Last edited by Night Shade; Jan 25th, 2015 at 04:08 PM. |
Finishing up the web-like chart on the paper, Turul leaves it on the floor and points to a spot with many connections. "I am here, I happen to be in direct contact with many of my associates due to my faculty with languages." Pointing to each of the forty-two names on the chart the Illumian gives a brief description of each one and what their specialty is. "I know there are others not on this list, and Vertrag the Contract Keeper seems to know everyone directly. If there are leaders other than the Contract Keeper, I don't know them, or even know of them. They could be on this list and I would not know it. Inkhand is the only one I know by sight." Pointing to a name which had several connections of it's own.
Usful things for Formatting posts Dice Roller Thank you Anonymous person who gave me a green name... If I ever find out who you are... I'll ensure that no good deed goes un-punished Rewarded. |
Mathias looks at the spider's web of names and cannot help but chuckle. It amazes me that some of your guilds are even able to function. So many knots and twists in your structure. Among the Blooming Lotus, there is structure. I know my superiors and my underlings, by name and by face. No one could slip into the guild and pretend to be that who they are not, for we train together. Spill blood, ours and our enemies' shoulder to shoulder. I know of some of the masters by name, and some by face. He pauses as if he is leaving out a certain bit of information there. Ascension is by deed. Either in the field, or in our Hall of Challenges, you prove yourself superior to another. You then rise to take his or her place. They can either accept it and their new role, or take the rite of silence and leave the guild.
He looks thoughtful for a moment. Within the battalion in which I served, I would still know most everyone. Among the other 4, I would know some and be known of by many. When the attention shifts to my home, subtlety will prove difficult where I am involved. But it is always nice to have allies moving in the shadows.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
"I know those I interact with within the guild, or have in the past, and occasionally meet others through other circumstances but for the most part anonymity especially among those more superior is not unexpected as it is not uncommon for them to make use of covers to hide their true position." Amiir adds as the discussion continues and some notes of comparison are being shared about what this task will amount to.
"To begin with is it our plan to act on multiple fronts in one go or are we going to try and enact change one guild at a time?"
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Dela Vera looks at the others explaining there guilds.
"Dela's guild is extremly secretive very few members know more then there masters and those below them. Dela beleives it lucky for us that she has investigated further within her guild and knows of the spymasters housemaster. The best way to explain this system would be a hand.there is a guild leader however Dela has no idea as to how or who he or she is. The guild leader governs over the blackhands Dela is unsure as to how many there are however she beleives it follows the system of 4 leaders and 1 special. Each blackhand governs over 4 housemasters and 1 Assasin. Housemasters governs 4 spymasters and a infiltrator. Each spymaster governs 4 spys and an enforcer. Dela is one of such infiltrtor. Dela is sad to say that is the most she has found out. She does not know of Tue blackhands special unit and would be mrked for death if they knew Dela knew as much as Dela does. Dela will say that they are to be feared. " Drawing the heirarchy tree on her paper she spreads it out to share.
For anyone wanting to Join we are always recruiting in Pokemon Battle Island. PM me for Link to game threads.https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=199053 Last edited by KZ61; Jan 26th, 2015 at 03:44 PM. |
Looking at Mathias, Turul opines "That may be better for you and your guild." Looking down at his sheet, the Illumian sigils surrounding him brighten momentarily "We have our own ways. None in the guild transliterate the way I do, I doubt there are more than a few dozen in the world that know the languages I do.. Scrawler there... " pointing to a name connected to Turuls "Only writes in the gnomish script, and he can copy any illustration ever made. No one can forge his work or else Eyes... " Pointing now to a name not directly connected to Turul but connected through Scrawler and Inkhand, "Eyes would know if someone tried to replace Scrawler. There are several in the guild who know multiple languages, and they would know if I were to be replaced, just as I keep track of them."
"We are a community of friends, we keep an eye on each other through our letters, for example: Sheepskin there lives out in the country somewhere, raises his own sheep. Makes better parchment than the kings own, have to be careful though he will try to gouge you on prices if you are not watchful. Each and every one of us has a history, we also value our privacy, so we use our Nom de Plumes to protect our privacy. Vertrag simply knows where each of us collects our mail, I doubt he knows where we are any more than the other members." Turning now towards Amiir, the Illumian offers "Those of us in my association are slow to move. There are actions which have been done that can not be undone, but it will be weeks or months before things cross a point where I believe the situation is irrecoverable."
Usful things for Formatting posts Dice Roller Thank you Anonymous person who gave me a green name... If I ever find out who you are... I'll ensure that no good deed goes un-punished Rewarded. Last edited by prometheous100; Jan 26th, 2015 at 03:56 PM. |
Leo quickly signs upon hearing how we will proceed and offers a suggesiton. Our clans all have their own strengths, it would not be wise to try to strike against our own guilds individually. We are clearly not strong enough to be the leader of it or we would be. It would be wisest to what we have learned in our guilds versus the other guilds. I am not saying that we go in one on one and risk that, though we still play our parts, while aiding the others. It will take time, though it is not impossible. As for how we should go about this..... I am unsure, though we could pair up.
Mathias nods. It seems we are of similar minds. We should not use each organizations' strength against it. I pledge my steel against your guilds' subtlety, I ask only yourown subtlety when the time comes to oppose the strength of the Blooming Lotus
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
"Its clear we all know what needs to be done but we need to start somewhere, there are seven guilds and we represent five or six of them so if its a matter of trust we could start with one of the unknowns or otherwise lets decide where to start." Amiir is quickly starting to wonder if this group of unsavory characters has the backbone required to take on what is required.
"Once begun we take the risks of discovery and we can not afford to hesitate."
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Leo starts off signing again, i believe the other guilds remain annonymus due to te fact that they are far more powerful than the others. We should start off small and work our way up. As some of the smaller guilds become targeted the larger ones will hae some members leave out of fear naturally weakening them. I would frankly suggest we start off with the guild of knowledge. This way the guilds will have to rely on their own knowledge which will drastically close them off. With no new I tell coming in they will have to scout. Scouts are easy to take out, thus making them live in even more fear. Once fear sets in some will leave as I said weakening them. Plus the ones with knowledge will try to seek asylum and leave a trail to the other leaders. Clearly this is much easier Said than done.
"Dela thinks that ghost has a good plan of attacK and would be interested in working with you if we decide to pair up. Dela would also like to add that going after more then one guild would be benificial." Dela says while playing with her tail
For anyone wanting to Join we are always recruiting in Pokemon Battle Island. PM me for Link to game threads.https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?t=199053 Last edited by KZ61; Feb 3rd, 2015 at 03:23 PM. |
"For this initial foray might I suggest we all work together, it will give us a better idea of how we can function together and how we can use each other's strengths in the accomplishment of our goal." Amir suggested.
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Mathias claps his hands together, a tremendous thud that shakes dust from the rafters of the low ceiling. The sages make a fine first target. I agree it will weaken the information networks that would monitor our progress. But as with these other endeavors, is it necessary that the guild fall. Or should we similarly overtake it?
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Leo pauses for a moment as his hand grip his sheathed blade, if our intent was to simply trash the guilds I would say we destroy it, though our intent is quite the opposite. We are not trying to bring down the entire thieves network, we are trying to overtake it. Those that will conform shall survive, and those that don't will be killed. Those that tetter are the hardest to figure out. At least that's how I feel about it.
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