Lost Home of Radnav
The Season of Leaffall on the Northern Coast of the Moonsea Weather: Sparse clouds, light wind off the sea Thentia. A Metropolis of over 26,000 souls. A fiercely independent but militarily weak city on the Moonsea's northern coast, Thentia is the most open city on the Moonsea and is overseen by a watchlord elected by the local nobility. The current watchlord, Gelduth Blackturret, rules with the lightest of hands, and it is said that his power is little more than symbolic. The true power, supposedly, is in the hands of the local nobles, old families with names such as Swifthands, Khodoils, Mamarrathen, Birneir, and Casplardann. These nobles are in turn supported by independent (and generally chaotic) mages. As you approach the Northern gate of Thentia you see it is not long until sundown. Dramatically, you notice a globe of light shimmering over the South Eastern section of the city. Around you, men, women and children start to hurry to get within the walls of the city. As you look around, you note that a group of eight men stare at you and one begins to make his way towards you. They are guards of some kind as they all bear the mark of Thentia on their tunics. As you prepare to disembark from the ship you sailed in on, you see that the cart merchants and street vendors here on the docks are packing up for the night as it isn't long until sundown. Watchmen bearing the mark of Thentia on their tunics stand idly by the Gates to the city here in a routine you've seen many times over - they are preparing to close the main gates for the night. As in most cities, the docks will still be accessible, but through a smaller entry door that will be screened by the watchmen.
Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days. Last edited by Drachenspirit; May 21st, 2015 at 09:18 PM. |
As the ship 'Melgrym' docked along the city's port Navalia allowed the other passengers to disembark first. She grabbed the reigns to Mercury her horse and began leading the wagon onto the docks. The drow knew the gates would be closing soon and tried to lead the wagon inside. She had been here before many years prior during the pirate wars, but was surprised at the show of force currently being made by the city guards. With the numbers of citizens and merchants trying to get into the gates, Navalia was concerned that she may not be able to make it inside unless the guards allowed all of those who had gathered to enter prior to closing the doors for the evening.
She tucked a hand into her gown to pull out the holy symbol of Elistraee to help identify herself to the approaching guardsman. Navalia acknowledged the approaching guard with a salute "I am Navalia Dor'Veign, humble servant of the dark maiden Elistraee and have been summoned by the mages of this city."
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin |
Brian 'Mindwalker' steps off the boat to greet the guards.
"Oh, hello there. Do you need anything?" |
As the guard approaches Navalia, he hears some kind of command called out from the Gate. Turning, he sees 3 figures approaching from within. The first is a dark-haired beautiful female human adorned in the temple vestments of Selune. Given there is a large Temple here, this isn't much of a surprise. But, the two large men who follow her are a different story.
They are two obvious crusaders, or rather Moon Knights of the order of Selune. They are the more militant priestly order of Selune that supplements the Lady’s crusaders. It is said they are intimately tied to Selūne and her power. It is each moon knight’s mission to defend the church against attacks from Shar and, if neccessary, carry the battle to the dark goddess’ doorstep. These moon knights are wearing splint armor that is colored silver and white, the twin eyes of Selūne emblazoned on the chest. They also wear a helmet with a blue crest, and a midnight blue cloak. In their hands is the favored moon’s hand mace: a mace with a head of silver cast round and smooth. Moonknights are well known to be jovial and outgoing during celebrations but this rapidly gives way to fury and bloodlust when an enemy of the church is near. Clearly, they are not to be trifled with. Some might think something is amiss with two Moonknights present, but to any who know anything about Selune and her followers they know that tomorrow is the first full moon of Leaffall, and there will be ceremonies and celebrations. The watchmen takes a knee and looks down to the ground as the three approach. As the trio reach Navalia, the young woman curtseys deeply while the two Moonknights go to one knee in unison and give their respect as well. All over the docks, people stop and now really look at Navalia. The young and beautiful Selunite woman rises as do the Knights behind her and she speaks to Navalia. "Mistress Dor'Veign. I humbly and respectfully welcome you to Thentia on behalf of the cities Elders and our Priestess here at the Temple, High Priestess Initia. We have prepared a place for you to both worship and rest inside our Temple walls. We are honored to have you here and ask that you accept what little indulgences we have to offer while you are here." Once the Selunites start addressing Navalia, the watchmen begin to continue and move the people along. As Brian approaches the guard, he looks at him, and at first doesn't say anything. Then he pulls a piece of parchment from within his tunic, unrolls it and looks it over. He holds it up to Brian and then shows it to him. It is an artist's rendering of Brian, done is charcoals, and looks very much like him. The watchmen yells back to the guardhouse, "Daedle!" A young man comes running out of the guard house, looking like he just woke up. He's dressed in the attire of an aspiring wizard like those in the larger cities, but he's trying way too hard. He runs up to Brian and says, "Sir! I am Thuldoum, here on behalf of my master and teacher the great Daedle!" The watchmen bursts out laughing, shakes his head and walks away. Then the young lad catches himself and turns beet red. "No, no! Sir... I... am Daedle. My Thuldoum is Master. No, no. My master is Teacher. No. I... Sir... I beseech you. Don't tell my master Thuldoum about this. I beg of you. Just accept his invitation to an evening meal and discussion of intellect. He answers your await... He... Do you wanna come?"
Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days. Last edited by Drachenspirit; May 21st, 2015 at 09:09 PM. |
"You! Boy!" Serah steps off the boat, rubbing her aching back where the knots of the hammock had pressed into it as she makes a mental note to find and learn Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion as soon as posssible. Although Yerie had offered to fly her over on one of the griffons, Serah had declined - griffons were even more uncomfortable than boats over a long distance. Fixing the boy with her best professorial look, she continued speaking. "I am Wizard Anshiel, from the College in Caer Callidyrr - if you want, we can take a moment for you to memorise that name, Anshiel, so that you don't embarass yourself when trying to introduce me to your master. Unless my letter has gone astray, Thuldoum should be expecting me also." Dismissing the boy's presence as soon as she finished speaking, she turns to Brian, sticking out a bony hand.
"Serah. From the Moonshaes. I don't believe we've met." |
Navalia returns the curtsy to the priestess of her faith's ally "I am both humbled and honored by your invitation, I accept the wonderful gift of hospitality. On the eve of such celebration and remembrance of your great deity's blessings. I too must graciously thank the presence of your honored moon knights for such an honored welcome to this city." her hands pressed against her gown to straighten any wrinkles collected during the voyage, then took control of the reigns and led her wagon closer to her escorts.
The drow priestess combed her hair with the off hand, to ensure her hair flowed with the slight breeze "Your demiurge has honored us all with such a beautiful setting, the first stars of the evening yet sparkle their silver blessings upon us." pointing to a star in the northern hemisphere.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin Last edited by Sarge67; May 22nd, 2015 at 04:46 AM. |
"Ok, I will speak with your master over dinner."
Mindwalker seems a bit confused by the lad's confusion, but follows along in the hopes that it will lead somewhere. |
The young Selunite walked beside and to the left of Navalia, giving her the respectful and important position on the right. "My apologies. I am called Vena, and I am at your service. Selune is most gracious, and we are blessed. But the honor is ours to have a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee visit our fair city again. In fact, I have a message from the appointed Maiden at the Temple of Eilistraee you had a hand in founding sometime back. She says she apologizes for not meeting you here in person, but did not wish to take away from our festivities and celebrations that begin on the morrow."
As she continued to guide the way at Navalia's side, the Moonknights had taken up stations with one in front, and one in back. The one in front kept people from crowding around and cleared the way to the Temple, while the one in back kept people from closing in and getting too close to Navalia's wagon. Navalia knew the Temple because she had a hand in setting it up, and knew it was just out of the city, just off the road to the west in a place of her choosing - somewhere appropriate for a Temple of the Dark Maiden. The apprentice of Thuldoum seemed a bit taken aback as Serah steps in close. He said, "Wait. I thought all powerful... I thought you all knew each other, and - He was interrupted by a small young girl who was fashionably dressed and had a ferret crawling around her shoulders. She looked half-elven, but acted like she owned not only the docks, but the whole land of Thar. "No, no, they don't all know each other, only those that actually practice the weave on a regular basis know one another. Those that stay cooped up with their noses in tomes, only know one Tome from the other by scent. Leave her be Daedle, I'll be taking her to my master." The comment at keeping ones nose in tomes was a jibe at Serah, but a friendly one. Daedle stuck his nose in the air and gestured for Brian to follow him as he turned on his heel. He then caught himself, and turned to Serah. "I'm sorry Wizard Anshiel, from the College in Caer Callidyrr. I shall tell my master that you have arrived and are staying with... her Master." He paused and let the last two words seeth with loathing as he stared at the young half-elven girl who had upstarted him. She waved and called, "Bye Daedle! Daedle, Daedle, Daedle. I made it out of clay..." She sang the last part as a tune as he stomped off. She then casually said to Brian, "See you tomorrow Brian. Try not to get too bored tonight." Serah most definitely knew who the your girl was. She was Shattercloak. The one Archmage of Thentia who few have ever seen in person. In fact, no one knows the true form of Shattercloak it is said, but the tone and pronunciation of the words of the girl, left no doubt to Serah who she was. Brian may not have known who she was at first, but after the casual comment, he most definitely did. The young girl gestured to the Entourage headed heading through the gates - the follower of the Dark Maiden and the Selunites. "Now there's someone I want to meet. An Enigma if there ever was one. Well, lets be off. My... master is waiting", she said with a smile. Serah knew the master comment meant whatever magical item, incantation, or mystery Shattercloak was working on at the moment. What the Archmages look like
Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days. Last edited by Drachenspirit; May 22nd, 2015 at 07:02 PM. |
This is getting interesting...
Mindwalker tries to keep up with the little boy...is he really made of clay? Perhaps the wizard can explain. Last edited by Ericg1s; May 22nd, 2015 at 09:18 PM. |
Serah smiles broadly - never one to turn down a puzzle, she would far prefer to spend the evening with the dual enigma of Shattercloak and their current project, than spending it with Firefingers and his scarred face that indicated a less than suitably cautious approach to magic.
"I don't suppose you know why Thuldoum has taken on such an apparently incompetent lad as an apprentice?" Serah asks as she follows the girl down the dock away from Brian and Daedle, looking around to try and reacquaint herself with the city and the changes that had been made in the fifteen years since she'd last been here in person. "I mean, the boy seems well-meaning, and nice enough, but..." She trails off with a slight shrug - any mage who had ever taught an apprentice would know what went unsaid in the silence. |
Peredhil walks towards the walls, the sun already gone down. He shrugs and continues onward. He reaches the door and the half-elf looks up. "Hello there! I am Peredhil, Ranger-Druid of the Dalelands, I was summoned here." he waves the soldiers up above.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." |
"My apologies. I am called Vena, and I am at your service. Selune is most gracious, and we are blessed. But the honor is ours to have a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee visit our fair city again. In fact, I have a message from the appointed Maiden at the Temple of Eilistraee you had a hand in founding sometime back. She says she apologizes for not meeting you here in person, but did not wish to take away from our festivities and celebrations that begin on the morrow."
Navalia continued to admire the stars, but was listening to her escort as she waved off the apology "It is a small thing, though it is a blessing to know you sister maiden Vena. It is a wonderful feeling to know that both of our houses have thrived in this land for as long as we have. Certainly worthy of praising our mothers above for such a fate." The wagon had just passed the gate when a male voice spoke behind Navalia, his voice was familiar but she didn't recognize it until he spoke it. The drow stopped for a moment and turned to face the gate "Peredhil??!! Is that you?? If so, do you have an escort this evening?" she looked at Vena "Would it be to much of a burden if I invited the young woodsman to join me in my quarters for the evening? I doubt he has arrangements planned out, he spends most of his time in the forests throughout the Dalelands." Peredhil
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin |
He freezes for a moment, looks through the door as if he can see through it. He then then smiles. "Navalia? Now this is a pleasant surprise milady." Peredhil haven't seen the drow beauty in awhile and was very pleased that the time has come again.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." |
Navalia & Peredhil
Vena turns and her two Moonknight escorts stop as she does. She pleasantly replies to Navalia, "But of course. Any friend of yours is most welcome. " Serah The young half-elven girl shrugs at Serah's comment and pauses to look at the lad go through the gate with Brian as well. She didn't comment further on how Brian had ignored her friendly jibe, but probably would later. "Hmmm... who knows with Thuldoum. Do you know he once took on a dwarf as an apprentice? A dwarf? I mean, they are a hardy race, but so many things of the Weave are just beyond them. This way. One can only ponder the strangeness of Thuldoum over wine. Would you not agree?" Instead of heading in through the gate, the young elven girl leads off down the dock and along the wall. This kind of thing wasn't out of the norm for Shattercloak, and she probably had a secret entrance into her tower not far away. Brian The apprentice led Brian through the gate, and once he had looked over his shoulder to see that the young elven girl wasn't following, he finally slowed to walk beside Brian. He was fuming. Clearly the young girl had set him off. He led Brian to an Inn called the Beacon, and in through the door. It was a lively place, and there in a corner booth, enjoying a meal of lamb in flat bread was none other than Thuldoum. He waved something with his finger at Daedle, and the boy spun on his heels and left the establishment. Thuldoum greeted Brian with a salute from his mug of some kind of local root beer. The mug was pewter and chilled to a frosty perfection. As Thuldoum never shook hands with anyone, Brian knew this greeting was all he would get. The gruff Archmage did stand and gesture to the open bench across from him in the small corner booth, and said, "I trust your journey was well Mindwalker. Surely you are parched and carry an empty belly by now. What is your pleasure?"
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Navalia waved the woodsman to join the group "Peredhil you have been blessed by the night maiden as our most honorable host has agreed to allow you to join me. Please come, you are now part of this parade we march in honor of Selune and Eilistraee. Sister maidens escorting a handsome woodsman to a blessed event." The drow waited for Peredhil to arrive before giving him a friendly hug and moving on "Had I known that you were on the other boat, I would have joined you or invited you to mine. I don't know if my wagon would have fit on yours though." Navalia didn't know exactly if Peredhil had been summoned for the mission or to celebrate the festival, either way she felt good to know that a familiar face was with her on this visit.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin |
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