man walks into the tavern, takes a very quick glance at the far corner before looking around more generally. After a moment he spies a serving girl and motions for her attention. Quietly he asks "Excuse me, do you know of anyone by the name of..." Pulling out a small sheet of paper and scanning it briefly, he continues "Rynor? He's my second cousin and he was going to help me find some work you see..." Holding out the note to the girl, it seems like his pale skin is subtly moving even though the man is not moving. "He said I was supposed to meet him at the tavern in Elaril."
Usful things for Formatting posts Dice Roller Thank you Anonymous person who gave me a green name... If I ever find out who you are... I'll ensure that no good deed goes un-punished Rewarded. Last edited by prometheous100; Jan 10th, 2015 at 09:37 PM. Reason: I can't spell button. |
Mathias notes the arrival of someone through the window and into a table and suppresses a chuckle. Thieves. They never change. He mumbles to himself. Moving toward the corner booth reserved for him, Mathias orders a bottle of spirits and two glasses and sits to wait. And to watch.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Still a bit mystified by what this meeting might be about he saw little reason to hide his face and lowered the hood of his cloak so it hung loosely down his back exposing his platinum blond hair and his obviously elven heritage for all to see, and as he mounted the steps leading to the weathered doors of the tavern. The place looked solid enough but still much simpler than establishments he often visited, for the moment though he pushed that aside curious what this evening would have in store for him, pulling the cuffs of his gloves he relished the snug feeling they gave before he pushed his way into the inn and moves towards the a fore mentioned booth of his contact.
Giving the room a barely interested glance he notices somebody unknown to him siting in the expected booth but not whom he was expecting, intrigued further he takes a second glance around the room and when his golden eyes did not find his contact, he didn't break stride and approached the rather large man seated in the corner and slipped into a seat across from him. Non-pulsed by the stranger he idly spun the extra empty glass on one of its many edges before speaking in a voice oddly polished but none the less soothing. "Good evening friend, I was expecting a friend of mine to be here, and clearly you are not him yet you stand out among a crowd such as this as much as I am sure I do. Do you know someone by the name of Szayel?"
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Leo enters the tavern and immediately looks around. He's quick to notice that it is more densely populated than anticipated and just hangs out by the door, a little off to the right. Every time someone comes in he scans them from top to bottom accessing threat level, after which he goes back to just standing there. His hands are at the ready, it's very clear that he does not like to be in open places, let alone one so densely populated for its size. I am early yet again, what a surprise. We have a hunter, a whatcha call it.... Cat person doesn't matter, and a man who should eat better. Not to mention, this guy has managed to get too close to the sun, not bad wonder how he survived. Maybe some threats in here, wonder why he's summoned me. Bah all in time, all in time. Several windows, several exits, a main entrance, probably a back exit as well, plus lots of room for error if anything should go down. I'm not a fan of this meet.
Last edited by Xbow; Jan 12th, 2015 at 07:50 PM. |
Mathias looks over the rim of his glass at the elf sliding into the seat opposite him. He takes note of weapons, the way he moves and his awareness of the room. Taking a long drink from his glass, he sets it down and waits several heartbeats before answering.
I know the name, yes. He replies at last. His voice, even when speaking softly is deep an gravelly. I had also expected to meet a friend here. He notes the nervous figure covered head to toe standing by the door. And neither of us seems as out of place as that one right now.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Dela keeping her dagger close to her scans the room slowely as to not attract unwanted attention CatFolk not being a commonplace in the area. Most of the crowd seemed pretty normal you have your petty thieves, thugs, women for hire, drunks and the like however a couple stood out a slight bit mostly of course would be the loud Elf standing in the room armed to the nine as well as the big shadowy bloke by the door thoroughly scanning all who pass him. Waving the Barmaid over "I'll have the special please and send the same to the man by the door but don't let him know its from me." giving the barmaid 3 gold for everything she starts drinking her Ale while watching as to how the man reacts glancing at occasion at the Elf to make sure she wasn't in a trap.
Dagger still at the ready.
For anyone wanting to Join we are always recruiting in Pokemon Battle Island. PM me for Link to game threads.https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=199053 |
Even though he is cloaked it is currently pushed back giving you a relatively easy view of most of him, he doesn't appear to have much in the way of heavy weaponry with a rapier secured loosely at his belt and the sheath of a simple dagger on the opposite side, though he doesn't have the calloused hands of someone who spends hours practicing with his blades. Done spinning the glass with one hand idly on the table he lets it rest flat once again satisfied that one way or another he is roughly where he should be, with a wave of his hand toward the bottle already sitting upon the table he grins. "Do you find if I steal a glass, might as well spare the lass a second trip by our table."
Getting the feeling the man could likely care less he idly pours himself a decent enough portion into the glass before himself before setting the bottle back on the table between them, and bringing the glass up with his hand to sample what appears to be a rum of some sorts. letting the warmth of it burn its way down to his stomach he smiles again. "Its actually not that bad, or at least it could have been much worse, so how do you know our mutual acquaintance or are you responsible for his late or never to be seen appearance?"
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
After a short delay, Szayel enters the tavern & wanders around gathering all of you together at the corner booth.
Leo nods, though gestures for his friend to go on.
Mathias' grin spreads on his face as their mutual friend arrives. He keeps his back against a wall as the group gathers around the same table, figuring that they must represent other organizations similar to his own. You seem a bit on edge? He remarks dryly. And even voicing an intention at striking at any number of organizations is sure to draw unwanted attention.
The large man glances towards the door, bracketing it between the feline's perked ears. Should we be expecting company?
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Ammiir listens quietly as the man outlines his intentions for the meeting, the same easy smile of earlier remains as he takes another taste of small town rum while trying to piece all of this together in his mind. truth be told he hadn't been that happy with the way things have been going, but this was no simple task.
"It is an interesting topic I wager, one with great risk if one is not careful and meticulous in there dedication to achieving this goal. Though there are of course three important questions one must ask before proceeding. What's in it for us, what's in it for you and do you have a plan for such a grand undertaking?" |
Sheathing her blade as she begins to feel more comfortable with the people at there table.
Listening to the door and the way peoples footsteps around them sound Dela questions the plan. "Dela agrees but not so sure as to how we could change everything at once. All i see so far is 5 of us we might need more then just us to complete such a task. There might be a person or two within my guild i could see into helping us but even then i'm not so sure i would trust them so for something as grand as this and against our own guild nonetheless. That is what Dela thinks anyway." After giving out her point Dela sits down still listening intently on the footsteps of people around them feeling uneasy about being in such a open public place. Slowley sipping her drink she smells it before each sip.
For anyone wanting to Join we are always recruiting in Pokemon Battle Island. PM me for Link to game threads.https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=199053 Last edited by KZ61; Jan 14th, 2015 at 02:25 AM. |
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