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Old May 24th, 2015, 02:58 AM
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"Hmm, lucky day for me." he smiles as he hugs Navalia. "Small world at times, never know how close we might be at times." he looks at the girl as she leave and then noticed the apprentice. Ahh love is in the air he thinks to himself. "So my dear, what you been up to as of late?"
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 24th, 2015, 09:23 AM
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"A bowl of stew might be nice."
Brain waits to see if the other man will say something...
Thuldoum must have reason to speak with me.
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Old May 24th, 2015, 10:24 AM
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Navalia waved to the woodsman to cut him off "One moment my dear sir, it would not be polite to ignore introductions. Peredhil, this is our most honorable escort Vena a priestess of the night maiden Selune and our host. Vena, this is Peredhil the woodsman from the Dalelands." the drow looked at Peredhil with a stern eye, he knew what she was expecting. To shake hands with his new acquaintance.

As introductions completed, the three began moving towards the temple once more "Well Peredhil, I just returned from my homeland. I led a contingent to recover surface dwellers which had been enslaved by my people. We had the fortunate pleasure of encountering deep dwarves as well. How about you? Any dragons in your part of the woods?" He knew Navalia wasn't being literal with the dragons, she called any little Goblin trampling in the woods a dragon.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin
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Old May 24th, 2015, 09:48 PM
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Peredhil smiled at Navalia's look and shakes hands with Vena and softly kisses her hand. "The pleasure is mine milady." Navalia sees that he hasn't hadn't changed, still carefree and charming.

"That sounds like an interesting mission, glad it turned out well. I lead a squadron of Hill Dwarves to their lost home, seems duegars had taken over and hidden the entrance. All went well at the end though."
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 25th, 2015, 12:27 AM
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The young half-elven girl shrugs at Serah's comment and pauses to look at the lad go through the gate with Brian as well. She didn't comment further on how Brian had ignored her friendly jibe, but probably would later. "Hmmm... who knows with Thuldoum. Do you know he once took on a dwarf as an apprentice? A dwarf? I mean, they are a hardy race, but so many things of the Weave are just beyond them. This way. One can only ponder the strangeness of Thuldoum over wine. Would you not agree?" Instead of heading in through the gate, the young elven girl leads off down the dock and along the wall. This kind of thing wasn't out of the norm for Shattercloak, and she probably had a secret entrance into her tower not far away.
"Wine sounds lovely." Serah says, following the disguised mage. "And I have to say, I don't think I've ever met an Arch-Mage who couldn't lay claim to a whole host of idiosyncrasies."

Although eager to find out what Shattercloak has to show her, asking about it in public would be tactless, to say the least, so she holds her tongue, simply engaging the other mage in gossip and small talk until they reach their destination.

Last edited by Ratpigeon; May 25th, 2015 at 12:28 AM.
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Old May 25th, 2015, 03:05 PM
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Navalia & Peredhil

Vena leads you through the city until you reach the street where the Temple is. Many of Selune's faithful are already camping there - not too mention those looking to partake in the goodtimes tomorrow evening - in anticipation of the coming Holy Day.
Navalia's wagon is taken for her to the smith and stable across from the Temple (unless, she sees to it herself and leaves them there).
Once inside the Temple, Vena says that the Temple's Priestess is in prayers and meditation for tomorrow's Festival, but will greet her in the morning.
You are both shown to nice, but simple rooms, and to the baths where you will be given privacy if so desired (if not stated, temple servants will come and go). You are also shown to a private room, where a decent feast is laid out complete with drink.


Shattercloak gets something out of her cloak and at a shadowy place next to the wall places it against a particular stone. The wall opens as if a door as she says, "You can just come out and say it Serah. I know we weren't properly introduced, but under the circumstances it couldn't be helped. And yes, I will always be in your debt for that place with the thing, and the guy, but let's not dwell in the past, shall we?" She led the way into a small corridor and then closed the wall behind them as the ceiling began to light up and then a magic mouth began to speak about death and mutilation if you proceeded, to which she told it to shut up and it promptly did.
She paused, and then asked, "Now... refresh my memory. What brings you here again?"


Thuldoum says, "A... bowl of stew?" What kind my good friend? You must say or you'll get the cooks scraps for sure. Venison? Boar? Or my favorite, mutton?" You know, mutton it is. Bowl of mutton stew for my friend over here, and a loaf of blackbread! They are known for their blackbread here, very, very moist and tasty."
He has not said, obviously, why he wanted to meet Brian here, at least not yet.

Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.
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Old May 25th, 2015, 05:59 PM
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Navalia didn't expect that Peredhil would change even with the visual warning, but she was proud that he behaved himself as well as he did. Almost gentlemanly, a rare trait among those who live in deep forests. He may just be trainable yet, she thought jokingly.

Navalia walked having small talk with Vena and Peredhil until the group arrived at the temple gate. The drow priestess grabbed her backpack from the back of the wagon then thanked the servants for taking care it to the stable. As she entered the temple's main gathering hall it had been explained that the high priestess was still in prayer "I am gracious for the hospitality Ms. Vena, the least I can do is sacrifice my patience for your priestess especially on such an important occasion." Vena continued to escort the two towards private rooms.

Navalia dropped her backpack onto her bed before continuing the tour "This room is just lovely, I thank you and your sisters for such fine accommodations." Vena continued to escort the two through to the dining area where a meal had been laid out "You and your sisters labored much to hard to host a humble servant as myself. I praise the name of Eilistrae and the night maiden Selune for such an honored gift that you have provided me."

The priestess looked at Vena "Will you honor us by breaking bread with us? I will choose a hot meal over a hot bath personally. My sister maidens and I prefer bathing in ponds and lakes so your wonderful bath will be a perfect temperature." She looked at Peredhil "And good sir, what is your preference?"
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin
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Old May 25th, 2015, 09:27 PM
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"Thank you for the recommendation. I'll try the mutton stew and bread. Which ale is the best here?"
Mindwalker waits to see why he was really called here; It can't just be for supper.
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Old May 25th, 2015, 09:56 PM
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Navalia & Peredhil

Vena responds that she has many duties to attend to, but serving Navalia is one of those duties so she agrees and meets when summoned or asked.


Thuldoum smiles and seems somewhat excited at Brian's mention of what Ale was best. He leans forward towards the table and says, "Ah, my casting companion, you are indeed quite the thinker to ask such a question. One would think a local Ale, no? No, no, no! No, sir! <
he is now standing on the bench on his side of the booth waving his mug, There is an import as of late from The Chondalwood! Perhaps you've been there? It doesn't matter, but the city of Shamph makes an ale barreled in trees from the forest of Chondalwood, and I swear by my what's his name's good eye, it is by far the smoothest Ale this side of the Vilhon Reach!"
He sits as he gets a 'sitting' ovation from a good portion of the Inn's patrons which he returns with nods and slight bows.
It is then that you notice the freshly singed hairs on his arms when his robe fell back as he pointed skyward with his mug. If an Archmage such as Thuldoum is happy after such an event, it must mean he had good fortune with some research.
He then orders you and Ale of the variety he ranted about as he then refocuses his efforts on his own meal.

Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; May 25th, 2015 at 09:57 PM.
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Old May 26th, 2015, 12:59 AM
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"Do we share rooms?" He winks at Navalia

He turns to Vena. "I thank you milady, everything is very satisfactory." he bows with a smile.

He leaves his things in is room and rejoins Navalia. "Been awhile since I had a proper bath, I'm usually in rivers or lakes. Care to join me? We both need need some cleaning up." he grins as his hold his arm out for her.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 26th, 2015, 08:49 AM
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"Good Idea...I'll try one mug of that."
Perhaps after supper, the Archmage will explain what he has been could be a new spell, or a modified one.
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Old May 26th, 2015, 09:56 AM
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Navalia tried to play off as though she hadn't heard those comments. It had been a while since she had such aggressive advances and forgot how quickly the half elf moved. The drow remembered that the half elf ranger was flirtatious though it had been a while and she hadn't remembered that he was as aggressive at hunting the female gender as he was chasing down a Buck Deer. Both were his prey, though the temple was no place for such discussions. As the three ate their meals Navalia finally spoke "Lord Peredhil, you are such a flirt. Eat first and we will see what the stars bring later."She sat at the table and invited the two to join her, as the two sat, the drow sang a short song of blessing and thanks including both deities in her verse.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin
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Old May 26th, 2015, 03:15 PM
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Peredhil chuckles softly. "Hard to resist a beautiful lady." He then shrugs. "Nothing wrong wit harmless flirting." he sits down, listens to the song of bless by Navalia and smiles.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old May 26th, 2015, 11:51 PM
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Sun has gone down now, the only light is the moon and it shines upon the ground and something in the shadow moves and walks into the moonlight. A woman with long hair, tanned skin makes her way to the gate, not making a sound in her deerskin calve high boots. Her hair down to her midback, backpack and gear at her back along with her bow. A sword is sheath at her left side, a hand axe at her right side. She seems to wear no armor or any type of protection, for her top is a shoulder crop top, baring her shoulders and back, showing a bit of cleavage, not much, just enough to show that something is here. An arm band on each upper arm, wrist guards at each wrist. Her lower body is covered with what seems to be deerskin wraparound above her knees, exposing a bit of her right thigh as she walks.

She finally reaches the gate and sighs. With my luck, they won't let me in until tomorrow. She takes a deep breath and looks above. "Hail up there, I am Raina from the Galena Mountains, I have been summon for a mission. I know it's late, but I would be much appreciate it if you let me."
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Old May 27th, 2015, 02:03 AM
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After the evening meal, Navalia allows Vena to return to her other duties as the two visitors are capable of finding their baths and rooms. The drow elf opened her back pack and pulled out her evening attire, a thin Sheer gown. She walks across to her bathing area and hangs the gown just inside the doorway, leaving the door slightly cracked open. Navalia removes her travelling gear and steps into the cool water of the tub and begins singing a soft song in the drow language.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin
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