Mathias nods to those in the room. I will go and secure a wagon for us. He starts toward the door. How many shall ride horseback and how many will ride the wagon? As the large man leaves, the more astute of the group will note that he did not ask for any funds from the others to secure their transport.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Leo signs, Im not the best rider, though I can ride.
"I can stay in the saddle of a gentle beast if needed. I could draft you a line of credit from one of the counting houses if needed, but in a small town like this I do not know if it would be recognized."
Usful things for Formatting posts Dice Roller Thank you Anonymous person who gave me a green name... If I ever find out who you are... I'll ensure that no good deed goes un-punished Rewarded. |
Leo signs, lets just start with the note or parchment and arrive. We do not want any incriminating piece of evidence with us.
Last edited by Xbow; Feb 19th, 2015 at 02:03 PM. |
Wont be necessary, the large man says from the door. These are simple folk. They are easily bartered with.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
"Lets see about a carriage or wagon for simplicity sake." Amiir offers and stands to join the big man. "I might as well go with you should some peaceful negotiation be necessary, i can do little to help with the crafting of documents."
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Turul studiously sits, still in the middle of the room to anchor the area of silence protecting those remaining from casual eavesdroppers. Looking to the window Turul notes that it remains closed, with the primary light in the room now coming from the runes which surround his head and glow along his body.
Usful things for Formatting posts Dice Roller Thank you Anonymous person who gave me a green name... If I ever find out who you are... I'll ensure that no good deed goes un-punished Rewarded. Last edited by prometheous100; Feb 24th, 2015 at 11:14 AM. Reason: I went a little crazy with commas |
Leo is just waiting to how the group decides to travel, it had never been this difficult before...
Mathias nods to Amiir as he follows him out. Its a small town, he says. Little more than a farming community along a trade road. Our best bet for finding a wagon or carriage will be with one of the farmers living near the city. He heads to speak with the tavernkeeper.
Can you think of anyone who owns a wagon or carriage that they might be willing to sell? I have good I need to transport and am willing to pay a favorable sum.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
"If anybody will know of one the innkeeper is probably a good starting point, they usually know the courier types I have found." Amiir said in approval of Mathias's plan as it mirrored what he would have done.
Posting Status: June 7th: Things are looking up and I am ready to play. |
Leo signs, I do not, knowing people is not my talent. Besides we have stayed to long. We should go and work on our papers as we travel. With that said he leaves the room and waits for the party down by the main door.
Last edited by Xbow; Feb 27th, 2015 at 01:50 AM. |
Outside the tavern, Mathias spots a horse tied to a nearby hitching post. It is a massive beast, some 16 hands tall and powerfully built. That should hold me. he thinks as he pulls the reigns clear and mounts the beast.
He glances at Amiir. Best of luck. Touching his heels to the horse's flanks the powerfully built man gallops toward the distant mountains of the southeast. He has business to attend to.
Wife is cancer free. Son is healthy and happy. Im blessed. Interested in Round-Robin GMing? PM me. |
Ghost notices the large the Mathias heading out and decides it would be time to head out as well. He spots a horse, not nearly the same size though sturdy enough and perhaps slightly quicker. He wonders if anyone will say anything though decides that should it come to it. He will pay the man off. He mounts up and follows after Mathias. Once he catches up he signs, Looks like we are the advance squad. I believe we will be able to handle this fairly easily. Let us first enter the city then find room and board.
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